Happy Labia Day 2017: Sex, Medicine & Anal Art in the Womb Room
Length 01:50:48 Date: September 2, 2017
Happy Labia Day, Brothers and Sisters, and Workers—including Sex Workers—of America and the world!
LABIA DAY 2017: Rhiannon Aarons (Bottom): Samantha Fairley, Cate Imperio & Mercury, Dr. Susan Block, Anita Teresa Boeninger, Blaten Lee, Fallon West (middle); Logan Long, Michael Wisnieux, Ikkor the Wolf (top). This photo & above by Jux Lii
Si se puede! Yes We Can! And yes we do have a happy Labia Day 2017 in Bonoboville, where we celebrate with healing sexual advice, fantastic anal art, erotic resistance, cooling water pistols shooting HOT naked bodies and luscious labia opening the velvet drapes to pleasure and fun in the Womb Room.
Why Labia Day?
It’s our third Labia Day on The Dr. Susan Block Show (check out our first and second celebrations), “Labia Day” being Bonoboville‘s name for Labor Day or more specifically, the Saturday before Labor Day.
I’ve always had mixed feelings about Labor Day. As I’ve said before, the whole “labor” theme never seems to be a genuine celebration of the people, the real workers or the 99%. It’s more of a paltry pacifier from the 1%: the owners, Mafioso union bosses, greedy oligarchs, polluting corporates, our increasingly plutocratic government and now this demented, silver-spoon-fed billionaire buffoon, our National-Embarrassment-in-Chief.
So, in exchange for toiling in the fields, real or digital, for these greedy “owners,” we the 99% get this one measly Monday where we theoretically don’t have to “labor,” but are expected to consume high-calorie processed foods from company stores like Walmart, watch military-style parades and endure redundant, hypocritical speeches from fatuous but well-funded bigots. Not that capitalism takes a holiday, nor does corporate greed. On the contrary, to fully exploit the large numbers of non-laboring laborers (a.k.a., potential customers), “Labor Day” is a huge retail sale weekend. Some day off!
So, here in Bonoboville, we’d rather read between the lines—and lips—to find a similar, onomatopoetic, but far more suitable and bonoboësque name for this early September American holiday. Thus Labor Day has blossomed into Labia Day, a.k.a., #LabiaDay, like a brilliant Georgia O’Keeffe flower in the verdant Garden of Bonoboville, a celebratory appreciation of those ubiquitous, but mysterious and always absolutely fabulous, fleshy doors to female pleasure and wonder. And labor. A lady’s nether lips sometimes do “go into labor,” along with the rest of her reproductive system, in giving birth; other times, they tease, please, open, close, squirt and explode in ecstasy.
#UnPros #GoBonobos
On Labia Day 2017, I bring together artists and exhibitionists, healers, rappers and seekers of sexual truth.
This show features the return of two of our favorite labia wielding guests, “Unlicensed Professionals” Catherine Imperio, aka “The Anal Artist,” and Samantha Fairley, who kick off their #UnProsTrip on DrSuzy.Tv before continuing on their sacred pilgrimage to see living legend Pat Benatar hit the stage in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Fresh off the road from Santa Barbara, Cate and Sam enter the Womb Room wearing skimpy lingerie and a large green iguana. This is not the iguana’s first time on the show. We met this stately, slightly scary-looking creature when we interviewed Cate, our reporter “in the field” regarding the “Hunger Games” Murders on the American Riviera. Since then, the iguana, whose name is Mercury, has grown five times bigger. He really does look like a dragon now, but he doesn’t breathe fire or even bite. He just climbs around on people, pillows and dildos. He loves exploring the terrain of the bed which is transformed into a jungle as he stalks the stuffed bonobos and finds his way through the Agwa leis. Though his favorite spot is on top of Cate’s head.
Suddenly Betsy the Dog waddles up onto the stage, apparently sniffing out the presence of a foreign nonhuman animal like a four-legged Sheriff Joe—minus the bigotry. Then she gets distracted by one of my guests petting her and rolls over for a tummy scratch. So much for Betsy the Dragon-Slayer
The Anal Artist
Among her many talents, Cate is an artist. Her medium is “anal art,” which involves sticking a Sharpie up her ass, squeezing her sphincter to hold it in and then drawing a picture, as her trusty partner Sam steadies the canvas.
Cate developed this very specialized creative skill at home, but her first public demonstration was on The Dr. Susan Block Show. Now, she is known as “The Anal Artist,” though she has never demonstrated her art on any other show or public venue except The Dr. Susan Block Show. To date, she has created three pieces on the show which are now framed and hanging in our erotic art gallery and in the bar.
Many visitors to Bonoboville admire Cate’s drawings, not knowing how they were done. These folks are always a little surprised when in response to their question, “Who is the artist?” we say, “an asshole.”
To quote Cate, “Beauty is in the eye of the butt holder.”
Cate grants my request to create a fourth piece of anal art, this time with the added challenge of having Mercury climbing on her head and back, whereupon they seem to fuse into a single human reptile creature with the head of an iguana and the butt of a beautiful woman..
Moreover, Mercury has a sense of humor, or maybe he’s just horny. He’s definitely scaly. Whatever his motivation, the iguana deftly unhooks Cate’s black lace bra and off it goes, revealing her beautiful natural boobs.
The panties come off too. How else can an asshole create great art? And so we get our first set of labia on Labia Day 2017, and a lovely set of wild, unshaved labia it is—bleached almost as blonde as the hair on Cate’s head.
But all eyes in Bonoboville are on Cate’s artistic butt and the masterpiece that is emerging from it: an abstract collage of highways (representing the Road Trip), mountains and… labia! The Womb Room goes wild.
Labia Pride for Labia Day
Inspired by Cate’s example, I and several of my guests pull our panties down or aside to show our Labia Pride for Labia Day 2017.
I also use the Wondrous Vulva Puppet as a Labia Day sex educational teaching too.
For different sensibilities, I present an exquisite vulva sculpted from exotic woods by Bill Pacak called “C’est Une Pipe,” because you can remove the hand-carved clitoris and inner labia, and then smoke it like a pipe.
Bill gives us one more reason to get our lips on some labia.
Sex & Medicine with Anita
My other very special featured guest is also on a summer road trip, all the way from New York City. Sex and Medicine Summit Founder/Director Anita Teresa Boeninger was introduced to us by art photographer and curator Michael Wisnieux of WIZNU Studios, also in the Womb Room. Anita is a woman on a mission to bring together health care professionals of all kinds to teach and learn about human health and sexuality.
This is a vital and sorely needed quest in our society. Doctors rarely talk with their patients about sex, partly because they have received very little training in the subject. Some are more embarrassed to talk about sex than their patients! Anita is passionate about helping doctors, nurses and other health care practitioners to introduce the topic of sex into their conversations with patients, as well as effectively engage in answering their patients’ questions.
Anita is bonita and looks stunning in her colorful summer dress and strappy heels. I tease her a bit about her last name which I mispronounce as “Boning Her.” She smiles indulgently (she’s heard that one before) and patiently explains that the proper pronunciation is more like “Burning Her” which may or may not be better.
We also talk about labia health, circumcision (male and female) and the next Sex and Medicine Summit which will be held in November. Topics include how various types of medicine—from Viagra to hormones to massage—can heal or hamper sexuality.
Of course, sex itself can also a great healer. Sex is medicine. Sex heals a billion times more than it kills. The bonobos show us that sex and physical affection can help calm nervous bonobos, channel potential violence via peace-through-pleasure and ease both physical and mental pain.
The Sex & Medicine Summit sounds like a great conference for medical professionals, as well as anyone interested in issues of sexual health.
Both Anita and Michael make a great, somewhat more serious, but very bonoboësque addition to our Labia Day 2017 celebration.
Porn Labor & Bonoboville Communion
Speaking of labia and labor, making porn is a type of labor. Sometimes, it’s a Labor of Love. Other times, it’s about making that cash to pay bills for the kids that brought you into labor. Either way, being a porn star or any kind of sex worker is more honest labor than being a politician or clergyman in our society, all make their living by screwing you. At least the porn stars are screwing for your pleasure.
So Bonoboville is happy to welcome adult performers Fallon West and Blaten Lee (and their labia), along with Logan Long who doesn’t show his labia, but does show his schlong which is rather long, even in its relaxed state.
The three of them frolic on the show like kids on Spring Break. Fallon participates in a beautiful double Bonoboville Communion with Cate as the Altar Girl, as Fallon and Samantha take their Communion salt from her perky nipples.
Then sweet and gorgeous Sam, the ultimate sexy sidekick, takes her Waterboarding, Bonobo-Style.
Our sacramental libation is, of course, Agwa de Bolivia Herbal Coca Leaf liqueur, the ultimate Holy Water for Lovers. Fallon follows, taking her first Waterboarding, Bonobo-Style with great gusto.
Next would be Logan as Altar Boy. Though we do get his pants off in the second part of the show, we never get around to communing with his proudly circumcised crosier, for reasons too complex to break down in this show blog. But it’s all good; Logan’s a nudist and likes just to stand around showing his low-hanging fruit as girls squirt all over him.
I wish I could say they squirt through their labia, but they’re just water pistols. Still, it’s very refreshing. Everybody squirts on everybody in this show.
Shoot water pistols, not real pistols! Cocks Not Glocks. Shoot the gun between your legs. It’s the Bonobo Way.
Anal Sex Advice
In the middle of all this, we take a call from Bob in California who wants to know how to have anal sex “safely.” Bob has had some very satisfying experiences up the back door with most of his lady lovers, so he says, but a recent one provided a rather funky rear entry, including tales of plum parts and blood that you just have to hear him describe (on the archive above or in the video on DrSuzy.tv) to comprehend.
I invite each of my guests to weigh in with their expertise on what Bob needs to do more or less of. Bob gets some topnotch anal advice there. Will it work for him? Stay tuned for his next call… some Saturday night soon. In the meanwhile, #MassageThePelvicFloor
Ikkor’s Labia Day Jam
What’s a Bonoboville holiday without Ikkor the Wolf?
Even in this insane heat, Ikkor’s wearing three shirts: his #Bonoboville Tee, his new Agwa shirt and a classic undershirt, but he takes them all off soon enough.
Then he belts out his Labia Day jam of “She Bad,” and all the Bad Girls and the Good Girls of Bonoboville, plus a few boys, twerk to the beat, cocks swinging, labia shaking, titties bouncing and hearts soaring with bonobo love.
Hurricane Harvey & tRUMP’s Day of Prayer
This crazy California heat wave which, along with Hurricane Harvey, the worst rainstorm in American history, is more evidence of Climate Change, fossil fuel, carbon-based pollution and human-caused Global Warming, all of which have increased tremendously since the 1980s. Interestingly, the U.S. military is the world’s biggest institutional consumer of fossil fuels. Hey, it takes a lot of energy to kill people! Instead of giving more to Harvey victims, our Narcissist-in-Chief with a small penis and a big missile fetish, and a weakness for tough-talking generals, is ratcheting up the cost of the Afghan perma-war.
We give a shout out to one of the Dr. Susan Block Institute’s favorite #TherapistsWithoutBorders, Mistress Jennifer, who lives in Houston, and since her place didn’t get damaged much, she is volunteering at animal shelters and helping others less fortunate. What a great American, our Mistress Jennifer is.
She is also a fearless truth-teller, having just eye-witnessed the height of hypocrisy on the part of smarmy Joel Osteen and his shamelessly materialistic Lakewood Megachurch of Houston, revealing:
I went to Lakewood Church to see if the Hurricane Harvey Victims needed anything and learned that they were asked to ALL LEAVE due to church tomorrow. This from the man who wouldn’t open his church until the bad press he was receiving. Shame on Joel Olsteen.
Go Jennifer! You’re a better investigative reporter that most of the “fake news” that hasn’t even covered this.
Speaking of hypocrisy, instead of giving them a fraction of the $1 trillion he is giving to that endless U.S. occupation of Afghanistan, the Donald has bestowed upon Hurricane Harvey victims the great gift of a “Day of Prayer.” The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) declared this bigoted, pompous, sanctimonious, ridiculous and utterly-useless-to-hurricane-survivors declaration to constitute “a broadside to our country’s long-standing commitment to the separation of church and state” that will divide the nation and permit discrimination. “We will see Trump in court again.”
But okay, come let us pray… to all the gods and goddess, for the well-being of those suffering from Hurricane Harvey, especially for those poor evacuees that were just kicked out of Lakewood Megachurch.
Yes, it’s rough, but there’s hope for Post-Trump Sex Disorder… in the September Cosmo! Photo: Christine Dupree
And come let us pray for the swift impeachment and/or resignation of Donald J. Trump. Amen and Awomen!
Spanking KKK Imperial Wizard Adolf Trump with the Bonobo Way as Trumpocalypse Therapy. Better than prayer! Photo: Jun Tao
Studies have shown that prayers have no objective effect on anything. Considering what we’re praying for, our book-spankings of Trump surrogates in the Womb Room are at least as effective… and a lot more fun!
Happy Birthday Rhiannon
Just before I’m about to close the show, I spy the voluptuous and sapiosexual Rhiannon Aarons, whom we haven’t seen since she went to the UK right after riding the Motorbunny while reciting her Master’s thesis themes and getting spanked by baguettes on Bastille Day.
Then I remember that it’s her birthday! Well, it was her birthday last week, but we missed it, so we have to at least give her a nice pink cupcake with a candle and sing happy birthday.
Since the cake isn’t big enough to cut, we just dab some icing on each of Rhiannon’s voluminous knockers, whereupon her doting hubby and English biscuit connoisseur, Jonny Menton, takes “Cake Communion.” Pure pink yum-yum! Oops, looks like Jonny missed a spot. Rhiannon gestures for him to lick it clean and, being a good bonobo husband, Johnny obliges.
Then we give the birthday gal a labia-revealing bday spanking, but only after we let her give our Big Dick Adolf Trump doll with the tiny penis a few wallops with The Bonobo Way.
Meanwhile, Jonny keeps munching on Rhiannon’s mammary cake into the after-party.
It’s all so deliciously stimulating that Capt’n Max wastes no time, once we are ensconced in our private quarters, in celebrating the holiday by parting my labia like the curtains to a great play on the stage of our romance.
Thanks to Our Volunteers: Videographers: Michael Sullivan, Tim Liles; Photographers – Christine Dupree, Jux Lii, Jun; On-Campus Bonobos – Abe Perez, Camille Rosebud, Del Rey, Gypsy Bonobo, Harry Sapien, Jacquie Blu, MarsFX, Clemmy Cockatoo, Ana & Miguel & Dr. Suzy’s Hairdresser Mark Brown.
With my HBO director and Television Academy Documentary & REality TV Division Governor Shari Cookson at the Documentary & Reality TV Emmys Party in 2016. Photo: Luzer Twersky
Coming up: Capt’n Max and I will be at the Emmy’s Reception for Documentary & Reality TV this Friday, Sept. 8th. Check us out at the Emmy’s Party 2016.
We’ll be in Laguna Beach on Sunday, September 17th for an “Inner Journey” with Greg Friedman on KX 93.5 FM. Check out last year’s show.
Then on Saturday, September 23rd, we’ll take The Dr. Susan Block Show on the road to AdultCon in the LA Convention Center where I’ll deliver The Bonobo Way of Great Sex! Come join the celebration!
© Sept. 2, 2017. Susan Block, Ph.D., a.k.a. “Dr. Suzy,” is a world renowned LA sex therapist, author of The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace through Pleasure and horny housewife, occasionally seen on HBO and other channels. For speaking engagements, call 310-568-0066.
Explore DrSusanBlock.com
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09 · 7 · 20 @ 3:05 pm
Hot girls, great talk, what’s not to love
09 · 6 · 20 @ 6:00 am
Happy Labia Day!!!
09 · 6 · 20 @ 1:58 am
Very entertaining show by Dr. Suzy. Beautiful labias, gorgeous women and men, sex ed, one of a kind anal artwork, rap music, and cute animals- all mixed with sapiosexual topics. I enjoyed watching it.
09 · 5 · 20 @ 11:26 pm
Anal art seems really fascinating! I never knew it was a thing! I’d love to see more of Cate’s art! Too bad the Corona is still going on. This would have been a fun event to enjoy this year. However, we can still enjoy Labia Day regardless.
09 · 5 · 20 @ 10:59 pm
A blast from the past. Interesting to find out the origin of Labia Day.
Your guest Anita provided some good information.
Anal art sounds like something a group of drunken guys would do, it’s surprising that a woman is doing this. Nothing wrong with it just, surprising.
09 · 5 · 18 @ 2:31 pm
Would love to be a part of the theatre group ! How can I join ??
09 · 5 · 17 @ 10:17 pm
A very merry Labia Day indeed. Oh my goddess, sooooo many bonoboësque folks inside the womb room. Revolutionary sex talk, exhibitionists, birthday spankings, and beautiful displays of labia are just a handful of reasons why The Dr. Susan Block Show is definitively, THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH! #GoBonobos
09 · 5 · 17 @ 5:48 pm
This show was an OMGWTF Show if there ever was one. Seriously, too much good stuff jammed into one show. There were dinosaurs, talented anuses, hot girls, a giant cock, smart sexy ladies… I can honestly say that I’ve never seen a show like this before! Check it out on DrSusanblock.TV!!!
09 · 5 · 17 @ 12:47 pm
Phenomenal show, labia everywhere & it was beautiful. This is the greatest show in creation. A bunch of dream women and the world’s greatest teacher – Dr. Suzy
09 · 5 · 17 @ 12:59 am
Brilliant !!
09 · 4 · 17 @ 10:21 pm
I need an Iguana! What an amazing night. Anita is one of the most interesting women I’ve ever met. I love the work she is doing. It’s an amazing initiative and it makes me hopeful that advocates like Anita are out there caring about things the rest of us may not remember to fight for, like our sexual health and the doctors that care for us.
09 · 4 · 17 @ 3:39 pm
Why did I have to be sick and miss such a great show! From lizards to labias and shooting water guns to shots of Agua it looks like the best party ever! Happy belated birthday to Mrs. Riannon Aarons! Cat and Sam are always the coolest and such babes but no one is our beautiful and cool as our Queen Dr.Suzy! Such fun photos!