Kink Month 4 on The Dr. Susan Block Show featuring Dr. Patti Britton, Hudsy Hawn and a Womb Room filled with Sexy Sex Coaches-in-Training!
Kink Month IV on DrSuzy.Tv: Bonita, Dr. Patti Britton with The Bonobo Way, Dr. Susan Block with the Wiley-Black Encyclopedias of Human Sexuality, Ms. Hudsy Hawn, Biz Bonobo. Below: Richie with Agwa Coca Leaf Herbal Liqueur, Dayton Rains, Slave-for-the-Night Jay. Photo: Ono Bo
Length 1:29:22 Date: October 24, 2015
Audio PlayerTwo great bonoboësque ladies, world-class stars of kink and sex education, grace my broadcast bed for Kink Month IV, a festival of floggers and books—for reading and spanking. I open the show riding my Magic Dildonic Vibrating Broom, flying on a kinky stream of Halloween poetry into a Womb Room packed with apprentices of pleasure. The gentle leader of these aspiring “sex coaches” is my first guest, master sex coach, clinical sexologist, co-founder and author of The Art of Sex Coaching, Dr. Patti Britton. In the midst of teaching one of her “SAR” (Sexual Attitude Reassessment & Restructuring) weekend groups, the indefatigable Dr. Patti brings her charming students to Bonoboville to expand their erotic horizons and celebrate Kink Month with the kinksters.
October is—in case you’re 50 shades of out-of-the-loop—International Kink Month. Just as Good Vibrations declared May to be Masturbation Month, which brought wanking out from under the covers and onto the talk shows, so the Stockroom has designated October as “Kink Month,” encouraging kinksters in and out of closets around the globe to let their freak flags (and floggers) fly, all in the Halloween holiday spirit of revelry, roleplay, scary sex, and erotic adventure.
Never ones to pass up an excuse to get kinky, we’ve been celebrating the Month of Kink every Saturday (check out Kink Months I, II and III) since Hercules Liotard first told us about it. So we’re delighted to have the Stockroom “Headmistress” Herself, Ms. Hudsy Hawn as our second featured guest. Since Hudsy first visited us back in 2012, her star has risen, putting her in Cosmo, Playboy, Buzzfeed, E! Specials “The Real 50 Shades of Grey” and “Secret Societies of Hollywood,” not to mention twice with Barry Weiss on A&E’s Storage Wars. When she’s not on TV, she’s a pro-domme at the Dominion. She also a chanteuse; she even sings an excerpt from her one-woman-show, The Mermaid Diaries: Beneath the Covers.
Dr. Patti book-spanks Hudsy’s slave-for-the-night Jay with the Sex Encyclopedia. Photo: Ringo Shot You
Even Dr. Patti gives Jay a couple of good spanks with the Encyclopedia which is only fitting since she is one of the editors of this humongous three-volume academic tome; in fact, she got me to write entries on five different subjects, including the one on Spanking.
Not sure what school librarians would think about one of the chief editors and top contributors using their distinguished Encyclopedia to spank “naughty” bottoms, but hey, it’s Kink Month!
That’s just the first of a series of book-spankings, floggings and other kinky festivities, interspersed with Hudsy’s tips, Dr. Patti’s analysis, student confessions and group discussions that make these 90 minutes whiz by like a witch on a broom over the moon. Ms. Hudsy flogs and book-spanks several of Dr. Patti’s eager students, one of whom, Bonita, flips up her skirt, the better to feel the flogging, and bonus: she’s going commando!
We do get serious for a moment when we honor both Dr. Patti and Hudsy as recipients of the Bonobo Way Female Empowerment Outreach Project (initiated on the August Supermoon). It’s a pleasure to share this simple, “useful” gift from an anonymous Bonobo Way reader, philanthropist, environmentalist and investor in female empowerment with these two bonoboësque ladies who empower so many others in the realm of sexuality and kink education. It’s also a real treat just to bring Hudsy and Dr. Patti together; though they have been corresponding for years, their first in-person meeting is right here in Bonoboville…
Lest you think we forgot our favorite drinking game, never fear! Kinky sexpot Dayton Rains is here, offering up her ample altar for Bonoboville Communion. Dayton is also a webcam and phone therapist with the Institute, though not a “happy hooker” (at least not with the Institute!), despite her exuberant identification with Dr. Patti’s cousin, our old friend Xaviera Hollander who wrote and actually was The Happy Hooker. Dayton’s lucky “altar boy” is Richie, one of Dr. Patti’s students who slurps up his salt, then “gets lei’ed” by producer Biz Bonobo before downing his Agwa Coca Leaf Liqueur in ecstatic communion with the goddesses.
And the Kink Month book-spankings, floggings and vibrating broom rides go on through the after-party and into the Bonoboville night…
Next Saturday, our fantastic and multi-faceted celebrations of Kink Month climax with Halloween in Bonoboville (“Night of the Masturbating Dead”)—so sexy, it’s scary! There, there, darling, don’t be afraid – T’is the Season of Masquerade….
And if you need to talk about any of this privately, you know who to call…
© October 25, 2015. Susan Block, Ph.D., a.k.a. “Dr. Suzy,” is a world renowned LA sex therapist, author of The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace through Pleasure and horny housewife, occasionally seen on HBO and other channels. For speaking engagements, call 310-568-0066.
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10 · 28 · 15 @ 1:41 pm
wow…. show hit
10 · 28 · 15 @ 1:40 pm
Definitely three goddesses!
10 · 27 · 15 @ 3:48 pm
Thanks again to Dr. Susan Block, Patti Britton, Elizabeth Aston & the Gang for a great night! (from Facebook)
10 · 27 · 15 @ 2:53 pm
Dr Suzy. Thank you SO very much for honoring me with the “Bonobo Way Female Empowerment” award and gift!!!! The evening itself was so empowering for me and our SexCoachU tribe! I am so proud of your work and your Bonobosex book is a must read, along with our bedstand reading (not!) of the “International Encyclopedia of Human Sexuality” 3-volume set of books. Proud pair of sex sistahs!!!!! xo Dr Patti (from Facebook)
10 · 26 · 15 @ 7:54 pm
Dr. Suzy’s media outreach programs provide a different kind of classroom for a new generation of therapists and students who are breaking down the outdated methods by which we teach people the value of sex in a different light, a pro-sex light not just a sex positive view but fully inclusive view of our humanity and sexuality. Good on you Dr. Suzy for all the years you have been educating people. Sex, Fun and, most of all, your Wisdom.
10 · 26 · 15 @ 6:40 pm
Education got sexy on Saturday night when Dr. Susan Block was joined by educators of many varieties, Hudsy Hawn, Dr. Patti Britton and some of her students who all might have been sapiosexuals.
Flogging and spanking were ever so popular this Saturday, when we were all reminded of the pleasures and joys found not only in the text of the book, but the actual burning and stinging sensations they bring on the all glorious bum. Yet, the fun didn’t stop there, Hudsy Hawn brought some floggers that she fashioned with sensual dominance.
I must say, that the Sex Encyclopedia really was the one that seemed to do the trick when it comes to the most impact for paddling!
10 · 26 · 15 @ 3:55 pm
I must say that Kink Month is proving to be a fun mix of characters, personalities and variety! Our exploration into the world of non-vanilla gave us a look at two powerful and inspirational women, Dr Patti Britton and Hudsy Hawn. These ginger bombshells helped us understand how anyone can incorporate kink in the bedroom to spice things up ;)
Dr Patti emphasized the importance of considering non-monogamous relationships in an effort to keep things alive in a union. Playing on the edge, discovering each others’ limits, and practicing communication that is BDSM-based is a helpful tool in keeping things cool.
Hudsy further elaborated that communication and play are essential to opening up, and that in fact it is how she developed her own, more confident persona throughout her journey of sexual self-discovery.
We followed the these words with some hot action. The Womb Room became an adult playground as we had members of our oh-so-sexy & curious audience eagerly volunteer for their chance to experience the receiving end of Mistress’ skilled touch. Floggers flew, sensations were aroused, and we all delighted in an outbreak of shared spankings.
All in all, it was another sizzling night in the Garden of Bonobo. We bid farewell to Kink Month with the ultimate role play day ~ Halloween!
See you there!
10 · 26 · 15 @ 2:46 pm
Great show, I was watching from the Bonoboville studio lounge and chat room along with Chelsea, JVP, and a few other bonoboville members. Thoroughly enjoy the wisdom and enthusiasm towards sexuality that Dr. Patti Briton brought to the speakeasy. She’s an inspirational woman indeed– encyclopedia editor, and prosex educator. WOW.
Hudsy was a treasure chest of kinky wisdom, with practical advice, insights and tips galore. The floggings she gave to her enthusiastic volunteers were deliciously pleasurable to hear, and no doubt enjoyable for those sitting in the Speakeasy.
Happy Kink Month Bonobos.
10 · 26 · 15 @ 9:01 am
It definitely felt like a night of strong feminine power presence. And with all those erotic brooms on stage, no wonder the time flew by! Such a great, fun show, featuring amazing women. Hudsy Hawn is an inspiration to the inner dom in all of us- she’s such a warm and endearing person- perhaps because she leaves any coarseness or negativity in the dungeon? She was such a joy to watch and her craft is clearly very loving… dominating! But loving. I’m sorry I missed my opportunity to ask her to book spank me…maybe next time!
The tone of the show felt extra playful, extra witty this week, opening up with Dr. Suzy’s amazing Halloween Kink poem. The time really just flew by…maybe because we were so enthralled by all the flogging taking place! Dr. Patti was also fantastic. Such a fun and light hearted person, an ideal for all doctors, in my book! I look forward to exploring The Encyclopedia of Human Sexuality …both for intellectual stimulation as well as other purposes… ;) haha.
Love, Rose!
10 · 25 · 15 @ 8:40 pm
Dr. Susan Block, Chelsea Bonobo, etc.
Your show rocked again from last night! I really was amazed and in awe! Thank you for one of the most fun shows that I have ever seen.
I look forward to enjoy more!
Thank you always for your support against bullying as always :)
10 · 25 · 15 @ 10:02 pm
That’s good to hear Chris. Keep us updated on the antibully work you’re doing. It sure is a natural fit with The Bonobo Way.