Kink Month in Bonoboville! Come One, Come All or Just COME!
Kink Month gets kinkier with Sheree Rose, Mistress Procelain & Rhiannon Aaron LiVE! on DrSuzyTv THIS Saturday + Kink Month Kick-off highlights with Lady Miguire, Goddess Godiva & surprise guest Dr. Myrtle Means! xXx Whacks & Smacks with Bonobo Love! xXx For info, Call 310-568-0066 |
Join Us In-Studio |
| The Dr. Susan Block InstituteIt’s Kink Month! Time to let your kink flag fly! Prefer to get kinky privately? Do you have an erotic fantasy that you need to talk about? Want to get inside your lover’s head and MAXIMIZE your pleasure? Ready to explore and embrace your kinks, without shame? Consider a Ladies Only session. Whatever your gender, orientation, kink or desire, you can speak with the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute anytime, 24/7. Available for Telephone Sex Therapy, Webcam or Sext Therapy at 213-291-9497. Listen to your Dr. |
Dr. Block’s JournalWe kick-off Kink Month in BOOnoBOOville with a whack, a smack, and an ultra-kinky Bonobo Way book-spanking or three as the petite Goddess Godiva, the statuesque Lady Miguire and surprise guest, licensed sex therapist Dr. Myrtle Means (whom Dr. Suzy met on the plane after the AASECT conference) commune over books, music (listen to [ai]’s The Kinkster, inspired by the Bonobo Way!), subtly kinky footwear and much more. For a kinktastic, musical, sex-educational good time check out the blog and WATCH THE SHOW NOW on DrSuzy.Tv. | |
DrSuzy.TV ArchivesSure. You can get the whacks you want with a two-day trial for Dr.Suzy.Tv. But for more whacks, smacks and uncensored pleasures than you can handle in 48 hours, upgrade to a full month membership. Enjoy premium access to loads of kinky shows & tons of backstage photos when you become a member. Join now and watch your favorite Speakeasy Stars anytime! TRENDING: Kink Month 2015 I, II, III, IV. | |
Block BooksNeed to kink up your married-wth-children, monogamous and somewhat monotonous sex life? Try a taste of Recipe for Ecstasy: What Women Want: Sexual and Relationship Satisfaction written by licensed sex therapist and proud Detroiter Dr. Myrtle Means, who swung by Dr. Suzy’s to help kick-off Kink Month. And don’t forget your Bonobo Way! Read it or get spanked by it. Be well-read or get, well… red. It’s Kink Month, bonobo Brothers and Sisters! Need more literary-kinky holiday gift ideas? Visit Block Books, anytime. | |
Clip-O-RamaTRENDING: Oral Bondage. No names. No shame. Just hot oral pleasure. | |
Time MachineYummy festivities all month long! Get your kink on with these all-star pleasures: Kink Month 1 | Kink Month 2 | Kink Month 3 | Kink Month 4. | |
The Bonobo Way | |
Bonoboville | |
The Marketplace of PossibilitiesGet your kink on and whip your lover into shape. Still haven’t found that special holiday gift? #UnlockthePossibilities. |
Make it a happy ending, for you and the BONOBOS…
Dr. Suzy.Tv | Dr. Susan Block Institute | Bonoboville
Happy Horny Holidays! Spend Responsibly. Save Humanity! | ||
A portion of all proceeds go towards the conservation of the real bonobos | ||
Need to talk? Sext? Webcam? Do it here. Have you watched the show? No? Feel the sex. Don’t miss the Forbidden Photographs—Hot Stuff, look at them closely here. Join our private social media Society. Join us live in studio . Go shopping. Gift shop or The Market Place., real sex TV at your toe tips. Sex Clips Anyone? FASHION, we have fashion! We also have politics. Politics? Have you Read the book? No? How about the Speakeasy Journal? Click here. Ok, how about some free sex advice?