Relaxation Day in Bonoboville
Relaxation Day on DrSuzy.Tv: Cannibal with The Bonobo Way, Chelsea Demoiselle, Layla Blue Phoenix with The 10 Commandments of Pleasure, Dr. Susan Block with Agwa Coca Leaf Liqueur, Nico Xavier, Biz Bonobo. Photo: Jux Lii
Length 1:42:42 Date: August 15, 2015
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It’s Relaxation Day on DrSuzy.Tv, and boy, do we need to relax. Especially when sex is on the menu. Bonobos are experts in the erotic art of relaxation, but for us civilized humans, it’s not so easy. If we’re nervous or tense—fearing any real or imagined danger—our bodies tend to *defend* us against attack, but also against pleasure, all too often resulting in lost erections, missed orgasms, pain, shame, blame, tearful recriminations, hostility and in some situations, even violence. So best to learn to release your inner bonobo and relaxxx! Breathe deep into your pelvis, do a little yoga or just stretch, put on the right music, take a puff of ganja or a sip of Agwa, shake that bootie and let that tension go. That’s my sex-therapeutic takeaway for Relaxation Day.
On the other hand, you can be too relaxed, like to the point where you fall asleep which makes you a pretty boring sex partner for anyone but Bill Cosby.
Great sex thrives on a fizzy combination of relaxation and excitation. Which is just what happens on this show. Actually, when I start the show, I’m a pretty damn tense, having just heard that two of my scheduled guests are apparently soooo relaxed that they can’t even get their booties to Bonoboville. I will not mention their names as their crimes are not quite egregious enough for public shaming, but they know who they are… if they’ve woken up yet.
Fortunately, the lovely and talented Layla Blue Phoenix is here, along with a couple of her fun friends, and we have a relaxing but rousing Relaxation Celebration. We haven’t seen Layla since our wild Bonobo Spring Equinox show, and since that time, she confesses she’s been mostly avoiding sex—sadly, for everyone who lusts mightily after her, and there are hordes. Sometimes a period of sexual withdrawal is just what we need, in order to bounce back into the sexual swing of things when we’re ready and able to go after what we really want. This is especially true for gorgeous, generous 18-year-olds like Layla who are so overwhelmed by the erotic desires of everyone around them, that they have a tough time accessing their own wants or even needs.
But “no sex” doesn’t mean being a nun (although the fantasy of Layla in a nun’s habit is pretty hot), and Ms. Phoenix is still a deliciously seductive exhibitionist with a submissive streak. After some sexy snake play with Eve and a little more no-sex talk, Layla strips off her sliced-up leggings and doffs her top (but check out those freaky spike-heeled platforms) for Bonoboville Communion. Though, at 18, she’s too young to drink, she’s old enough to provide her beautiful natural naked boobies for our altar (not to mention, serve in the military). Chelsea and Biz join in, and pretty soon we’re putting the titillation into relaxation, and it’s a #FreeTheNipple Parade of pretty titties, all-natural and very relaxed, swinging between the girls, like a salty boobie hoka-hoka in the Bonobo Summer of Love.
Then in come some boys, on their virgin appearance on DrSuzy.Tv, one of whom is adorable transman Nico Xavier. The other is Cannibal, who is incredibly relaxed about things that make me nervous, like eating human flesh. Even though he says the “small” piece of thigh he devoured “long ago” was willingly offered, I have to get judgmental here and say “yuch,” do NOT try this at home or even take a seminar in it. Though cannibal fantasies are perfectly fine and some of our favorites to roleplay here at the Block Institute. And after all, regular oral sex shouldn’t involve digesting the meat, but it could include swallowing the gravy.
Luckily, Cannibal has other more palatable talents, such as pulling his “stunt cock” out of his pants, which he does for us quite amiably. Though it’s pretty relaxed (or is that nervous?) at first, it does get hard, and three cheers for Cannibal for sharing. It’s especially brave on his part since he pulls it out right after we talk about how male circumcision of babies is almost or *just as* wrong as the more exotic female circumcision that most Westerners excoriate. Nothing against your cock if it’s circumcised though, and Cannibal’s looks good enough to eat. But you might think twice before you let anyone—rabbi, mullah or doctor—nip it to your kid. Remember these circumcision professionals get paid extra for the effort, so their advice is not objective.
It must be cock-showing night in Bonoboville, because we are also treated to a close up view of Nico’s goodies. Yes, Nico was born into the “girl” gender with pink bows and a clitoris. But as he grew up, he realized he was more of a he than a she and is now taking male hormones that give him everything from a moustache to a happy trail to an enlarged clitoris that looks very much like a penis—and even sports a nice foreskin—which Nico has endearingly christened “Darryl.” What a reminder Darryl is that men are not from Mars nor are women from Venus; even our genitalia closely resemble each other, give or take a few hormones and skin cells.
For the sake of sex education, not to mention our own admittedly prurient interests, we get a good look at naked Darryl in the after-party, after which I give him a book-spanking with The Bonobo Way, not because he’s “bad” for showing the world his weiner, but because it’s fun, and kind of relaxing.
I also give a book-spanking to Layla, and Chelsea spanks and flogs her too, even breaking a Pipedream crystal dildo-flogger in the effort—but Layla keeps twerking for more. I guess all that “no sex” makes a girl crave spanking. Well, some girls. Speaking of cocks, Layla is rather adept at holding the microphone between her legs, especially as Biz simulates fellatio on it. A little nipple-popping hula-hooping (which, once you get the hang of it, is very relaxing), banana play, and, lo and behold, despite two of my featured guests being too relaxed to show up, it’s a great night of Relaxation Celebration with pinches of excitation and stimulation.
I’ve said it before, but it really applies to this show: The best-laid plans may not get you laid the way you planned. But if you can relax, go with the flow and make the best of things, you can still have fun, get things done… and get yourself laid.
Speaking of which, Capt’n Max and I are feeling so relaxed, we go to bed (our other bed) early. Of course, all the stress, erotic interaction and hormonal excitement of the show agitates us into some pretty hot sex for old married folks, the friction building and building until it’s resolved with tension-shattering orgasms and… finally… release into total, blissful relaxation. Sometimes you need to really tense up before you can full relax. We are blessed to be able to help each other relax like this for so many years, and yes, sometimes we can be the very cause of each other’s tension. Such is married life in Bonoboville. Tension goes with the territory, but we don’t kill each other, and euphoric relaxation is one of our little heaven-on-earth rewards.
And we celebrate it with passion! With all of our war holidays (Veteran’s Day, 4th of July, Memorial Day) and Labor Day (that joyous celebration of burning flesh and corporate slavery), it’s great to have a holiday that celebrates peaceful sloth and bonoboësque leisure.
And now, it’s time for a commercial, but one that might just help you to relax. If you’re finding it tough to chill out, you might want to try erotic hypnosis. Let our skilled therapists relax your body through your mind. Unlike the show which puts all of us on display from now into eternity, erotic hypnosis and other forms of telephone sex therapy with the Block Institute are absolutely private and confidential (we don’t even keep records on computers). So give us a call anytime you’re stressed or just need to talk to someone about something you can’t talk about with anyone else. Just talking with a good therapist can help many of us “Civilized-to-Death” humans to release and relax—with a hat tip to Christopher Ryan’s upcoming book Civilized to Death; speaking of which, his interview with me is now playing on his podcast “Tangentially Speaking.”
Yawn. Now that the tension of celebrating and bloggamizing Relaxation Day has been released, I’m ready to really relax… oh Capt’n, where’s our yacht?
© August 16, 2015. Susan Block, Ph.D., a.k.a. “Dr. Suzy,” is a world renowned LA sex therapist, author of The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace through Pleasure and horny housewife, occasionally seen on HBO and other channels. For speaking engagements, call 310-568-0066.
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08 · 18 · 15 @ 4:48 pm
fuckk yeaaa
08 · 18 · 15 @ 4:46 pm
Yes when you think about it really circumcision is just the start, for little boys we do have a culture of cruelty in an attempt to take would be little bonobos and turn them into killing machines, slicing off the end of their member is just their introduction lol, its a long process to turn a little bonobo into a perfected american blackwater killing machine.
08 · 18 · 15 @ 4:43 pm
Am against male circumcision too, bravo! I feel fortunate that I was mercifully spared that barbarity (thanks Mom!). s a an indefensible practice and a cruelty inflicted on the male human species. Every day I am thankful for my undamaged prepuce. I can’t believe that men are continually circumcised at birth — how cruel. I am aware of what they are losing because I am uncircumcised, thank God! BTW it does make jacking off easier and more pleasurable — I am quite sure of that! Probably intercourse is better as well I conjecture . . .
08 · 18 · 15 @ 10:38 am
looks like it was FUN !!!
08 · 18 · 15 @ 12:13 am
08 · 17 · 15 @ 12:03 pm
Sometimes we have to wind up to wind down.
As show producer, it is a challenge keeping it together: balancing guest schedules, rolling with the punches, expecting the unexpected. It can take a toll on the stress levels and make it hard to relax!
But once this show got going, there was no stopping the relaxation rollercoaster. With a zany combo of excitation and relaxation, we made our way through the sizzling summer night. Layla Blue Phoenix dazzled and delighted us all, and she brought the sweetest treat to us in the form of the dapper and dashing Nico Xavier ;)
My dear Cannibal has learned to chill over the years we’ve loved each other, so he’s replaced the Joy of Cooking with The Joy of Sex. More gravy, please!
The summer heat swelters on, so I’m off the prepare my floaties….when Capt’n Max has the yacht ready, I’ll be ready to bask alongside you, Dr Suzy! <3
08 · 17 · 15 @ 10:08 am
Beautiful :)
08 · 17 · 15 @ 6:34 am
If it were not for Dr Suzy, I would not know there was such a thing as #RelaxationDay. It was another impressive display of Dr Suzy & Co leading the Revolution for tolerance and love.
08 · 17 · 15 @ 2:02 am
I have to thank you as you taught me about the birds and the bees in the late 90’s during your late night public cable broadcasts. I grew up in LA with immigrant parents. So sex was never discussed. Without you, I would have had no idea what to do with my first gf! Thank you Dr. Block!
08 · 16 · 15 @ 11:01 pm
I love the way you go with the flow of the moment; surprises, last minute cancellations of guest stars, etc, and you just keep going bonobos no matter what! All in such a poised, sapiosexual, and eager way … it’s contagious!
Great show! Thank you Layla Blue Phoenix for all you give and I do send a manifestation blessing for your new home to-be … and I feel honored to have broken a flogger on your awesome little ass, knowing you are just as heavy a bottom as me and so that part worked (even with a few of my clumsy ‘thwaps’)…
We were speaking about tan-lines and how Layla keeps her smooth silky white complexion using coconut oil and how I (to her surprise) *also* use coconut oil IN the sun … It was great to get to explain how raw fruits and vegetables as a major portion of one’s dietary intake is said by raw vegan eaters to be a natural sunscreen because it changes the body’s chemical structure, hydrates from within, alchemizes the skin’s reaction to sunlight and is part of the skin’s ability to create vitamin D. Why? The sun draws *out* toxins from the body, (doesn’t create them) so if you don’t eat processed foods, cooked foods and chemical-laden foods, the sun won’t need to pull those things out of the body via the skin, the body’s largest organ of elimination.
Sunlight has gotten a bad rap.
Additionally, I was so happy you stood up against male circumcision which is a very important way to start our baby boy’s lives off in a nonviolent way. I am from the school of thought that the traditional western medical delivery room is an onslaught of trauma and confusion for newborns and a calm, conscious, gentle, skin-on-skin bonding time with Mamma without drugs, forceps, bright lights and–yes, circumcision–means a more present, aware, compassionate, untraumatized young person which translates into a more balanced, harmonious society and world …
It was a pleasure and an honor to meet all the guests, Cannibal and Nico, big hugs and thank you for your candid, educational and erotic offerings. :)
The Relaxation Show at Bonoboville got me started and I spent today at the beach riding on the good vibes from last night.
The Greatest Sexuality Show On Earth continues to exceed expectations–no matter what–as the Most Unique, Uncensored, and Unscripted Show of All-Time on!
*Listening to Tangentially Speaking from Dr Christopher Ryan’s interview of you here in Bonoboville*
08 · 16 · 15 @ 6:45 pm
Relaxation day was good but a relaxation night is just what the Dr. ordered. Indeed Dr. Block your prescription for peace through pleasure during this Bonobo Summer of Love has worked wonders here in the pleasure complex known as Bonoboville– hat tip to Citizen LA. It certainly was a delight to welcome back speakeasy star Layla Blue Phoenix. And may I add, WOW! she is quite an amazing altar.