Capt’n Max’s Bday & Bonobo Way 3rd Anniversary 2017 on DrSuzy.Tv
Length 01:47:28 Date: November 4, 2017
Audio PlayerAhoy there, mates and primates, bonobo buffs and sailor babes! Welcome aboard Capt’n Max’s Birthday Cruise, a celebration of an unparalleled RƎVO˩utionary life, also honoring the 3rd anniversary of The Bonobo Way revolution, as I “gave” Max the first copy of the published book, hot off the press, as a birthday gift on November 8th, 2014.
FemDoms, friends, landlubbers and true lovers gather around the Captain and me to share the bonobo love, nautical naughtiness, jungle fever, heartwarming life stories, Bonobo Way birthday book–spankings, latex loveliness, topless discipline, boobie cake and a radiant naked human birthday candle for the Birthday Boy.
Happy Bday Capt’n Max!
The Birthday Boy, Capt’n Max, a.k.a., Prince Maximillian Rudolph Leblovic di Lobkowicz di Filangieri, was born in the Vatican hospital in Rome, 74 years ago, three days after an Allied plane dropped bombs on Saint Peter’s Basilica during World War II. Escaping the onslaught, the infant Prince Max was hustled into the Alps where he spent the next two years before joining his royal family in Naples. At the age of seven, the little Prince emigrated, along with other deposed and fleeing royal families of Europe, on a big beautiful ship bound for the Great Promised Land of Montclaire New Jersey.
Yes, my Captain was a refugee—though a relatively rich refugee, thanks to his princely parentage—from a war-torn land. Indeed, rich or poor, European or Middle Eastern, we are all refugees, many of us from war-torn lands, hoping for a better life in America.
In America and around the world, the man we call Capt’n Max has created an amazing life for himself, for me and for countless fellow voyagers. He has done so many important revolutionary things in this extraordinary life of his that most people don’t know about. He was the pioneering publisher of the first “reader-written” media such as the LA Star, Love, Hate, God and Finger, and then The Brentwood Bla Bla and Beverly Hills, the Magazine. Of course, nowadays everything you see on social media is pretty much “reader-written,” but when Max and his cohorts invented the genre back in the 1970s, it was unheard of.
Now Max is the publisher of Dr. Susan Block’s Journal, executive producer of The Dr. Susan Block Show and co-founder of Bonoboville, both a new social-media and a real “socialist/capitalist,” pro-sex community in LA. He’s my partner, my “prime mate,” my husband and my hero. Happy Birthday Max!
Bonobo Way 3rd Anniversary
And Happy Anniversary, Bonobo Way! In these troubled times of the Pussy-Grabbing, Nazi-Loving, KKK Clown-King Cheetolini; Harvey Weinstein’s Casting Shower (like the old Casting Couch, but sopping wet); America’s lusty Perma-Wars love affair; the out-of-control Military Industrial Complex, the ever-expanding Prison Industrial Complex, increasingly abusive police and Mass Murderers Gone Wild, the message of the Bonobo Way of peace through pleasure, female empowerment and male well-being is more important than ever.
Even without the backing of a big-name publisher or a A-list publicist, the book has accrued over 40 5-star reviews on Amazon and glowing endorsements from primatologists, porn stars, authors and ambassadors alike; today, Bonobo Way book sales are steadily rising, and a portion of all proceeds are directed towards the preservation of the highly endangered and very real bonobos in the wild. The message is getting out; but will we be able to “go bonobos” in time to save the bonobos from extinction, as well as ourselves? Only time will tell.
Max loves strong women (he has since he was a young man getting his nipples squeezed by a German cougar), and it’s the Bonobo Way. Thus I’m thrilled to introduce our fabulous FemDom featured guests, both radiant in luxurious latex, Goddess Soma Snakeoil and Onyx Muse.
Magnificent Goddess Soma
I am always happy to see Goddess Soma, a truly great FemDom, as well as good friend to me and Capt’n Max, whom we have known and adored since 2009.
On this special night, she looks absolutely stunning in a gorgeous aqua Latex Catfish outfit that she personalized with artistic splashes of turquoise paint to match her hair. Over-the-Knee shiny black boots complete the effect of pure radiant feminine dominance beyond compare.
The Goddess brings along her submissive Antoinette, decked out in turquoise glitter skirt to match her Mistress, little white schoolgirl socks, shiny black Mary Jane high heels and crotchless black panties. Antoinette is a BDSM “switch” who also enjoys being dominant, but always submits to Soma.
Who wouldn’t?
Soma gives Max a beautiful erotic art book, Doris Kloster’s Forms of Desire, for his birthday. But her greatest present is her presence, from her divine smile to her amazing BDSM play performances with Antoinette, from Bonobo Way book-spankings to fantastic fire play on the St. Andrew’s cross.
Adorable Onyx Muse
The lovely Onyx Muse is looking lovelier than ever, her hot little body also clad in luscious latex, specifically Siren from Stockroom.
Not that she wears it very long. Performing a striptease to the tune of Carmina Formosa’s “The Kinkster,” I help her unzip and slip out of her dress and into our hearts. Va-va-voom Ms. Muse!
Thus unattired, she makes an exquisite Altar Girl for Bonoboville Communion, which I take from her sweet nipples, with relish! Well, really, it’s with salt; but I’d lick relish, hot sauce or anything else off those delectable boobies, any day.
Then I surrender to the space between her thighs, letting my muse “Waterboard” me with Agwa di Bolivia Herbal Coca Leaf Liqueur.
Turn-about is fair play. So, I then play Altar Girl to Onyx for her Communion, offering my salted nipple for her sweet tongue, then giving her a good Waterboarding, Bonobo-Style, with the tastiest liqueur on Earth.
Rayna’s Birthday Jello Shots
What’s a birthday celebration without Jello shots?
We don’t know, because my perky new on-cam assistant, Rayna, makes more than enough of these slurpa-licious brain-bombs colored ocean-blue and seafoam green, in the shapes of dicks and boobs that really jiggle as we giggle over their somewhat lumpy shapes.
The bigger dick looks like it barely survived a botched penis enlargement operation. But who cares? They’re delicious and deliver the vodka like a water cannon to your prefrontal cortex.
Gifts of Love & Lust
In between his tales of his remarkable life and times, the birthday boy is pleased to receive many gifts from his fans and friends. As a longtime Miley Cyrus fan, Capt’n Max loves Clemmy Cockatoo’s present of a T-shirt emblazoned with Miley sticking out her tongue, of course.
Jacob Sokoloff the chimes-man, friend of Chef Be*Live and Daniele Watts (whose birthday fell the other day—Happy Birthday Danielephant!), who last visited us on Animal Play Birthday, comes bearing chimes for Max, as well as magic wands and crowns for all.
Yep, by this time, we’d totally forgotten we were still wearing Jacob’s freaky paper hats. Photo: Jux Lii
Capt’n Max and I put our crowns on over our captain’s hats and then pretty much forget all about them, rendering us festively silly-looking pretty much all night long.
Birthday Spankings
Of course, as with any Bonoboville birthday, there are spankings, not for the Birthday Boy, but for other well-deserving derrieres.
First, Goddess Soma gives Antoinette an over-the-knee (OTK) by hand, toying with the strands of her crotchless panties.
Then the great Goddess wallops her wench’s bare bottom with the Bonobo Way, and what an excellent 3rd anniversary book-spanking it is.
Later, we are treated to a very different kind of Bonobo Way birthday spanking when the preternaturally naughty elfin Jacob the Chimes Maker, strips to his boxers and gets down on his hands and knees to receive a hard Bonobo Way book spanking from a topless Onyx Muse.
Let Them Eat Boobie Cake!
Jello shots aside, what’s a birthday or anniversary without cake?
Of course, here in Bonoboville, if we’re going to consume a pile of carbs and lard, it better be in the shape of boobs and dicks ejaculating icing, as these cakes are. Thank you, Ana, for catering to our genital cake fetish. We love you!
Longtime fan of The Dr. Susan Block Show and a special guest of Capt’n Max, Sir Dragonsteel, sporting the sweeping black cloak you might expect a guy of that name to wear, brings Max an extra chocolate cake. Then My Handsome Prince blows out all his candles on both cakes as we toast the present of his presence.
I love you, Capt’n!
From Birthday Candles to Human Candle
Not to be outdone by mere cakes, the great Goddess Soma Snakeoil oils up her subbie on the St. Andrew’s Cross and turns her into a human birthday candle.
Reflecting the flicker of her flame, she pulls Antoinette’s crotchless black panties up and down, revealing her shaved vulva in the firelight.
The fire skims the surface of the submissive’s skin, turning it pink, like a spanking, but with a different kind of sting.
It looks just exquisite, reminiscent of Goddess Soma’s fire-playing appearance as the Queen of Chaos on Eros Day, 2010.
But it’s more intimate this time. It’s also a reminder of Max’s boyhood when he used to impersonate Jerry Lee Lewis’ “Great Balls of Fire.”
And the Womb Room goes wild!
Then she blows her “candle” out with a kiss on the lips and gives her bottom’s bottom the kiss of her floggers.
More Bonobo Way book-spankings, further tales of Capt’n Max, Trumpocalypse Therapy (mainly stomping on Trump’s balls this show), discussions and festivities ensue. Before we know it, the show’s over, and Ikkor the Wolf arrives (lol). Janelle and her daughter Farrah come up from the bar, and the after-party’s on.
Then it’s time for the prime-mates to meet in the jungle, and for me, the Admiral and First Mate, to blow out the Captain’s candle, and then ride it into a happy ending for everyone.
Happy Bday Max! Happy Anniversary, Bonobo Way! Happy Ending to All… aka Scorpio Moon :-) Photo: Jux Lii
But alas, a lot of endings these days aren’t very happy. As I write this, deadly bullets are raining on people praying in Texas, and the violence spreading through land, sadly showing how much we need to change our ways to the Bonobo Way. Will we make the change in time to save the bonobos and ourselves? We don’t know. We just know we want to be part of that change. That’s what Capt’n Max’s and my life have been all about.
Coming up: Max’s actual birthday and Bonobo Way anniversary, both on November 8th, the day that shall live in infamy when a major case of Electoral Dysfunction sucker-punched America. Then The Bonobo Way of Peace through Pleasure plays Vegas at the Erotic Heritage Museum November 18th at 2pm.
Spanksgiving in BonoboVille, Class of 2012: Teal Conrad, Raul Estrella, Natasha Starr, Raymond Seville, Sinn Sage, Pippi the Imp, Goddess Soma Snakeoil, Dr. Susan Block, Fat Mike, Shay Golden, Brock Hard, Dane Cross, Starry Knight, Master Liam, Tasia Sutor. Photo: Irwin
November 25th, it’s Spanksgiving time again with Madame Raven Rae. Give thanks on Thursday, then get spanked on Saturday night on the Dr. Susan Block Show, still, without compare, the Greatest Sexuality Show on Earth.
Thanks to Our Volunteers: Videographers – Jamal Berry & Michael Sullivan; Photographers – Christine Dupree, Jux Lii, Jun Tao, Keith Hardy; On-Campus Bonobos – Abe Perez, Camille Rosebud, Del Rey, Gypsy Bonobo, Harry Sapien, Jay Red, MarsFX, Clemmy Cockatoo, Ana & Miguel; Hair by Mark Brown.
© Nov 4, 2017. Susan Block, Ph.D., a.k.a. “Dr. Suzy,” is a world renowned LA sex therapist, author of The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace through Pleasure and horny housewife, occasionally seen on HBO and other channels. For speaking engagements, call 310-568-0066.
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01 · 1 · 21 @ 6:17 am
Hi ‘Dr.Block & the Capt’,..this is “DRAGONSTEELXXX”, I still love relistening to this MAX B-Day show night, I Loved being able to attend, KEEP IT COOL, KEEP IT ROCK’n, & KEEP IT sssSSSSSSSSEEEXXXXxxxx’n,….. ‘;-])
11 · 11 · 17 @ 2:46 pm
You two are the best. I’m honored to get to know you.
11 · 10 · 17 @ 9:54 pm
Happy Birthday Max! I absolutely loved this show!
11 · 10 · 17 @ 8:39 pm
Hi good morning! Happiest of birthdays to you Dad. No matter what we have been through you are my father and I have some great memories of my childhood. You will always hold a special place in my heart. Thank you for all the adventures. Hope your day is wonderful. I love you xoxo
11 · 10 · 17 @ 7:59 pm
Because of recent events, I will be re-reading #TheBonoboWay this weekend. Your next book should be about how to be a sexual revolutionary. #TheSexualAnarchistsCookbook
11 · 10 · 17 @ 3:17 pm
It makes us so happy that our naughty little chime patron was able to bless the Captain and the Doctor with some good old fashioned elvin silliness. Love you all so much. You are a light to the world.
11 · 10 · 17 @ 1:36 pm
L.A.’s foremost *Fun Couple*: Dr. Suzy & Capt’n Max! Thanks for all you do.
11 · 10 · 17 @ 1:32 pm
I’m really enjoying reading #TheBonoboWay It’s taking my mind off the horrors of humanity! Thank you Dr. Suzy #GoBonobos xxx
11 · 9 · 17 @ 1:11 am
What an amazing show? Shoutout to Antionette for “taking the heat” and Goddess Soma for “playing with fire!” This show had a range of diverse, beautiful, positive, healthy bodies and strong and mystic displays of femininity! Inspiring! Welcome, Rayna!
11 · 8 · 17 @ 9:51 pm
A fabulous show indeed! Great ape-sized Love,
& Bonoboësque vibes radiating from the Villa Bonobo womb room. #GoBonobos & buon compleanno Max!
Swing on over to Bonoboville and come say hello.
11 · 8 · 17 @ 1:28 pm
What a party it was! Happy birthday to the captain and I always love seeing the Queen of Bonoboville do what she does best.. rule the sexual virtual waves of the world and look good doing it! I just love these photos! And you Dr.Suzy!
11 · 7 · 17 @ 4:43 pm
Everyone was amazing on Saturday had a blast with Goddess soma her submissive Antoinette and of course Onyx muse all amazing and beautiful girls super excited to see what hapoens in the next show… more thing happy b day max hope you had a blast I know I did:)xoxoxo
12 · 18 · 17 @ 11:45 pm
I for sure had a blast
11 · 7 · 17 @ 4:04 pm
Oh, and Happy Birthday Captain… Can’t think of a better way to celebrate another year than to be surrounded by so many gorgeous girls and of course the sexiest queen in the jungle.
Happy Birthday!!!
11 · 7 · 17 @ 4:01 pm
Talk about a HOT SHOW!!!!! Dr. Suzy is must-see-TV at its finest.
I’ve never been as envious of fire as I was that night :-)
11 · 6 · 17 @ 6:44 pm
Happy Birthday Cap’n Max! Fun show! Goddess Soma Snakeoil’s Fireplay performance with Antoinette was mesmerizing. Have fun and be safe in Vegas!
11 · 6 · 17 @ 4:25 pm
Ooops….I mean 74 years!!!
11 · 6 · 17 @ 4:25 pm
Happy, Happy Birthday, Captain Max!
I salute you and the many wondrous things you have created in your 75 years.
I have much admiration for you, and I look forward to seeing you in your Miley Tee shirt.
Much love!