Dr. Susan Block

In the Chatroom


  1. Hartley Pleshaw
    08 · 6 · 20 @ 9:08 pm

    Dr. Susan! I love your articles in Counterpunch! They are gifts of sanity in our insane world. Blessings be upon you! Stay safe and well!


  2. Truck Stop Burrito
    08 · 6 · 20 @ 12:47 pm

    Awesome show with very cool guests. Love your color-coordinated masks. Bianca Burke is amazing, love her BLM cred. Miss Mae Ling can bang my gong with her dong anytime. Last but not least, I know it’s politically incorrect, but I worship the Naked Athena.


  3. Deward Emerson
    08 · 6 · 20 @ 12:42 pm

    Outstanding introduction regarding the Federal invasion of Portland, the Moms, Dads and the nude protestor they call Naked Athena. She certainly caught my attention. I’ve seen a lot of superficial leering stuff about her, but your analysis of her protest is the most illuminating. I like that you placed her in the tradition of Gandhi, MLK, Femen, Lady Godiva and the Greek Goddess Athena. I’m reading Mary Trump’s book now, very illuminating. Wonderful interviews with the two Vegas goddesses. Miss Mae Ling is indeed quite adorable, though if I ever have the pleasure of being near her, I’m keeping my balls covered. Bianca Burke is what most guys imagine when they think “porn.” She’s the ultimate sexpot, especially with Jax. Wow, hot combo! She really walks the talk. Good chat on the porn industry and Black Lives Matter. Keep it up!


  4. Bob Gryszka
    08 · 6 · 20 @ 12:34 pm

    Some fine ladies on this show!!! & of course the gorgeous Dr Susan educates & entertains!!!


  5. Ed Horvath
    08 · 5 · 20 @ 7:17 pm

    You are such a beauty Dr. Suzy


  6. Gideon Grayson
    08 · 1 · 20 @ 2:14 am

    Great Show!!!


  7. Princess Hime
    07 · 31 · 20 @ 4:31 pm

    It was such a great show!


  8. Mars United
    07 · 30 · 20 @ 11:54 am

    Another phenomenal show Dr. Suzy!


  9. Mae Ling
    07 · 29 · 20 @ 9:54 am

    This was so much fun to do. Thank you for having me and highlighting sexuality in such a powerful way.


  10. Goddess Steele
    07 · 29 · 20 @ 12:23 am

    Loved this show! You never disappoint


  11. Diana
    07 · 28 · 20 @ 11:25 pm

    A touching post about the reality of our times. Naked Athena represents most of us- vulnerable and ready to take a stand. Ready for a change. The two guests were fun. Mae Ling is a fun and creative dominatrix with a great sense of humor. Bianca was open about her beliefs and her dedication to the BLM cause is admirable.


  12. SunShine McWane
    07 · 28 · 20 @ 9:13 pm

    I did see the video and photos of the black girl dancing in front of all the cop cars first. Her doing the splits in the air was very impressive! I guess just because she was not all the way naked her story did not blow up? I read she was a stripper.

    Miss Mae Ling “the girlfriend that bullies you” And playing the instrument with those dongs! LOL, She should totally become a Dominatrix comedian! There is always room for a niche!

    Bianca Burke draws the line at Nasal intercourse! LOL, Well you have to draw the line somewhere!


  13. Bae
    07 · 28 · 20 @ 11:31 am

    Thanks for shining the light on how people are being galvanized into action; Wall of Moms, Fathers Against Fascists, Teachers Against Tyrants, etc. And of course Naked Athena. I am woman, hear me roar! That is a Pulitzer Prize-winning moment right there. They all make me proud to be an American, yet sad at the same time.
    Miss Mae Ling is a breath of fresh air. Who knew a dominatrix could be full of light and humor? She enjoys ballbusting both ways; combining pain and pleasure in her unique way.
    Bianca Burke not afraid to talk politics in support of BLM nicely rounds out another fantastic show.


  14. Harry
    07 · 28 · 20 @ 9:40 am

    The Naked Athena is proof positive that the Bonobo tactic of using sex and affection to solve problems can indeed work. Stay strong and keep fighting. We will prevail!!!


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