Supermoon Spectacular on DrSuzy.Tv
Supermoon, Helane, Leilani Lei with Agwa Coca Leaf Liqueur, Dr. Susan Block, Dayton Rains with Bill Clinton, Chelsea Demoiselle. Row 2: Hollywood Jake with A Drawing a Day and The Bonobo Way, Biz Bonobo. Photo: Kevin Faircourt
Length 1:53:16 Date: August 29, 2015
Audio PlayerThe big fat silvery Supermoon of summer’s end beams over Bonoboville throughout this show in all “her” radiant glory, fearsome mystery and erotic power, bathing us in eroticizing celestial moonshine well into the after-party. This massive August moon is not *just* full as the belly of a woman about to give birth; it is also at “perigee,” the moment when la luna (español for the moon) is closest to Earth in its orbit. The full moon coinciding with perigee makes it appear even larger (thus the term “supermoon), which is a tremendous turn-on for us lunar size-queens.
Perhaps that’s why this show glows with so much luminous excitement, wild sex, fun and bonoboësque wisdom. Or maybe it’s the sky-rocketing So Cali heat that makes the clothes come off and the passions pour forth with such force, velocity, generosity and unrestrained freedom of expression. Another integral part of the “moon magic” of this show springs from the talent and openness of my two featured guests, Leilani Lei and Dayton Rains, both virgins to The Dr. Susan Block Show, but already ardent adherents to the Bonobo Way.
Va-va-voom voluptuous (34DD) Dayton Rains is a veteran porn star and a former Vivid contract girl, familiar to fans through her work for Playboy, Penthouse, Brazzers and much more, now rep’ed by our friends at Ideal Image Models. She’s also an artist, hat lover and naturist who grew up in the Northern California, communing with the towering redwoods and Douglas firs before following her bliss as erotic muse to the masses and partner to men endowed gigantic tree trunks of their own. Dayton brings a shopping bag filled with personal items, like her well-marked personal copy of the Tibetan Book of the Dead, and many gifts, including some she made herself. But really, her greatest gift to Bonoboville—and me—is her vibrant beauty, inside and out—physically and spiritually. Not only do we (and all DrSuzy.Tv viewers) get a good anatomically-revealing gander at every aspect of her vulva, vagina and butthole, as she opens her slim legs, gracefully placing her feet back behind her head in her sacred role of Moon Goddess Venus Cannabis—and “smokes” the pussy pipe and two kinds of cigarettes with her amazing kegel muscles (the last guest to do something like this was Mika Tan on Weimar Love). She also opens her heart, winning all of ours, as well. And she does a wicked bosom ballet, talks about her love for giving what she can to help battered women in shelters, a very bonoboësque cause, and she expresses her great passion for the Bonobo Way, which she began studying after hearing Amber Lynn’s interview with me when she was also on Amber’s show.
Leilani Lei is also an enthusiastic new Bonobo Way buff, as well as a very bonoboësque naturist, but of a rather different variety of Moon Goddess than curvy Dayton. The Dakota Sioux call the August full moon the “Moon When All Things Ripen,” and every inch of Leilani’s lovely petite form is as all-natural as a ripe organic peach. Interestingly, MILF Leilani has only been a porn star and cam gal for five years; before that, she was a buttoned up member of the corporate world. On her virgin voyage on DrSuzy.Tv, Leilani gets lei’ed, and not just by the garland of green Agwa leaves draped around her neck. Leilani rides the Mad X Bike! And she doesn’t just sit in front of the giant pink seat dildo, she opens up her “womb room,” takes that big boy right inside her, sits down and rides it, Hitachi buzzing and me book-spanking her with The Bonobo Way, as she howls at the moon in climax. After a short break and a puff from Dayton’s pussy pipe, Leilani goes bonobos on the Sybian (her first time!) to yet another lunar-howling climax. Ride ‘em Cowgirl Lei! Mahalo to the many-splendored moon.
The August moon has many names. The Great Lakes Native American tribes call it the Sturgeon Moon; apparently, this is the best time to catch sturgeon as they leap from the water, to cool off and show off. I’m not too crazy for that name; a little fishy for my taste. Colonial Americans called it the Dog Day’s Moon which feels appropriate in this Dog-Days-of-Summer heat. Astrologers call it a Pisces Moon, and the neo-pagans, the Lightening Moon. The English Celtic name is the Dispute Moon, which doesn’t sound very pleasant, but feels somehow very real, almost as if it’s emitting beams of loony discord upon Bonoboville in the 24 hours leading up to showtime, not in any serious way, but just in small quarrels, misjudgments, setbacks, heat and rising tensions in the still, sweltering air. Thankfully, in many ways, all that tension and discord seems to break once the show is on, and a powerful Supermoony energy channels all the disputation and releases all the tension into this sizzling, orgiastic, female-empowering show.
Speaking of female empowerment, the Native American Choctaw call the August moon the Women’s Moon, and that is the most pertinent name for this show’s Supermoon. The astral chunk of rock we call the moon is often characterized as a “woman,” its regular 28-day cycle closely matching the cycle of menstruation. Fun factoid: Month and menstruation have same English root. The moon is the shadow side of the sun, a mirror that reflecting its light, turning its golden radiance to silvery mystry. It is the dark yin to the sun’s bright yang, often representing the secrets within our souls, including our fear of female power. The moon is reflective of all the stages of a woman’s life; the ancients believed that the moon is a “triple goddess” in her three incarnations of maiden, mother and crone, matched with the lunar phases of new, full, and old moons. Frightening feminine mystery is often represented as a witch flying on her phallic broomstick “over the moon.” Many real women, accused of being so-called “witches,” often widows, crones, healers, bella donnas, madams and midwives who helped other women in ways that men could or would not, have been persecuted and disempowered by men and even other women throughout several thousand years of human civilization.
Which brings me to the Bonobo Way Female Empowerment Outreach Project, which we announce for the first time on this Supermoon show in the fullness of the Women’s Moon. Listen or watch the show for details, as I am not going to divulge them in the searchable blog text, at least, not at this time. I will tell you that a Bonobo Way reader has given me a gift that is also an investment in female empowerment, which is an important aspect of the Bonobo Way.
Bonobos have many fine qualities, including the way they empower the females far more than any other great ape culture. Female empowerment is intrinsic to the bonobo ability to make peace through pleasure. Indeed, “MILFs Rule” Bonoboville, gently but firmly, keeping the males gentle and firm. All feminists and femdom lovers should take a page from the bonobo playbook. Bonobo “sisterhood”—achieved through the sexual relations of hoka-hoka (genito-genital rubbing) and friendship, since bonobo gals aren’t blood-related—maintains peace, exceedingly low levels of female harassment and no killing in their communities.
This currently anonymous reader/benefactor/investor is an inventor, a social and political activist, an environmentalist, a philanthropist and an advocate of The Bonobo Way who has been involved in the female empowerment movement for many decades. He writes:
“I am seeking to be useful in the world. I hope to encourage responsible behavior regarding the future of humankind. Currently, I think that one good way to do this is to empower women. The bottom line, as I see it, is that having survived millennia of male domination of our species, it’s women’s turn to take on the world.”
And so, the Bonobo Way Female Empowerment Outreach Project springs into existence or, more seasonably, falls into place. We honor my two featured guests, as well as a third from our Womb Room studio audience, the amazing artist Helane. Having drawn likenesses of many dignitaries, celebrities and Disney characters, including yours truly, as well as the amiable and wise-looking bonobo who graces this website, Helane has just published a terrific new book, A Drawing a Day and she’s working on a non-profit project of her own, involving artists drawing nudes.
Female empowerment is, by the way, as good for the males (who are likely to live longer and have more sex) as it is for the females, as Capt’n Max, Hollywood Jake and Joseph attest to on this show.
Thanks to this gift and many other kinds of “gifts” from growing numbers of people, the Bonobo Way is well on its way to becoming a “movement.” Ethical hedonists, ethical sluts, pro-sex feminists, sexperts, porn stars, fetishists, polyamorists, BDSM’ers, environmentalists, animal lovers, lovers, peace activists, femdom fans, ecosexuals, witches, healers, swingers and more are recognizing the bonobo as our close cousins, an erotic inspiration, a species well-worth saving from imminent extinction and a new “peace through pleasure” great ape paradigm for humanity. New bonobo lovers are joining those of us who declared 2015 the Year of the Bonobo back in January, and we are now seeing at least some of our wishes come true. Thank you Dr. SerenaGaia, co-editor of Ecosexuality, for being one of the first to heed the call. And to think it started as a hungover New Year’s Resolution…
This great night of full-bodied lunar love in the Year of the Bonobo is both deeply moving and wildly orgasmic. It doesn’t exactly go as planned, but as we often say, the best-laid plans may not get you laid the way you planned, but if you go with the bonoboësque flow, they will get you laid, or at least lei’ed. These Womb Room antics evok the old Teahouse of the August Moon, a classic satire of American occupation set in 1945 Okinawa, in which the occupiers want to build a school shaped like a pentagon (a place of repression and indoctrination), but the people prevail, in a very feminine, seductive way, and they get their teahouse of the August moon, a geisha-run sanctuary of pleasure and community.
Which brings me to Bonoboville Communion which, after the relative gravity of the Bonobo Way Female Empowerment Outreach Project kick-off, virtually explodes in hot, salty, Agwa-infused and nipple-freeing celebration amongst all the guests just before we up the erotic ante with the Mad X Bike. DrSuzy.Tv producer Biz Bonobo and Institute therapist Chelsea Demoiselle, resplendent in a moon-silvery corset and silver nipple rings, join us for a very festive Full Moon Communion. Speaking of the Institute, if you want to moon or get mooned privately, any time of month, year or day, call us for Mooning Therapy. We’re here to help, just where you need it, even where the sun don’t shine.
© August 30, 2015. Susan Block, Ph.D., a.k.a. “Dr. Suzy,” is a world renowned LA sex therapist, author of The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace through Pleasure and horny housewife, occasionally seen on HBO and other channels. For speaking engagements, call 310-568-0066.
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09 · 9 · 15 @ 11:38 am
I had the most amazing time on your show! Thank you so much for having me Dr Suzy! You are an amazing wonderful woman!
09 · 3 · 15 @ 6:01 pm
You say that one should give pleasure to others generously and not expect an immediate or reciprocal response. By giving pleasure freely, one will received pleasure in due course. It’s what some people call “karma” or “what goes around comes around.” Again, I am amazed by your intellect and the amount of knowledge you have acquired in your life time. Borrowing a football reference, you are a “triple threat” because you have beauty, brains, and talent. (FYI: A football player who can run, throw and catch is known as a triple threat.)
09 · 2 · 15 @ 1:25 am
Looking incredible Dr. Suzy, but then again, you always do.
09 · 1 · 15 @ 9:48 am
The Monkey Clan was up camping and hiking in a Cascade Mountains Wilderness under the full moon. Learned a new term of measurement – a millaHelen. A millaHelen is the amount of beauty necessary to launch one ship. Looks like The Monkeys and The Bonobos had a GigaHelen full moon time of it!
09 · 2 · 15 @ 10:18 pm
Sounds great – as long as these “GigaHelens” just launch Sperm Wars, not real wars ;)
08 · 31 · 15 @ 2:26 pm
Love you Dr. Susan! Ride the MAD X Bike intill you wear it out!
08 · 31 · 15 @ 2:25 pm
Epic show
08 · 31 · 15 @ 2:24 pm
I had the best time ever! So much fun! I feel so fortunate to be part of the Bonobo Way Movement Xoxo
08 · 31 · 15 @ 1:26 am
Having deep ties to Native American communities and roots in the European Wiccan & Pagan traditions, I appreciated the mystical side of observance and veneration of this Super Moon by hostess and guests alike on this week’s Dr Susan Block Show…
It was a powerful night with so many elements involved with the thoughtfulness and generosity on many levels from everyone involved.
Thank you for the historical and cultural information, the start of the new Bonobo Way Female Empowerment Outreach Program and your bringing us all closer together with these remindings of how women tend to synchronize our menses as well as fertility…
I loved the sexy guests and their nature roots–one having lots of time in Hawaii and the other grew up in the woods of northern California… I feel their energy was so clear and their sensuality so open and generous that it really made everything else pop last night; from the silvery stage dressing and costume, to the excitement which was palpable in photographers, speakeasy guests, studio members, models, staff and family there was definitely a Supermoon Full Moon vibe and you made it more meaningful by naming so much of what I think many of us were feeling.
Gorgeous girls, sharing their climaxes with the studio, riding the MadXBike and sybian and expressing their joy and orgasms openly really is a way to draw down the moon’s energy for the intention at hand: to indeed continue living The Bonobo Way and making 2015 the first official Year of the Bonobo!
08 · 30 · 15 @ 6:50 pm
Splendid show, an absolutely super super moon celebration that brought out an orgy of speakeasy stars. Leilani & Dayton Rains were delightful guests that brought an empowered energy with them. A tip o’ the hat to our esteemed producer for inviting such amazing talent; with a double hat tip to Dr. Block launching The Bonobo Way Female Outreach Program– with a special thanks to Bonoboville’s anonymous philanthropist.
All in all, this super moon is really going to be setting the standard for all other super moons. The lunar energy was strong in Bonoboville last night; a Mad X Bike ride, a Sybian induced orgasm, and that was before Dayton’s smoking hot pussy smokin’ took center stage– amen & awomyn. If you’ve ever wondered why The Dr. Susan Block Show has been dubbed, “The greatest sexuality show on Earth, then I recommend watching this episode.
Truly this was a pleasure to document and I’m so glad that Bonoboville has such amazing female energy around. From the gallery to the speakeasy bar, to the broadcast bed, the energy was wonderful last night, but all good things must come to an end, and this feels like a smashing good way to begin saying farewell to our Bonobo Summer of Love. The good news is that 2015, the year of the bonobo is not over yet. On the contrary, there is much more to come. Stay tuned and see you in Bonoboville: