Kink Month Cosplay
Length 01:40:10 Date: Oct. 20th, 2018
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“All the world’s a stage,” philosophized the Bard… especially if you have a cosplay fetish.
Kink Month Cosplay on DrSuzy.Tv: Prince Erik (Abe), Tony Stark (Brian), Pepper Potts (Elizabeth), Harley Quinn (Peggy Reynolds), Bruce Wayne/Batman (Dorian Black), Dr. Suzy, Veronica Rainsbowscum, Ikkor the Wolf, Harley Quinn 2 (Blossom), Stripperella painting by Anthony Lee Winn. Photo: Anastasiia Dotsenko
Holy Orgasms, Batman! From a Caped Crusader Leather Daddy to twin Harley Quinns, Tony Stark spanking Pepper Potts, and a naked Rainbowscum princess riding the Motorbunny like a Batmobile gone wild, Kink Month 3 on DrSuzy.Tv takes the exhibitionistic art of cosplay to superheroic heights.
Once again, on the little wooden stage of the Womb Room (our variation on the Bat Cave) at the Church of The Bonobo Way in the part mythical/part real town of BOOnoBOOville, we redefine the meaning of Commedia Erotica, this time in terms of cosplay, aka “costume roleplay.”
And then there’s that Motorbunny ride, Bonoboville Communion with slightly Catholic Church-traumatized undertones, a wild superhero dance party and lots and lots of spanking.
Superheroes are always spanking villains; usually just figuratively, of course.
On, we spank them literally.
And then there’s that superheroic Motorbunny ride over the moon.
Witches Are Superheroes
Witches are the original superheroes.
Lillith, Adam’s first partner before Eve in the Garden of Eden, was the first witch. She is said to have wanted to mounted Adam Cowgirl Style which freaked out the first man and God “Him”self who banished Lillith to life among the demons on the beach between Hell and Earth.
Of course, the witch flying across the night sky over the moon on her magic broom is the quintessential symbol of Halloween.
Riding My Magic Dildonic Vibrating Broom into the Womb Room for Kink Month Cosplay 2018. Photo: Hugo Flores
I’m no Elon Musk, but I take it up a notch, riding my Magic Dildonic Vibrating Broom (get it for Halloween!) around the Womb Room filled with colorful cosplayers and one naked Rainbow, in solidarity with the Witches of Bushwick, 60 of whom gathered in person (with another 12,000 online) to publicly HEX the Supreme Court’s newest and most universally loathed Justice, Brett Kavanaugh, at Catland Books in Brooklyn at the time of this live broadcast.
The goal was “exposing the fact that he’s a crook,” said witch Dakota Bracciale. “I mean if his dick shrivels up and falls off, great, but I don’t think that’s something realistic to hope for.”
Let 2018 be known as the Year of the Realistic Witch.
Magical or realistic, part of Catland’s proceeds are going to Planned Parenthood and LGBTQ homeless, so regardless of the success of the hex, it’s a worthy event. As for the hex itself, it couldn’t be any more ineffective than the Senate Democrats… That being said, the Dems are still the lesser of those two corrupt evils. Vote Blue!
It’s all in good clean Halloween Kink Month fun and politics, of course, but some rabid Kavanaugh supporters appear to be taking the hex very seriously. That includes one Father Gary Thomas, the official Catholic Exorcist for the Diocese of San Jose, who conducts a special “Mass for Kavanaugh,” also around the time of this broadcast.
I wonder if Father Gary conducted any masses for the many kids who have been abused by the Church?
It’s all very spooky, not to mention utterly unscientific, but in these times of “alternative facts” and “fake news,” the “hex” and it’s exorcism are accepted on social media at least as much as climate change. Even a straight-faced, very concerned-looking Tucker Carlson is talking about it, earnestly hoping to make Democrats appear unhinged and maybe hoping to Make America Great Again by bringing back the witch hangings of our Puritan past.
We do our own kind of hex/voodoo/therapy on our Brett and Don Baby dolls, but we aren’t hexing for anybody’s dicks to fall off, even the one that looks like a Mario Kart toadstool.
We’re just hexing/blessing both dickheads in hopes that one or both will step down from the Supreme Court and Presidency.
They can keep their ugly little dicks. Give us back our country!
Goddess Phoenix’s fiber-optic flogger magically transforms itself into a Witch’s Broom. Photo: Abe Bonobo
Speaking of flying over to the “other side”… after broom-zooming around the Womb Room a bit, I say farewell to Dennis Hof—the World’s Most Famous Pimp, the “Barnum of Booty” and legal brothels, wearing the purple thong panties that his “partner” Heidi Fleiss had given me once upon a time. I’d met Dennis over a quarter century ago, when he was an OC real estate guy just assuming ownership of the Moonlight Bunnyranch Bordello and Kitty’s Cathouse in Carson City, Nevada. We bonded on our unshakeable belief in the goodness of legalizing, decriminalizing and ultimately destigmatizing prostitution, aka sex work and making the “world’s oldest profession” as safe as possible for sex workers, though we differed on various aspects of these issues, including the meaning of female empowerment. Back in those days, Hof, aka “Daddy D,” a charming raconteur, loved to visit The Dr. Susan Block Show, often accompanied by various Bunnyranch bunnies, late Screw publisher Al Goldstein or our mutual friend Ron Jeremy, and though his flamboyant character was that of the “Great White Pimp,” he seemed to try to improve the real lives and the public image of sex workers (though he felt sex work should only be legal in brothels… like his). He even expressed his appreciation for The Bonobo Way… at least before his politics took a Trumpian turn.
Some sex workers loved and adored him, and some hated and abhorred him, accusing him of sexual assault, rape, harassment, exploitation, abuse and worse. He never assaulted or in any way mistreated me, but then again, I wasn’t his type, being considerably older than his preferred partner age of 22.
I don’t begrudge people their right to choose lovers of any age, as long as they’re legal, consenting adults. However, Dennis’ politics were another kettle of smelly fish entirely. I couldn’t stomach his switch from Libertarian to Republican, reconfiguring himself into the “Trump from Pahrump” (Roger Stone’s moniker) for his remarkably successful foray into Nevada politics (with Tucker Carlson’s blessing!) that almost put him squarely into the Nevada state legislature. We really hadn’t talked since before his big win over James Oscarson, the Republican favorite. I understand the corrupting temptations of political power, but his transformation turned me off, so I didn’t accept his invite this year to celebrate his 72nd birthday with him last weekend, especially with the odious Sheriff Joe Arpaio also on the invitation list.
I couldn’t support Dennis Hof’s latest incarnation as the Trump from Pahrump, good buddy of Sheriff Joe. Oh no.
Dennis party-party-partied (though he didn’t smoke or drink, according to Heidi, he did consume an inordinate amount of Fudgicles, especially for a diabetic) through his last big party weekend alive. Then suddenly and somewhat mysteriously, he was found dead in his bed, by an employee, the last Bunny who had sex with him or Ron Jeremy, depending on which story you hear.
Some have suggested “foul play.” Not according to the police, but it’s always illuminating to ask “who benefits?” when trying to solve this type of mystery. It’s interesting that Dennis’ name still goes on the ballot, and if he wins, which he probably will, his seat will not go to Ron Jeremy, as Daddy D might have wished; it’ll go to a Republican, probably James Oscarson, the guy Dennis beat in the primary(!). This will make a lot of top Nevada Republicans who were, to say the least, uncomfortable with having the world’s most famous pimp represent the Grand Old Party, very relieved.
Stranger things are happening in the intersection of life and death, truth and fantasy. Take the Saudi explanation for the death of Washington Post journalist Khashoggi: the one that posited that over 15 Saudi nationals, one Khashoggi lookalike with a fake beard and another carrying a bone saw, flew in on chartered planes for a meeting with Khashoggi at the Saudi embassy in Turkey, whereupon this 60-something-year-old journalist who just wanted to get a marriage license started a physical fight that left him, most regrettably, dead and chopped up into pieces or who knows what because as of this writing, no body has been found.
Yes indeed, after 17 days of denial, the Saudis have accepted their role in the death of the journalist, saying “it was just an argument that got physical”. Maybe now, after 17 years, the Saudis will accept their role in 9/11; they can always say “it was just a flying lesson that went wrong.” Ha.
Seriously, this is a dangerously crazy explanation that makes hexing look like science and, as of this writing, our Presidunce, Sultan Don bin Drumpf al Saud, aka Mohammed bin Moron, is accepting it as a “good first step.”
What a crock of witch’s brew!
Superheroes are more realistic. Of course, it all makes sense when you consider that, due to some fancy financing that might be clear as day on his mysterious tax returns, Trump is the Saudi’s bitch.
The Don of the Trump Crime Family makes it all very personal, emoluments clause or no emoluments clause. Yet thanks to our fossil fuel addiction, all of America has been the Saudi’s bitch for decades. Like the climate, this too may be changing, but in the meantime…
S’cum let us play!
Kinky Cosplayers
Yay! I’m surrounded by superheroes!
To my left is the leader of the pack, at least for the evening: Batman, aka Bruce Wayne, aka Dorian Black, in full Dark Knight regalia, complete with giant bat cape and big, pointy-eared bat mask that lights up like a jack o’lantern.
Batman is one of the only superheroes with no superpowers but he does have a nifty utility belt, not to mention a spanking paddle with the Bat sign emblazoned on its side.
Dorian tells us how he got interested in cosplay as a youngster by way of “Aladdin,” and as he got older, he gradually merged it with his interest in kink and BDSM which he performs sometimes at the Bat Cave.
After all, the Caped Crusader must do what he can to restrain the wicked and punish the naughty!
Next to Batman is Harley Quinn, aka Peggy Reynolds, adorable in blonde pigtails, red bra (with sequin cross pasties underneath), jacket and booty shorts.
22-year-old me as Arlecchino in a New England Commedia performance of “Plastic Cash” in Westport, Conn.
I identify personally with Harley Quinn, and not just because her character springs from a lovestruck Love Doctor with a thing for a Joker. When I was young and foolish I played the fool in a post-Yale Commedia dell’Arte troupe called New England Commedia. Called Arlecchino in Italian (Harlequin in French), this joker/trickster is the ancestor to Harley Quinn.
I still play the fool and the trickster of sex, but for Kink Month, I’m a witch, and for this show, Blossom Green is Harley Quinn.
Yes, we have twin Harley Quinns.
To my right are Tony Stark/Ironman (Brian) and Pepper Potts (Elizabeth) who have a BDSM and personal relationship that complements their cosplay fun.
Pepper/Elizabeth links my superhero/witch/deity comparison to the ancient Roman mystery cult of Mithras, and drops an Aleister Crowley bon mot made for Ironman: “Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be the Whole of the Law.”
Showing off “Stripperella on DrSuzy.Tv” by Anthony Lee Winn (co-creator of Stripperella with Stan Lee) as Ironman/Tony Stark ties up Pepper Potts. Photo: Anastasia
Ironman creator Stan Lee is also the co-creator, along with Anthony Lee Winn, of another avatar of The Dr. Susan Block Show: Stripperella. As Tony and Pepper canoodle kinkily, I show off Anthony’s painting that portrays Stripperella on DrSuzy.Tv.
I like Stripperella’s Weapons of Mass Seduction better than most superheroes’ hyped up use of maximum physical force as a weapon.
She strips to conquer!
Speaking of stripping, that’s just what our non-cosplay guest does almost as soon as she’s introduced: Veronica Rainbow Scum!
“Scum” is what you get when you “cum,” she explains.
Rainbow’s cum or Rainbowscum, she “strips to conquer” our hearts and kinky minds to the tune of Carmina Formosa’s The Kinkster with her casually svelte, all-natural, organic, unshaven body and sunshine attitude.
Cosplay Spanking Circus
Once she’s relieved herself of her clothing, for whatever reason—personal or political—Rainbowscum wants a spanking.
Veronica Rainbowscum strips down to her Birthday Suit and gets an OTK Spanking upon request in front of all the Cosplayers! Photo: Anastasia
So Rainbowscum gets a spanking right over the knee (OTK) of her Mother Confessor, aka me.
One good spank leads to another.
And another.
Pretty soon the Womb Room is erupting in wallops, whacks, smacks and cosplay spankings galore.
Sometimes we look like a Big Top circus tent with me spanking Rainbow at the top, Batman and Ironman holding up the sides as they spank their respective cosplay sweethearts, and Harley and Pepper K-I-S-S-I-N-G in the middle.
There’s a spanking good chance that one of these amazing images will make it into our upcoming SPANKING issue of the Speakeasy Journal, the first edition being SPLOSH.
Don’t miss it!
Cosplay Communion at the Church of the Bonobo Way
Since Rainbow’s already naked (except for her stockings), she’s a great candidate to serve as Bonoboville Communion Altar Girl.
Turns out she was a real Altar Girl when she attended Catholic Church as a child, though her memories of Catholic Holy Communion are wracked with religious abuse, coercion and a yucky-tasting eucharist.
Assuming the role of Bonoboville Communion Altar Girl is kind of Erotic Theater Therapy, a way for Rainbowscum to evolve beyond the trauma and negativity of her nonconsensual Communion in the Church, with Blossom as her friendly and adorable Communion Recipient.
Then it’s Waterboarding, Bonobo-Style for Blossom, the pot of gold you find right between the legs of Rainbowscum.
Now it’s the Cosplayers’ turn to Commune and get ‘Boarded.Turns out Bruce Wayne is also a “recovering Catholic.” That sheds some light on his interest in cosplay kink, the “dark” side and “Passion Play” for the modern era.
Batman removes his mask, and Harley Quinn takes off her red bra to reveal glittering sequin pasties in the shape of the cross, the perfect Churchly symbol to cover the “secret identity” of her nipples. She grew up Presbyterian and is a little more carefree with their kink play and seems to very much enjoy surrendering her booty—and boobies—to Bruce Wayne.
Then Batman, in full mask, gets Waterboarded, Bonobo-Style.
Something tells me Batman’s been waterboarded before,though I’m sure not in as sensuous a manner as this, with tasty Agwa de Bolivia Herbal Coca Leaf Liqueur.
It’s a religious experience!
Motorbunny Scum
Time’s running out, so quick as the Flash, and while doing a lot of flashing, we pull out the Motorbunny.
Introducing the Motorbunny, as the Harleys wrap it up and Rainbowscum gets her ass in gear. Photo: Anastasia
It’s our answer to the proverbial superhero rocketship designed by a mad billionaire with a heart of cyberskin and steel.
As I tenderize Rainbow’s bottom with several meaningful flicks of Glamazon Goddess Phoenix Fiber Optic Whip, Blossom wraps up the ‘Bunny in fresh Saran. Safety first on DrSuzy.Tv!
Then Rainbow mounts that machine and rides it like Wonder Woman!
Before we get the gears in motion, the Jesus Jackhammer dildo “blesses” this ride.
Then we’re off and soaring through the Kink Month friendly skies.
We do take a detour into discussing the real-life wonders of Wonder Woman’s amazing comic book creator, William Moulton Marston, aka Charles Moulton, who lived polyamorously with his wife, Elizabeth Holloway Marston, and their girlfriend, Olive Byrne, both of whom inspired his depiction of a strong, smart, brave, beautiful, very “womanly” super-heroine. They were also influenced by the feminism of the early twentieth century, including the birth control activism of Margaret Sanger.
Meanwhile, Rainbowscum (Rainbows cum?) cums on the Motorbunny Orgasmobile!
Hiphop Cosplay
Into the Cosplay Circus steps Ikkor the Wolf.
With Bad Girls everywhere the Wolf can see, he howls “She Bad.”
The Harley Quinn twins bump, grind and hoka-hoka like bonobo gals.
Meanwhile I whip out my own version of Wonder Woman’s Lasso of Truth.
But Rainbow’s butt steals the show!
Kink Month Magic
Rainbow’s butt also steals my heart.
I spank and whip it up and down the stairs of BOOnoBOOville.
Spanks set off sparks in the night.
Human civilization might be on its last shaky legs, but the Speakeasy Bar is shaking a leg.
I don’t think this is a bad thing, like “fiddling while Rome burns,” since we are sex therapists as well as ethical hedonists.
We are witnesses to the madness, political activists that speak our minds on the issues of the time (which doesn’t mean we can’t have a good time).
The Bonobo Way of peace through pleasure is the name of our cosplay game in the middle of the world’s whirling swirling masquerade.
My “prime mate” Capt’n Max and I are always playing, always witnessing to each other in and out of the theater.
In a way, we’ve been “costume roleplaying” since long before the term “cosplay” was even conjured up.
As the night deepens, we play our way into superheroic orgasms that shoot us over the moon on a broom.
Orgasms are important! So is voting.
Two-party rule sucks, but one-party rule is worse, and that’s what we have now. Gerrymandering, which favors Republicans, makes it even worse.
So there’s only one thing to do: Vote BLUE!
© Oct. 20, 2018. Susan Block, Ph.D., a.k.a. “Dr. Suzy,” is a world renowned LA sex therapist, author of The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace through Pleasure and horny housewife, occasionally seen on HBO and other channels. For speaking engagements, call 310-568-0066.
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10 · 24 · 18 @ 6:16 pm
The spankings, the motorbunny ride, the costumes—what a show!
10 · 24 · 18 @ 3:35 pm
OMG!! So beautiful in blue Susan!!! Your gorgeous!!! Wow!!! Perfect beauty!!! And that painting is amazing!!! Where can I get a copy?
10 · 24 · 18 @ 12:17 pm
Thank you for having us on your show! We’d love to do it again, soon.
10 · 24 · 18 @ 11:53 am
quiero trabajar en los shows de dr zusy
10 · 24 · 18 @ 11:50 am
Well said, Dr. Suzy. Rip Dennis Hof
10 · 24 · 18 @ 11:48 am
Always political
10 · 24 · 18 @ 10:55 am
Blossom…where was your CATWOMAN?????
10 · 24 · 18 @ 1:58 am
Veronica Rainbow Scum here to save the DAY!!! My Beauty, My Love, how wonderful it was to meet your acquaintance! Love the hat too.
10 · 24 · 18 @ 1:31 am
Susan you are stunning. people have learned real sex without fear from you. now people can fulfill their fantasies without any problem
10 · 23 · 18 @ 7:05 pm
MEOW WOW~ what an amazing show!!
Even though Dr.Susan Block, saves the day every day, as the world’s Sexuality Super Hero, this Saturday, was a beautiful masterpiece of sexual empowerment, the kind of occasion that kitties dream of, I kept having to pinch myself to make sure it was all really happening…that is until Batman spanked me….. OUCH, the intense sting on my little butt cheeks, definitely confirmed that the all the sexual pleasure most certainly was not a dream but reality & it was one of the best nights of my life.
Thank you for letting me be your little kinky kitty assistant <3
10 · 23 · 18 @ 10:30 am
Love the Cosplay, the characters were awesome, two sexy Harley Quins, Ironman, Pepper Potts, and Batman (where did he got those wonderful toys!!!). The vibe was sexy fun. Then there was Rainbow Scum, a super sexy heroine in her own right. And of course, Dr Suzy, the queen of sexy… This was the funnest sexiest show of the month so far. Can’t wait for next week!!!
10 · 23 · 18 @ 5:55 am
Rainbow Scum!!!