Animal Play Birthday
Length 01:41:11 Date: September 9, 2017
Audio Playerby Dr. Susan Block.
In honor of human pet specialist Madame Margherite’s emergence into the world, our theme for this show is Animal Play, the Bonobo Way. With dance, romance, roleplay, cake, communion, spankings, a sparkling butt plug and a multi-orgasmic, squirting Motorbunny ride, we unleash our inner animals with a roar, a purr, a moan, a squeal, a growl and shrieks of animalistic delight. And it feels good.
Daniele Watts, Gypsy Bonobo, Piggie Trump, Toucan Andres (bottom) Chef Be*Live, Alex More on the Motorbunny, Dr. Suzy, Madame Margherite (2nd row). Ikkor the Wolf, Sebastian Walker (top). Photo: Jux Lii
We humans are animals, of course, although we often forget that we are, and most of mainstream religions try to tell us we aren’t. This can really screw up our sexuality, our emotions, our politics and our environment; just check out the fake news and the real news, and you know what I mean.
So, whatever your politics, sometimes it’s good to release your inner animal—your inner pussy (meow!), your inner leopard (meowrrr!), your inner cuckoo or cock-ledoodledoo ( Happy Chinese Year of the Cock), your inner horny old goat, your inner bitch, bear, bull or maybe your inner ass…
It’s always good to release your inner bonobo. It feels good and it is good to get in touch with your animal nature—with consenting adult humans, of course. We’re not talking bestiality here, although animal sex fantasies often interweave with animal play in exciting ways.
Animal Play Bday Madame
Our birthday gal, Madame Margherite, is the new Queen of Animal Play in LA and beyond.
Less than a year ago, she first appeared on The Dr. Susan Block Show in our November 2016 Splosh n Art episode (picked up by the New York Post), where she wowed the sploshers with her Monkey (Andres) who threw monkey poo (really chocolate pudding), as monkeys do. For this, she picked up a SUZY award for “Best Animal Play.” She also joined us in Bonoboville for New Year’s Eve, our Anti-Inaugural Circus (where her champion pets put on a Big-Top-worthy show), our 25th Wedding Anniversary (another great pet presentation that could have been called “Pets Against Trump”), FemDom Earth Day, and our Wonder Woman Femocratic 4th of July (check out the Youtube clip).
Madame Margherite gets this snakeskin pattern shawl and The Bonobo Way (and much more!) for her Bonoboville Bday. Photo: Abe Bonobo
She and her pets made spectacular appearances at DomCon LA 2016, and now DomCon Headmistress Cyan has asked our beloved Madame Margherite to be Mistress of Ceremonies for DomCon New Orleans 2017 and she will co-host the Pet Show! We’re very proud of her.
Madame Marghertie holds court amidst the birds and bonobo sapiens of Bonoboville on her birthday. Photo: Christine Dupree
Yes indeed, Madame Margherite is a very busy FemDom, but not too busy to celebrate her birthday with the wild animals, bonobo sapiens, erotic artists and ethical hedonists of Bonoboville. Accompanying her is her prize Toucan (Andres), an exotic bird with a colorful big beak, wings and claws, who chirps, flutters and brings his Mistress birthday gifts from her other pets, including a nice flogger. What a thoughtful pet! And the party is getting started…
The Man with the Bonobo Tattoo
Arrayed around us are a menagerie of artists and exhibitionists, some in animal noses and ears, others sporting special animal tattoos. I’m wearing leopard print lingerie with Madame Margherite’s cat ears on my hat and a “tail” tied to the back of my G-string.
A real dog (Betsy again!) even makes a brief appearance to check out the human animals dressed up as nonhuman animals.
One of my featured guests, artist, kinkster and bonobo lover Sebastian Walker, has a bonobo tattoo. It’s actually a very nicely rendered image of a classic photo by Dr. Frans de Waal of two bonobos mating in the missionary position, maybe the first photo taken of bonobos having sex in a zoo.
Then the sexy, somewhat shy French artist pulls out his portfolio and shows us some rather more explicit drawings of people having sex as well as animals and other cartoon creatures. Ooh-la-la!
Introducing Alex More
Sebastian’s drawings get the Womb Room juices flowing. The animals seem hungry, so I give out bananas. If the Trump Crime Family has their way, America will be a banana republic, so we might as well enjoy the fruits…
My next guest, porn starlet Alex More, is really hungry. She loves wildcats, cheetahs and panthers, and looks like a feline fatale in Madame Margherite’s black pussy cat ears. Alex is also a blowjob specialist, and she shows us how to blow a banana—fully. That gal is getting her potassium.
Her birthday gift to Madame Margherite is a lascivious lapdance that wriggles her out of her dress, leaving her in nothing but her skimpy black panties. Then she turns to reveal the glittering purple butt plug up her tail. Wow! Thus shorn of her dress, Alex is ready to sit on her butt plug and serve as Altar Girl for Bonoboville Communion with our lovely Sex Kitten-in-Residence Gypsy Bonobo chosen as her recipient.
Gypsy’s waterboarding with Agwa de Bolivia Herbal Coca Leaf Liqueur between Alex’s legs is such boobalicious eye candy, your retina might get a toothache.
Danielephant & Foxxy Be*Live
Also in the Womb Room: Our favorite pansensual power couple, winners of the SUZY award for “Most Bonobo,” the amazing Daniele Watts and Chef Be*Live.
Danielephant with her trunk around her neck & Foxxy Be*Live with his teeth on his forehead. Photo: Paul Vela
Danielephant is rocking an elephant trunk that keepings rolling from her nose to around her neck. It looks great in any position, kind of like a pachyderm dildo. Daniele even asks Madame Margherite if a penis has ever been inside the trunk, as it’s scent reminds her of semen (which she enjoys), though Madame assures her that her elephant trunk is penis-free.
Chef Be*Live is in a fox (or maybe a wolf) snout that he mostly wears on top of his head so he looks like he has two sets of teeth—the better to eat you with.
He also gives a birthday lap dance to Madame Margherite. Daniele doesn’t do a lapdance, but she does do a “crawl-dance” at our feet. And their evening has quite a few more erotic adventures in store…
Piggy Trump Sloshing through Trump Crime Family Hurricane
Last and very much least, Trump joins the Animal Farm (with a hat tip to George Orwell) as a pig. That is, we put Madame Margherite’s pig snout over the nose our Trump surrogate (the big dick with a tiny penis). It’s remarkable how well the pig snout matches Trump’s complexion. Then we put a pair of devil’s horns on his head.
As Trumpocalypse Therapy for all the Post-Trump Sex Disorder (read all about in my Cosmo interview) and other anxieties generated by the “unpresidented” presidency of the Odious Orangutan (with apologies to real orangutans who are really rather lovely and very smart animals, almost as amazing as bonobos). We spank Trump’s balls with The Bonobo Way. Madame Margherite gives tRUMP’s rump extra spanks for her birthday.
Yes, it’s silly, but it’s also good therapy for those of us who are stressed “up to here” with the big tweeting dodo bird. Maybe we won’t have to be stressed much longer. With rumors swirling around the eye of the Trump Crime Family hurricane of shady deals and cover-ups, we smell impeachment, or at least, resignation, in the air. Maybe all of our Trump Surrogate Spankings are more than *just* therapy; they also have voodooistic powers that are beginning to take effect.
Well, it’s a nice fantasy, giving us hope in the Trumpocalypse!
Alex’s Kitty Squirts on the Motorbunny
Actually, there are a few other animals in the Womb Room, including that rowdy rabbit of a sex machine, the Motorbunny. I invite Alex to take her first ride ever. Gypsy and Madame Margherite prepare the machine, covering the entire contraption with Saran wrap and putting a Glyde America Vegan Condom on the dildonic attachment.
Alex squirts on her own lube and sits her pretty kitty down on the dildo backwards as Madame Margherite holds her mic and I power the controls (of course). She rides that ‘Bunny reverse cowgirl-style to the whoops and hollers of the Bonoboville Animal House.
Then, lithe as a panther, she turns herself around to ride it regular cowgirl-style, screaming like a bobcat in heat as the Womb Room goes wild, and she squirts all over the bed. But Alex doesn’t stop. She rides it sideways and then from the front again, orgasm after orgasm, she can’t get enough of that vibrating stuff.
The Cake & the Wolf
Since Alex doesn’t want to stop, I just let her keep riding the Motorbunny even as Gypsy brings in a beautiful carrot cake inscribed to Madame Margherite.
Then we all sing Happy Birthday as this elegant FemDom and lover of animals, human and otherwise, blows out her candles, and all the animals chirp, trumpet, meow, and shriek with joy.
Into the middle of this merry menagerie of mayhem wanders a guy with a big camera named Paul Vela who looks just like our old friend Pavel, who looks (and sings) like Bono. Very surreal. Happy Birthday gives way to “She Bad” as Ikkor the Wolf, our own Canis Lupus in excellent form, takes the stage, doffing his #Bonoboville top and leading the congregation of critters in song and dance. Meanwhile, Alex is still orgasming on the Motorbunny, though now she’s doing it in rhythm to Ikkor’s beat. The rest of us are dancing, naked and in lingerie.
Truly, this show is wild in more ways than a jungle has rubber trees.
The Bonobo Way of Great Sex & Book-Spankings
All nonhuman animals have something to teach us. All humans know this, which is why everyone loves internet animal videos.
I may be prejudiced, but I think bonobos, our closest Great Ape relatives—who swing through the trees and with each other—have the most to teach us about ourselves, our relationships, our politics and especially how to have GREAT SEX, which I’ll reveal more about during my talk at AdultCon next Saturday, September 23. Don’t miss it!
Though if you can’t make it, you can always pick up my book The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace through Pleasure. Indeed, into this releasing and contracting human animal orgy of a show ventures a fan of the book who also happens to be Be*Live & Daniele’s “artist/patron/papa,” Jacob Sokoloff, chime-maker extraordinaire, longtime Angeleno and chronic jokester, who gifts me with a Stevia plant which I give, with the joy of giving, to our Bday Gal.
Jacob loves The Bonobo Way so much that he begs to be spanked by it. Or maybe he just wants the attention. Probably both. Down on his hands and knees like a puppy dog in human clothes he goes, and Madame Margherite spanks him vigorously with the book that’s launched almost 1000 butts and counting…
Erotic Bonobo Summer Animal Afterparty
Maybe it’s because it’s our last live show of Summer, 2017. Whatever the cause the Garden of Bonoboville comes alive with an extra splash of erotic magic for this afterparty.
There’s so much going on, and I only know what I witnessed. Bonoboville is bursting with sex, kind of like the “old days” Downtown when we had a bunch of beds in one big room. Maybe because we receive a visit from a couple of old friends from our Downtown days (check out Eros Day 2007 and our Halloween Erotic Insurgent Masquerade), Kat and BD, this afterparty gets pretty wild.
Kat is the Belle of the Bonoboville Ball, “dancing” and romancing with Daniele, Ikkor, Jux Lii and (a little bit) me. She has a particularly hot moment with Daniele up against the wall of the Bonoboville Erotic Art Gallery as Paul plays my great grandmother’s 1926 Steinway baby grand piano. Later Jux Lii makes this insatiable sex goddess squirt all over my bed (video now playing on DrSuzy-Tv).
Ikkor also tickles the keys as the dance of the boho-bonobos continues. Then Jakob plays! We have a veritable piano recital in the afterparty here.
Somehow it all interweaves with naked hula-hooping… and Bonobo Way book-signing! Then Jakob gets a much-deserved, pants-down spanking from Jacquie Blu wielding a JuxLeather belt, after which he showers me in chimes from his workshop.
Gradually, the bacchanal flows from the public spaces to the private corners of Bonoboville, including the Captain’s Quarters where, inspired by the evening’s numerous erotic events, my “prime mate” and I release our inner bonobos in our jungle of sheets and Hitachi wires, arms and third legs. Blessed by all the gods and goddesses to have lived together so long and so well in this crazy, anti-animal world, we sleep in the comforting nest of each other’s arms. Until we meet again… in Bonoboville!
Meanwhile, check out some pix from our Emmy’s Reception for Documentary Television this past Friday at the Academy. Everyone loved our Impeach Trump buttons (made by Clemmy) even conservative Republican-looking folks from Palm Springs!
Coming up this Sunday, September 17th: I will go on an Inner Journey with Greg Friedman Sunday Sept. 17th KX 93.5 FM Laguna Beach. Last year’s show was pretty fascinating, and I feel we’re about to top ourselves. Tune in and take an inner journey with us. Mmm… sounds sexy. It will be.
Thanks to Our Volunteers: Videographers: Michael Sullivan, Tony Lee; Photographers – Christine Dupree, Jux Lii, Paul Vela; On-Campus Bonobos – Abe Perez, Camille Rosebud, Del Rey, Gypsy Bonobo, Jacquie Blu, MarsFX, Clemmy Cockatoo, Ana & Miguel. This show was ass. produced by Harry Sapien.
© Sept. 10, 2017. Susan Block, Ph.D., a.k.a. “Dr. Suzy,” is a world renowned LA sex therapist, author of The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace through Pleasure and horny housewife, occasionally seen on HBO and other channels. For speaking engagements, call 310-568-0066.
Need to talk? Sext? Webcam? Do it here. Have you watched the show? No? Feel the sex. Don’t miss the Forbidden Photographs—Hot Stuff, look at them closely here. Join our private social media Society. Join us live in studio . Go shopping. Gift shop or The Market Place., real sex TV at your toe tips. Sex Clips Anyone? FASHION, we have fashion! We also have politics. Politics? Have you Read the book? No? How about the Speakeasy Journal? Click here. Ok, how about some free sex advice?
09 · 13 · 17 @ 7:05 pm
Thank you Dr. Block, for your contribution
09 · 13 · 17 @ 1:11 am
I thought Alex More might have had her mail redirected to Bonoboville: it seemed like she was moving in with her new found significant other, Motor Bunny!
Another amusing and educational edition of the Dr. Susan Block Show.
The shows are great ‘n’ all, but the after party isn’t to be missed.
You don’t get that by staying home and watching on TV.
I was speaking to a lovely chap at the bar who told me that seeing the show ‘live’ had been on his bucket list, that he was so thrilled he had his membership, and that apart from all the debauchery, he loved the garden.
I wholeheartedly agree about the garden.
Come and see the garden, watch the show from the sofa.
It’s a secret Saturday night wunderland!
Get a membership-
09 · 13 · 17 @ 1:09 am
The BEST show EVER!!!!

09 · 13 · 17 @ 12:32 am
LOVE it!
09 · 12 · 17 @ 11:38 am
Susan. I love your show you’re one hell of a sexy woman.. This show was awesome.. God your beautiful
09 · 12 · 17 @ 12:30 am
Alex More put on one of the sexiest performances I’ve ever seen, riding the Motorbunny on the Dr. Susan Block Show!
09 · 11 · 17 @ 11:10 pm
I can’t handle how good this show was. Every moment was so fluid and the chemistry between guests was amazing! My goodness, Cami has a weakness for a French accent. Sebastien’s art was really intriguing, and that tattoo was awesome. I love Dr. Suzy in those neutral, earth toned animal prints! Alex More is a star! Daniele is fabulous and Madame Margherite and her animals were just so light and fun in the erotic space. I enjoyed every moment!
09 · 11 · 17 @ 5:28 pm
Porn Stars, actresses, madame’s and more! This show was SO great I absolutely loved Alex Moore she put the motor bunny to work and such a beauty! Dr.Suzy looked sexy and fierce in her leopard print attire! And the happiest of birthdays to the endlessly beautiful Madame M!!! Always such a great time!
09 · 11 · 17 @ 3:59 pm
One of those shows where the stars align perfectly. When they were talking about animal play “Betsy”, the four legged bonobo, magically appeared on stage… Speaking of animals, Alex More must be part bunny because her and that Motor Bunny went at it like rabbits in heat. Amazing show, and the after party was in-fucking-sane. Definitely need to get on http://www.DrSusanBlock.TV and Clip-O-Rama to see all the good stuff that happened!!!
09 · 11 · 17 @ 3:58 pm
Wow, great vibes inside Dr. Suzy’s Speakeasy! Madam Margherite knows how to celebrate a BDAY the Bonobo Way– so much sex, fun, and wisdom baked into this scrumptious show. I’m awestruck by the various ways that guests release their inner bonobo; with sex toys, through radical dialogue on peace, all manner of art, and much more. Cheers to another fantastic show, #GoBonobos!