Carnal Carnival on DrSuzy.Tv
Carnal Carnival on DrSuzy.Tv: One-armed Joe Adams, Del Rey juggling Ecosexuality & Glyde America condoms, Biz Bonobo, Hollywood Jake with The Bonobo Way, Row 2: Josi Kat, Clownalyn Monroe with Agwa Coca Leaf Liqueur, Dr. Susan Block, Dark Mark, Aaliyah Corsets. Photo: Kevin Faircourt
Length 1:52:42 Date: August 8, 2015
Audio PlayerIn a way, Bonoboville, like life itself, is always a “carnal carnival,” but for this bonobo-and-bozo-friendly episode of The Dr. Susan Block Show, that’s the theme.
Goth comedian Dark Mark is leaving LA’s sunshine for New Orleans’ mausoleums, and his virgin appearance on DrSuzy.Tv also serves as a freaky farewell to his LA friends and lovers. Amongst the entourage are several sexy ladies, one of whom could be the demented love child of Marilyn Monroe and Patch Adams, aptly named Clownalyn Monroe. Another is voluptuous burlesque Domme and “Pussy Bang-Bang” producer, Josi Kat, also co-host of Dark Mark’s ghoulish comedy talk show.
We also meet a “one-armed” comic named Joe Adams who—no clowning around here–practically makes Biz climax using his stump (covered with an XXX-tra large Glyde America cruelty-free, all-vegan condom) like a large, perpetually hard, oddly mobile penis, giving new meaning to the phrase “rub a nub.” Biz’s orgasm crescendos as she rides the Sybian, with Aaliyah Corsets (whose ass is featured in Citizen LA’s awesome new piece about Bonoboville, “The Pleasure Compound”) behind her and Dark Mark on the controls, as she opens wide and sucks Joe’s stump like it’s the last snow cone of the Bonobo Summer of Love. All this nub-rubbing brings back Capt’n Max’s memories of getting busted for publishing photos of Long Jean Silver “stump-fucking” Annie Sprinkle, and we realize that the Captain went to jail and eventually prevailed for our freedom to express our sexuality, whether we are “able,” “disabled” or simply mislabeled.
For the “clown fetishists” in the congregation, Clownalyn makes a balloon “dick hat” that looks quite stylish on Hollywood Jake’s handsome head. Biz strips for Mark, and we spank several bottoms under the Bonoboville Big Top. A celebratory #FreeTheNipple Bonoboville Communion with Agwa Coca Leaf Liqueur ensues featuring a brief but tasty sample of Josi’s ample boobage, Aaliyah’s delightful tatas, as well as Biz and Mark exchanging such meaningful nip-suckling that they put the communing in Communion. Del Rey gives us a taste of his juggling skills developed when he was a juggling monkey with the Humboldt Circus. Pretty soon, everyone is wearing a clown nose, or dropping theirs between somebody’s boobies.
We have many serious announcements and momentous pronouncements regarding The Bonobo Way in the News, a free Ecosexuality foreword excerpt, Group Sex in Alternet (thanks Carrie Weisman), Dr. Zanna Clay’s important study finding bonobo “peeps” to be very similar to human “babytalk,” and the latest police atrocities (all the clowns agree that American cops really need Anger Management Training, Bonobo-Style). However, since much of this stuff is delivered while wearing a clown nose, how much of it, serious though it be, can we take seriously?
Well, this is a show about sex, and sex is (mostly) a comedy, not a tragedy. As Camille Paglia says in Sexual Personae, Death is the tragedy of life. Sex should, and often does, give us a brief holiday, a squeeze and a tickle, a nice orgasm and a good laugh. Laughter is a mental orgasm. A Womb Room filled with laughter is an orgy of cerebral connection.
So we hope you laugh and come with us. Ride a friendly stump. Use your stump—or whatever perceived “disability” you might have—to give pleasure. Free the nipple, and the bacon. Juggle your balls. Make art out of the madness. The tragedies, atrocities, bombings, beheadings, injustices, stresses and frustrations of life just keep coming, but if you can find a fun, consensual way to release your “inner bonobo,” then just do it. Breathe deep, relax and savor the ride before it’s all over. Share the peace through pleasure. Join the Carnal Carnival of Bonoboville. Let your freak flag fly.
Just a coupla clowns: Capt’n Max & his First (Prime) Mate, freak flags a’flyin high. Photo: Kevin Faircourt
© August 9, 2015. Susan Block, Ph.D., a.k.a. “Dr. Suzy,” is a world renowned LA sex therapist, author of The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace through Pleasure and horny housewife, occasionally seen on HBO and other channels. For speaking engagements, call 310-568-0066.
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08 · 11 · 15 @ 10:25 am
Epic beautiful show with epic beautiful people.
08 · 11 · 15 @ 10:20 am
That’s the clown bus I want to be on.
08 · 10 · 15 @ 11:54 pm
Great show. What a bunch of great clowns you are.
08 · 10 · 15 @ 2:54 pm
It was a lovely and spirited evening featuring Clownalyn Monroe and Josie Kat who were such fun for me to photograph. Very glad to capture new pictures of Max and Dr. Suzy as well.
08 · 10 · 15 @ 12:53 pm
Luckily we didn’t have to run away with the circus, the circus came to us! It was a spectacular night filled with laughter, entertainment, and oddities, and it was a thrill to take part in the fun.
Clowning around with this jovial group made for a zany time under the Bonoboville Big Top. Josi’s Jumbo Jugs were bouncing, Dark Mark waved his big staff, and Joe had me starry-eyes and stumped :) Clownalyn Monroe was a hilarious heartthrob, and it was a hoot to see all the happy Bonobos joining in by sliding on their clown noses and sharing their talents.
Special Shout-out to Del for his circus talents and providing a twist on the norm with his purple clown nose and juggling prowess. I didn’t know that clowning around could be so sexy!
As always, you never know what’s gonna happen on the Dr Suzy Show. Until next time…Biz <3
08 · 10 · 15 @ 11:24 am
I love Dr. Susan Block!
08 · 10 · 15 @ 2:13 am
its really magic colour ful as same like indain festival holi colours of colours
08 · 10 · 15 @ 12:58 am
Looks like a lot of fun in your studio
08 · 9 · 15 @ 11:29 pm
Great Photo L’Erotique! Gotta say it was fun playing SoundFX for the show. Long live the Howwwling Wolf!
08 · 9 · 15 @ 11:09 pm
Wow, I never expected this one to give me full-body chillz … but you’ve reasoned with my soul siStar and I’m ready to rejoice!
Because I’ve been lookin’ for a spot to let my freak flag fly for quite some time now.
It goes without saying but Elizabeth was brilliant last night and in top form… Alliyah Corsets takes good care of her body and it shows–love her body, mind and spirit!
You and Max look so cute in those clown noses!
Bravo one and all, quite well done! Quite impressed with everyone– Dark Mark, Josi Kat, Clownalyn Monroe & Joe Adams– especially Joe’s stump confidence and Biz’s sucking!
Thank you for addressing the fact that current events can getcha down and how to be part of the solution by havin’ fun and keepin’ it real!!!!
08 · 9 · 15 @ 10:37 pm
Cue the music for the March of the Bonobos!
This show left me in stitches, and with good reason too, someone let a bunch of clowns into Bonoboville. Big thanks to Biz for bringing together this bawdy bonoboësque bunch; Dark Mark, Josi Kat, Clownalyn Monroe & Joe Adams were delightful guests.
This show was a warm reminder of my Humboldt Circus days; with the redwood trees replaced by Villa Bonobo’s luscious garden and the rubber chicken spankings replaced with book spankings. All in all it felt like home in a very big way.
Joe & Biz’s intimate stump sucking session was heartwarming, and I was amazed by the durability of the Glyde condoms. And awestruck by Biz’s vacuum-like talent. Hot stuff. Also, I want to give a big thank you to Max, Long Jean Silver, and Annie Sprinkle for pushing the envelope and paving the way so that we can broadcast these sexually evocative acts.
Three cheers for Bonoboville’s Carnal Carnival!