Halloween 2017 in BOOnoBOOville
Length 01:52:56 Date: October 28, 2017
Audio PlayerKink Month climaxes with a Happy Halloween 2017 in BOOnoBOOville bubbling up from a Witch’s Brew of FemDoms, kinksters, a domesticated alligator and a giant Trumpkin Pumpkin under gag order with a gourd.
I open the show with my personal Samhain standard: Scary Sex: A Halloween Poem, while “riding” around the Womb Room on my Magic Dildonic Vibrating Broom: a dildo, vibrator, spanking paddle, sweeper and costume prop all in one.
I designed this very special adult toy, inspired by Mattel’s “Nimbus 2000” Harry Potter Vibrating Broom scandal that had parents throughout the Western world freaking out when they realized that the cute battery-operated “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” spin-off toy their kids loved “riding” right between their legs for hours on end was actually a self-stimulating device.
Perhaps if Bill Clinton hadn’t fired U.S. Attorney General Jocelyn Elders in the 90s, some of those American parents of the new millennium would have been prepared for a discussion about adolescent sexuality.
Of course, Mattel immediately discontinued the kiddy vibrators. But I felt that this was no reason that consenting adults shouldn’t enjoy flying around on our own vibrating brooms.
Gypsy & I fly on our Magic Dildonic Vibrating Brooms as Madame Margherite brandishes a dildonic sword. Photo: Franz Salvatierra
Therefore, I witchcrafted the first prototypes for myself and a few friends. Rather than the nerdy-looking kid in the Mattel ads, I imagined myself more along the lines of the flame-haired Elizabeth Montgomery cartoon in Bewitched… though Samantha does ride discreetly side-saddle, which is just not as stimulating as a broom between the thighs.
Not only does my Magic Dildonic Vibrating Broom pulsate sensuously right on your pleasure center– so that you feel like you are flying (at least in the sexual sense), thanks to a small but powerful vibrator secured to the middle of the broomstick; it is also outfitted with a large dildo on the front end of the broomstick. Moreover, the sweeper end has the perfect bristles for a good spanking, or sweeping, depending on your needs and desires.
Right now all Magic Dildonic Vibrating Brooms are hand-crafted, so this item is a little on the high-end side.
However, once we find a Chinese factory to mass-produce these things, there will be millions of happy sexy witches, bitches, vamps and tramps giving and receiving dildonic, vibrating orgasms, flying around the world without ever leaving the ground.
You can also use the bristle end of your Magic Dildonic Vibrating Broom as a spanking paddle. Photo: Cluedini
That’s my Halloween fantasy, anyway, and we sort of fulfill it, with beautiful bewitching enchantress Gypsy Bonobo flying around on one Magic Dildonic Vibrating Broom, as I ride the airwaves on another, reciting my Halloween Ode to the Witches, stirring up the bubbling Womb Room cauldron for BOOnoBOOville’s Kink Month Climax.
With all of our guests garbed in peaked witch’s caps, it feels kind of like a coven, a gathering of sister-sorceresses… and one alligator. It’s like a children’s Halloween play—for adults!
A Madame & Her Alligator
Then we welcome back our favorite “animal play” specialist Madame Margherite, bedecked in turquoise, orange and gold like an Mesopotamian goddess with shimmering gauntlets, the orange scarf I gave her on her birthday and a peaked witch’s hat for the holiday.
Always exhibiting different animals from here magnificent femdom menagerie, this evening Madame Margherite is accompanied by her pet alligator, Andres, who wears a silver witch’s hat to match his shimmering alligator scales, giving him an aura of the Tin Man from the Wizard of Oz. Later in the show, they demonstrate the Art of Alligator Taming. We’re talking human alligators, of course; you can’t negotiate consent with a real alligator.
Madame Margherite’s big news is that after her smashing debut as DomCon New Orleans Mistress of Ceremonies, including co-hosting the Pet Show with Mistress Ellen, she has been appointed to Mistress Cyan’s DomCon Board of Directors. Big Congrats to our favorite Animal Play Specialist!
Penis Fencing Among the Witches
Madame Margherite joins Gypsy and me in a very bonoboësque and bewitching penis-fencing threesome.
Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn and caldron bubble.
From William Shakespeare’s “Song of the Witches”
Macbeth: IV.i 10-19; 35-38
Gypsy and I ride our dildonic brooms like stallions into battle while Madame Margherite brandishes one of our silver sword dildos as if it’s part of her anatomy.
Pegging anyone?
Like Sperm Wars, it’s the Dong Show!
We also do some penis-fencing with gourds. It’s that kind of Dong Show.
Former Trump Voter Sees the Light!
Our next guest is Mistress Ravensong, FemDom, founder and director of WICK (Women in Charge of Kink), also attired in a witch’s hat for Halloween.
Upon seeing our Trumpkin (carved by Clemmy), Ms. Ravensong confesses that she voted for Trump! The Womb Room gasps with shock and awe, and Capt’n Max begins to rage and thunder against Nazi Nationalists. However, Ms Ravensong insists that she has seen the light, and now, feeling betrayed by His Agent Orangeness, she is raring to punish our Trump surrogates with relish… and maybe a little eye-of-Newt Gingrich mustard.
She may have voted for Bread and Circuses, but all she got was a very scary Circus, not a sexy one like our Anti-Inaugural Circus.
As Trumpocalypse atonement, she gives our devil-horned Trump doll a little punishment bondage by means of CBT (cock and ball torture) —not to be confused with cognitive behavioral therapy—some with dental floss. Then she spanks him with The Bonobo Way.
As for the big Trumpkin, we gag his YUGE fiery mouth with two penis-shaped gourds, Gourdy and Gourdy, Jr.
Trumpocalypse Therapy for the repentant Trump Voter.
How Could She Vote for Trump?
The big question, of course, is why did Mistress Ravensong vote for Trump in the first place? With great courage, she answers our questions. Daniella in the Liberal’s Den.
Numero Uno on Mistress Ravensong’s list of reasons for voting Trump seems to have been hatred for Hillary, followed by her desire for “big changes” in Washington, and a hope that a “businessman” could save our country’s financial problems.
Hadn’t she heard that Trump was a lousy businessman who got a big splashy start with his KKK-loving daddy’s millions, then only aggrandized himself and his family as he blithely bankrupted several companies, stiffing (and not in the good way) many contractors, and (interestingly) the government of Puerto Rico in the process? No, she hadn’t heard about that.
Hadn’t she heard Trump bragging about forcing himself on women on the infamous Access Hollywood “grab ‘em by the pussy” tape?
No, she hadn’t heard about that either. Now that she knows about it, she finds that behavior unacceptable in a president, or anybody. Didn’t she know that Trump was a racist as well as a rapist? No, she had no idea.
The Womb Room gasps with disbelief. How could she not know these things that were and are broadcast all over the news—fake and real? Talk about scary! Are all Trump voters this painstakingly unaware?
Obviously, some are. This is frustrating to us libtards, just like back in the days of the Iraq invasion; I couldn’t understand how anyone would think that Saddam was involved in 9/11.
However, these turncoat Trump voters give me hope! So many Trump supporters don’t seem to care when the big squalling Trumpkins does or tweets something awful. The worse the tweet, the more these Trumpanzees seem to support their beloved Orange Demon. In terms of swaying hearts and minds, these folks are unswayable. The more you apply logic and reason, the more they relish being illogical and unreasonable.
Trump voters like Mistress Ravensong who have turned against Trump during his first year in office show us that a portion of his supporters still have some belief in reality (that’s real reality as opposed to Reality TV which is kind of the opposite), and can be swayed to another side. Indeed, folks like Mistress Ravensong give me hope for humanity…and maybe even America.
Make-Up Communion
Besides, forgiveness is The Bonobo Way. Bonobos make peace through pleasure, but they’re not angels. They’re animal, like us. Sometimes they fight, but they always make up. They are the Masters and Mistresses of Make-Up Sex.
Opening a Round of BOOnoBOOville Communion with Divine Interventions’ Jesus Jackhammer and the Magic Broom. Photo: Jux Lii
This calls for a few lusty rounds of Bonoboville Communion; since it’s Samhain, we call it BOOnoBOOville Communion. Ms. Ravensong grew up “Christian,” and received a few traditional Communions as a young girl, though she wasn’t too impressed with the ritual as it was presented. She also found it odd that the minister said she was “eating” the body of Christ.
Maybe it’s because I didn’t grow up Christian, but I’ve always found the idea of “eating” your favorite deity to be rather tasty—literally and figuratively. After all, when we practice cunnilingus, we sometimes say we are “eating pussy.” When we give full fellatio, we “eat cum.” Many people enjoy sucking, licking and nibbling. Maybe a little love-biting. Most of us don’t want to chew to the point of cannibalism or vampire stuff. Still, “eating” each other up with love, or even just lust, can be very sexy.
Here in BOOnoBOOville, we just emphasize the sexy side of Communion, as I demonstrate on the beautiful and very tasty tatas of my sweet Altar Girl, Gypsy Bonobo. She then waterboards me, bonobo-style, with Agwa de Bolivia Herbal Coca Leaf Liqueur, and the second half of the show is off to a rather magical start.
Mistress Ravensong proclaims her appreciation for our style of Communion and proceeds to provide herself and her lovely bounteous boobalishka for Gypsy’s Communion Altar.
Then Ms. R takes BOOnoBOOville Communion from My Altar. Ooh-la-la! I get to waterboard her too, of course.
Thus, the cycle is complete. Amen. And AWOMEN. Please pass the salt…
Women in Charge of Kink
Ms. Ravensong’s group, WICK, holds “high protocol” evenings which begin with men in formal attire, waiting upon the “Women in Charge,” and then often wind up stark naked, still waiting, performing various tasks and accepting various punishments.
Besides the CBT she demonstrated in her Trumpocalypse Therapy session, Ms. R is also caning specialist. Since she didn’t bring her accessories, we provide her with a cane. Now to provide her with a bottom!
Capt’n Max issues the request, and Jay Red volunteers for the mission. With caveats. He won’t strip naked. He will bend over a chair, with Gypsy’s enchanting assistance, and accept a spanking as punishment for not stripping naked or even wearing a Halloween costume.
First, Ms. R uses The Bonobo Way as a spanking paddle, then a Jux Leather “belt” and finally the cane, all to the tune of Carmina Formosa’s “The Kinkster” inspired by The Bonobo Way.
We Are One
With a former Trumpeteer in our Womb Room, one who has repented and recanted her vote, it seems appropriate for our Rapper-in-Semi-Residence Ikkor the Wolf to remind us that “We Are One.”
Amen and Awomen.
Visually echoing our oneness, we wear Agwa masks, reminiscent of this “great” land’s ancient Native American origins. Very Aztec.
Then off we roll to our varied tricks and treats in our Halloween after-party where whom do we run into but Janelle Hopkins as a pussycat.
The Trumpkin may sit in the Oval Office, but the Pussy’s Revenge is underway. Indeed, shortly after I declared a Revenge of the Pussies, the famous Russian feminist punk rock group, Pussy Riot, stormed Trump Tower in New York with a message to free film director Oleg Sentov and other political prisoners in Russia. Why would Trump be able to help free Russian prisoners? Why indeed?
It’s family night for Janelle as she is accompanied by her adorable son, Derek Wilder, whom I once held in my arms as a newborn baby. Now he’s just a babe, dressed up as a waiter in his real-life Bubba Gump costume. No, nothing weird between mother and son. Janelle even discreetly turns her head as Derek flirts with the ladies.
I keep looking around to see if anyone dares to dress up as Harvey Weinstein with a naked suit and a shower costume, complete with spraying nozzle and plastic shower curtain.
Not finding anything close to that, and still feeling the tingle of my Magic Dildonic Vibrating Broom, my Capt’n and I fly up over the moon.
Coming up: the 3rd anniversary of the Bonobo Way AND Max’s bday this Saturday, November 4th with Goddess Virgin, Goddess Soma, Onyx Muse, Ikkor and more. On Saturday, November 18th, the Bonobo Way plays Vegas—the only man-made thing besides Great Wall visible from outer space—at the Erotic Heritage Museum. Then, it’s Spanksgiving with Madame Raven Rae November 25th. It’s a Bonoboville tradition: Get stuffed on Thanksgiving, then get spanked on Spanksgiving.
Meanwhile…Happy Halloweeeeeeeeen and Many Happy Kinky Role-Playful Orgasms to You and Yours from BOOnoBOOville.
Thanks to Our Volunteers: Videographers – Jamal Berry & Martin Morrow; Photographers – Cluedini, Franz Salvatierra, Jux Lii, Plaztikzoul; On-Campus Bonobos – Abe Perez, Camille Rosebud, Del Rey, Gypsy Bonobo, Harry Sapien, Jay Red, MarsFX, Clemmy Cockatoo, Ana & Miguel.
© Oct 28, 2017. Susan Block, Ph.D., a.k.a. “Dr. Suzy,” is a world renowned LA sex therapist, author of The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace through Pleasure and horny housewife, occasionally seen on HBO and other channels. For speaking engagements, call 310-568-0066.
Explore DrSusanBlock.com
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10 · 28 · 20 @ 10:42 pm
A most bewitching show. Love how you, lovely Gypsy and the elegant Madame Margherite do your dildo dance of the sexy witches. Impressive how you extract that confession out of the Trump voter, getting her to publicly recant and “punish” both the Trump doll and Trumpkin pumpkin. Ikkor is awesome. We are One! And yes, the dildo play in the uncensored version is most amusing and the Nipple Licking Communion is what I call a religious experience. Take me to the Church of the Sexy Witches of BOOnoBOOville. Fly me to the moon. Now I have to get my GF one of those Magic Dildonic Vibrating Brooms.
10 · 28 · 20 @ 10:41 pm
This show is a blast. This makes me really miss being able to gather for a sexy time on Halloween!
10 · 19 · 20 @ 5:48 pm
Imagine if Penis Fencing becomes a professional sport!
10 · 18 · 20 @ 2:31 pm
Look at that witch hat you are wearing!
10 · 18 · 20 @ 2:26 am
Fun show. There’s a new alligator species, the domesticated kind who loves tummy rubs. The Bonobo life is the path we should all follow.
10 · 18 · 20 @ 12:00 am
Dr. Susan is awesome!. If only Halloween was always as sexy as this show
11 · 3 · 17 @ 5:38 pm
Omg!!! Dr. Susan !! you put a spell on me!!!!!
11 · 3 · 17 @ 11:22 am
Awesome, Dr. Suzy, you always put a smile on my face. You are the queen of pleasure and orgasms
11 · 1 · 17 @ 10:43 pm
It’s so much fun visiting with my Bonobo friends!
11 · 1 · 17 @ 10:32 pm
So hotttttt
11 · 1 · 17 @ 6:49 am
Who knew Trump could take two gords at once!!!! Guess that big mouth is good for something :-)
10 · 31 · 17 @ 7:49 pm
Listening to your guest Mistress Ravensong talk about her reasoning behind voting for Trump was eye-opening. She’s a beacon of hope, in an otherwise bleak Trumpocalypse, that the Mango Misogynist is loosing ground. This is essential news to broadcast. Thanks for hosting such a fantastic show Dr. Suzy!
10 · 31 · 17 @ 5:58 pm
I was smiling and laughing reliving this night! I had so much fun being one of the beautiful witches of BOOnoBOOville! You truly are and forever will be the Queen of the air waves and the life of the party! Love you to the spooky moon and back! Happy Halloween Dr.Suzy xo
10 · 31 · 17 @ 3:22 pm
Dr Susan… Unique and marvelous… Sex is also a normal thing Thanks Dr Susan to help persons thinking this.
10 · 31 · 17 @ 1:18 pm
So i witch i could fly with Dr. Suzy !!! Ooops! i wish… Anyway let’s stick to the Bonobo Way!!
10 · 30 · 17 @ 11:05 pm
Dr. Suzy luckily has so much practice with dealing with tRump supporters. What a compassionate woman, especially balancing her compassion for the voters with her disgust with that vile tRumpkin. I hope they all go to jail. In the meantime, I hope more tRump voters see the error like Mistress Ravensong, so that we don’t have this situation in 4 years. We always think his supporters looked and acted a certain way. We believed they believe certain things, and they aren’t a monolithic group and that’s important to know. I’m glad we got the reminder and that Dr. Suzy’s space is diverse and welcoming enough for that.
10 · 30 · 17 @ 4:19 pm
I’ve never met a Trump voter!
You need an eject button, Dr. Suzy, or a trapdoor!
10 · 31 · 17 @ 3:27 pm
She is a repentant Trump voter. She says she regrets voting for Trump and she forcefed a giant gourd to our Trumpkin to punish him for “fooling” her. I think it’s important to welcome REPENTANT Trump voters to Bonoboville to show all those on-the-fence Trump supporters out there that there is Life After Trump.
10 · 30 · 17 @ 12:58 pm
That was such a fun show and an honor to be spanked by Mistress Ravensong!! Madame Margherite and her alligator were also hilarious and fun to watch. Great times in Bonoboville!