The M Month Continues…with Masturbation Liberation on, on Your Phone, Via Cam & In Your Hands
May is Masturbation Month! Need a Hand? Call Our Guided Masturbation Therapists at 213-670-0066 for Webcam or Phone Sex Therapy ♥ What ELSE can we talk about? WANTED: LIVE-IN EDITORIAL ASSISTANT at The Block Institute. Call Madam V: 213-670-0066. |
This Saturday, May 11th on The Dr. Susan Block Show |
“Merry Masturbation Month! The message of masturbation is revolutionary: If you can help yourself to the greatest sexual pleasure, you realize that you really don’t need to kowtow to the demands of an unreasonable husband, wife, religion or government. Masturbation puts the power of pleasure literally in your hands. No wonder it’s still so taboo,” says Dr. Block. This Saturday, May 11th 2013, The Dr. Susan Block Show will continue celebrating the Merry Masturbation Month of May with Masturbation Liberation. Joining international sexologist Dr. Susan Block in her Bonoboville broadcast studios will be sexy actress/model Candis Higgins, stand-up comic Rev. Mitcz, plus the return of “libertine” camgirl Lotus Lain,. adult performer Johnny Chorizo and Hollywood socialite Amor Hilton. “MASTURBATION LIBERATION” will air live this Saturday May 11th, 2013, 10:30pm-Midnight PST on The Dr. Susan Block Show. Listen FREE on RadioSUZY1 or Watch the LIVE BROADCAST on DrSuzy.TV (now only $7.95 for a whole month!) Call-In Free: 1-866-289-7068 Read Our Rave REVIEWS! Listen Free on Your Mobile Phone: To join our exclusive live in-studio audience and the after-party at Dr. Suzy’s Speakeasy in the Soul of Downtown LA, aka BonoboVille, click here or call 213.670.0066 Now Playing on Masturbation Month ClimaxXx! Click Here to Find Out More about Masturbation Month! This edition of The Dr. Susan Block Show will feature Bonoboville Jello Shots by Jello Shots LA, among the many fine libations and gourmet hors d’oeuvres featured at the always-popular Speakeasy Open Bar and Aphrodisiac Buffet. Sex toys provided by Sybian, Swingtastic Toys, CalExotics, ScreamingO, Divine Interventions, Stockroom, JuxLeather, Pipedream Products and Condomania condoms. Proceeds from donations go to help save the highly endangered “make love not war” bonobos from extinction in the Congo and to promote the Bonobo Way of Peace through Pleasure around the world. |
Now Playing on Dr. Suzy & Pr. Max’s
It’s our 21st wedding anniversary! FiNALLY our marriage is old enough to drinki! So what else can we do but throw a big bacchanalian orgy of monogamish love & lust? A lot of things, like see your doctor, act your age… BUT one secret to Pr. Max’s & my marital longevity is we never act our age. We’re always at play—with each other, with our Bonoboville pals & lovers & with you, darling reader—so our anniversary turns into a big star-studded orgy to the collective joy of all. Watch it on (Now only $7.95/month)! Photo: JuxLii |
Make Like Bonobos, Not Baboons! Make Love, Not War.Make Love to Someone You Love Tonight, Even If That Someone Is You. I LOVE YOU Peace on Earth ♥ Pleasure for All AMEN ♥ AWOMEN x S DrSuzy |
Need to talk? Sext? Webcam? Do it here. Have you watched the show? No? Feel the sex. Don’t miss the Forbidden Photographs—Hot Stuff, look at them closely here. Join our private social media Society. Join us live in studio . Go shopping. Gift shop or The Market Place., real sex TV at your toe tips. Sex Clips Anyone? FASHION, we have fashion! We also have politics. Politics? Have you Read the book? No? How about the Speakeasy Journal? Click here. Ok, how about some free sex advice?