Length 01:36:55 Date: Nov. 30th, 2019
Audio PlayerFrom smacking beautiful buxom Pilgrim babes’ bare bottoms to spanking and stuffing the tRump Turkey with a big phallic corn on the cob, we celebrate the climax of Naughty November with a rousing, rollicking and slappy Spanksgiving in Bonoboville, 2019.
No slouches in the sapiosexual exploration of impact play, we also investigate the historic precedents and therapeutic aspects of the fine art of butt-slapping.
This Spanksgiving features the kinky talents, academic acumen, generous natural boobs and spankable buns of one of our favorite DrSuzy.Tv guests, Rhiannon Aarons.
In the holiday spirit, we even let the terrible Trumpus join the festivities, as long as he agrees to be one of our stuffed turkeys (we have several).
The Trump Turkey is a truly foul fowl, but at least, he’s kept under our control–stuffed from both ends with a corn cob and spanked hard with various paddles, riding crops, floggers, a spatula, The Bonobo Way and a big roasted turkey leg–instead of wreaking havoc on our country.
What a Foul Fowl: The Trump Turkey. Actually, we’ve got two Trump Turkeys under gag order with corn cobs and one Drunk Turkey (we eat the drunk one). Photo: Tony Ponce
Seasons Beatings!
It’s our duty to spank booty on Spanksgiving!
It’s a very special, sacred “duty” we are thrilled to fulfill.
Not to mention a good cardio workout after all that heavy protein and carb consumption.
Give Thanks. Then Give Spanks!
Ever since we realized that spanks rhymes with thanks, we’ve celebrated Spanksgiving on the Saturday after Thanksgiving.
Sure, other folks celebrate it, but at this point, most of the #Spanksgiving hashtags on Twitter lead to Bonoboville.
Last Saturday we stimulated our appetites with an exciting Spanksgiving Appetizer.
Thursday we celebrated Thanksgiving with a big juicy turkey and all the traditional fixings, thanks to Chef Gideon with Chef Ana assisting.
As for me, I got delightfully stuffed from both ends before falling into a too-much-food-and-sex stupor.
It’s a cliché, of course, but I must say I am “thankful” for the abundance, the value, the love, the adventure and the sheer pleasure that life has provided, for my beloved Capt’n Max and for all the wonderful humans of our Bonoboville community, from our staff to our show guests, friends, fans, members, readers, viewers, listeners and phone sex therapy clients.
From the bottom of my naughty heart, I give thanks to you all.
Yes indeed, Brothers and Sisters, Lovers and Sinners, on Thanksgiving, let us give thanks, and on Spanksgiving, let us give spanks.
Let us spank away the hate, the greed and the fear that divide us; let us practice the Bonobo Way of peace through pleasure… with a little spanking… and let us spank our hands together across a nice warm willing bottom, singing “Oh God!” or “Goddess!” or “Come All Ye Faithful” in rapture.
Praise be to the power and glory of spanking
Amen and AWOMEN!
But WHY Do We Give Spanks on Spanksgiving?
Oh, let me count the reasons for sweet beatings of the season…
1) It’s fun.
Spanking feels good, for both the spanker and the consenting adult spankee. Even when it feels bad, it feels good, at least for some pain sluts.
And usually it doesn’t feel so bad, with all that nice, jiggly, butt flesh cushioning the blow.
2) Spanking is relatively safe.
Nobody gets spanked to death.
Also, there’s no exchange of body fluids, so it doesn’t spread STDs.
3) Consensual over-the-knee (OTK) spanking and flogging can be surprisingly effective forms of therapy, as Russian studies (oh those naughty Russians!) have shown.
“Impact play,” aka spanking can be good for both physical and emotional pain management, better than a trip to the spa, cheaper than antidepressants and healthier than opioids.
4) Spanking can be festive.
Spanksgiving in the Trumpocalypse can be a Purification Ritual, exorcising the Trump Turkey Demons from our Spirits. Photo: Shutter Room Prod.
Performed as a purification ritual, spanking fits right into many holidays like Krampus, Lupercalia, Full Moon, Passover and of course, your basic birthday.
But spanking on Spanksgiving has its own special, sublime, homey, personal and even political meaning. Which brings us to…
5) Spankings can be meaningful.
They can be personally meaningful, such as when they bring up past childhood spankings—which, by the way, are never consensual and often traumatic.
So, don’t spank your children; it tends to lower their IQ, worsen their bad behavior and make them feel that violence is the answer.
Only spank adults who give enthusiastic consent.
However, if you were spanked as a child, it’s not your fault, and sometimes you can turn it from a bad thing that made you feel helpless into a good thing that turns you on and releases your inner bonobo.
And sometimes, it’s politically meaningful… Back to Thanksgiving which can be delicious, but can also be a conflicted, stressful and downright nauseating family feast of carbs and gravy, where most of us repress our real feelings for fear of triggering Uncle MAGAt.
Spanksgiving Is More Reality-Based than Thanksgiving
Then there’s the deep hypocrisy of Euro-American history, from Columbus’ accidental invasion of this place the Natives called Turtle Island to the modern corporate oligarchy’s constant ecocidal invasions into Native territory.
In a way, Spanksgiving has more of a reality-based historic precedent than Thanksgiving.
The feel-good Turkey Day tale of friendly Pilgrims and Wampanoag Native Americans holding a bonoboësque feast of togetherness has been revealed to be almost entirely whitewashed hogwash.
Sure, they ate Squanto’s corn when the Mayflower first arrived, but once those pious Pilgrims got their land legs, they slaughtered as many “savages” as they could with their matchbox muskets and “gift” blankets filled with smallpox.
Thanks, but no thanks given.
On the other hand, according to their own town records, the Pilgrims and the Puritans who followed did administer many real spankings, paddlings, canings and whippings, as well as “tar and feathering” and putting offenders in pillories and wooden stocks so passersby could throw rotten fruit at their helpless heads.
Most of these punishments were nonconsensual penalties for criminal offenses, being Quaker and/or committing sexual “sins.”
This was “public disgrace,” Pilgrim-style.
Here in Bonoboville, we enjoy roleplaying our kinky vision of such historic Puritanical punishments—the big difference being that our “sinners” are consensually spanked.
The Ecstasy of Ritual Pain
On the Native American side, indigenous tribes have long incorporated ritual pain into cultural practices.
I’ve never heard of indigenous spanking, but extreme piercing in rituals like the Sun Dance and other challenging purification rites open the doors of perception to altered states of consciousness.
Modern BDSM kinksters might call it “sub space” on steroids.
Compared with Native American piercing rituals, even the hardest spanking is just a little tickle.
Erotic hypnosis can also put you in an altered state, with none of the pain, though there can be danger.
Danger, pain, trauma and altered states are very personal, and we must be careful and consensual with spanking or any kind of transformative, kinky act.
Spanksgiving Consciousness
For some kinky consenting adults with a conscience, Spanksgiving provides a playful but meaningful form of Commedia Erotica “penance” for the Pilgrims and other settlers’ original “sin” against the natives of this land, raising some spankophiliacs’ awareness of the genocidal, ecocidal history of the holiday.
Of course, we can’t just spank away our nation’s ongoing sins against indigenous tribes, nor the people America has bombed in foreign lands, nor the innocent citizens our trigger-happy police have killed, nor even our own small sins against each other. We have a lot of serious work to do to address these problems. Unfortunately, in most of these areas, things are getting worse, not better, and even the world’s greatest consensual adult spanking is not going to change that.
But I do believe we can spank away our fears, starting with harmful phobias based on childhood traumas (such as spanking and other abuse), as well as our often paranoid fear of being hurt by “others,” so easily stoked by anxious parents and unscrupulous politicians.
A good adult spanking can *alchemically* transmute leaden pain into golden pleasure (endorphins), power, transcendence, empathy and sexual evolution.
When administered with love, trust and care, pain really can lead to gain and the conquest of our paranoid fears, showing us “the way out is through,” and giving us confidence and courage that we often didn’t even know we had.
No wonder Spanksgiving is one of our favorite holidays here at the little Love Church of the Bonobo Way.
And yes, bonobos enjoy spanking with their erotic play, practicing peace through pleasure… with a little bit of pain.
Note: Some of the above has been updated from material in my Spanksgiving 2018 Counterpunch article.
Pilgrim Kinkster Rhiannon Aarons
Aside from tRump—who barely counts as a human at this point, let alone a guest—we only have one outside guest for Spanksgiving 2019, but oh what a guest she is.
“Most Well-Rounded Kinkster” SUZY award winner, Rhiannon Aarons, blows some well-rounded smoke rings. Photo: Shutter Room Prod.
“Most Well-Rounded Kinkster” SUZY award winner, an MFA with a creative sexual spirit and a real-life MILF, Rhiannon Aarons, is one of my favorite people on and off the air.
I haven’t seen Rhiannon since she played the Luper, the great Goddess/Wolf/MILF of Lupercalia, the original Valentine’s Day.
Photo 1: Selfie. Photo 2: Shutter Room Prod. Photo 3: Tony Ponce
We moved, and she’s been very busy with teaching courses in Visual Arts Writing at two different colleges.
Rhiannon holds her SUZY award between her thighs as a form of birth control. Photo: Shutter Room Prod.
She’s also been making movies… with Ron Jeremy!
Spider, starring Rhiannon, with Ron in the title role, is now in post-production.
During one of our orgy shows, Porny Purim 2017, when Rhiannon played Queen Vashti and Ron was Pimpin’ Cousin Mordecai, they had some hot red-wing sex right on the live broadcast.
Which brings me to the topic of Rhiannon’s other film, called “Red Wings,” of all things. It’s based on a concept by Rhiannon and the writer Dana Hammer. The film has not yet been made, but Hammer’s script has garnered top awards from Hollywood Horror Fest, Vancouver Badass, Depth of Field and the intriguingly named Boobs and Blood festival.
An Intimate Sapiosexual Banquet of Spanking
This is Rhiannon’s second Spanksgiving and her first time in the new Bonoboville.
Spanksgiving 2017 was a big party show with lots of people on the air, at the bar or in the courtyard. This year is much more intimate.
This means we get to spend some quality Spanksgiving time with Rhiannon. Just like a regular Thanksgiving with a “daughter” I haven’t seen in a while, except with the added pleasure of consensual spanking.
We talk about spanking culture, history and psychology, BDSM, cultural appropriation, spanking as therapy and the roots of modern kink in colonialism.
Then we administer spankings to the terrible Trumpus (both the voodoo doll and the “real” thing), and Sunshine and I give Rhiannon a spanking. We also slurp up syrupy peaches for Impeachment.
Photos 1, 3, 4: Bianca. Photo 2: Tony Ponce.
It’s our ninth Impeachment Party; despite its bumpy road, impeachment is the right thing to do with this kleptomaniacal, kakistocratic Presidunce.
Unfortunately, we can count on the Republicans in the Senate to do exactly the wrong thing, but that doesn’t mean we should give this goon a pass.
But we don’t just eat peaches at this food and spanking fest.
We eat turkey!
Yes, Chef Ana cooks up another turkey in veggies, wine and beer. She calls it the “Drunk Turkey.”
Spanking Sunshine with the Riding Crop as Ana presents her special Spanksgiving Drunk Turkey surrounded by lemons and (of course) peaches. Photo: Shutter Room Prod.
It’s a classic Spanksgiving, if such a thing exists.
Trump Turkey Tenderizing
Plus there’s the tRump Turkey whom we “tenderize,” dominate, gag, spank and humiliate.
Photos: Shutter Room Prod.
Though no, we don’t eat him.
He’s way too foul a fowl for eating.
Though he seems bound and determined to eat—pussygrab—us, and for that, he gets more spankings.
Foul fowl that he is, he can’t stop tweeting like a deranged bird.
Then again, maybe the Trump Turkey is texting Turkey, the country. For all we know, he’s sexting Erdogan, Turkey’s dictator.
The Trumpus would love to be a dictator, but he’s all tator and no dick.
The American bird we call a “turkey” was so-named when those know-it-all English settlers thought it was a guinea fowl from Turkey in the Ottoman Empire, and the name stuck.
Sexting, texting or tweeting, it can’t be good for America.
So we take his phone away, stick two ridiculous turkey headbands on his fake hair, gag him with the corn, whip his ass and spank him some more.
Trump Knows He’s a Turkey
All his bluster—annoying, dangerous and devastating as it is—is just to cover up his silly gobbler.
Though it doesn’t really cover anything, just like his suits and massive ties don’t exactly cover up his obesity.
This could be why, the other day, at one of his Hitleresque rallies, the Trumpus told his cult followers that’s there’s a liberal war on Thanksgiving. Libs says they have no idea what he’s talking about, that he’s making it all up.
Kissing under the Mistletoe as the Trump Turkey kneels below us on his Jeffrey Vallance Art Peepad. Photo: Tony Ponce
Far be it from me to say Trump-Pinocchio isn’t lying. And most Americans, even liberals, aren’t abandoning Thanksgiving entirely, if only because it’s an official day off and a chance to engage in festive eating and football-watching.
However, if Trump means that a lot of Americans do want to amend Thanksgiving to include the Native American point of view, acknowledging the horrendous crime of colonialism, even calling Thanksgiving a “Day of Mourning,” well, he’s right about that.
Then again, maybe the Trump Turkey heard about Spanksgiving, the climax to Naughty November, and he knows he’s terribly naughty, so he’s afraid he’s going to get spanked!
He should be. According to Stormy Daniels, tRump’s rump responded especially well to a few good swift swats with a Forbes featuring his kisser on the cover.
Apparently, having his own orange face kiss his own smelly ass transformed him from an utterly insufferable narcissistic bully into a garden variety douche…. at least for a few minutes.
Yes indeed, Brothers and Sisters, Pilgrims and Turkey-loving Turkeys, in this topsy-turvy Trumpocalypse, when Thanksgiving can be difficult to digest, Spanksgiving can at least help put it all into perspective:
Bottoms up! Turn the Trumpus and the whole plutocratic, ecocidal oligarchy upside down and spank its ass.
So much for the first round of Trump Turkey tenderizing.
Spanksgiving Communion
Two-thirds of the way through the live broadcast, we’re up for something sexier.
Photos 1, 4, 5: Tony Ponce. Photos 2-3: Shutter Room Prod.
Three cheers and a bonobo beer for Bonoboville Communion and Waterboarding, Bonobo-Style.
Though we don’t do it with beer; we do it with Agwa di Bolivia Herbal Coca Leaf Liqueur.
Also peach juice for Impeachment, Himalayan pink salt and even a little turkey gravy, in the spirit of the holiday.
As soon as we turn the Facebook and YouTube cameras away, Rhiannon doffs her top and her big bouncy naturals come tumbling to the forefront.
She takes her First Communion in the new Love Church of the Bonobo Way from My Altar, aka my right nipple.
Then Sunshine’s left gets a Rhiannon lick-job.
It’s a Pilgrim booby orgy!
Ana’s turkey is drunk, and so are we… on each other!
Now for a real drink: Rhiannon leans back against our cross-legged thighs. We used to call this the “Indian position,” but I’m not sure if that’s appropriate anymore or cultural appropriation.
I think it’s named for the India-Indian or Lotus position, though Native Americans also sit in that fashion since it’s the most natural way to sit on the ground.
In any case, it’s a great position for administering Waterboarding, Bonobo-Style.
Rhiannon takes the neon green elixir down her throat like a good P.O.W.
Photos 1-2: Bianca. Photo 3: Shutter Room Prod.
But her Spanksgiving duties aren’t over.
She crawls across Sunshine’s and my lap to receive her OTK spanking.
First, we do it panties-up.
Then, panties-down for the more intimate bare-bottom spanking.
It’s a pretty soft spanking, but every so often Rhiannon “confesses” something naughty (like she’s considering investing in fossil fuels) that motivates me to give her a hard smack, resulting in a couple of distinctly pink hand prints on her pristine skin.
Sunshine doesn’t have a lot of spanking experience, so I give her a few pointers on how to hit the “sweet spot” between the butt and the thighs, and how to cup your hand for minimal pain on impact.
Photos 1 & 4: Tony Ponce. Photos 2-3: Shutter Room Prod.
Rhiannon does a little “topping from the bottom” for this part, but she is a teacher, after all, and then it’s bottom’s up to check out her hot pink buns.
Stuff the Turkey, End the Wars!
Then the Trumpus comes back for more Pilgrim-style punishment, and now he’s wearing nothing but his ridiculously long tie and matching Xmas red manty-panties.
Despite his whining about liberals’ “War on Thanksgiving,” he ordered Air Force One to make a secret stop in Bonoboville on his way back from visiting the troops in Afghanistan, still maintaining the endless war, aka occupation, that he’d promised to end.
While in Afghanistan, the big bulbous Trumposity complained about not getting turkey (doesn’t he know that he IS the turkey?) and informed the troops that they should be thankful… for him.
Yes, this bombastic, narcissistic turkey can’t help but gobble-gobble-gobble on and on about himself, even on Thanksgiving in a war zone.
So we really let him have it with whips, floggers, crops and paddles.
We also “stuff” the Trump Turkey with an ear of corn… in both ends.
Yes indeed, a good solid corn cob is nature’s own dildo… ribbed for his pleasure.
It’s also our Trumpocalypse “Therapy,” helping to release our inner bonobos to alleviate Post-Trump Sex Disorder(s) and other psychological maladies of the Trumpocalypse.
Photos 1-2: Shutter Room Prod. Photo 3: Bianca. Photo 4: Tony Ponce.
Even Betsy the Dog joins the Impeachment Party.
Though she prefers turkey to peaches.
To those Repugnican snowflakes whining about Trump Derangement Syndrome, I say if the Mango Man-Child doesn’t give you a headache, you have no head.
Or maybe, if your investments really are in fossil fuels, just no heart.
We would love to spank and stuff tRump silly, but this Joker king of the jokers is already very silly. His silliness is killing us, and it’s time to wind up the live broadcast.
Also his corn gag keeps popping out of his loose lips.
In all fairness, it happens while us Pilgrim gals are under the mistletoe, so we’re not paying a lot of attention to the Trump Turkey.
Photos 1-2: Shutter Room Prod. Photo 3: Tony Ponce. Photo 4: Selfie
And we know he’s holding his corn where it counts.
Tim Takes His First Communion
Naturally, we would never give tRump Communion—not unless he resigns.
But our Commedia Erotica tRump—played by Tim Sewell with special thanks to Mistress Tara Indiana and Dominatrixes Against Donald Trump (D.A.D.)—gets a chance to imbibe, as per Rhiannon, after the show.
Photos: Tony Ponce
He’s actually less interested in imbibing than suckling Rhiannon’s ample mama titty. Whether Big Baby Trump or “opportunistic hedonist” Tim, most of these dudes have a major breast fetish.
Nothing wrong with that. Better a breast fetish than a breast aversion, as Marky Z appears to have, since his minions put me in Facebook Jail again over a nip slip.
Showing page of SPANK ‘n’ ART featuring D.A.D., Rhiannon as Stormy and Tim as tRump and Putin at our SPLOSH ‘n’ ART launch party. Photo Unscene Abe
Then we spend some time ogling our NEW Speakeasy Journal: Spank ‘n’ Art, especially the pix featuring Rhiannon, D.A.D. and tRump being beaten.
If only he can be beaten—as soundly as we beat him his butt in Bonoboville—in Election 2020.
Finally, it’s time to eat the turkey—no, not Trump Turkey, but rather the “drunk turkey” that Ana made.
Photos: Shutter Room Prod.
Very tasty—especially with peaches.
Nothing goes to waste, not even that turkey leg that spanked tRump which Betsy the Dog of Bonoboville devours thankfully.
Then with a few more thanks, spanks, mistletoe kisses and steroid-powered orgasms, Naughty November has climaxed, putting Spanksgiving 2019 in the rear view mirror, as another Holiday Season is approaches.
Give the Bonobo Way for the Holidays
Not sure what to give someone you love… or just like? Give The Bonobo Way! With more than forty-five 5-star reviews on Amazon, it’s a great holiday gift and a portion of all proceeds goes to help save the highly endangered real bonobos in the wilds of the Congo Rainforest. In the age of the Pussy Grabbing Nazi-Loving Climate-Change- Denying, Clown-King Cheetolini, the Military Industrial Complex, Children in Cages, abusive police, SESTA-FOSTA, Mass Murderers Gone Wild and the Ecocidal Trumpocalypse , the message of the Bonobo Way of Peace through Pleasure, Female Empowerment, Male Well-Being, Sharing Resources and Ecosexual engagement with our environment is more important than ever.
Bonobos show us that recreational sex is just as important to our survival as procreational sex. Maybe at this juncture, it’s more important.
More than 11,000 experts from around the world are calling for a critical addition to the main strategy of ending the use of fossil fuels and switching to renewable, sustainable energy: “We declare, with more than 11,000 scientist signatories from around the world, clearly and unequivocally that planet Earth is facing a climate emergency,” the scientists wrote in a stark warning published Tuesday in the journal BioScience, calling specifically for policymakers to quickly implement systemic change to energy, food, and economic policies. But they go one step further, into the politically fraught territory of population control, writing that the population “must be stabilized—and, ideally, gradually reduced—within a framework that ensures social integrity.
Bonobos show us the way to population control—with lots of great sex!
That would include spanking which, in addition to being a form of safe sex, doesn’t get you pregnant.
If your honey already has The Bonobo Way, order them a personally-autographed copy of the NEW Speakeasy Journal: Spank ‘n’ Art: censored by Bezos, but available for you now… if you hurry—supplies are limited.
Since the holidays are all about eating, a much more acceptable Church-condoned pleasure than sex, some of your more gastronomically adventurous friends and lovers might like Splosh ‘n’ Art. Bezos is a foodie, so Amazon publishes Splosh ‘n’ Art.
Either that or he likes looking at Daniele Watts entering the zone wearing nothing but vegan sauce and pie.
So will you and your loved one(s).
© November 30, 2019. Susan Block, Ph.D., a.k.a. “Dr. Suzy,” is a world renowned LA sex therapist, author of The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace through Pleasure and horny housewife, occasionally seen on HBO and other channels. For speaking engagements, call 213-291-9497.
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12 · 5 · 19 @ 3:33 pm
Who knew Pilgrims could be so sexy!!!
And talk about a Thanksgiving! Trump got what he deserved :-)
12 · 4 · 19 @ 6:46 pm
Hot! Hot! HOT! LOVE the old-time Thanksgiving images with the touchstone of Puritanism and the societal clash between the Pilgrim settlers and the Native Americans that continues to define us and continues to require transformation.
12 · 4 · 19 @ 2:19 pm
Pretty awesome to see Trump on his knees decked out like that :)
12 · 4 · 19 @ 2:24 am
Welcome to the new Bonoboville, Rhiannon Aarons!
12 · 4 · 19 @ 1:44 am
Another great episode!
12 · 4 · 19 @ 1:39 am
That turkey looks soo good!! Looks like a yummy thanksgiving.
Rhiannon made such a great point about why you shouldn’t spank your kids that completely changed my perspective. While at school spanking was used in extreme behavioral cases and it didn’t really do much but instill fear. Rhiannon mentioned that it just teaches the child to not assume full responsibility for their actions but instead provides a crutch of some sort that allows them to pay for whatever mistake they made (knowingly or unknowingly). It really clarified the larger impact and disservice spanking has on children.
12 · 3 · 19 @ 6:53 pm
Rhiannon = well rounded kinkster! I never knew! What a compliment. And now I’m totally curious to see the film Red Wings.
I had no idea what a sweet spot was but now I know! Thanks Dr. Suzy!
Buying the Bonobo book as a gift is a great idea!!!
You can always call Dr Susan about Erotic Hypnosis, or spanking, or breast fetish whatever your fetish is!