Bedside Chat 18: Vegas Goddesses & the Naked Athena
Length 1:36:20 Date: July 25, 2020
by Dr. Susan Block.
Opening with an homage to the Naked Athena, erotic goddess of the Battle of Portland, and moving on to an appreciation of author Mary L. Trump for shedding light on her dreadful Uncle Donald, I then chat with two living goddesses from the land of Las Vegas.
First, we explore kink, dong gongs, Vietnam and the adult baby diaper fetish with adorable FemDom Miss Mae Ling; then we pivot to porn, Catholicism, big dongs (without gongs) and Black Lives Matter with sexy stripper Bianca Burke.
Oh, what a show!
It’s my 18th Bedside Chat of the Coronapocalypse, inspired by FDR’s Fireside Chats.
During the dark times of the Great Depression, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt comforted and informed the American people, two feats which are, sadly, beyond the capabilities or even the attention spank of our current Presidunce.
I’m just a humble sex therapist, not a politician, but from my bedside (well, couch-side), I too do my best to comfort and inform, eroticize and inspire you to seize the day, the Bonobo Way.
On Bedside Chat 17, we talked about the combat-geared Federal stormtroopers storming the streets of Portland, injuring and kidnapping peaceful protestors by orders of Herr Drumpf.
The “winner” who “hates to lose” is losing badly to COVID-19—once again topping 1,000 deaths in America per day—so he unleashes unmarked goons to distract the media, excite his base and horrify the rest of us with a Federal attack on peaceful protestors.
Naked Athena in the Battle of Portland
Now, it’s a week later, and the Battle of Portland has escalated into what looks like a war zone.
Seriously, is this Oregon or Iraq?
No real bombs or bullets (so far), but plenty of pepper balls, baton beatings, stun grenades, rubber bullets that often wound protestors, sometimes seriously. And tear gas! Plumes like small tornados and billowing clouds of toxic, choking smoke enabling this massive camouflage-clothed Federal invasion of an American city.
It’s quite a show. A veritable spectacle. The Theater of Cruelty (with a French beret tip to Antonin Artaud) plays Portland.
It’s also a game. And Team Trumpus is losing—at least on the football field of public opinion.
After all, his “enemy” is literally the people of Portland: Black Lives Matter, the Wall of Moms holding yellow roses as they yell, “we’ve got your damn WALL right here” (maybe that’s why the damn thing is collapsing), the Wall of Dads (a.k.a., Fathers Against Fascists) armed with leaf blowers to blow away the tear gas, a Wall of Non-Binary Parents with homemade shields and umbrellas, an impressive Wall of Vets (some of whom are disabled), a Wall of Lawyers (got to have your lawyers on the battlefield), Teachers Against Tyrants, oh and Antifa too.
Is Antifa a “terrorist organization”? Only in the sense that they terrify the Trumpus. Moreover, Antifa is not even an organization. It’s short for “anti-fascist.” Are you against Fascism? Then you are Antifa too.
And then there’s the Naked Athena…
At first, when I saw the now-viral photo of her sitting calmly without clothes on a city street, legs open, facing the camo-clad Feds lined up before her like a firing squad, I thought it was a photoshopped fake. It just looked too cool to be true.
Then I found the video and realized she was real…
An ethereal vision of classical grace rises up from the smoky battlefield. A muse of peace-through-pleasure wearing nothing but a black face mask and beanie, walks the filthy street like it’s a Paris runway, then stops to do battle with a dozen over-dressed, over-armed Federal thugs, undressing and disarming them, laying bare the bottom line of their abusive mission.
Like Lady Godiva riding naked through Coventry to protest oppressive laws, Naked Athena protests the presence of Federal agents in her city.
She strikes what looks like a yoga position as they shoot fireballs at her feet. Did one hit her?
A male protestor with a makeshift shield tries to “protect” her. Gently but firmly, she pushes him out of her way as she continues to display her nudity to authority, her version of speaking truth to power.
She looks them in the eye, her emotions bared as well as her body.
In her silence, the Naked Athena represents different things to different people. To me, she symbolizes Portland’s famous spirit of organic, freethinking, good-natured rebellion, and what I call the Bonobo Way, using erotic power and pleasure to make peace.
Some try to slut-shame the Naked Athena, calling her an “exhibitionist,” as though that negates her protest.
Suddenly (on the video), the Portland police announce their arrival. The Feds appear to turn around and leave her, the Naked Athena, victorious in her vulnerability, her eyes smiling, her hand touching her chest in this moment of what looks like raw, naked triumph of the human spirit against tyranny.
Or maybe she’s just relieved she wasn’t killed.
In Greek mythology, Athena is the Goddess of Wisdom which Plato identified as “moral intelligence.” As the Patron Goddess of Athens, one of the first democratic cities (at least for adult male Athenians), she is the Goddess of Democracy.
Athena is also the Goddess of War, but unlike Aries, the God of War, who embodies toxic masculine aggression and brute force, Pallas Athena is a tactical warrior woman, a powerful trickster, patron of wily Odysseus who invented the famous Trojan horse, sneaking the Greeks (who were losing the Trojan War at the time) into the gated city of Troy for the win.
The secret to the Greek Goddess Athena’s success is clever strategy that uses the enemy’s brute force against them, just as Portland’s Naked Athena, in her encounter with the Feds, uses their authoritarian, heavily armed presence against them rather effectively.
Of course, there are those who criticize the Naked Athena. On the right, they call her a symbol of all that is wrong with the left: decadence, immorality, nudity and sexual freedom.
On the left, they question her deserving all this attention. Some take issue because she appears to be white and conventionally beautiful, saying that there have been Black near-naked protestors who, perhaps unfairly, received more negative reviews.
They make a good point. The protestors of color dancing before the police are also awesome, and they deserve to be commended for their bravery and sexual spunk in the face of overwhelming force.
A Black woman in a thong and BLM T-shirt protests by dancing and doing splits in front of a phalanx of police cars.
“If I can’t dance, I don’t want to be part of your revolution,” Emma Goldman is reputed to have said. She probably didn’t say it, but I appreciate the sentiment and, thankfully, there are many ways to dance in this revolution.
Though none of the other dancing protestors I’ve seen have been completely nude (so far), nor are they moving in that slow, mystical style of a Bonobo Way Ballet.
Some try to slut-shame the Naked Athena, calling her an “exhibitionist,” as though that negates her protest.
But others (like me) admire her courage and artistry that will stand as a butt-blurred symbol of erotic revolution in our history books… if there are history books in America’s uncertain future.
Regardless, the Naked Athena is a lovely example of how to combat overwhelming force in the nonviolent traditions of Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Femen and the bonobos.
Then, just as I’m accepting Naked Athena as real—but consigning her identity and humanity to the realm of unknowable mystery—she speaks!
Lo and behold, the divine goddess is a regular, normal person.
Talking about Naked Athena, shown facing the camera before she turns around again to face the Feds, on DrSuzy.Tv.
Her name is “Jen,” though she doesn’t divulge her last name on the local progressive Portland podcast, Unrefined Sophisticates, on which she chooses to come out.
“I came here because I think stories are worth exploring,” she explains. Needless to say, I listen to every word of her story.
Jen says she feels like a separate entity from “Naked Athena,” the appellation having been conjured in a twitter post, and I concur that she seems like a separate entity… though that divine figment of public imagination and this human woman share the same body.
She also clarifies a few facts. For starters, she isn’t doing yoga (she stands on one foot when the other is wounded by the Feds), and she’s not actually “white” (she’s “mixed race,” but doesn’t divulge what’s in the mix).
This isn’t Jen’s first night at a Black Lives Matter protest. In fact, she is a veteran protestor who usually participates in her “normal Antifa clothing.” That fateful night she strips down, she is specifically protesting the presence of the Federales. “I wanted to confront them,” she tells the Unrefined Sophisticates.
She says she didn’t plan to take off her clothes, but the action comes from a “deep feminine place within” her. Protesting naked is a “political statement,” as well as a pleasure for Jen who describes herself as a “sex worker” who is “naked all the time” anyway.
As she looks at the Federal agents taking their standard legs-apart “warrior stance,” a “fury” rises up within her, and she says to her partner, “I want to be naked… I want to confront them.”
He replies, “I’ll hold your clothes.”
Then she does the deed, feeling “calm and terrified at the same time…. In the eye of a storm… following my nature… my impulse to be who I am in the moment.”
She “assumes the position,” the same legs-apart warrior stance taken by the Federal officers, as they shoot pepper balls at her bare feet. She points her finger at them as if to point out their senseless brutality, but they continue to fire away. Then one of the officers shoots her in the foot, and it hurts like hell, but she pushes through the pain, trying to show them where and how they’ve injured her (thus the “yoga” positions), a naked, vulnerable, unclothed, unarmed woman. Her message: “Nobody has weapons here.”
When the police car arrives, she almost leaves, but turns and sits down on the street. Then she opens her legs, as if to say, “Shoot this.”
Or maybe just, “Look at this. Don’t shoot. This is where you come from.”
And a photographer captures the iconic image that, at first, I thought was too fantastic to be real.
Jen might be an exhibitionist, but she’s no narcissist. “I’m not a person who enjoys disingenuous attention,” she explains. “I just wanted to make some Feds uncomfortable.”
She’s quite critical of the “mainstream media (coverage) that celebrates my body because I’m a light-skinned Wonder Woman… it’s so sensationalized… I don’t really want to play their game, I don’t want to interact with them…. The mainstream media… would not print the things I would say… about colorism… abolish[ing] the police… why would I put my energy into places where it’s not understood?”
Sensitive to the criticism of some BLM activists, she apologizes to “any and all Black persons who were angered by what they saw of what I did… I am genuinely sorry… I promise that I will do better work and I will educate myself… I’m sorry for taking part in a society for so long that was built on principles of separation and oppression for financial gain… When someone confronts you, you want to defend yourself. But you shouldn’t. You should take a breath and listen… I’m just a human who did a thing. And it’s kind of taken on a life of its own.”
It’s also—in my not-so-humble, slightly voyeuristic opinion—the perfect protest for the over-dressed, fascistically-styled, Federal invasion of an American city.
And who, pray tell, is responsible for this invasion?
Who else, but the Presidunce who takes “no responsibility” for anything bad, even when it’s clearly his fault, and takes credit for everything good, even when he has nothing to do with it.
Donald J. tRump has been pulling this con since he was a little boy, according to his niece Mary L. Trump’s excellent new book, Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man, which I just finished reading.
In a way, Mary Trump is a literary Naked Athena (there are a few), laying bare Trump Crime Family secrets, to protest the dangerous power that Americans have given her damaged Uncle Donald.
She certainly strips him down: The Orange Emperor has no clothes at all.
Apparently, little Donnie was neglected by his sick mother, as well as ignored, then molded, spoiled and molded some more by his sociopathic father. That same Papa Fred pushed, punished and belittled Donnie’s older brother Freddie until he died at the young age of 42, teaching Donnie the “lesson” that admitting to weakness or taking any responsibility for mistakes will kill you.
Mary Trump… feels her Uncle Donald, along with her grandfather, “destroyed” her father… and she doesn’t want him to destroy our country.
Donald also learned to revere and charm authoritarian “Daddies” who might benefit him like Roy Cohn and Vladimir Putin.
Daddy Fred taught little Donnie to “divide and conquer” and “attack, attack, attack” no matter the situation. The young bully-in-training learned to pick on seemingly easy targets—people perceived to be weaker than him—using words as weapons, including sexual comments.
The most attentive thing Uncle Donald ever said to his only niece was, upon seeing her in a bathing suit at the pool (while she was staying at Mar-A-Lago, helping him to write The Art of the Comeback), “Holy shit, Mary, you’re stacked!”
As opposed to his habitual lying and self-aggrandizing exaggerations, this most likely was his honest appraisal—and certainly his chief measure of a woman’s worth. But it was also meant to embarrass his niece, as well as his wife at the time (Marla Maples), and assert the power of his male gaze over her 29-year-old female body.
Little did he know that in a couple of decades, that little, seemingly offhand remark to a “weaker” family member would come back to haunt him.
Of course, Uncle Don did more than leer at niece Mary; he and his siblings tried to screw her out of her inheritance.
One lesson of Too Much and Never Enough is: Be careful whom you screw over because one day they may write a best-selling book about you.
Like Naked Athena, “stacked” Mary Trump has stripped off her familial loyalties and exposed Uncle Donnie’s shortcomings.
Not that there’s any big revelation in the book (we all know Donald’s a lying, selfish, socially awkward, cowardly pile of pig manure), but it does dish up some piquant family drama as backstory to the special Trumpus Rumpus Room of Hell we’re all in right now.
Charitably, Mary blames Donald’s sadism, malignant narcissism and free-floating sociopathy mostly on his father Fred (her grandfather). The brutal Fred had a genuinely tough childhood, forced into taking on the role of Man of the House at age 12, when his dad, Donnie’s granddad Friedrich (who changed the family name from Drumpf to Trump), died of the influenza pandemic of 1918 that, even though it started in Kansas, they erroneously called Spanish Flu.
Most people with a grandparent who died of influenza would be more sensitive and empathetic to the pain and loss of others in a pandemic. But life is complicated, and some, like Damaged Donnie, learn the opposite lesson: that you mustn’t—at all costs—let others’ suffering bring you down, or you will never get up.
Not that a tough childhood is any excuse. The fact that Hitler, Jeffrey Dahmer or King Leopold of Belgium had tough childhoods does not pardon their crimes, and neither should Donald tRump’s crazy-making Daddy be any excuse for his.
Her Uncle Donald knows right from wrong very well, says niece Mary; he just doesn’t think those rules apply to him.
That’s malignant narcissism for you; everything revolves around the narcissist (“Nobody likes ME!” whines the Big Baby-in-Chief in the midst of the Coronapocalypse).
Contrast the blubbering baby’s bottomless narcissism with Naked Athena’s strategic exhibition of her bottom, tactically using her joy in nudity—so remarkable in our sex-phobic society—to protest the militarized Federal presence in her city.
Meanwhile, the Big Baby Trumpus uses whatever politics he can to service the bottomless cravings of his bawling, tantrum-throwing narcissism. Currently, as the pandemic, protests and his flaccid polls continue, those politics are steeped in fascism.
In contrast to her uncle, Mary Trump appears to be no more narcissistic than the Naked Athena. She’s not much of a physical exhibitionist, favoring buttoned-up tops and seemingly still horrified by Uncle Donald’s “stacked” comment. Though she does appear to take pleasure in showing off the juicy details of the Trump Crime Family’s many misdeeds.
Nevertheless, I believe her when she says that her main reason for writing Too Much and Never Enough is that she feels her Uncle Donald, along with her grandfather, “destroyed” her father (Donald’s older brother), and she doesn’t want him to destroy our country.
She’s telling us to beware, Brothers and Sisters: Beware the evil Trumpus, and be aware that his all-American brand of narcissism-driven, violent, camo-clothed fascism is storming the streets of Portland and other U.S. cities, and if we the People—the Naked Athenas, the Moms, Dads, vets, lawyers, authors, nieces, everybody—don’t turn it around, it will overtake us.
So, this November, vote for the other guy! Biden is no panacea, and honestly, I’ve never been a fan of his. But it’s like we’re living in a house in desperate need of repair when suddenly it catches fire.
First, we have to put out the fire—get rid of tRump and his surrounding mob of ass–licking, kleptomaniacal cronies. Then we can make those much-needed repairs.
At least, I hope we can.
Adorable Miss Mae Ling
My first guest is Miss Mae Ling, “The Adorable Domme,” a.k.a., “the Girlfriend Who Bullies You,” zooming in to join us live from Las Vegas.
Though she’s as beautiful and confident as any Dominatrix, Miss Mae Ling isn’t your typical stern mistress. She’s a Domme with a mischievous sense of humor, a FemDom Comedienne.
Sunshine is a stripper/comedienne, and we know several porn star/comediennes, including the amazing Sally Mullins. But there aren’t too many FemDom comediennes, and there should be, considering how much humor there is in the world of kink and fetish.
Some submissives, usually the ones who get off on being cleverly humiliated, appreciate this. Others take their kinks too seriously to take a joke… though it might help their mental health to be able to lighten up about their erotic obsessions.
Miss Mae Ling can dominate all kinds of subbies, but she prefers the ones with a sense of humor, as well as the desire to please her (which includes laughing at her jokes).
I imagine sometimes her slaves don’t know whether to laugh or cry.
Miss Mae Ling particularly enjoys cock and ball torture (CBT), which is more likely to elicit a shriek than a giggle. She traces her sadistic pleasure in ball-busting back to a childhood game of kick ball when she accidentally kicked her male opponents family jewels, and his expression of anguish so delighted her. Thus, a natural sadist was born. At least now, the pain she delivers is consensual; indeed, it’s much appreciated by her adoring submissives.
Most intriguing, one of her favorite fetishes is adult baby diaper play.
When I ask her why that is, she says that perhaps since she is happily child-free, she has lots of maternal care to spare which she shares with her adult babies.
She has no desire to do all the work it takes to raise real children, but she does enjoy playing the role of the dominant mother, a.k.a., the Dommy Mommy.
Miss Mae Ling’s own mother and father were born and raised in Vietnam, emigrating to the U.S. during the Vietnam War, known in Vietnam as the American War, which is more appropriate since America started it.
This triggers Capt’n Max’s and my memories of how devastatingly awful that war was, under LBJ and Tricky Dick.
Capt’n Max talks about protesting the American War in Vietnam after Miss Mae Ling mentions that her parents are from Vietnam.
Yes, the Trumpus is uniquely vile, but other American Presidents have waged greater overseas atrocities. In a way, all of them have. The U.S. Military Industrial Complex, has been a blatantly ferocious worldwide terrorist organization for many years. The American War in Vietnam, ostensibly “fighting to defeat Communism,” didn’t defeat anyone or anything, and benefited no one but weapons manufacturers.
Of course, we protested these atrocities, and our fellow protestors included more than a few variations on the Naked Athena (Woodstock, anyone?).
It’s funny that after that terrible war, Vietnam is getting the last laugh on us in the Coronapocalypse. As of this writing, the U.S. with a population of 330 million, has over 149,000 deaths; conversely, Vietnam, with a population of 95 million, has zero deaths.
Miss Mae Ling waits patiently for Max and I to finish ranting against the American War in Vietnam. Like most BDSM professionals, she is not very political, at least not in public. Her clients come from a wide range of political points of view, but they see her to escape politics, work and real life in general.
She used to work for the government in emergency services, but found she was more suited to professional domination.
Before heeding her Dominatrix calling, Miss Mae Ling traveled the world, learning to speak the universal dialect of “body language.”
One of her favorite spots is Japan which she considers “weird” (in a good way), thanks to being geographically isolated from other countries.
She’s “keeping Zen” during the Coronapocalypse by playing her “handpan” with giant dildos as drumsticks.
It’s a Dong Gong!
And in Miss Mae Ling’s pretty manicured hands, it gives very good vibrations.
Porn Star Ally Bianca Burke
Next up for a Bedside Chat is Bianca Burke, stripper, porn star and brunette bombshell extraordinaire.
Buxom, curvaceous, passionate and fun, Bianca gives her all in hardcore sex scenes with Brazzers, CherryPimps, Disciples of Desire, Naughty America and more.
Also zooming in from Sin City (it must be Vegas Night in Bonoboville), Bianca is staying at an undisclosed hotel waiting the requisite three days to shoot a porn scene after having tested negative for COVID-19.
She explains the battery of tests that porn performers have to take now, adding the more frequently required Coronavirus test to the usually STD exams.
There are two kinds of COVID tests—down the throat and up the nose. The sinus swab is the worst, says Bianca. Though she can take giant dicks in her vagina, ass and mouth (not necessarily in that order), she draws the line at nasal intercourse.
Sitting in half darkness, illuminated by the bathroom light, wearing hot pink shorts, fuzzy slippers and a light bra top that doesn’t really cover her nipples, Bianca cams the old-fashioned way, by holding her camera phone up to the mirror.
When I ask, she removes one fuzzy slipper to reveal a pretty pedicured (clear polish) foot (check the photo gallery to see it).
Within seconds, the slipper’s back on. Well, this is the way authentic porn stars like to relax, and Bianca Burke is very authentic.
As she plays coyly with her long brown hair, she regales us with tales of her encounter with a couple of “boys” at the hotel pool. All three were having a great time until one dude got jealous of the other when she sat on the lucky one’s lap.
Ah yes, sperm wars can be exciting, but also the catalyst to green-eyed rage.
Though quite prolific (she’s all over Pornhub), this is Bianca’s first year making porn.
In a way, she prefers stripping, but almost all strip clubs are closed in the Coronapocalypse, so she’s throwing herself into hardcore scenes.
When I ask where she’s from, she enigmatically replies, “I’m going to say ‘Indiana’.”
She was raised in a strict Catholic family. Her father studied to be a seminarian and read the Bible with her almost daily.
I’ve often said that reading the Bible is a gateway drug to doing porn. Indeed, many porn stars come from strict religious upbringings, and Bianca is a perfect example of that.
She loves doing “interracial” porn, although she rightly points out that the term “interracial” is out-dated, and many porn companies are phasing it out due to its somewhat racist implication that there are different races,.
The scientific truth is, various skin tones notwithstanding, there’s just one race among humans, and that’s the human race.
One of Bianca’s favorite porn partners is Jax Slayher of Disciples of Desire.
The Disciples still use the word “interracial” in their promotions; after all, it’s a popular search term for porn viewers who like to watch black and white bodies mix it up.
Bianca prefers big men, and Jax—6’4” tall with broad shoulders, big beefy muscles and a 10” meat missile—is one of the biggest.
She also loves the way Jax makes her climax, though she’s not sure she likes the sound she makes, but hey, it’s “authentic.”
She also giggles over how she peed on Jax’s cock the last time they hung out.
Between that and Miss Mae Ling’s adult diaper fetish, Bedside Chat #18 is the Vegas Golden Shower Hour.
Watch the whole uncensored show below to see Bianca’s hottest scene with Jax—and more!
Bianca doesn’t just like sex with African-American men; she’s a passionate ally of Black Lives Matter. She even devotes a precious portion of her Twitter bio to a link to a Jennifer Lewis’ “Take Your Knee Off My Neck” video fundraiser.
We chat about changes the porn industry is working towards to make itself more equitable for performers of color.
In the final minutes of our chat, Capt’n Max asks Bianca what she thinks about Ginger Banks, our recently incarcerated friend Ron Jeremy’s self-proclaimed “police officer.”
Bianca tries to be diplomatic, not saying much except that when she met Ginger at a party, she was “nice.”
Well, nobody is mean to everybody. Even the most poisonous people can be “nice” sometimes.
Well, that gives me a good segue into promoting my Counterpunch review of JoAnn Wypijewski’s What We Don’t Talk About When We Talk About #MeToo: Essays on Sex, Authority and the Mess of Life (Verso Books).
While I’m promoting, I might as well remind you that I will be Mistress of Ceremonies of Virtual DomCon 2020 August 28-30. See you kinksters there!
Watch DomCon 2018 video: FemDoms of the Wild: The Bonobo Way and/or pick up a copy of Spank ‘n’ Art to get yourself in the mood.
Then before we can say “Naked Athena Rocks!” it’s time to go.
Bonoboville after-parties, which often used to blend into giant orgies, are pretty quiet in the Coronapocalypse.
Nevertheless, our little group has a nice post-show pasta-and-champagne feast, after which the Captain and I fall into each other’s arms, naked as the Naked Athena (but without the mask, beanie or balletic grace), for some nice post-show orgasms, kisses and canoodling.
A few nights before, on the request of a telephone sex therapy client, I watched The Shawshank Redemption, a wonderful film based on a Stephen King story that takes the viewer on a prisoner’s journey of great suffering and mystical revelation followed by even greater suffering, crescendoing with a miraculous release and a Biblical reckoning against the evil that imprisons the innocent.
There are many ways to interpret that ending. Is it real or fantasy? Death or the beginning of a new life? Regardless, it’s a glimmer of hope and light in the darkness of despair.
With our world choking on a terrible mix of teargas and Coronavirus, teetering on the verge of economic collapse and civil war, as climate catastrophe continues to overheat our only planet, bonoboesque visions of peace-through-pleasure like the Naked Athena rising from the Portland battlefield give me hope for the erotic redemption of our race—the human one.
Bedside Chat 18: Vegas Goddesses & the Naked Athena PHOTO ALBUM
July 25, 2020 Susan Block, Ph.D., a.k.a. “Dr. Suzy,” is a world renowned LA sex therapist, author of The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace through Pleasure and horny housewife, occasionally seen on HBO and other channels. For speaking engagements, call 213-291-9497.
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08 · 6 · 20 @ 9:08 pm
Dr. Susan! I love your articles in Counterpunch! They are gifts of sanity in our insane world. Blessings be upon you! Stay safe and well!
08 · 6 · 20 @ 12:47 pm
Awesome show with very cool guests. Love your color-coordinated masks. Bianca Burke is amazing, love her BLM cred. Miss Mae Ling can bang my gong with her dong anytime. Last but not least, I know it’s politically incorrect, but I worship the Naked Athena.
08 · 6 · 20 @ 12:42 pm
Outstanding introduction regarding the Federal invasion of Portland, the Moms, Dads and the nude protestor they call Naked Athena. She certainly caught my attention. I’ve seen a lot of superficial leering stuff about her, but your analysis of her protest is the most illuminating. I like that you placed her in the tradition of Gandhi, MLK, Femen, Lady Godiva and the Greek Goddess Athena. I’m reading Mary Trump’s book now, very illuminating. Wonderful interviews with the two Vegas goddesses. Miss Mae Ling is indeed quite adorable, though if I ever have the pleasure of being near her, I’m keeping my balls covered. Bianca Burke is what most guys imagine when they think “porn.” She’s the ultimate sexpot, especially with Jax. Wow, hot combo! She really walks the talk. Good chat on the porn industry and Black Lives Matter. Keep it up!
08 · 6 · 20 @ 12:34 pm
Some fine ladies on this show!!! & of course the gorgeous Dr Susan educates & entertains!!!
08 · 5 · 20 @ 7:17 pm
You are such a beauty Dr. Suzy
08 · 1 · 20 @ 2:14 am
Great Show!!!
07 · 31 · 20 @ 4:31 pm
It was such a great show!
07 · 30 · 20 @ 11:54 am
Another phenomenal show Dr. Suzy!
07 · 29 · 20 @ 9:54 am
This was so much fun to do. Thank you for having me and highlighting sexuality in such a powerful way.
07 · 29 · 20 @ 12:23 am
Loved this show! You never disappoint
07 · 28 · 20 @ 11:25 pm
A touching post about the reality of our times. Naked Athena represents most of us- vulnerable and ready to take a stand. Ready for a change. The two guests were fun. Mae Ling is a fun and creative dominatrix with a great sense of humor. Bianca was open about her beliefs and her dedication to the BLM cause is admirable.
07 · 28 · 20 @ 9:13 pm
I did see the video and photos of the black girl dancing in front of all the cop cars first. Her doing the splits in the air was very impressive! I guess just because she was not all the way naked her story did not blow up? I read she was a stripper.
Miss Mae Ling “the girlfriend that bullies you” And playing the instrument with those dongs! LOL, She should totally become a Dominatrix comedian! There is always room for a niche!
Bianca Burke draws the line at Nasal intercourse! LOL, Well you have to draw the line somewhere!
07 · 28 · 20 @ 11:31 am
Thanks for shining the light on how people are being galvanized into action; Wall of Moms, Fathers Against Fascists, Teachers Against Tyrants, etc. And of course Naked Athena. I am woman, hear me roar! That is a Pulitzer Prize-winning moment right there. They all make me proud to be an American, yet sad at the same time.
Miss Mae Ling is a breath of fresh air. Who knew a dominatrix could be full of light and humor? She enjoys ballbusting both ways; combining pain and pleasure in her unique way.
Bianca Burke not afraid to talk politics in support of BLM nicely rounds out another fantastic show.
07 · 28 · 20 @ 9:40 am
The Naked Athena is proof positive that the Bonobo tactic of using sex and affection to solve problems can indeed work. Stay strong and keep fighting. We will prevail!!!