Sexpot Sister Resisters
Length 01:48:01 Date: August 26, 2017
Audio PlayerWith everything even crazier and Nazi-er than last week, it takes a congregation of sister-resisters, rappers and porn stars to theatrically engage the insanity of the political moment, as well as escape into bliss, the Bonobo Way.
Ikkor, Susan Cooper, Dr. Suzy, Kourtney van Wales, Jacquie Blue. Bottom: Veronica Valentine, Adolf Trump, Gypsy Bonobo. This Photo & Above: Jux Lii
That is exactly the kind of group we assemble here in the Womb Room Cathedral of the Worldwide Church of Bonoboville: trans porn legend Kourtney van Wales, “barely legal” porn starlet Veronica Valentine, anti-Trump activist and cultural anthropologist Susan Cooper, rapper extraordinaire Ikkor the Wolf, our own beloved Gypsy Bonobo, Jacquie Blu and the truth-talking Capt’n Max. We also have our Trump voodoo doll, aka “Putin’s Puppet,” the big plush-toy dick with a tiny penis and Trump’s tangerine face, now also sporting a Hitler mustache and a KKK style DUNCE cap.
On this show, the little penis pacifier just doesn’t seem enough to shut up his big “fire and fury” spewing mouth, so we put him under gag order with a banana.
We begin by comparing a clip from our “unpresidented” President’s Nazi-esque Rally in Phoenix (featuring a ridiculously long, convoluted, lie-riddled explanation of how he’s not really a Nazi which makes him seem Nazi-er than ever) with a clip from the Saturday Night Live parody. Then we realize—with humor, horror and awe—that we can’t tell the difference.
Does that make Herr Trump one great “bigly” joke? Absolutely, and the joke is on us, the American people. In fact, we’re the proverbial laughing stock of the world. Chumps for Trump. Ha! Talk about nonconsensual humiliation of global proportions.
But there is hope, Brothers and Sisters, Lovers and Sinners. As the Mango Mussolini’s abominable Phoenix rally raged on, U.S. Congresswoman Maxine Waters delivered a beautiful thank you speech while accepting her Black Girls Rock Award which we play on the show.
Galvanized by Maxine’s declaration, “if you come for me, I’m coming for you,” the Womb Room celebrates Women’s Equality Day with sapiosexual stories of female empowerment and Trump Golden Showers, laughter, music, communion, an orgasmic Motorbunny ride, and the joyous affirmation that, from Charlottesville to Bonoboville, we are all Children of Sex with a capital “X.”
Amen and AWOMEN.
Sex for Recreation
Yes indeed. Sex is what brings us into the world, and sex is what motivates us to stick around for a while. This brings me to the rather loose (in more ways than one) theme of this show: the main two purposes of sex are procreation and recreation. Sex makes babies, and (when consensual) sex feels good… sometimes, it feels really good. Sometimes, sex feels so good that anything else good is said to be “like sex.”
Sexual procreation repopulates. Sexual recreation rejuvenates.
Porn is mostly used for sexual recreation, of course, though it’s been known to inspire the occasional procreative sex act, as well. Our guests Kourtney and Veronica, both members of the vast and varied porn industry, enjoy a couple of very sex-recreational Bonoboville Communions.
Valentine Communion
First up on my broadcast bed is Veronica. Just five feet tall with braces on her teeth, she looks like it shouldn’t be legal to watch her have an orgasm naked, but it is, and we do. Nineteen years old and a seemingly joyful exhibitionist, Veronica is excited about pursuing her “dream” of a career in porn.
Raised by a Catholic dad and Protestant mom, Veronica experienced a few traditional communions, but she confesses that she much prefers Communion, Bonobo-Style. She’s too young to drink the Agwa, however she’s just old enough to be an Altar Girl. Her “altar,” that is, her lovely all-natural 34-B+ boobs are visual “breast therapy,” for those of us whose eyes are still stinging from watching that atrocious Trump rally.
Gypsy, who arranged Veronica’s appearance, gets the Communion honors. Her Waterboarding creates a total eye-candy experience, one beautiful set of natural naked na-nas on top of another. Later in the show, Veronica is inspired to trample Trump.
Trans MILF Barbie Doll Kourtney van Wales
Next on the bed is the elegant, slim-limbed and curvy Kourtney van Wales, AVN-nominated trans porn star and caring confessor to the trans-curious. The two-faced Trumpster having just signed a directive that precludes transgender individuals from joining the military, Kourtney’s appearance on this show and her rebellious background in small-town Texas, remind us of the humanity, complexity and strength of our trans sisters and brothers.
Kourtney knew she was female when she was six years old, but took some time to transition and even more to gain acceptance from her strict Pentecostal family. Kourtney loves men, even Trump supporters, who are some of her most avid clients. With her sultry sweet Southern accent and feminine style, she often talks with them about their deep and extremely secret trans fantasies and desires.
Jaquie Blu takes a very worshipful Bonoboville Communion from Altar Girl Kourtney van Wales. Photo: Mickey Kross
Then Kourtney makes a lot of trans fans’ fantasies come true right on the show, doffing her little black dress to reveal her amazing naked body: huge 34DDD breasts, a tiny 24-inch waist, womanly 42-inch hips and a nine-inch (when hard) cock. She also has gorgeous feet in sexy strappy high heels, the only article of clothing she keeps on. Kourtney van Wales is a trans/MILF Barbie Doll.
Kourtney’s revelation is all it takes to get Jacquie Blu down on her knees to worship her new friend’s something extra, which doesn’t get hard because, Kourtney explains, she “has to pee.” Jacquie immediately declares her willingness to swallow a golden stream, but Kourtney is too ladylike for that sort of recreation. Hard or soft, their Bonoboville Communion and Agwa Waterboarding is sexual summer excellence!
Sex for Procreation: Susan Cooper’s Genealogy Research Confounds Racists
After all that recreation, it’s time to discuss sex for procreation. Cultural anthropologist, film researcher and political activist Susan Cooper is currently working on a documentary that takes a genealogical approach to the Trans-Atlantic slave trade. Her research, as well as that of others, has revealed that many well-known people we think of as “white” are really mixed with other so-called “races.” For instance, U.S. President Thomas Jefferson was part North African and Jewish in addition to white European. Infamous racist neo-Nazi Craig Cobb is 15% sub-Saharan African. It just goes to show that race itself is an unreliable construct based more on skewed perceptions, cultivated bigotry and overcooked fantasies than scientific reality.
I met Susan, a USC grad with an Occupational Science degree, when we took the Dr. Susan Block Show on the road to the opening of Deep Throat, the play produced by our mutual friend David Bertolino. She’s also pals with the Mayor of Bonoboville himself, porn icon Ron Jeremy.
Though Post-Trump Sex Disorder is a real problem, there’s no doubt that the terrible Trumpocalypse is also bringing “resister” sisters together through our acts of solidarity and resistance, which is great because female solidarity is a cornerstone of the Bonobo Way. Some of us Resister Sisters get together in the flash of a meme. When Susan messaged me an announcement from Tennessee Democratic Rep. Steve Cohen introducing Articles of Impeachment against Trump, as well as her satirical “Make America Hate Again” meme waving Nazi and Confederate flags, I invited her on the show.
Taking her turn on my broadcast bed, Susan astutely observes that the show is “therapy” for Trumpocalypse-stressed folks like us. “Recreational” therapy. With that, I haul out the Trump voodoo doll and throw him over our knees. Then Sister Resister Susan (who keeps most of her clothes on, but does show her pretty pedicured feet) and I take turns book-spanking tRUMP’s rump and balls with The Bonobo Way, while reciting the big Baby’s many noxious offenses. It’s silly, of course, but very therapeutic, and there’s always a chance that the voodoo will work… eventually.
Pink Panty Sheriff Joe
Just before this broadcast, we are informed that Imperial Wizard Trump pardons Sheriff Joe Arpaio. The Arizona Sheriff was found guilty of criminal contempt in disobeying a judge’s orders for continuing to illegally profile Latinos based on their skin color. Definitely Trump’s kind of guy, the darling of his basest base, Sheriff Joe epitomizes the evil of racism, bigotry and nonconsensual sexual sadism.
Among other unnecessary hardships, Sheriff Joe made prisoners wear pink underwear, and even employed pink handcuffs. This might appeal to the many sissies among us—and probably sounds hilarious to others—but keep in mind that Sheriff Joe’s action was nonconsensual forced sissification and sexual humiliation, a kind of fetish rape of these helpless prisoners, similar to what American military personnel did to Iraqi POWs at Abu Ghraib.
On the other hand, I myself am a big fan of pink panties consensually worn by men or women. Gypsy and I both wear some on this show.
She Bad: Ikkor’s Ode to Female Equality
We sure do shake our pink-pantied booties to Ikkor the Wolf’s “She Bad,” a paean to bad women, nasty women, wonder women, political women, funny women, strong women, wild women and yes, sexual women.
These are the women at the forefront of change, the women who get things done. These are the bodacious bonoboësque women amongst us.
Bonobo female empowerment is, perhaps ironically, also good for the guys, certainly in terms of their health and well-being. Studies have shown that bonobo males retain youthful characteristics as they mature in their female empowered communities, whereas male-dominated common chimp boys turn into grumpy old apes before their time.
Ikkor doesn’t seem to mind being stripped of his #Bonoboville T-shirt and surrounded by a bevy of beautiful women shaking booty to his beat.
Before the rap, Ikkor regales us with tales of watching Floyd Merriweather beat Conor McGregor in 10 rounds. Gypsy, a bit of a boxing connoisseur (at least, compared to me) chimes in. I just feel glad that this African American and Irish guy aren’t killing each other in the street; they’re play-fighting and helping each other make millions of dollars in the ring. It’s actually kind of bonoboësque, especially if they give each other bro-jobs later, which no, they didn’t; at least not that I know of…. Conor pre-show smack-talk boner notwithstanding.
Veronica’s First Motorbunny Ride
Ikkor’s rap lights a fire in Ms. Valentine’s sweet behind. When I ask if she’s ready to ride the Motorbunny, she nods her head like a puppy expecting a treat. So we haul the big vibrator machine up on the bed, and Gypsy swathes it in a fresh strip of Saran wrap. Veronica then takes off the little bit of clothing she has on as she straddles the Motorbunny, giving vulva lovers an excellent view of her luscious labia. This also happens to be great foreplay for next Saturday’s DrSuzy.Tv spin on Labor Day—Labia Day.
I turn on the Motorbunny’s motor and Veronica moans, letting us know she’s not *just* an exhibitionist; she’s a bona fide hedonist. This gal likes to enjoy herself, and she rides that machine like a roller coaster. She even requests extra thrills, requesting that Ikkor “choke” her as she rides, which he honorably obliges with bonoboësque care. Warning: Please do not try “choking” your partner during sex, even if he or she requests it with big puppy-dog eyes, unless you take a course in safety precautions; it’s a very risky game. It seems that porn starlets are often into it. Ah, the dangerous thrills we so often seek!
Between the buzzing Motorbunny and Ikkor’s suave touch and seductive whispers, Veronica explodes into orgasm. At least, it looks and sounds like she does, and she says that she does, though women can be mysterious, even 19-year-old Motorbunny virgins (this was her first ride ever). So you’ll just have to watch it very carefully to see for yourself.
It certainly is exciting enough to send everyone off into an effervescent afterparty. I sign some copies of the Bonobo Way, dancing between the lines of engagement and escaping the Trumpocalpyse, until the Captain and I go off to explore a little sexual recreation of our own.
Stay sexy and strong, brother and sister-resisters!
Thanks to Our Volunteers: Videographers: Michael Sullivan; Photographers – Christine Dupree, Jux Lii, Michael Cruz; On-Campus Bonobos – Abe Perez, Camille Rosebud, Del Rey, Gypsy Bonobo, Harry Sapien, Jacquie Blu, MarsFX, Clemmy Cockatoo, Ana & Miguel.
© Aug. 26, 2017. Susan Block, Ph.D., a.k.a. “Dr. Suzy,” is a world renowned LA sex therapist, author of The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace through Pleasure and horny housewife, occasionally seen on HBO and other channels. For speaking engagements, call 310-568-0066.
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08 · 31 · 17 @ 12:08 pm
And we all love the amazing DR.Suzy for all she gives
08 · 30 · 17 @ 10:39 am
Wanna be here
08 · 29 · 17 @ 10:06 pm
Not only was The Saturday Night Live Spoof of Trump’s Speech true to the details, it was maddening… good thing the Cast at Bonoboville were a beautiful sight to see. Dr. Suzy, Veronica Valentine, Jacquie Blue, IKKOR, Susan Cooper, Kourtney van Wales, & Gypsy Bonobo are definitely a SEXY force to be reckoned with!
If you missed it, you should check out the show on
08 · 29 · 17 @ 10:55 am
I love you, Dr. Susan.
08 · 28 · 17 @ 10:37 pm
I loved it! You’re doing a good thing Dr to help the people
Also, I was happy to give Trump a good spanking
08 · 28 · 17 @ 8:16 pm
Sexual liberation, erotic pleasures and revolution are at the heart of Bonoboville Resistance, these sort of artful explorations counter the traumas caused by people like Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Alt-Right Nazis, and by Donald J. Trump himself. Inside Dr. Suzy’s speakeasy the erotic resistance is thriving with ORGASMS for PEACE a la porn starlet Veronica Valentine on the Motorbunny; oral pleasures with TMilf, barbie gurl Kourtney van Wale & Jacquie Blu, and Trumpocalypse Therapy dialogue with sapiosexual Susan Cooper. This was an excellent show that highlighted many elements of The Bonobo Way, including Step 8, “Practice Ethical Hedonism” as the sexual warriors of Dr. Suzy’s Bonoboville engage in meaningful dialogue and actions behind the rights we support– PINK PANTIES, Trans rights, PEACE, BONOBOS to name a few. All in all, a great time in Dr. Suzy’s Bonoboville Garden and Speakeasy. #GoBonobos for Peace Through Pleasure!
08 · 28 · 17 @ 8:02 pm
This was my very first viewing of the live show! I had a really amazing time as a voyeur and I actually popped my voyeur cherry tonight watching the lovely Veronica Valentine ride the motorbunny and the magnificent Kourtney van Wales receive pleasure from Jacquie Blu. I had a great time, looking forward to next week!
08 · 28 · 17 @ 9:12 am
I had so much playing and talking with such intelligent women, and I just LOVE Veronica Valentine! She was adorable and sure made the motor bunny look great! And Dr.Suzy looked so pretty in pink! Amazing and energizing show xo