Wonder Woman 4th of July on DrSuzy.Tv!
Length 01:39:26 Date: July 1, 2017
Happy Birthday, USA! Even though our country has been hijacked by a clown car of incompetent plutocrats being giddily driven off the rails by Clown-in-Chief Kim Jong Trump, we can—and, in my opinion, should—still celebrate America’s Birthday.
Celebrating America’s 241st Birthday with Wonder Woman reviewer & University of Puerto Rico Prof. Linda Rodriguez; Mistress Liz of Sanctuary LAX; Madam Grace Marie, “The Goddess of LA”; Trump under Gag Order; Ikkor the Wolf; Madame Margherite; Gypsy Bonobo. Photo: Jux Lii
And this we do, with a fabulous fiesta of flaming sparklers, poppers, Old Glory in all her glory, a tribute to Wonder Woman, a Cosmo 69 demo and orgasmic squirting fireworks on the Motorbunny.
Our show is not exactly on the 4th. But then, America’s birthday is actually July 2, 1776. That’s when the Declaration of Independence was signed, sealed and approved by Congress, and that’s the date John Adams assumed would be remembered as America’s birthday.
But they didn’t have high-speed printers in those days, or even mimeograph machines, so it took 48 hours for the Declaration to be printed and posted, and that’s the date we commemorate: the 4th of July.
So, happy, sexy, firecrackin’, whip-snapping 4th of July from your friends and lovers in Bonoboville. Careful with those firecrackers though; don’t be shooting off your fingers. Because how are you going to finger anyone with no fingers?
And “fingering” does play a part in the climax of this show. But I’m getting ahead of myself.
It’s a Femocratic Freedom Fiesta, and I’m surrounded by FemDoms. I’m happy to welcome back from her travels one of my favorite guests whom we haven’t seen since DomCon LA 2017, animal play specialist and 2016 SUZY Award winner, Madame Margherite, who looks smashing in a glittering red, white and blue beret (that my brother gave me), leggings, hiking boots and a slinky black top. Her big news is that she will be Mistress of Ceremonies at DomCon New Orleans 2017. Congratulations Madame Margherite! Bring us back some beignets.
This time, she brings me a couple of her very own home-baked bagels. Chewy and delicious! Just like Back East.
We also welcome back Sanctuary pro-Domme Mistress Liz, last here last Saturday, and the Saturday before, and the Saturday before… She’s looking fetching in black boots and bootie shorts.
The new FemDom in Bonoboville, the DrSuzy.Tv virgin, is the vivacious, voluptuous ginger, Madam Grace Marie, aka “Goddess of LA,” showing off her all-natural curves in a skintight, silver-sparkler mini-dress, topped off by a posh “Femocracy NOW” button designed by Clemmy.
When I ask the “Goddess of LA” how she acquired that lofty title, her answer is refreshingly down-to-earth: “The url was available, so I took it.” She then earns it on this show.
Rounding out this circle of FemDom Wonder Women is my lovely assistant, Institute sex therapist Gypsy Bonobo, rocking a teeny red, white and blue bikini on that bod of hers with all those red, black and blue tattoos.
We’re pretty decked out in red, white and blue; I’m sporting one of my red and white Yale thongs (for more, see the Yale travel blog) under fluttering scarves based on a design by Betsy Ross herself. Someone who didn’t know might mistake us for crazed Trump supporters. But we’re Patriots, not Hatriots, and we love our country, though apparently for different reasons.
Wonder Woman to the Rescue
America’s 241st birthday finds many of us everyday Wonder Women wishing the *real* Wonder Woman could teach our unpresidented President a lesson or two about how to civilly treat women… not to mention people in general.
This is before Sunday’s poop-tweet showing America’s distinguished Commander-in-Chief wrestling another guy in a suit (really Vince McMahon with the CNN logo crudely superimposed on his head) to the ground and punching him repeatedly. It’s supposed to show Trump winning his fight with the media. At least, that’s everyone’s best guess as to its purpose, aside from distracting us from important things, like a health care bill that, if passed, would really kayo the life out of countless Americans. The Rump’s hardworking spokeswoman, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, who just recently insisted that her boss never “encourages violence,” must be pleased.
On this show, we’re still reeling from our POTUS’ rabid tweet attack on yet another beautiful “bleeding” blonde newscaster who happens to be female. This time it’s his old friend, Morning Joe’s Mika Brezezinski, who tweeted a nice comeback with a box of Cheerios “made for little hands.”
Madam Grace Marie and I give our Trump doll a good book-spanking with The Bonobo Way for that one. I later sign and give her the book. We also keep the big POTUS baby’s penis pacifier firmly in his big mouth so he can’t speak. Since our Trump doll has no hands, he can’t tweet either. This is the only way we like him. At least, it doesn’t involve beheading him.
Even the Repugnicans are upset about Trump’s tweets, but they still support his and their horribly destructive agenda that harms women (among other humans), especially mothers, including the Mother of all Mothers, the Earth.
We need Wonder Woman now to tie up this mendacious Mango Mussolini with her Golden Lasso of Truth. Too bad she’s just a cartoon fantasy. Well, at least we’ve got her in a popular well-made action movie that can inspire those of us who are working, playing and protesting in the trenches. Vive la Résistance!
Which brings me to my next guest. Joining us on webcam via Skype live from the “Enchanted Island” of Puerto Rico is Professor Linda Maria Rodriguez Guglielmoni, University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez Creative Writing and Film department, whom I met at the UPR Ecosexuality Symposium (where I gave the keynote), convened by Professor SerenaGaia Anderlini D’Onofrio, co-editor of Ecosexuality: When Nature Inspires the Arts of Love. Prof. Linda just wrote a wonderful essay for Storyrocket, Wonder Woman: An Allegory for Our Times.
University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez Creative Writing and Film Professor Linda Maria Rodriguez Guglielmoni joins us from PR via Skype.
Another vivacious redhead and a fount of knowledge about cinema and culture, Prof. Linda enthusiastically describes how empowered many of the women and girls of UPRM and environs were before and after seeing this groundbreaking action film which could really be “the bridge to a greater understanding” for many people.
I must confess I haven’t seen the whole movie; I’m not a big action film fan. But I did watch the trailer and several scenes to prepare for this show and, considering the genre, it’s not bad. I especially like the origin scenes of Wonder Woman as Princess Diana growing up on the Greek mythological, extremely femocratic island of Themyscira. It’s beautiful, most notably the scenes of gorgeous women riding spectacular horses.
But it’s kind of lonely with no guys around (I wonder if all the horses are mares). At least to me, it is. I believe in the femocratic principles of the Bonobo Way, but I love men. After all, I married one! And Capt’n Max and I are still very happily married after 25 years.
Wonder Woman likes men too. And thus, her adventures begin.
I grew up reading Wonder Woman comic books, as did pretty much all of our other guests. We may not have “super powers” or bracelets that deflect bullets, but we all have an Inner Wonder Woman that feels good—and does good— when we release her.
We also talk about Wonder Woman’s comic book creator, William Moulton Marston, aka Charles Moulton, who lived polyamorously with his wife, Elizabeth Holloway Marston, and their girlfriend, Olive Byrne, both of whom inspired his depiction of a strong, smart, brave, beautiful, very “womanly” super-heroine. They were also influenced by the feminism of the early twentieth century, including the birth control activism of Margaret Sanger.
Prof. Linda is not sure if the pioneering threesome (all psychologists) engaged in bondage play, though she agrees that it’s quite possible when I speculate that this could have inspired Wonder Woman’s famous Golden Lasso of Truth that she uses to subdue so many bad guys, like a FemDom tying up her male submissive and “making” him reveal his secrets.
Freedom is the greatest aphrodisiac. But restraint is a close second.
Some of the freest folks on Earth get off on giving up their freedom… consensually, of course. Sometimes they are turned on by being “forced” to experience things they really want but don’t feel free to receive unless they’re restrained; or, they’re aroused by the struggle and surrender of entering “sub space.” Though bonobos don’t use handcuffs or chains, they do play at restraining each other, an integral aspect of their peace-through-pleasure culture.
But back to my interview with Prof. Linda, which is quite fascinating, especially for Wonder Women fans, so listen above or watch it in the Bonoboville Lounge (free this week) or anytime on DrSuzy.Tv.
Grace Marie’s First Communion
All that deep discussion makes us thirsty for Bonoboville Communion. Our newbie, Madam Grace Marie, raised Catholic and quite familiar with that Communion, agrees to serve as Altar Girl. She’s a “switch” BDSM-wise, and with all these other FemDoms on the show, her subbie side comes to the fore.
Waterboard Mistress Liz, Bonobo-Style, as she lays back on the Bonoboville Communion Altar of the Goddess of LA. Photo: Clemmy
With teasing allure, she removes her top and bra and brings out “the girls,” all-natural 36 DDs. Mistress Liz is the lucky receiver of this Communion. She deftly sucks the salt off the Altar nips and lays back in the Goddess of LA’s lap of luxury as I administer Waterboarding, Bonobo-Style with Agwa de Bolivia Herbal Coca Leaf Liqueur. Three cheers for the girls!
We also give a shout-out to Cosmo for running yet another fun Q&A featuring advice from yours truly. This one’s about a cool way to do 69. As I read the description, Ikkor and Madam Grace Marie assume the position.
Since it’s only simulated oral sex (they keep their clothes on), Madam Grace cleverly uses her big black mic to represent Ikkor’s anaconda under wraps. That’s why we call her the Goddess of LA.
Happy Life Day Ikkor!
We come back from the break with a cake.
Not only is it America’s birthday, it’s Ikkor the Wolf’s, though he prefers to call it his “Life Day.” Ikkor seems genuinely—and sweetly—touched when lovely Gypsy waltzes in with a cake with his name on it, lit candles and a birthday balloon, confessing that he hasn’t gotten this kind of full birthday treatment since he was a kid.
Well, that’s how we roll with people we love—and even with some people we barely know—here in Bonoboville. We believe in the benefit of bringing out your Inner Child along with your Inner Bonobo… except when you’re running the government, Donnie! Put that phone down and go to your room!
Motorbunny Fireworks
Now it’s time for some orgasmic fireworks.
Fireworks in the sky are orgasms for the eyes. They dazzle, pulsate, pop, shoot, squirt and go “bang,” eliciting “oohs,” “ahhs” and shrieks of joy. Our polluted city skies may be shorn of stars, but we can light up the night with the visual delight of human-made star bursts and galactic displays. Of course, 4th of July fireworks also symbolize the “rockets red glare, the bombs bursting in air,” a not-so-subtle reminder of America’s violent history of human-made war and military destruction, often provoking intense reactions in PTSD-rattled veterans. Even amateur fireworks are labeled “bullets” and “artillery,” playing upon militarized fantasies of weaponry and fiery apocalyptic destruction. But the reality is that fireworks aren’t weapons for killing people or destroying neighborhoods, at least not on purpose.
Like many people, I’ve always found fireworks to be incredibly sexy. After all, one of the great metaphors for orgasm has long been “fireworks.”
Game for another erotic exhibitionistic adventure, our Goddess of LA agrees to ride the Motorbunny, having never ridden a Sybian or anything like it before. Gypsy (who is a nurse) changes the saran wrap around the machine. Safety and cleanliness come first, even though we won against Prop 60!
Unlike Mpenzi, who rode the Motorbunny last Saturday with its biggest attachment, while tied up with Wonder Woman’s Lasso of Truth and a Hitachi Magic Wand, Madam Grace Marie chooses to ride it plain and simple, with no attachment.
“Just for my clit,” she explains helpfully as she picks up her silver hem to reveal her all-natural ginger bush. All eyes on Grace. Then she mounts the Motorbunny, like Wonder Woman mounting her mare… more or less. She really does look powerful up there. I hold her mic, so she can focus on the power… and the pleasure.
Responding graciously to popular requests, as befitting a true Goddess of LA, she pulls out her great gazangas. I turn up the vibrations, and the fireworks begin. Like a divinity unleashed, she moans, gyrates, leans back, rolls her head around, touches her fiery pubes and plays with her clitoris.
Then Mistress Liz plays with her clitoris. I turn up the vibrations to full blast. And with that, the Grand Finale fireworks display occurs, and Madam Grace Marie, the Goddess of LA, cums and squirts all over the Motorbunny, not to mention Old Glory, which soaks up her Holy Water like the blessing that it is.
And we all sing hallelujah, and say Amen. And, especially, Awomen.
Then she assumes several Wonder Woman power poses, laughs and dismounts.
That calls for some regular fireworks—well, sparklers that light, sizzle and smoke up the Womb Room. Love those silly old rockets’ red glare. Actually, it’s more of a white glare, but you get the idea…
She Bad
In honor of all the wonderful “bad” Wonder Women in the film, the Womb Room and everywhere else, Ikkor sings “She Bad.”
And we all dance around him like chorus girls: Ikkor the Wolf and the FemDoms of Bonoboville.
Mid-song, I strip off his shirt and reveal his muscular pecs to the oohs and ahhs of the chorus. Then we really get down, or try to. Gypsy is our lead twerker girl. She bad.
Even domming while she’s dancing, Ms. Liz grabs and then spanks Gypsy’s bobbing butt for America’s Birthday, or Ikkor’s Life Day, or just for fun.
Then we set off some poppers (the confetti, not the drug, silly), light more sparklers and #GoBonobos in various ways. The Garden of Bonoboville is twinkling with pleasure and fun, and a little gossip too. After all, it’s a village.
As the smoke settles, the Captain and I depart for our private quarters where, inspired by the evening’s mental and physical pyrotechnics, we set off some sexual fireworks in each other.
Happy Femocratic Independence Day, Brothers and Sisters! God and Goddess bless the Wonder Women of the world. We need you now.
Thanks to Our Volunteers: Videographers: Angel Hernandez, Angel Hernandez, Photographers – Slick Rick, Ivan, James; On-Campus Bonobos – Abe Perez, Del Rey, Gypsy Bonobo, Harry Sapien, Jacquie Blu, MarsFX, Johnny Jungle, Clemmy Cockatoo, Ana & Miguel.
© July 3, 2017. Susan Block, Ph.D., a.k.a. “Dr. Suzy,” is a world renowned LA sex therapist, author of The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace through Pleasure and horny housewife, occasionally seen on HBO and other channels. For speaking engagements, call 310-568-0066.
Explore DrSusanBlock.com
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07 · 25 · 17 @ 12:37 pm
I really enjoyed the interview and your show!
07 · 19 · 17 @ 11:41 am
Wow!!!! I really needed to watch this right now. You are such an inspiration Dr. Suzy!!!
07 · 11 · 17 @ 9:57 pm
Fantastic dialogue, great photos, and a celebration of erotic liberation to be remembered. #GoBonobos for sexual freedom, femocractic communion and Dr. Suzy! Happy 4th Bonobos.
Del Rey
07 · 7 · 17 @ 2:38 pm
07 · 5 · 17 @ 2:40 pm
Hey, congratulations on another great show!
Like Harry was saying above, all of the information about the polyamorous lifestyle of Wonder Woman’s creator was completely new to me, and I was practically raised on comic books and Saturday morning cartoons. Now I’ll never look at the character without thinking about whether the “Golden Lasso” had additional implications inside that household.
And two weeks in a row with a MotorBunny ride! I’m beginning to think that should be a regular segment. :)
07 · 5 · 17 @ 6:34 am
It was great watching the real life “Wonder Women” of sex, peace, and the Bonobo Way talk about the Wonder Woman on the silver screen. Prior to this show, I had no idea that comic book creator, William Moulton Marston, lived polyamorously with his wife and girlfriend and that there relationship was reflected in the strong depiction of Wonder Woman. Again, I learned something new and wonderful from this show. They also celebrated the 4th of July (a little early) Bonobo Style with a helluva motor bunny ride and performance by birthday boy Ikkor. This show is more than a show, it is a family that we get to be a part of every Saturday.
07 · 4 · 17 @ 4:36 pm
This stage was so full of women power Wonder Women would of been proud! From our sexy and sultry red headed guest The Goddess of LA who was full of love and laughter, to the beautiful and articulate professor Linda who gave such good insight, history and background of Wonder Women. So many facts about her and the author I never knew! And our Queen Dr. Suzy draped in red, white, and blue – I’ve never seen America look so good! God bless mistresses, goddesses, motorbunny’s and The Dr.Susan Block Show!! Happy Independence-from-Trump Day!!
07 · 4 · 17 @ 4:12 pm
Happy 4th! Great celebration of sexy freedom so well & patriotically portrayed in the pics!!
07 · 4 · 17 @ 1:02 pm
Great, sweet beautiful Dr. Susan! I LOVE your spirit and your sexy ways! ❤️all the best for remembering what we truly stand for here in America
07 · 4 · 17 @ 10:21 am
…And John Adams and Thomas Jefferson both died on the 4th of July, the 50th anniversary of the declaration.
I learned that watching a TV show starring Paul Giamatti and written by David McCullough.
Anyway, enough trivia.
Great show! I rate it 50 stars!
I suggest to get the full effect of a show, come along and be a part of, and learn something new from, Dr. Susan’s show!
There ain’t no substitute for real life!
07 · 4 · 17 @ 3:57 am
Such a great way to celebrate a Fabulous Fourth. I loved the combination of sparklers and sprinklers!
07 · 3 · 17 @ 10:40 pm
I never knew that the actual date of our Independence Day was July 2nd. Very cool!