Dr. Susan Block

In the Chatroom


  1. Cannibal
    08 · 18 · 15 @ 4:48 pm

    fuckk yeaaa


  2. Jack Nice
    08 · 18 · 15 @ 4:46 pm

    Yes when you think about it really circumcision is just the start, for little boys we do have a culture of cruelty in an attempt to take would be little bonobos and turn them into killing machines, slicing off the end of their member is just their introduction lol, its a long process to turn a little bonobo into a perfected american blackwater killing machine.


  3. Charles Coffman
    08 · 18 · 15 @ 4:43 pm

    Am against male circumcision too, bravo! I feel fortunate that I was mercifully spared that barbarity (thanks Mom!). s a an indefensible practice and a cruelty inflicted on the male human species. Every day I am thankful for my undamaged prepuce. I can’t believe that men are continually circumcised at birth — how cruel. I am aware of what they are losing because I am uncircumcised, thank God! BTW it does make jacking off easier and more pleasurable — I am quite sure of that! Probably intercourse is better as well I conjecture . . .


  4. Bob Gryszka
    08 · 18 · 15 @ 10:38 am

    looks like it was FUN !!!


  5. Jeff Howard
    08 · 18 · 15 @ 12:13 am



  6. Elizabeth Aston
    08 · 17 · 15 @ 12:03 pm

    Sometimes we have to wind up to wind down.

    As show producer, it is a challenge keeping it together: balancing guest schedules, rolling with the punches, expecting the unexpected. It can take a toll on the stress levels and make it hard to relax!

    But once this show got going, there was no stopping the relaxation rollercoaster. With a zany combo of excitation and relaxation, we made our way through the sizzling summer night. Layla Blue Phoenix dazzled and delighted us all, and she brought the sweetest treat to us in the form of the dapper and dashing Nico Xavier ;)

    My dear Cannibal has learned to chill over the years we’ve loved each other, so he’s replaced the Joy of Cooking with The Joy of Sex. More gravy, please!

    The summer heat swelters on, so I’m off the prepare my floaties….when Capt’n Max has the yacht ready, I’ll be ready to bask alongside you, Dr Suzy! <3


  7. Hironori Ishizuka
    08 · 17 · 15 @ 10:08 am

    Beautiful :)


  8. Kevin Faircourt
    08 · 17 · 15 @ 6:34 am

    If it were not for Dr Suzy, I would not know there was such a thing as #RelaxationDay. It was another impressive display of Dr Suzy & Co leading the Revolution for tolerance and love.


  9. Dr A in San Juan Capistrano
    08 · 17 · 15 @ 2:02 am

    I have to thank you as you taught me about the birds and the bees in the late 90’s during your late night public cable broadcasts. I grew up in LA with immigrant parents. So sex was never discussed. Without you, I would have had no idea what to do with my first gf! Thank you Dr. Block!


  10. Chelsea Demoiselle (Raw)
    08 · 16 · 15 @ 11:01 pm

    I love the way you go with the flow of the moment; surprises, last minute cancellations of guest stars, etc, and you just keep going bonobos no matter what! All in such a poised, sapiosexual, and eager way … it’s contagious!

    Great show! Thank you Layla Blue Phoenix for all you give and I do send a manifestation blessing for your new home to-be … and I feel honored to have broken a flogger on your awesome little ass, knowing you are just as heavy a bottom as me and so that part worked (even with a few of my clumsy ‘thwaps’)…

    We were speaking about tan-lines and how Layla keeps her smooth silky white complexion using coconut oil and how I (to her surprise) *also* use coconut oil IN the sun … It was great to get to explain how raw fruits and vegetables as a major portion of one’s dietary intake is said by raw vegan eaters to be a natural sunscreen because it changes the body’s chemical structure, hydrates from within, alchemizes the skin’s reaction to sunlight and is part of the skin’s ability to create vitamin D. Why? The sun draws *out* toxins from the body, (doesn’t create them) so if you don’t eat processed foods, cooked foods and chemical-laden foods, the sun won’t need to pull those things out of the body via the skin, the body’s largest organ of elimination.

    Sunlight has gotten a bad rap.

    Additionally, I was so happy you stood up against male circumcision which is a very important way to start our baby boy’s lives off in a nonviolent way. I am from the school of thought that the traditional western medical delivery room is an onslaught of trauma and confusion for newborns and a calm, conscious, gentle, skin-on-skin bonding time with Mamma without drugs, forceps, bright lights and–yes, circumcision–means a more present, aware, compassionate, untraumatized young person which translates into a more balanced, harmonious society and world …

    It was a pleasure and an honor to meet all the guests, Cannibal and Nico, big hugs and thank you for your candid, educational and erotic offerings. :)

    The Relaxation Show at Bonoboville got me started and I spent today at the beach riding on the good vibes from last night.

    The Greatest Sexuality Show On Earth continues to exceed expectations–no matter what–as the Most Unique, Uncensored, and Unscripted Show of All-Time on DrSuzy.tv!

    *Listening to Tangentially Speaking from Dr Christopher Ryan’s interview of you here in Bonoboville* http://chrisryanphd.com/tangentially-speaking/2015/8/8/138-susan-block-the-bonobo-way


  11. Del Rey
    08 · 16 · 15 @ 6:45 pm

    Relaxation day was good but a relaxation night is just what the Dr. ordered. Indeed Dr. Block your prescription for peace through pleasure during this Bonobo Summer of Love has worked wonders here in the pleasure complex known as Bonoboville– hat tip to Citizen LA. It certainly was a delight to welcome back speakeasy star Layla Blue Phoenix. And may I add, WOW! she is quite an amazing altar.


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