26th Wedding Anniversary Bacchanalia
Length 01:43:16 Date: April 14, 2018
Audio PlayerOther couples might have billion-dollar bank accounts, million-mile upgrades or thousand-carat his-and-her diamond rings, but nobody throws a gazillion-watt, raise-the-rafters, orgiastic, female-empowered, Felliniesque, bonoboesque blast of a 26th wedding anniversary bacchanalia like we do.
Here’s to 26 more extraordinary years!
Some of the world’s greatest porn stars, best-selling authors, singers, swingers, fellow Yalies, nude wrestlers, cultural icons, leading FemDoms and scions of century-old Hollywood dynasties come together (literally) in my Womb Room Chapel at the Little Church of Bonoboville to celebrate the longevity of love, lust and lawfully-wedded marriage, bonobo-style, with Capt’n Max and me.
Mistress Porcelain checks out our new, not-yet-released Speakeasy Journal as Capt’n Max checks out Mistress Porcelain, as I give birth to a Laughing Ginger Boy, and My Womb Room goes WiLD. Photo: Slick Rick
We toast, we kiss, we sing, we dance, we strip, we spank, we wrestle, we tie up tRUMP and stomp on his balls, we fuck on the beds and in the bar, we smoke under the stars, we play under the palms, we “go bonobos” and we share the art of love.
Jade & Roses + Art & Photos
Compared to the universally acknowledged “Silver” 25th Wedding Anniversary, the 26th is rather ambiguous. The US and UK have “no traditional gift” or symbol for the 26th , as if the powers that decide such things figure that a couple married more than a quarter century is too exhausted from their 25th or too busy with their grandkids to bother celebrating it. Germany, Russia and France call it the “jade” anniversary, while Spain and Italy say it’s the rose. The “modern” symbol is art or photographs, which is easy for us to honor with our erotic art gallery, new Speakeasy Journal, bevy of artists in every medium and countless photographs from anniversary bacchanals past—from the quaintly nostalgic to the outrageously orgiastic—as well as our original big old “conservative” Jewish Philadelphia wedding itself 26 years ago.
In keeping with the theme, Capt’n Max wears his original groom’s tuxedo jacket, which fits great (as long as he doesn’t try to button it up), a big pink rose with jade green leaves blossoming from his lapel.
Admiring My Dapper Captain in His Wedding Tuxedo Jacket as He Tells Stories to Bonoboville on Our 26th Wedding Anniversary. Photo: Jux Lii
I wear my original bridal petticoat, festooned with the aforementioned roses, thanks to the deft seamstress skills of Ana Quintana (Thanks also to Mark Brown for doing my hair), making me feel like I’m perpetually popping out of a giant white wedding cake frosted with strawberry vanilla roses. Yes, I look sweet enough to eat, and some guests actually take a taste! Others emerge from under my gargantuan crinoline as if I give birth to them.
Who’s That Being Born from Under My Big Tent? Hint: It’s the Dawn of Our 27th Year of Love, Lust & Crazy Ass Fun. Photo: Selfie
It’s a big tent.
Animated Gif above by Abe Bonobo with Photos by Jux Lii featuring Lexi Lore
We spent our actual anniversary (April 12th) in bed all day and night, watching old movies, flipping through our new Speakeasy Journal, eating cake (thank you Bonoboville!), engaging in remarkably orgasmic sex for two old codgers just getting over a bout of sinusitis (yes, both of us!) and having deep conversations about the disturbing yet exciting current state of the world, as well as our place in it, as two aging “specks” in never-ending love.
Our desire for one-on-one intimacy thus quenched, we feel refreshed and ready to open our Womb Room doors to all comers.
Well, almost all. There are a lot of comers. Bacchanalias tend to bring together a cornucopia of personalities, both clashing and connecting. We do have to gently remove one guy who gets a tad obnoxious, threatening our Bonobo Way, and a couple of couples (or trouples? or cuckolds?) get ticked off with each other, but handle their affairs like bonobos. But considering the sheer amount of partying people (not as big as Coachella, but twice as YUGE as Drumpf’s inauguration), it’s a remarkably hot yet chill gathering, radiating peace through pleasure… all kinds of pleasures. Young lovers, old perverts and lots of comers coming.
Praise be to the power and glory of sex in celebration of love.
Desert Stormy
As the world reels from “Desert Stormy” (Trump bombing the forewarned Syria—seemingly to use up old ordnance, make himself seem Presidential and distract from his personal lawyer being raided by the FBI amidst Stormy Daniels scandals), we drop bras not bombs.
We believe in firing the Tomahawk missiles between our legs, instead of the kind that (potentially) kills people.
To set the stage, the Womb Room is bedecked in jade and pink, with roses strewn romantically over the bed draped in white velvet under two big metallic pink balloons that spell “26.,” more thanks to Ana and Miguel, as well as my wonderful, multi-talented show assistant Phoenix Dawn.
Tuxedo’ed for the Chapel: Phoenix Dawn. Notice tRUMP being trampled & ball-busted in the background. Photo: Slick Rick
Salsa-hot in a tiny pink top and tuxedo-ish booty shorts with white buttons, Phoenix is a fantasy female groom for many brides… and just about anyone with a pulse.
Early Birds & Late Comers
Now to our star-spangled guests. I can’t possibly do justice to all their amazing talents without making this blog as long as the Mango Mussolini’s Pinocchio nose. Most have been on the show before, so you can find out more about them on the other show blogs. Oddly (for us), we have two sets of guests, one set that comes early and leaves early; they have other Saturday night obligations, but just want to wish us a happy anniversary, and another set who comes a little later but stays long past the show and into the wee hours of the morning after.
Guest introductions commence with the fabulous Mistress Porcelain Midnight, winner of several SUZY awards for her creative sadism and top skills in Bonobo-Way book-spankings, and headmistress of the Midnight Manor in San Diego. Ms. Porcelain is one of the early-goers (she has to get to a birthday party for Mistress Cyan, who will be here in Bonoboville next Saturday!), though the elegant domina stays long enough to give me a chic “Nasty Woman” pin and show off her sleek Gothic look with wicked waist-cincher, hot tattoos and spikey, spike-heeled Louboutins.
Also long enough to tie up our tRUMP cock doll (because he’s a big dickhead with a tiny little pee-pee), CBT (cock & ball torture) style with pink latex tape.
With two of Southern California’s most striking FemDoms: Goddess Lillith & Mistress Porcelain Midnight, Headmistress of Midnight Manor in San Diego. Photo: Selfie
It’s lovely just to see the divine Ms. P, as we haven’t connected in-the-flesh since last year’s amazing DomCon 2017 where she was Mistress of Ceremonies and I was a Guest of Honor. This year, she and I will reconnect as judges of the Pet Show, hosted by the marvelous Mistress Ellen and double SUZY award winner Madame Margherite, on Saturday, May 12th, at 1:30 pm, right after my Bonobo Way: FemDoms of the Wild (DomCon 2018 Edition) presentation at High Noon (here’s last year’s). Got all that? Good. See you at DomCon 2018.
The exquisite Goddess Lilith, who appeared on last week’s Orgy Erotique with D.A.D. Politiques, is also bound for Ms. Cyan’s, but we’re happy she goes out of her way to give us a 26th wedding anniversary hug. Such a cruel but kind-hearted beauty! Speaking of maddening beauties, Tammie Parrot, 2017 SUZY award winner for “Sexiest Trump Supporter,” makes a brief appearance before whizzing off to chauffeur some Sheik or Oligarch; rumor has it she gave a short reprise of last week’s sex-in-the-bar scene.
Next around the Womb Room stage is Professor Oni, who also has to be somewhere else (why oh why can’t we clone ourselves yet?), but joins us for the first few minutes of what he calls “the sexiest show on the Internet.” We met the kinky Professor as a Kinbaku Bondage Master, but for our anniversary, he’s the one in bondage—to his rather large instrument, a sexy saxophone that he blows like a pro, playing standards in the pre-show and scatting a bit with some of the other guests.
Suddenly, Mother Earth quakes, the cameras shake and I give birth to Daniele Watts! Mistress Porcelain & Christine Hepburn spank the newborn. Photo: Brian T
At some point, as Capt’n Max regales us with tales of the legal history of our tRUMP dick doll, in stride one of our favorite couples, winner of the 2017 SUZY award for “Most Bonobo Couple,” Chef Be*Live and Daniele Watts, along with Be*Live’s son, Zivu, who is the spittin’ image of what Papa must have been at 25… or could have been if he was 25 in 2018.
All three parade in like psychedelic yogis bringing the tantric vibe in the Womb Room to even higher decibels.
Wonder Woman Watts commands the Bonoboville 26th Wedding Anniversary Squadron Back to the Future. Photo: Brian T
We’re also celebrating the two-year anniversary of our meeting back “when we were young,” two year’s ago at our 24th.
That and the fact we weren’t sure if they could make it, makes their arrival extra special.
Striptease Serenade
Sparkling singer/songwriter and burlesque performer Elena Rayn is back with news of her upcoming benefit for sex workers who need our support right now in light of all the SESTA/FOSTA anti-sex worker, anti-Internet madness.
Elena leads us into the second half of the show with “Teeth,” a scorching torch song accompanied by a total striptease, inspiring many others to strip, dance and make love.
Sex and drugs and rock and roll
and ecstasy and ten foot poles,
adderall’s your medicine
bite down your tongue I’ll eat your soul,
quiet down and listen well
your chest is just an empty shell,
cerebellum under spell
we’ll rail your spine in cheap motels,
think you’re falling off too fast
this high is way too good to last,
taste infinity and let the words come
pouring through your teeth
What a toothsome and scintillating 26th wedding anniversary performance treat!
Wonder Women Gladiators
Next around the Womb Room is Mistress Kara, a kinky “Wonder Woman,” her strong muscles and feminine curves decked out in glittering black lace and leather with funky, chunky sandals that match the springy 26th color scheme.
Ms. Kara is accompanied by her partner, Jack Friday, dressed up leather cowboy-style and his submissive, the lovely Surka Noelle, who sang for us during Women’s Month on Stormy Women.
In the second half of the show, Mistress Kara and Phoenix engage in a breathtaking re-match on the rose petal-strewn rug as the other guests gasp, cheer, get out of the way and get jostled by the combatants.
I feel like an Amazon empress at a great gladiator match, except this game climaxes in orgasm instead of death.
Even though it’s all consensual, Ms. Kara is very safety-minded, and Phoenix has upped her skills since last time, my beloved groom is too refined, or maybe too Roman, to be so close to a lady gladiator fight. So, he abandons me to the games. Whereupon a very unnerved Daniele takes the Captain’s chair, sitting like a yogi, praying occasionally, as Be*LiVE grins next to her with Zivu on the other side, both guys grooving with the catfight.
With Daniele shivering and praying next to me, I’m reminded of her role as Coco, Leonardo Dicaprio’s “house pet,” in Django Unchained, watching male slaves fight it out to the death right on Dicaprio’s floor.. Fortunately, our ladies aren’t slaves, but it could be one reason the scene disturbs Daniele… and Max!
Lingerie grappling gives way to “forced” stripping and (practically) nude wrestling.
And the Womb Room crowd goes wilder than a mob at the Wrestlemania Summer Slam (but a lot classier).
Then the whole play fight resolves itself, the Bonobo Way, with a kiss. Whew! That’s “my kind” of combat.
More Fabulous Friends, Lovers, Scions & Icons
Back to the guest introductions now meandering around the bed, we are graced with the return of the precociously seductive teen porn queen, Lexi Lore. Last Saturday, nineteen-year-old platinum princess Lexi, somewhat reminiscent of that 1930s sex symbol, Jean Harlow, knocked our stockings off with a stellar, multi-orgasmic sexual performance with Eric John on Erotique Politiques.
This time, Lexi brings her primary squeeze, fellow Virginian (not virgin) refugee, 22-year-old engineer and cocksman, Bryan Jameson.
Bryan is adorable, smart and obviously loves Lexi. Later in the show, they have hot sex on the bed in several positions, though I am getting ahead of myself. I’m sure you can understand my excitement!
We thought Lexi and Eric made a sexy couple. Well, so do Lexi and Bryan, taking her heat into a different, more “age appropriate” way. Not that there’s anything wrong with an older man and a younger woman (as long as she’s “old enough”), or vice versa, but there’s something just so sweet and romantic about Lexi and Bryan, even as they get down and dirty. When I ask if they want to get married someday, Bryan says yes and Lexi smiles, her braces making you gasp as you realize that this gal is likely to get even more gorgeous when they come off. Whatever they do with themselves eventually, they’re living the good life right now; at least, they look like they are. As for future pondering, Capt’n Max and I are happy to provide a kinky “role model” of love, lust, marriage and community for this adorable pleasure-giving power pair.
Bryan throws up the Horns of Pan as Pansexual Bonoboville breaks out into Pandemonium. Photo: Brian T
Then more guests pile in from the garden, bar and couches to the central area. Christina Hepburn, the wholesome-looking “cuddlist” comedienne and SUZY winner, is dressed kind of like the Orange Julius Girl with labia-like sandals.
Kristen Kraves returns, newly remodeled and sexier than ever.
GasMaskGirls Letticia and Mariposa show off their latex and lace as they writhe around, cuddle, twerk and tease.
Goddess Mpenzi, winner of the 2017 SUZY award for “Best Submissive,” looks like a fashion model in a light rose frock.
Stylish as a Supermodel, SUZY award winner Goddess Mpenzie kisses the Duchess of Bonoboville’s hand. Photo: Brian T
It’s perfect attire for a 26th wedding anniversary, though she looks even better with it off.
Mpenzie in Agwa Mask and not much else as Zivo conducts inspection. Notice tRUMP knocked out on the Broadcast Bed. Photo: Slick Rick
John Barrymore of the famous Hollywood Barrymore dynasty jumps into the comic erotic mosh pit and sings Shakespearean praises of long-term love (or something like that).
Clutching his little dog Jasmine, he ardently declares that his grandfather would have felt very much at home in Bonoboville. Even though John and Jasmine haven’t been here since our Silver, almost everybody knows them from the Hollywood/BDSM/anti-tRUMP party circuit.
Daniele Watts exclaims, “That’s my butt!” as she shows John Barrymore the new Speakeasy Journal: Splosh ‘n’ Art edition. Photo: Brian T
Porn icon Ron Jeremy, star of the original “Desert Storm” and Mayor of Bonoboville, plus veteran Lillith Lustt also surprise us. Ron is an old friend, lately accused by some in the #MeToo movement, which we’ve talked about on previous shows. I’m not about to bite into that issue on my anniversary, though I do “keep an eye on him” by installing him right next to me.
Ron’s very low-key this show, wishes us a happy anniversary, plays a little harmonica (“Auld Lang Syne” is more appropriate for New Year’s, but who’s quibbling), chats up his fellow guests, falls fast asleep in the middle of my broadcast bed while they’re performing, and gropes (consensually, of course!) a few ladies.
For a while after the show, I feel like I’m in the Ron Jeremy Groping Booth at a carnival as GasMaskGirls and others line up to take their pictures with the world-renowned Hedgehog grabbing their boobs.
I’m grateful that for our anniversary, my old millionaire/icon friend is wearing clean black sweat pants instead of those awful green ones.
Before things descend into total debauchery, my old friend and fellow Yalie, psychologist and best-selling author, Dr. Scott Barry Kaufman, joins the group for a “Happy Anniversary” and a teaser about his upcoming book, “Kaufman’s Hierarchy of Needs,” an update of Abraham Maslow’s famed Hierarchy of Needs.
It starts with “safety” and rises to “exploration,” he explains, as we all rise up from the warm safety of the Womb Room into an erotic, bonobo-inspired, rƎVO˩utionary “exploration” of marriage, music and communal sex.
Blue Mooning Bonoboville
In between debaucheries, we tune into the deep lyrical vibes of Jezebel Sweet. Actually, I don’t even recognize Jezebel when she first joins us, because the last time we saw her she was a platinum blonde with shoulder length hair, and now she’s a sultry pixie-cut brunette.
Jezebel Sweet serenades us for our 26th with “Blue Moon” as Ms. Kara and Phoenix hold her mics, Daniele dances and Ron checks out Elena’s boobs. Photo: Jux Lii
Equally gorgeous… just totally different! Lifetimes ago, Jezebel used to be an “angel” in the all-girl band of former child star Corey Feldman (“Stand by Me,” “Goonies”), lately alleging to have been attacked by a “wolfpack” (things are crazy out there), but that’s the subject of another show.
This show’s our anniversary, and Jezebel’s gift is a sexy love song that she sings accompanied by her own beautiful folksy acoustic guitar. Her voice is gorgeous and her lyrics hit home, enough for my Prince Charming, who usually doesn’t go in for PDA, to give me a squeeze, a big smile and a kiss.
There is something indescribable here
I’ll spend my life trying to describe
But if I’m on yours I don’t mind being out of mine
My world is turning blue
Tinted with a shade of you
Deep red rose lips
Alabaster skin slips onto his
And I could wear my bones away
Walking miles of ocean waves
But it doesn’t really matter if I go or stay
I’m living in a sunshine state
I don’t know what to do with how in love I am with you
Paint us over and over
Violet and blue
Violet and blue
Blue moon
All I ever wanted
And all I ever wanted was to dance for him again
I’m not perfect
No, I’ve got fault lines
San Andreas right in the center of me
Cracks in the ground shaped just like you
Got some Hollywood bullshit
But you’re the only thing that I want to do
And I’ve got no way of knowing when or if or how
But I keep on waiting
Remembering when you told me that we’re connected forever now
And sometimes I’m not sure how much more that I can take
But I can’t help how much I love the night
As much as I want the dawn to break
Blue moon
All I ever wanted
And all I ever wanted was to dance for him again
I don’t want to waste one second more
All the signs pointing straight to my fate I’ve ignored
And I’ve got a troubled, brazen way of being
But really I just want to give you what you’ve given me
And I’d say you’re worth the risk
But what even is it?
There’s no reason to resist
None of us will live through this
And I’ve gone this way
And I’ve come this far
And I’m not turning back
There is no fault within our stars
I don’t know what to do with how in love I am with you
Paint us over and over
Violet and blue
Violet and blue
Blue moon
He’s all I ever wanted
And all I ever wanted was to dance for him again
With a title like “Blue Moon” and a dirty mind like mine, I just have to moon the cameras for a moment.
Then Phoenix, Elena, Letticia and Lexi moon everybody too before we go back to our irregular, unscheduled programming.
Another Orgy in the Womb Room!
Next thing we know, sexy Lexi is jilling off with her own vibrator (she so thoughtfully brought with her), legs akimbo on Bryan’s lap. Everybody turns and stares at the megawatt hot womb in the Womb Room.
Lexi’s vibrator hums along as she sings it’s praises, and the congregation says “Hallelujah!” Amen & AWOMEN. Photo: Brian T . See this full XXX image and others in Bonoboville’s “Forbidden Photographs.”
I sing the praises of the vibrator, one of the few “good” machines in our debilitating Machine Age. Ron counters that he prefers his lovers to leave the machines in the drawer.
I say, whatever turns you on that doesn’t hurt anyone (who doesn’t want to be hurt) is good. Furthermore, men who don’t get jealous of women’s vibrators are likelier to get laid (and loved) than men who do.
Ikkor the Wolf howls “She Bad” as the GasMaskGirls twerk & spank to the beat & Daniele & Be*Live trance-dance to the spirit. Photo: Jux Lii
Before he can challenge me to a wrestling match, Ikkor the Wolf takes the mic and gets everyone dancing, stripping and twerking to “She Bad”—especially those deliciously naughty GasMaskGirls.
It’s like an old-fashioned Love-In with different generations, from oldies-but-goodies to brand spanking new.
Ecstatic “She Bad” Bacchanalia featuring Ikkor, Elena, Lexi, Bryan, GasMaskGirls, Daniele & Be*Live. Photo: Jux Lii
That’s when Lexi masturbating turns to Lexi and Bryan fucking. Check out the explicit pix in our Forbidden Photographs section of Bonoboville.
Speaking of sweet, out comes the rose champagne and the cakes, one in the shape of boobs and the other like a dick, both smothered in icing.
Max sucks a little off my fingers, but he won’t do it again (too sweet for him). So I smear it on naked Mpenzi’s nipples and vulva, and the lusty, hungry Danni Dawson sucks it off.
I apply icing to Mpenzi’s nipples as Bryan checks us out, mid-doggie, the Captain contemplates the boobie cake, and the GasMaskGirls get roped with Elena and Kristen. Photo: Slick Rick
These two met on Sex Not Guns, Happy Year of the Dog, and now they’re bosom buddies.
Things get crazier.
Then before we can say “I love you,” the show’s over.
The after-party spreads out all over Bonoboville, in the bar, the twinkling garden, the gallery, the sushi table (thanks Kanpai Japanese Sushi Bar & Grill) and private spaces.
Despite the daily horrors of the Trumpocalypse, love is in the air, along with Spring fever, hallucinogenic adventure, gastronomic pleasures, young lust and ripe old deep affection.
As the sun rises, the Captain of My Heart for 26 years escorts me into the cozy “safety” (to use Dr. Kaufman’s Hierarchy’s terms) of our marriage bed, as we ‘explore,” recall and fantasize together about the wildest, funniest and sexiest moments of our amazing bacchanalia in our beloved Bonoboville.
Then we come, we go, and we fall in love… deeper and deeper… swirling through jade and roses, the art of our aging bodies and the photographic memories of our forever-young minds.
Thanks to Our Volunteers: Videographers— Kris A, Gideon; Photographers – Brian, Slick Rick, Jux Lii; On-Campus Bonobos – Phoenix Dawn, Abe Perez, Camille Rosebud, Mita Altair, Harry Sapien, Gideon Grayson, MarsFX, Clemmy Cockatoo, Ana & Miguel
Show Length 01:44:42 Date: April 14, 2018
© April 14, 2018. Susan Block, Ph.D., a.k.a. “Dr. Suzy,” is a world renowned LA sex therapist, author of The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace through Pleasure and horny housewife, occasionally seen on HBO and other channels. For speaking engagements, call 310-568-0066.
Explore DrSusanBlock.com
Need to talk? Sext? Webcam? Do it here. Have you watched the show? No? Feel the sex. Don’t miss the Forbidden Photographs—Hot Stuff, look at them closely here. Join our private social media Society. Join us live in studio . Go shopping. Gift shop or The Market Place. DrSusanBlock.tv, real sex TV at your toe tips. Sex Clips Anyone? FASHION, we have fashion! We also have politics. Politics? Have you Read the book? No? How about the Speakeasy Journal? Click here. Ok, how about some free sex advice?
04 · 26 · 18 @ 9:35 pm
Dr Suzy is the World Best Show
04 · 26 · 18 @ 8:51 am
So much bonoboësque for the a m a z i n g Dr. Suzy. She’s penned several of my favorite books, hosts this wonderful live show that I used to watch on public access (later on #HBO, nowadays I watch it online), and is married to a revolutionary publisher that I’ve had the pleasure of having a drink with at the bar, Capt’n’ Max.
Happy 26th anniversary to you both. I may not believe in the institution of marriage, but I do believe in LOVE and you two are wildly in Love. Thanks for opening my eyes to a more peaceful paradigm.
04 · 20 · 18 @ 9:04 pm
Mazel tov, darlings
04 · 20 · 18 @ 7:51 pm
Your PhD may be in human sexuality but you and Max obviously know something about love as well.
04 · 20 · 18 @ 6:33 pm
And I remember when you performed a split at your wedding. To say it was impressive, is hardly enough. Ever joyous!
04 · 20 · 18 @ 6:15 pm
Happy anniversary Max & Susan. You guys are always in the lead of our battles against conservative fogyism and demonstration that freedom in personal choices in our choices of sexual conduct allows happier and longer lasting relationships
04 · 20 · 18 @ 6:12 pm
My god…you look so beautiful! The best for an amazing and very Happy Anniversary. Please give Max my best!
04 · 20 · 18 @ 6:09 pm
What a beautiful couple! What a great anniversary. I really enjoyed myself, I had an extra fun time. You looked really extra beautiful. It was so great to see you and Max looking so happy and in love.
04 · 20 · 18 @ 5:05 pm
Dr Suzy and Max know how to do a wedding Anniversary right!!! This show is so much more than a show, watching it makes you feel like you are a part of the bonobo family. What a sexy good time and great way to spend a Saturday Night!!!
04 · 20 · 18 @ 4:22 pm
Happy Anniversary, my LOVE birds, Maximillian Lobkowicz & Dr. Susan M Block… Love u guys…!!
04 · 20 · 18 @ 4:21 pm
Toasting you two – Dr. Suzy + Captain Max –
A Long History & Bountiful Herstory, melding the intellectual with the sexual; controversial + commercial, expressive + progressive.
I wish you a fruitful future of ever–expanding innovation as warriors for freedom, truth and justice.
Blessed Be, in Light + Love!”
~ Michael Wisnieux
04 · 20 · 18 @ 4:03 pm
one of the wildest episodes of the dr. suzy Show that I’ve ever seen.
04 · 20 · 18 @ 4:00 pm
Sooo much fun! Happy anniversary Dr. Suzy and Max!
04 · 20 · 18 @ 3:58 pm
26th? Wow Lexi wasn’t even born then lol but she’s learning from the best
04 · 20 · 18 @ 3:53 pm
Thank you Dr. Suzy for your Wisdom. You are dreamy.
04 · 20 · 18 @ 3:50 pm
You are a goddess Dr. Suzy .even though I was just one year old before 26 years, the least I can do now is stretch out my tongue for you to clean your shoe soles on it..
04 · 20 · 18 @ 3:48 pm
yeahhh party like a pornstars!
04 · 20 · 18 @ 3:46 pm
So beautiful!
04 · 19 · 18 @ 7:31 pm
WOW! Gorgeous!
04 · 19 · 18 @ 2:35 am
Susan you are fantastic
04 · 18 · 18 @ 11:52 pm
Another unforgettable night performing on the Dr. Susan Block show.
04 · 18 · 18 @ 11:45 pm
26 years ?
I thought it was your own birthday !
04 · 18 · 18 @ 10:13 pm
What a show, what a party, what a night! Congrats on 26 years!!
04 · 18 · 18 @ 9:53 pm
This was a milky white dream date smoothie with roses on topyummm
04 · 18 · 18 @ 8:40 pm
That was a wonderful show and a special anniversary. Being married to Dr. Suzy is like a constant adventure in creativity and living life in a delicious sexy world that’s also a peaceful world, like bonobos.
It was great having so many friends here, some new and a lot of longtime friends, thank you all.
On another note, I’ve started putting together some wonderful photo albums from some of LA’s best photographers. You can rent the album for a few days and download all you want, there are some stunning photos. You can get them here:
If you haven’t started collecting erotic art yet, this is a good time, even if you keep it in your wardrobe closet. If you are any kind of couple, I can tell you that erotic art will keep you horny and in love. It could keep you younger. Wouldn’t that be nice? You also have the opportunity to get your own original from your favorite photographer.
Once again my beautiful Dr. Suzy you make my life a theater full of color, excitement and so much love. I love you.
04 · 18 · 18 @ 4:13 pm
The greatest anniversary we’ve ever attended. Congrats to alluring and beautiful Dr. Susan Block and Captain Max on their 26th anniversary:)
Mariposa and Lettisia
04 · 18 · 18 @ 4:01 pm
Dr. Suzy and Max – Thank you for showing others what love is!!! I am so excited that I was apart of this very SEXY celebration. ANOTHER amazing show by Block Entertainment !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dr. Suzy, you are a true advocate for the rights of woman and Bonobos. I admire your heart and drive. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love you both.
04 · 18 · 18 @ 1:17 pm
A beautiful celebration of two beautiful bonobos! What an honor to play in their womb room!! What a night! I’m still basking in the afterglow of such a brilliantly delicious celebration!! Amen & Awomen!!
04 · 17 · 18 @ 3:46 am
What a great celebration and a testament that love can last. Congrats!!!