U.S. Voters Say Bush Sucks!
The votes are in. America has spoken. And what do we say? Bush sucks!
Let’s hear it for Blue Values! Let’s hear it for Eros over Thanatos! Hope over fear.
Yes indeed, Brothers and Sisters, Lovers and Sinners. America has spoken. If we can’t get a divorce, we’ll just sit on your face, George.
Amen and Awomen. Eat Me, Bushites! Eat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Just seeing a woman (even if she isn’t exactly Emma Goldman) poised to take over control of the United States House of Representatives saying “Today we have made history, now we must make progress!” makes my cheeks wet with possbility. Good old South Dakota came through too, rejecting a proposed law that would have banned nearly all abortions. And seeing Republican Senator Rick “Man-On-Dog-Sex” Santorum forced to get down on his knees to Bob Casey Jr. in my home state makes me want to sing, “Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania, land where liberty was born, Pennsylvania the keystone state where the bonds of tyranny were shone!” Then there was the fabulously flamboyant Republican Gay Sex Scandal Double-Hitter of Mark Foley and Ted Haggard which made a considerable number of well-spanked Evangelicals hold their noses and eat Democratic Party Pie.
But yesterday’s election was not so much about the individuals running for office in the House and Senate, and it certainly wasn’t a vote of great love for the Democratics. This was a Lesser of Two Evils rally. It was a referendum on the flabbergastingly evil reign of George II, the craven Bushites and the putrid, crony-riddled, page-diddling, mostly Republican War Machine.
Several months ago, I asked America (and myself), “How much longer are we going to suck Bush’s Dick?” For six years, America has just been swallowing this bastard’s lethal lies, as he pushed our heads down on his blatant load of crap. Many have died from this political throat rape. Others contracted political herpes. Some just kept their mouths shut.
But not now! Not this election. At least, now — finally! — the tables are turned. Maybe, if we can help them locate their spines, these Democrats can get the Bushman into a nice cozy headlock and make him eat some humble pie. Make him stop the war. Stop the torture. Stop the killing. At least, make him fire Rummy NOW. Make him get his head out of the hayseeds (where the few Bushites left are still scattered) and go downtown. And stop the Peeping Tomfoolery. Stop all the hypocritical faith-based baloney.
Yes, indeed. Praise the Lord and the Lady. Hip, hip hooray for the USA, at least for today. My bush tastes better than your Bush.
I know, I know, my democratic–secular-humanist–ethical-hedonist–anti-war chochita mÃa is too good for Dubya’s lying lips to even graze. After all, the President is not a very cunning linguist. But table-turning is sweet, and I’m enjoying this Bush-licking even more just knowing that he’d rather be sucking Jeff Gannon/Jim Guckert‘s manly military-style republican member. This election renders Dubya a truly lame duck, a Presidential limp dick, and we ladies know what a guy like that can do: Swallow our squirt (though it’s too way good for you).
Perhaps I will have to eat these words, if and when the Dems disappoint. Perhaps that’s why, in the sweet afterglow of victory, I say let’s celebrate! Let’s spread our legs and our wings and savor the pleasure. It’s a little late in coming, this popular slap in George Jr.’s smug little Common Chimp face, especially for those of us who have opposed his bullying, bankrupt policies from the first Crusade. But better late than never. So let’s enjoy the electoral orgasm of the moment, Brothers and Sisters, Lovers and Sinners. Because it feels good, yes indeed. Then let’s see if we can make our new representatives follow through on their promises to change, which does involve politically sitting on Bush’s face and not let him get up for air. Of course, we should do this with “civility,” like Nancy says. But we should do it now.
It’s time for America to follow the Bonobo Way of peace, pleasure, diplomacy and community. It’s time to wash the blood off our hands.
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11 · 15 · 06 @ 2:54 am
Dear Dr. Susan Block,I read your recent treatise “The Table Turns: American Voters Say “Bush Sucks!” on counterpunch.org. I enjoyed reading you so much that I searched out a few of your other writings from the past published on counterpunch.I’ve forwarded this Amnesty International petition link to you because I was so moved by your “Bush’s POW porn” metaphor from 2004. I’ll be looking for more of your articles in the future.Respectfully,Marty FergusonPS STN is “Stop Torture Now”, and this group is actively opposing the CIA extraordinary rendition (kidnapping4torture) flights originating out of NC by Aero Contractors through peaceful activism, community education and open publicity at the state government level.
11 · 13 · 06 @ 2:06 am
brilliant piece! hope the dems prove deserving…
11 · 13 · 06 @ 2:05 am
Tired, gay and boring.
11 · 12 · 06 @ 4:59 am
Dear, Dr. Susan Block. We kindly request your permission to post your article ” American Voters Say, “Bush Sucks!”” in our website http://www.thefreecorner.com which speaks in the voice of our movement “Ammpa” the American Moderate Muslims for Public Awareness” .further, we would like to welcome you to write for our website. Finally, We appreciate your valuable efforts to clarify the truth. Sincerely, Mohammed Riyadwww.thefreecorner.com
11 · 10 · 06 @ 2:54 am
Dr. Block, I have read your columns in Counterpunch. You have been after these war criminals for years. You have brought many of us courage and laughter in these dark times. You deserve to celebrate this victory now, no matter what happens in the future. Enjoy your orgasm, and hopefully what comes next will not be too anticlimactic.
11 · 10 · 06 @ 2:29 am
Great article. FGW
11 · 10 · 06 @ 2:28 am
I say Dr. Susan Block sucks.
11 · 9 · 06 @ 6:44 pm
11 · 9 · 06 @ 4:59 am
Susan, I love your essays and I love the sexually suggestive manner you cut through all the bullshit that plays over the media as “the voice of freedom”. What the world needs now is love sweet love, no not for some but for everyone. And love means never telling a lie. I fully appreciate your deeply felt contempt for Bush and all of his cronies and Neo-cons who make of fetish of loving only themselves… Wish I could meet you one day, you must be a fabulous woman and human being. We need you in Congress!! Let’s move on same sex marriage and say, YES. Why is Canada and England so much more civilized? And France? And Germany? The mayor of Berlin is a charming homosexual who appeared recently at a major news conference with his male lover at his side. From the photograph in the IHT you could tell that they really were fond of each other, the younger man simply openly affectionate towards the mayor. What’s the big deal? Why can’t Americans grow up and accept homosexuality as another of God’s many blessings? We are sexual pygmies… Banzai
11 · 8 · 06 @ 11:47 pm
Sing it, sister. I can’t wait til Bush and Cheney get impeached.Sincerely, Dan Chavez
11 · 8 · 06 @ 11:46 pm
Alright Suzy Go girl I feel I can hold my head up high again in Europe – flew on election day so yours is the very first news I have xox Deborah
11 · 8 · 06 @ 7:43 pm
“Bush sucks!”? Again, just more hopeful hyperbolic hype, more suggestive than satisfying, like wondering if one spits or swallows. And, knowing that he’s been most likely a sh*t dipper, a real “dip-sh*t,” we can only wonder about his propensities, how he is inclined when reclined. “Sucking” is something that one would not want to seriously consider, especially with, by, for one with a cruel brown drool drippy gruel grin. One just might be put off by the odeur and malheur of the cur’s impure yearnings. Somehow, leaving him to wallow in his own juices is unavoidable, to foul his own bed, to have to lay in it, to later lying about “it”, to flout a loutish pout, pretending a smile.We might feel some sympathy for the Bush-league fellow, but, with his penchant for the pinch between cheek and gum, the cuss will have to stay on the cusp of his cuspidor, even as it runneth over. “Underappreciated” his excuse, “underrated” his rationale, “underachieving” is an understatement. Always on the periphery, never on par at parlour parties, he remains aloof if only because of his goofs and gaffes, buffoonery and gaucheness. Seeming to be slow-talking and slack-jawwed, but slap-happy and sappy are realities. A Party favourite perhaps, but not one to meet Mom, left behind again he is, in his and with his cups. Only a sucker would throw caution up … along with everything else. Alamaine, IVeGrand Forks, ND, US of A
11 · 8 · 06 @ 4:53 pm
Where have you been all my life? I’ll look forward to more of these stumbles–the “election coverage” was… um… arousing to say the least. Welcome home, Doc. ~SWS
11 · 8 · 06 @ 4:51 pm
Dr. Suzy: I just heard that when the Democrats took the House the secretary of defense Donald Rumsfeld resigned so Yes! there is a God. Ivan
11 · 8 · 06 @ 4:50 pm
Bush is now taking orders from you, Dr. Suzy! You told him to fire Rummmy, and hours later Rumsfeld hands in his resignation! Well done! Hip hip hooray for the USA!
11 · 8 · 06 @ 2:38 pm
Hopefully, this is the last inarticulate incompetent silver- spooned drunk that will darken the executive branch. I cannot wait to see him falter and his incompetence and negilence blocked for a change !!
11 · 8 · 06 @ 10:24 am
Saying Bush sucks is giving him too much credit. Due to Laura Bush’s facial expression, it seems safe to conclude that Bush never sucks, licks or pleases. That could be why he overcompensates by being the bloodiest terrorist on earth, killing more civilians than even his father plus every officially-labelled terrorist group combined. However, he should be given credit when due. The picture of him going down for once is the best shot ever. He had those dazed cocaine eyes facing Uranus as he seemed to be trying to figure out what to do with his tongue. Bush is the most piss-poor impersonator of Forrest Gump imaginable. A simpleton figurehead for the worst regime in modern history. Will the other corporate occasional opposition party redirect the direction of the nation? That will depend on our voices. Yes, it has been like pre-World War II Germany and completely necessary to attempt obstruction of a madman. Now it is time to say that a diverse and serious range of damage needs to be undone.In the meantime, perhaps we can put our heads together and assist family-values touting, ‘moral’ crusading Republicans, as well as evangelicals (and the priests who are into adults) with creating personal ads, so that they can begin to live openly and honestly. Here’s one possibility: very horny, formerly abstinent Republican evangelist seeks choir girls and/ or page boys for evenings of tootin’ paddle action and missile/ silo games in the missionary position. Send photo and used crucifix toy.Rev. BookburnRadio VoltaPhiladelphiaReverendBookburn.com