Dr. Susan Block

In the Chatroom


  1. Daniele
    12 · 21 · 17 @ 8:08 pm

    the most fun performance therapy of my life #GoBonobos


  2. Ali Barkat
    10 · 17 · 17 @ 12:35 pm

    Thank Thee Dr. Susan Block for the blog and all the beautiful films I’ve seen all your movies and I always like to watch it exciting and appealing to everyone


  3. Chris G
    10 · 11 · 17 @ 3:33 pm

    Dr Block, I saw the amazing video from the convention that you did, you were amazing!


  4. Goddess Virgin
    10 · 10 · 17 @ 9:22 pm

    Dr. Suzy, You are amazing.


  5. Danièle Watts
    10 · 5 · 17 @ 3:51 pm

    Feels so delightfully fitting that you posted this on Happy Moon Day eve. The Chinese traditional holiday that I only just found out about was today :) but it feels so celebratory now, reading your words remembering pleasure and warmth, deliciousness and calm. I feel the waves of pleasure all over. Yum yum yummy full moon! In fiery Aries keeping us warm and delighted all daynight long … more pleasure to come! Come one, come all !!!! Spreading the good news for all ! Hallelujah :)


  6. Clemmy
    10 · 5 · 17 @ 3:19 pm

    I’ve seen your talk a few times now, Dr. Block, once at DomCon, though I did miss the tail end when I realized I’d neglected to feed the parking meter and ran out to find I had a f%&&^$ing ticket anyway.

    Then I did see the talk in a smaller venue a few months ago.
    It’s a wonderful message, and while I know it’s forbidden and far from a popular idea to voice, imagine if we could have bonobos instead of cats as pets.
    Imagine what a good influence they could be.
    I mean to say, look where taming us got…us: about to blow the shit out of each other.
    Let the bonobos fuck themselves senseless in the wild whilst Trump et al. fuck us here at home.

    I’ve never been to AdultCon, all those rules and regulations seem rather incongruous, considering the theme.
    I’ll stick to Bonoboville on Saturday nights where a bit of Slap ‘N’ Tickle is encouraged.
    Oh, and if you’re reading this and you DON’T KNOW yet what Bonoboville is….check this out….


  7. Gypsybonobo
    10 · 5 · 17 @ 12:40 pm

    Dr.Suzy is such an amazing public speaker and educator. She is so engaging when she talks you just get lost in the words! That’s if you don’t get a loss of words just looking at her in her gorgeous latex outfit! And as you can tell by the photos everyone as having MORE than a great time! Thank you Dr.Suzy for letting us all live the bonobo way!! xox


  8. Marcy Diamond
    10 · 5 · 17 @ 12:35 pm

    Wow, great stuff. I got to get back out there and get on your show again I miss you guys


  9. Del Rey
    10 · 4 · 17 @ 10:16 pm

    Fantastic delivery of the Bonobo Way of Great Sex, you look absolutely smashing in that latex dress by Madmoiselle Ilo of Paris! #GoBonobos for peace, pleasure, latex, and great sex.
    This is an amazing leap forward in sharing the wonderful message of The Bonobo Way and who better than the porn stars and their fans to be the recipients. You’ve definitely completed some amazing feats over the years Dr. Block, and this presentation is among the most fascinating. Loved the visuals on stage, and the tour of the convention with your Impeach Trump buttons and the Femocracy Now! buttons is just creamy icing on an already delicious pie. YUM!

    Great pixXx, amazing narrative and as always a message that the world needs to hear. Peace through pleasure is possible, and it starts with great sex.


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