Halloween Kink Month Climax 2018
Length 01:42:37 Date: Oct. 27th, 2018
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From the politics of fear to the aphrodisiac of awe, latex booty love, spanking confessions, teasing domination, sapiosexual conversation and a Magic Dildonic Vibrating Broom fencing match, we celebrate the Spooky Season in BOOnoBOOville.
After this week of harrowing political murder and Trump-emboldened mayhem, we also give ourselves and our audience some intensive Trumpocalypse erotic theater therapy, dominating another Mango Manchild surrogate, kicking him squarely in the Trump Crime Family jewels.
Turns out Trumpty Dumpty absolutely adores our rough treatment, interspersed with FemDom hugs and bonobo love—life in the Womb Room is even better than grabbing pussy!—and he agrees to resign just so he can remain our pet.
Well, that last part is just a fantasy . With all the fascist trash, fake news and false flags waving through the polluted air, a girl can dream, can’t she?
Witch Doctor in the Womb Room
It’s the last Saturday night before Hallowe’en, so I take my sexy Witch Doctor persona up a notch.
Going with the traditional All Hallow’s Eve color combo of jack o’lantern orange (which seems even scarier with the Orange Presidunce) and black-cat black, with a maribou-trimmed peaked witch’s hat, spider web stockings and neon ginger curls, I ride into the Womb Room on my Magic Dildonic Vibrating Broom.
Brothers and Sisters, Lovers and Sinners,
Witches and Bitches, Vamps and Tramps (but no Trumps),
Masked Men of Mystery,
Role-Playful Women through History,
Belladonnas and Erotic Personas…
As Nights Grow Long from the Witches’ Hex,
Let Us Enter the Realm of Scary Sex.
There, There, Darling, Don’t Be Afraid:
T’is the Season of Masquerade…
Of course, here in the Womb Room, we masquerade all year round and explore different kinds of sex that most people consider scary, taboo or fetishistic, but Halloween is always special, and this one is brimming with tricks, treats and seductive, sexy witches of all kinds.
The Virgin Goddess Returns
We’re delighted to welcome back a very special sexy witch, the exquisite Goddess Virgin.
We haven’t seen the Goddess since DomCon 2018 when we only spent a fleeting but delectable moment with her. Before that, it was over a year ago when we introduced her to the DrSuzy.Tv audience in California Jesus and the Virgin Goddess.
We originally met at DomCon 2017 when I spotted this shy beauty in the DomCon Marketplace and asked her to take off her mask, aka her sunglasses, not realizing that she always wore some kind of mask or facial cover-up in public. Turns out this was a turning point in her evolution, as from that moment forward, she stopped wearing masks, and we the people of the world she inhabits are the benefactors of this reveal, because the bewitching beauty of her unadorned face and enchanting porcelain features framed by lustrous dark brown hair above a girlish petite physique is simply breathtaking.
Her ass ain’t bad either. In fact, it looks so good, tightly wrapped in a hot pink Syren latex skirt from The Stockroom (the original inventors of Kink Month) that I kiss it… after spanking it.
Then, to keep things more than even, I let her give me a spank on my bare bottom with her dainty manicured palm. Sweet!
No longer a virgin to the Womb Room, the Goddess is still a sexual virgin. That is, the reigning Princess of Tease has not been penetrated by any man.
That might sound shocking or unbelievable, but the “Only Goddess V” as she is known to her Twitter fans, sexpot that she is, consistently maintains her staunch virginity. Though she graciously allows some lucky ones to go down on her.
The Money Shot
She also likes women, and she brings along a gorgeous new girlfriend she met at an Xbiz event in Florida, Goddess Stella Sol.
Though Goddess Stella is a virgin to the Womb Room, she’s no virgin to sex. But she’s as much of a tease as Goddess Virgin, albeit in very different style, being tall, blonde, tattooed and exuding mature Lauren Bacall-like glamour, sporting billowy sequined pants and a clingy halter top.
The two make a great team. Both are “FinDoms,” financial dominatrices who specialize in extracting money and gifts—aka “tributes”—from their clients, worshippers and followers around the world. They do a bit of what all FemDoms do—spanking, bondage and the notorious ball-kicking—but their greatest talent lies in spending their clients’ hard-earned, inherited or stolen cash on fabulous clothing, sensuous beauty treatments, top-of-the-line sex toys and luxury hotels.
Then there are the odd fetishistic requests, such as Goddess Stella’s client who paid her $500 to make a clip of herself swallowing three hard-boiled eggs whole.
People who aren’t “into” financial domination find it hard to understand why anyone would spend so much money on someone who won’t even touch you, let alone sleep with you.
But it’s a popular fetish, as old as the “oldest profession,” though perhaps becoming more popular as the “manosphere” grows thick with “incels,” cuckolds, bored married men and other “frustratos” who find it difficult to get into or maintain old-school, intimate relationships with the women they desire.
Some would say that FinDoms take advantage of men like this. But being “taken advantage of” is precisely what the typical client craves and sometimes even demands. He wants that beautiful FinDom to “rape his wallet” which makes his cock shockingly hard, and then he “spends” his seed as he spends his cash. Isn’t that why the porn industry calls a nice creamy load of ejaculate the “money shot”?
It might seem crass to some. For better or worse, capitalism turns everything into a commodity. Whether you engage in sex work, marriage or dinner and a movie, sex and money are inextricably intertwined—as we discussed on last Saturday’s Kink Month Cosplay show when we said farewell to famed Cathouse pimp and impresario Dennis Hof. The FinDoms just simplify things: Clients provide the cash, and they provide the pleasure in their artful seduction, the act of a clever FinDom taking a man’s money paralleling, teasingly, the act of a warm vagina taking a man’s penis.
Blue Nicies
Dazzling Daniele Watts also returns to the Womb Room after a few months away from us, with her Rawkstar husband Chef BeLiVE.
Both are rocking and rawking various shades of blue, reminding me of the Blue Meanies in the Beatles’ Yellow Submarine, though Daniele and BeLive are never mean, so they’re the Blue Nicies… or Nicees? Their blue hats, tops and a frilly mini are clothes “from the trash” or swapmeets, procured by Jacob Sokoloff, their beloved “patron.”
Food for Thought: Is an artist with a patron just a different kind of FinDom?
Speaking of domination, Daniele submits her need for a spanking. When I ask why, BeLive explains that she “abused” him, as she slapped him across the face—which she doesn’t deny, though he gave her his consent to slap him which means it isn’t really “abuse”; it’s a very intimate, unregulated, and rather dangerous (don’t try this at home!) but loving form of BDSM.
Daniele and BeLive continue to earn their title as “Most Bonobo” couple, testing and exploring their limits, practicing peace through pleasure, channeling violent feelings into BDSM through love.
Breaking News: As I write this, on Facebook Live, Daniele and BeLive are processing a trust issue with great passion, honesty and insight. Watch Daniele. Watch BeLive..
Meanwhile, back on the show, Daniele’s slap (especially since it was delivered in anger) does call for a good spanking, the subject of our next Speakeasy Journal.
t’s like BeLive is the little brother complaining about his big sister “abusing” him, to which the sister, somewhat sullenly agrees. That would make me, Goddess Virgin, Goddess Stella and my bubbly assistant Blossom Green the four “Domme-y Mommies.”
Speaking of sexy dom moms, Goddess Virgin reveals that her mother was the one who suggested she go into her controversial field of sex work.
Naughty Daniele climbs across our laps and we spank her delectable bottom for her wifely transgressions as BeLive looks on, touching her thighs occasionally, with great satisfaction that combines brotherly love and rivalry with husbandly lust and adoration.
What a fabulous “Most Bonobo” couple that grows more and more fabulous with every show appearance. It is a pleasure and a privilege to watch them grow together.
I ask them if they’re wearing blue to encourage our audience to “Vote Blue” in the fast-approaching midterms. They’re so apolitical, they don’t even realize that blue is the color of the Democrats (red being Republican), which causes me to get up on my soapbox to talk about how the “Politics of Fear” is used by politicians to distract us from noticing that they are stealing our money to pay for their wars, whores, yachts and robots.
Our Presidunce, who, now proud as a Proud Boy, calls himself a “Nationalist” (that’s alt-right code for Nazi), which Capt’n Max has been calling him for years, tells us to be very afraid of that Caravan of Migrants. Meanwhile, on the morning of this show, an American-born gunman massacred at least 11 people in a synagogue yelling “All Jews must die!” The murderer apparently agreed with the Trumposity that the Caravan is a threat, but felt Trump didn’t go far enough in condemning “Globalists” (alt-right code for Jews) in general and George Soros (the ultimate billionaire/Communist Jew) in particular, so he took things up a notch. Thanks to the NRA and their Congressional slaves, he was well-equipped with an AR-15. This country makes it easier to buy guns than vote.
At least, they found the “MAGAbomber,” the dude who sent makeshift bombs to the Clintons, the Obamas, George Soros, Maxine Waters, CNN and other “enemies” of his lord and master, Donald Charles Manson Trump, before he killed anybody. The Trumpus himself was sure this was all a “hoax” perpetrated by Democrats diabolically mailing bombs to themselves. Personally, I wondered if it was a hoax perpetrated by MBS, that’s Mohammed Bone Saw – I mean, Bin Salman—to get the awful Khashoggi murder off the front pages. Talk about “who benefits”: the Saudi Crime Family. Of course, their worst ongoing crime, to which America is the arms-dealing partner-in-crime, is their decimation of the population of Yemen, but Yemen never gets headlines. The Khashoggi murder got headlines—until the MAGAbomber blew it off the news feed. It turned out not to be the Saudis or the Democrats, but just a garden variety deranged Trump supporter, probably an incel, even though he used to be a stripper, which gives a bad name to good strippers. The guy also has a history of domestic violence, a characteristic that’s almost always in the bio of a mass murderer. Though when I saw that I had to wonder, how did this douche get himself a girlfriend? It turns out he committed domestic violence against his grandmother! Which makes him a super Trumper in a Dodge Caravan; this is the Caravan we really need to fear.
Speaking of that “Caravan” of migrants down south of the border: despite Trump’s and the synagogue shooter’s insistence that it’s funded by super-powerful Jews, Democrats and terrorists from Iran, it’s really mostly the result of decades of debilitating U.S. policies toward Latin American countries wherein our much vaunted military has assassinated many popular socialist leaders and propped up many unpopular U.S. corporation-friendly dictators, turning these fertile lands into repressive, poverty-stricken, crime-infested and now climate-change-ruined Banana Republics… with apologies to bananas.
Kicking Trump in the Balzac
My guests are all pretty apolitical, for different reasons. The FinDoms have their Red State clients’ feelings to consider, politics being as touchy (as opposed to touchy-feely) these days, and Daniele and BeLive just “love everybody” in a beautiful, beyond political, Buddhist sort of Bonobo Way.
Though after the show, Daniele confesses to me that she’s thinking of going into politics (which might explain why she looks so sullen during the Trump spanking).
When I call on the evening’s somewhat rickety Trump surrogate, Goddess Virgin helps me dominate and humiliate the old Presidunce, spanking him with The Bonobo Way and revealing his shortcomings to the cackling Womb Room.
The “climax” to the Presidential Domination session is not for the fetishistically faint of heart. The formerly arrogant, now duly chastened Trumpus quivers and shivers, as Goddess Virgin draws back her dainty high-heeled foot and kicks him hard in the cajones. He reels, practically falling to the floor. Merciless, she kicks him again. Talk about womanly abuse! Well, we don’t have the guy tied up, so he’s free to go, but he sticks around for more—and even pays for it, as befitting a good money slave.
Though she still feels a Kanye-like affection for “Daddy Trump,” Daniele is fascinated by the Art of Financial Domination. I remind her that having a patron like she already has is a kind of financial domination, though I’m not sure if Jacob would like that term.
There’s at least one way in which our Goddess Virgin and Stella are political, and that’s in their profound denunciation of the SESTA/FOSTA laws that pretend to stop “sex trafficking,” but really do no such thing. Instead, they endanger the lives of sex workers and curtail the free speech of everyone.
Interestingly and disturbingly, SESTA/FOSTA are bi-partisan. It’s a War on Sex from the Right and Left. Though the Trumpus did sign the awful thing.
What’s a sex-positive sexologist to do but hop on her Magic Dildonic Vibrating Broom and fly over the moon with whomever will fly with her?
Penis-Fencing Brooms
The FinDoms politely pass on straddling my Magic Dildonic Vibrating Broom but Daniele agrees to release her Inner Witch and give the silver broom a spin while I ride the orange one.
Essentially, it’s a dildo, vibrator, spanking paddle, sweeper and costume prop all in one. I designed this very special adult toy, inspired by Mattel’s “Nimbus 2000” Harry Potter Vibrating Broom scandal that had parents throughout the Western world freaking out when they realized that the cute battery-operated “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” spin-off toy their kids loved “riding” right between their legs for hours on end was actually a masturbatory vehicle. Mattel was savvy enough to immediately discontinue the kiddy vibrators. But I felt that this was no reason for consenting adults not to enjoy their own vibrating brooms. Therefore, I created the Magic Dildonic Vibrating Broom.
Not only does my Magic Dildonic Vibrating Broom vibrate so that you feel like you are flying (at least in the sexual sense), thanks to a battery-operated vibrator secured to the middle of the broom; it is also outfitted with a large dildo on the front end of the broomstick. Moreover, the sweeper end has the perfect bristles for a good spanking, or sweeping.
Right now, we are making all Magic Dildonic Vibrating Brooms by hand, so this item is a little on the high-end side.
However, we’re going to find a factory in China to mass-produce these things, and soon there will be millions of happy Sexy Witches flying around the world without ever leaving the ground.
Which is pretty much exactly what Daniele does, as the dulcet tones of Carmina Formosa’s “The Kinkster,” inspired by The Bonobo Way, play along.
Then we engage in a vibrating dildonic broomstick battle that resembles “penis fencing,” one of the more intriguing activities that male bonobos, as well as gay and bisexual male humans, engage in to make “peace through pleasure.”
Straddling our deliciously vibrating brooms as we play-fight makes for another Halloween Kink Month climax in the Womb Room.
It also heats up the passion between Daniele and BeLive as they make out while she straddles the pulsating vibrator of the Magic Broom, and the FinDoms can’t help but smile approvingly.
Then D and B give us a series of sweet bonobo gifts, also from Jacob’s scavenging adventures, including a jack-in-the-box Curious George, a bonobo pin and a monkey puppet that goes wondrously well with our bonobo and chimp puppets and our general menagerie of stuffed apes and human voodoo dolls.
Yes, we are childlike or childish, depending on your opinions, neotenous like bonobos. And yes, releasing your inner bonobo is a lot like “releasing your inner child,” but with fewer tantrums and a lot more sex!
Pussies and Sheriff Wolf
I give everybody pussy panties and lacy bras.
Daniele prefers to go native, but Belive puts on his pussy panties with panache.
Look at Meow!
I also give Blossom the Kinky Kitty’s tender bottom a couple of spankings, one with the bristle end of the Magic Broom, and another with Glamazon Goddess Phoenix fiber optic flogger.
And yes, I spank her for being such a good girl.
After all, she’s the Witch Doctor’s “familiar,” the notorious black (blonde?) cat, or something like that.
Meooooow indeed.
From the cat’s meow to a canine howl, suddenly there’s a Wolf in the Womb Room.
Ikkor the Wolf is dressed up for Halloween like the Sheriff of BOOnoBOOville.
He looks pretty scary in such a sexy way that we don’t even take his shirt off for his song.
The beats so strong, even the FinDoms get up and dance, the bewitching Goddess Virgin stepping to the front of the Womb Room, seducing the cameras, all the guests and the audience, in front of and behind her, with her perfect pink latex ass, her magnetic brown eyes and her expensive, enrapturing smile.
Goddess Stella wiggles sensuously over to the side, perhaps wondering what kind of wild spontaneous music video she has found herself dancing in, as Blossom Kitty twerks her booty shorts.
I join BeLive and Daniele, penis-fencing to the beat with our vibrating brooms, and out in front, the one and Only Goddess V brings the Womb Room to an erotic Kink Month Climax with nothing more and nothing less than the preternatural power of tease through that smile, those eyes and oh, that ass…
She shines like a superstar among the BOOnoBOOville Halloween all-star troupe of Commedia Erotica Kink Month characters!
Everybody’s dancing, including Marilyn and JFK.
Thoroughly perverse kinksters, childlike as the day we were born.
May we always feel so magical.
Amen and AWOMEN.
Praise be to the power and glory of teasing.
It makes the world go round.
Though sometimes, you need to get your satisfaction.
Daniele and BeLive seem to get theirs on the Magic Broom.
And Kink Month Climactic satisfaction is what my Prince and I give each other, stirring up a witch’s brew of fear of fascism and wild polyamorous fantasies with our cozy monogamish sexual reality, until we fall into the arms of dreams.
Also, we both voted!
Though the color of Halloween is orange like Trump, please don’t forget to VOTE BLUE. And yes, that means the lesser of two evils, which is, in the appalling state of America, the Democrats. We voted for Maxine Waters, even though she ignorantly voted for FOSTA, because the Republican alternative is so much worse.
Who knows, with all the gerrymandering and corporate pandering, if the Dems can even take the House, but for the sake of a balance of power, we have to try. Many of you are just here to enjoy the photos and aren’t the least bit interested in politics and for good reasons, but I don’t think I’m exaggerating when I say that American liberty hangs in the balance with these midterms. Whatever the results, I think you’ll feel better about yourself, if you at least try to stop this “nationalist” authoritarian madness from strangling our democracy and destroying our environment.
Whatever you do… BOO! I love you, and have a happy, safe, sexy and bewitching Halloween.
© Oct. 28, 2018. Susan Block, Ph.D., a.k.a. “Dr. Suzy,” is a world renowned LA sex therapist, author of The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace through Pleasure and horny housewife, occasionally seen on HBO and other channels. For speaking engagements, call 310-568-0066.
Explore DrSusanBlock.com
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Goddess Virgin
11 · 16 · 18 @ 6:30 pm
Had such a great time on your show Dr. Suzy, thank you for having me. Can’t wait to see you again sexy lady.
Tyler V. Orion
11 · 5 · 18 @ 1:46 pm
Your shows are always fun and adventurous
Onyx DeVall
11 · 2 · 18 @ 6:44 pm
What a beautiful show I got to photograph last weekend! It was such a pleasure to meet Goddess Virgin. And so interesting to hear a little about how Fin Doms make a living in this society. All around the show was enlightening and entertaining!
11 · 2 · 18 @ 4:38 pm
Dr. Susan i must say your shows are fantastic and worth of gaining lot of knowledge as well as fun loving too :)
11 · 2 · 18 @ 3:54 pm
I concur with my lively and lovely open wife Daniele, Dr Suzy and her womb room really help us in a therapeutic way!!! How awesome is it that we get to have so much fucking fun while in therapy??? BonoboWay, that’s how!
Mistress Jenna
11 · 2 · 18 @ 3:30 pm
Omg I love Dr. Susan M Block
Daniele Watts
11 · 1 · 18 @ 2:17 pm
I just read this out loud as a form of our continued Bonobo therapy. It’s so darn helpful for Brian and I to continue growing through all the sexy fun wisdom shared in the womb room and also through the deep reflections and loving care you share in these fabulously entertaining blogs! There is deep validation for me in being seen, memorialized, and made into such fantastic art by you dear wonderful Dr. Suzy and the good citizens of Bonoboville ! I so cherish these blogs and all the energy you put into themt. They provide a very real therapeutic benefit to our relationship that continues to be felt … in waves of pleasure, over and over again. Goddess blesses you all!!!!
Brock Hard
11 · 1 · 18 @ 12:31 pm
I miss Dr. Susan!! I love her!!!
10 · 31 · 18 @ 6:18 pm
Wow, Goddess Virgin with some seriously strong kicks to the crotch. She seems so sweet, but ouch!
10 · 31 · 18 @ 2:22 pm
The Flying Vibrating Witches Broom– ONLY on the Dr. Susan Block Show!!!! Never ceases to amaze me, the amount of things that you can only see on the Dr. Susan Block Show would/could fill a warehouse :-)
Gideon Grayson
10 · 31 · 18 @ 3:31 am
Goddess Stella and Goddess Virgin!!!
Blossom Green
10 · 30 · 18 @ 5:32 pm
This show was so spectacular, I still feel like I’m floating on a cloud, drifting away with love, sexuality & pleasure. I know I’ve said this before, The Dr.Susan Block Show, The Bonobo Way, is an absolute masterpiece that’s unlike any other it’s a true inspiration for a love & peace revolution.
I’m putting my kitty paw down right meow & declaring to the world~
I will never stop fighting for society to see the importance of compassion, sexuality & love. Accept everyone and most importantly love yourself no matter how different you might be.