Musical Gems on DrSuzy.Tv
Length 01:33:49 Date: November 18, 2017
Audio PlayerIt appeared in the heavens as a sign of the times: a giant penis in the sky. Gloriously delineated in cloudy white against the bright blue beyond, firm and thick with a slightly bulbous head, its tremendous testes shaped as the swirling google of infinity, it seemed to rise up to meet the sun as it blessed the good people of Omak, Washington down below.
Musical Gems on DrSuzy.Tv: Ikkor the Wolf, Jezebel Sweet, Dr. Susan Block with Wondrous Vulva Puppet & Burlesque Balloon, Drumpf the Dickhead, Bangs Black, Shelby Delanie. Photo: Jux Lii
Most felt uplifted as they witnessed the soaring phallus, reminiscent of that great fertility deity in Japan’s Shinto Kanamra Matsuri (Festival of the Steel Phallus), or at least they had a good laugh about it. But this is America, home of the hypocrite, land of the prude; so, some were very upset about this “obscenity” in the sky, including a mother who complained that she might have to explain the celestial manroot to her children. God forbid they take advantage of this sex-educational teaching moment.
Having acknowledged that one of its aircraft did, in fact, sky-draw a penis, officials at Naval Air Station Whidbey Island stated, “The Navy holds its aircrew to the highest standards and we find this absolutely unacceptable, of zero training value, and we are holding the crew accountable.” In turn, the Federal Aviation Administration officials said (probably while stifling a chuckle) that unless the act poses a safety risk, there is nothing they can do about it.
I’m so glad. Even though this Penis in the Sky is perhaps the HUGEST act of public exhibitionism ever, dwarfing Harvey Weinstein’s and Louis CK’s efforts, and especially the Trumpkin’s micro-peepee, it’s not sexual harassment. Hey, some aerial artists only draw a figure eight in the sky; this one went the extra mile and drew in a shaft. Call it a “figure penis.”
The only thing I demand is equal time for vulvas. I want a Vulva in the Sky!
Vulva Jewelry
“You can’t always get what you want,” Mick Jagger sang, and I don’t get my Vulva in the Sky… at least not yet. I do get a delightful surprise show guest though, jewelry designer Shelby Delanie of Llano Vista Gems, wearing a pretty pink vulva that she made out of clay on a string around her neck. Inside the vulva is a glittering crystal G-spot that seems to glisten with vaginal juices.
This show is filled with surprises, the first being that two of my featured guests are no-shows. Good-bye show plans; yet another example of how the best-laid plans may not get you laid the way you planned. Thanks goddess for the Bonobo Way.
So, I follow Step 11 of the 12 Steps to Releasing Your Inner Bonobo: “Swing through Life,” swinging from my busted plans to the beautiful reality before me. With Shelby’s sparkling pink vulva gem on a string around my neck and the U.S. Navy’s Penis in the Sky before my eyes, surrounded by good friends and intriguing strangers in the warmth of the Womb Room, the Naughty November wind whistling through the Garden of Bonoboville, I feel blessed and ready for anything.
Shelby shows us some more of her gems, crystal confections, a silver penis (perfect for Shinto Kanamra Matsuri) that looks like a cross, some really teeny Trump-sized weenies and more creatively carved vulvas.
From Wondrous Vulva Puppets to my kinky black cat puppet, I love pussies of all kinds, and my latest love is Shelby’s handmade vulva jewelry.
Sweet Song of Jezebel
Music—the “food of love”—is almost as essential to Bonoboville as love itself. My next guest is a musical gem, a diamond-in-the-rough that could become a scintillating pop sensation: Jezebel Sweet, singer/songwriter extraordinaire.
Introduced to Bonoboville by our favorite hiphop artist, Ikkor the Wolf (also in the Womb Room for this richly musical show), Jezebel regales us with her vocal artistry and lyrical wizardry.
First, she sings “Belladonna,” named for the toxic plant whose berries are tantalizingly purple, deceptively sweet and extremely deadly. The plant has also been used by many for healing purposes—from the “bella donna” (beautiful woman) witches of medieval Rome to the modern pharmaceutical industry.
And you knew before you got into this
It says I’m poison on my wrist
I showed him my tongue trick
He said “You’re a sick bitch”
But I know, I know, I know that he liked it
from “Belladonna” by Jezebel Sweet
Jezebel sings with the sultry, soulful, heaven-and-hellfire voice of a fallen angel, as she strums her guitar, occasionally flashing her left wrist tattooed with “Belladonna.”
The song is inspired by the art of striptease and the life of the stripper, which Jezebel herself experienced for a few of her 24 years.
He said “You’re the devil”
While he gave me all his money
I could be your dream girl
I could be your déjà vu
I could be your sinner, babe
The choice is up to you
from “Belladonna” by Jezebel Sweet
Later, she sings a song about her favorite colors, “Violet and Blue” (the colors I happen to have worn last Saturday). It’s a song about the love—or just the lust—of a vampire, a “demon posing as a house pet,” a BDSM kinkster, a young lady of deep passion.
I want to drink each other down
I want your teeth inside my neck
I want your blood smeared all over my best dress
I want your bruises on my wrists
Love me like crazy
Because I am
I burned it all down for a kiss
from “Violet and Blue” by Jezebel Sweet
Whether you’re into the vampire fetish or not, Jezebel’s song is sweet to the ears and her look is quite easy on the eyes; her hot body poured into a skin-tight, snow-white, over-the-shoulder, cut-out-at-the-midriff, slit-up-the-thigh, nipple-poking stripper gown that teases as it pleases.
“My love is a black hole. Your love, your love is the light. There is no ‘one that got away’ There is no point in fighting.” Photo: Alex Willy
“Crazy,” cool, or a little bit of both, Jezebel strips off the showgirl mask to reveal the “shy girl” from Minnesota she once was, now in Hollywood to shine like the star she is meant to be.
Al Franken, the Harasser-in-Chief & the Pence Rule
Speaking of the great state of Minnesota, its own Senator Al Franken appears to be this week’s most prominent perpetrator in the great Sexual Harassment Purge of 2017.
I’m a fan of Franken’s politics, but if he really “stuck his tongue in [the] mouth” of conservative KABC newscaster, former Hooter’s waitress, Fox News sportscaster and current Trump supporter, Leeann Tweeden, he should be ashamed of himself.
By all accounts, including his own, Senator Franken, is very much ashamed of himself. He apologized both publicly and personally to Ms. Tweeden, and has called for a Senate Ethics investigation into his own behavior.
Some are calling for his resignation even before there’s an investigation. I can understand that. The photo which shows Franken miming a malevolent boob-grab upon the sleeping, flak-jacketed person of Ms. Tweeden (as if he’s doing a very bad Bill Cosby impersonation) is rather damning. Though the careful observer might notice that Franken is not actually touching Ms. Tweeden, not even her flak jacket. It’s a joke!
But now there’s another accuser.
Nevertheless, based on what we know so far, I do NOT think Al Franken should resign.
But if he’s forced to, then so should Trump. Our unpresidented President famously boasted about his own nonconsensual kissing, ogling and “pussy-grabbing” behavior. Unlike Franken and some of the other accused harassers whom we are hearing about every day, sometimes several times a day, our Harasser-in-Chief doesn’t apologize and threatens to sue the women whose pussies he grabbed. Moreover, tRUMP doesn’t just grab your pussy; he grabs your pussy’s reproductive rights and flushes them down the constitutional toilet.
Speaking of sexual harassment, Jezebel was one of the singing “angels” in the Cory Feldman and the Angels tour. Corey Feldman has famously accused Charlie Sheen of raping the late Cory Haim when he was 13-years-old on the set of the movie “Lucas,” and is now trying to raise millions for a movie about Hollywood pedophilia. When I asked Jezebel what Corey Feldman was like to work with, she didn’t reply. Yes, Jeze-bella-donna is “shy,” but considering her easy responses to my other questions, her silence here speaks volumes. To be continued….
As for the so-called “Pence Rule” of never taking dinner meetings with female colleagues who are not your wife, that’s gender discrimination, which is a different, potentially more virulent form of sexism. The “Pence Rule” positions women as evil temptresses whom good married men must avoid and whose bodies should be subject to government control. What is it, Mike? You can’t even grab a pizza with a woman without also grabbing her pussy? And what if you’re gay? Would that mean you couldn’t take a dinner meeting with another man? What if you’re bisexual? Would that mean you couldn’t take a dinner meeting with anybody?
Meanwhile, in our much harassed global environment… there is such a thing as too much lube. No, not for anal. For the Farmlands of South Dakota. Apparently, Trump’s cherished Keystone Pipeline leaked 210,000 gallons of oil, the largest Keystone oil spill to date, in South Dakota. We warned everyone with our protests, spearheaded by local Native Americans, and we were promised it would be safe. The project continued and now look at what happened. I don’t see the Tweeter-in-Chief tweeting about any of this, of course. Too busy obsessing about Hillary and gloating about “Al Frankenstien” (and even spelling “Frankenstein” wrong).
We need the Bonobo Way of peace through pleasure before we destroy everything on earth that makes it habitable for humans… which we’ve been doing for millennia, but which has accelerated like a rocket ship commanded by a militant, pussy-grabbing, Nazi-hugging narcissist who will do anything to get and keep his name in lights, even if they blaze up from an inferno of human agony.
Bonoboville Communion with Bangs
Though this show is heavy on music and poli-talk, we enjoy a boobie–licious Bonoboville Communion with our newest bunny-eared bonobo gal, Bangs Black.
Bangs was also very “shy” as a girl, born and raised in an extremely strict Christian community, “like the Amish,” she explains, sending me down memory lane. I spent a month doing volunteer work on a Mennonite farm in an Amish area on the outskirts of my hometown of Philadelphia when I was a 16-year-old liberal feminist. Dressed down in a long-sleeved, buttoned-up blouse and a baggy skirt that hung to my ankles, with my hair tucked int a bonnet, I abided by the “Pence Rule” on steroids every day. It was an eye-opening experience, and I appreciated my hosts’ hospitality and tolerated their gentle efforts to convert me to their Puritan ways. But it wasn’t my thing—at all—so I soon left the farm and went back to wearing shorts and halter tops, eventually graduating to kinky lingerie.
Ms. Black has also “left the farm” for the ethical hedonism of Bonoboville. For her first time on the show, she wears a brand new BDSM lace-up bra that bares her big beautiful nipples. In a way, it reminds me of Amish suspenders, but much kinkier.
In other words, Bangs is perfectly attired to be a Bonoboville Communion Altar Girl, which she graciously and consensually agrees to be. Since none of our other guests are drinking, I volunteer myself to take Communion from the altar of Bangs’ lovely boobies. Then Ikkor gives me a good Waterboarding, Bonobo-Style, with Agwa de Bolivia Herbal Coca Leaf Liqueur. Cheers to sexual freedom of choice, whatever your religion.
Ikkor & the Hot Babes of Bonoboville
After gallantly holding the mic for Jezebel’s guitar through two songs and then giving me a good waterboarding, it’s Ikkor’s turn to take the Womb Room stage.
Inspired by Bangs’ rebellion against her Amish-ish upbringing, he sings “She Bad.”
Bangs, Jezebel, Shelby and I move to the music, food of love, water of lust, shaker of bootie…
From the sexual harassment Hall of Shame to Post-Trump Sex Disorder, my prescription for survival involves a combination of engage and escape. Having already engaged ourselves in Trumpocalypse erotic theater therapy, it’s time to dance and play with Damion Tong’s Burlesque Balloons (still pumped up from last week, which is more than we can say for most phalluses—in the sky or on the ground), and then dance some more.
We Bad!
After-Party Orgasms, the Bonobo Way
After the show, and a Speakeasy talk fest for the “shy” ones, the Captain and I escape to our private quarters where we continue our orgasmic Naughty November celebrations of his birthday.
Give the Bonobo Way for the Holidays! In the age of the Clown-King Cheetolini and the Great Celebrity Sexual Harassment Outing, the Military Industrial Complex, the Prison Industrial Complex, Abusive Police and Mass Murderers Gone Wild, the message of the Bonobo Way of Peace through Pleasure, Female Empowerment and Male Well-Being is more important than ever. Plus, a portion of all proceeds go to help save the highly endangered real bonobos in the wild.
Naughty November will climax more publicly next Saturday 11/25. After we get stuffed (hopefully from both ends) on Thanksgiving Thursday, it’s time for SPANKSgiving Saturday night with Birthday Gal, Madame Raven Rae, and Rhiannon Aarons + the Trump turkey will get stuffed by Putin!
© Nov 19, 2017. Susan Block, Ph.D., a.k.a. “Dr. Suzy,” is a world renowned LA sex therapist, author of The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace through Pleasure and horny housewife, occasionally seen on HBO and other channels. For speaking engagements, call 310-568-0066.
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08 · 11 · 20 @ 12:19 am
A fun show, with some colorful guests and fun topics. The penis in the sky seems to have brought in a little controversy, and open the door for a much-needed conversation about what’s considered taboo and why. I also liked the vulva jewelry- reminiscent of Georgia O’Keeffe’s beautiful flower paintings. I enjoyed listening to Jezebel’s touching songs and loved Ikorr ‘s attractive physique.
08 · 9 · 20 @ 7:45 pm
Wow! What an amazingly talented and sexy show! Absolutely everyone was an artist of some sort!
08 · 9 · 20 @ 1:44 am
Love your Ode to the Penis in the Sky, Dr. Suzy, and Shelby’s pretty vulva gems. Great that you were whacking Trump back in 2017. Jezebel Sweet is truly a musical gem. Beautiful woman, gorgeous voice and great lyrics. Corey Feldman seems a bit off, from what I’ve heard. It’s great to see Ms. Sweet come out shining like the star that she is… or should be. Love Ikkor’s high energy. Nice nips on Miss Bang Bang.
08 · 8 · 20 @ 9:49 pm
Not expecting to be greeted with Sky Penis and Vulva jewelry and that’s what keeps your show interesting – the unexpected.
11 · 21 · 17 @ 3:46 pm
Queen Susan
You have a wonderful community
And I really dream to be in your community , and work for you
11 · 21 · 17 @ 2:50 am
Such fun theater I’ve never seen.
11 · 21 · 17 @ 12:43 am
Love your blog and the pictures! Thanks for the sweet words and thanks so much for having me. I had a lovely time!
11 · 20 · 17 @ 9:40 pm
What a pleasant show. There are so many nuances to Bonobo gals. One thing that is shared is the power of the V! Those necklaces are great! I have a friend that used to do earrings with Vulva patterns, they would make great collaborators.
I also appreciated the dichotomy of sexuality levels on this show vs others. It shows us where there is still work to be done for us to all feel as free as a Veronica Valentine or Gracie May green. Even within the sex space, there are varying degrees of comfort and drive, and a diversity of backgrounds.
Great Show, swing through the trees like free Bonobos.
11 · 20 · 17 @ 9:21 pm
All hail the mighty penis in the sky! Just imagine if someone in 2,000 BC looked up and saw that. I wonder how different religion and sexual freedom would be today?
11 · 20 · 17 @ 3:45 pm
Sad sad sad I missed this show LIVE!
Streaming it on my iPhone on Bonoboville isn’t quite the same thing
What a set of pipes on Jezza (as Jezebel will be known if she ever plays Down Under!)
Great show, Dr. Susan.