#JewsAndArabsRefuseToBeEnemies + BDSM for Schadenfreude Fetishists, In-Studio Striptease, Birthday Spankings & Bonobo LoVE
#JewsAndArabsRefuseToBeEnemies hashtag creators Sulome Anderson and BF, Master D (with Bonoboville card), Shadow, Dr. Suzy (wearing JuxLeather finger flogger with A Buttload O’ Months), Luzer Twersky (with birthday cake). Photo: L’Erotique
Length 1:36:16 Date: July 26, 2014
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With Bibi’s bombs dropping on Gaza and Hamas’ rockets whizzing into Israel and much hand-wringing here in Bonoboville, we throw our support toward the only “side” with a viable Make-Love-Not-War policy of engagement: #JewsAndArabsRefuseToBeEnemies. This marvelous message of peace through pleasure has been created and carried forth by Lebanese journalist Sulome Anderson (whose photo of herself kissing her mysterious Jewish boyfriend went viral), Dania Darwish, Abraham Gutman and many more, and it is spreading like a spark of love-at-first-hashtag around the world of social media.
Who cares if it’s not the more conflict-specific #IsraelisAndPalestiniansRefuseToBeEnemies. It’s the only glimmer of hope we’ve seen in the current sea of misery, rage, doublespeak and devastation. There’s a picture of an Israeli woman named Jasmin and her Palestinian husband Osama smiling and embracing their mixed child, plus many more inspiring photos and statements from lovers (“He calls me ‘Neshama’ and I call him ‘Habibi.’ Love doesn’t speak the language of occupation), as well as individuals born of Muslim and Jewish parents with both Arab and Israeli “blood” flowing through their veins. They ask the central question: How can I be an enemy of myself? When it comes down to it, aren’t all wars just fights against ourselves?
Of course, neither of the warring factions are in the mood to support mixed marriages between Jews and Muslims or even nonreligious Israelis and Arabs. Even though both groups trace their fabled lineages to a guy named Abraham who had sons with two different wives, there is a sense that the “other” is not quite human, an intolerant antipathy that fans the flames of war. In light of all this, the #JewsAndArabsRefuseToBeEnemies campaign might sound idealistic, and the ideal is the enemy of the real. Then again, it contains the kernel of a basic truth: you can’t be fighting when you’re fornicating. It’s the Bonobo Way.
Moreover, as all of my guests in-studio on DrSuzy.Tv agree, inter-cultural, interracial, inter-faith mixing makes for some extremely hot sex, if not harmonious agreement as to how to raise the kids or what to have for dinner.
How about birthday cake icing smeared on perky hard nipples? This brings me to my guests: two lapsed Jewish birthday boys, BDSM Master D of the famed Saffron family of Australia and actor Luzer Twersky of the famed Twersky family of (Satmar) Williamsburg, New York, plus one lapsed Baptist/Catholic pansexual/showgirl/fashion designer, Shadow Cumbie, a self-described “spoiled brat” in a polyamorous relationship with D.
We talk about the evils of war and the benefits of make-up sex, then share a rollicking round of Bonoboville Communion with Dirty Tequila, beer and Snapple (listen above or watch to find out who has what). Maya also shares her first Bonoboville Communion, finishing it off with a flourishing shake-a-shake-a-shake of her pretty bare titties. Then Shadow ascends the stripper pole and takes it all off, revealing her sweet little shaved vulva and compact tush for the delectation of DrSuzy.Tv subscribers, whereupon Master D pulls her over his knee and gives her birthday spankings for both Luzer and himself. I don my soft mink mitt (a gift from a client) to administer a bit of aftercare, as she shows off a well-beaten bottom that’s as red as a cardinal’s cassock.
More Weapons of Mass Discussion, Hoots & Shout-Outs:
- Duke University’s Dr. Brian Hare and Bonobo Handshake’s Vanessa Woods just wrote a beautiful, touching, truth-telling article in Live Science which, incidentally, links to mine in Counterpunch (also in bloggamy). To help make the point that Dawn of the Planet of the Ape’s misleads the public by calling the murderous Koba a “bonobo,” they tell the tale of Etumbe, the bonobo who spent two terrible decades in a biomedical lab where she was subject to invasive tests and squalid conditions akin to those Koba is said to have been subjected. Yet Etumbe, who was rescued by the amazing Claudine André of Lola ya Bonobo sanctuary and eventually released back into the wild, never killed anyone, bonobo nor human, and she showed extraordinary love and a palpable sense of forgiveness, despite humans having subjected her to such ceaseless torment for so many years. Humans can learn so much about such awe-inspiring forgiveness, love and good sex from our bonobo cousins, but we must save them from extinction before their “secrets” to peace through pleasure die with them!
- It being the last Saturday night of the month, we take one last look at July in A Buttload O’ Months, the scorching hot 2014 wall calendar featuring Catherine Imperio and Samantha Fairley, “Unlicensed Professionals” par excellence, noticing that they feature an appropriate BDSM theme for Master D’s birthday month.
- More on-topic social media participation from our beloved recurring guest Cici, as well as Brandon in NYC calling to talk about that day’s Nudist Parade plus Randy in Baltimore about how to pick up hot girls (actually he tries to pick me up, but not very successfully).
- Though 50 Shades of Grey is, hands down and cuffed, one of the worst-written books we’ve all read, 50 Shades: The Musical is pretty awesome and the trailer to the forthcoming 50 Shades: The Movie looks pretty erotic, in a PG way. We hope it’s good. Ethical BDSM (a branch of ethical hedonism and an important aspect of the Bonobo Way) is a great vehicle for channeling our natural, violent, Schadenfreude-saturated impulses into consensual erotic play rather than bombing, murder and war.
Here’s hoping more of us will refuse to be enemies.
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08 · 11 · 14 @ 1:31 am
i also appreciate your politics–your policy of not taking sides; alluding to Israel / Palestine while reiterating peace message.
07 · 31 · 14 @ 11:56 am
Dr. Block, I really appreciate your interest in keeping sex honest, enjoyable, and what works right for whoever is engaging. Plus, I like that it encourages women to enjoy sex just as much (if not more) than men.
07 · 29 · 14 @ 11:56 pm
loved u for years!!!
07 · 29 · 14 @ 7:46 pm
dig your choker!!!
07 · 29 · 14 @ 11:39 am
Thanks, Suzy, for being fair-minded about this. I’m very pro-Israel, but that doesn’t mean I should hate the Gazans or the Palestinians, not at all. It’s good you’re not demonizing one side or the other, that’s not going to work. Please keep on keeping on, this is your ministry, your sacred calling.
07 · 28 · 14 @ 1:24 pm
This is why some people would love to outlaw sex. Too busy f*cking to blow up schools and tall buildings.
07 · 28 · 14 @ 1:22 pm
Thank you for this. I am a classically trained pianist, teacher, and activist for secularism. I share a great concern with many others about current conflicts in the world, many of which are fueled by religious intolerance, and the worst of which try to control our sexuality, especially that of women. The pleasures derived from music are not unlike those derived from sex in producing a feeling of bonding and well-being by the release of oxytocin in the brain. Cultivating mutually pleasant experiences between warring groups is a step towards peace. Not to oversimplify, of course, as pleasure can be an elusive concept when one’s basic human needs are not met. This is humanity’s challenge for the 21st century.
07 · 28 · 14 @ 1:01 pm
Thank you <3 for having me :)
07 · 28 · 14 @ 1:00 pm
Thank you
Me and shadow
Had lots of fun
07 · 28 · 14 @ 7:47 am
Old men have been using religion to inspire young men to die in their wars throughout recorded history. I wonder what the world would look like if we were more concerned with keeping vibrator factories open than munitions plants… more concerned with giving pleasure (and maybe a little playful pain) than inflicting suffering and injury.
Cheers to those with the courage to embrace love even in the face of war.
07 · 28 · 14 @ 2:35 am
I hate war and suffering, so why we can´t say #STOP this awful war? #Israel, #Palestina, be inspired by this family!
07 · 28 · 14 @ 1:13 am
Celebrating birthdays, boobies, beautiful bums and bonobos… that’s what we do here at Bonoboville!
Great piece from Dr. Hare, very touching story illustrating exactly why “Koba” is anything BUT a bonobo in DOTPOTA!
Oh! And Luzer was a hilarious co-host! We want more Luzer! AND more MAYA! She’s GREAT!
07 · 28 · 14 @ 12:46 am
Great show Dr. Block, great idea…more sex between all of us…less religion and and fighting over religious diets. It’s all stupid.
Let’s hope for the best as all of this is not helping us Jews around the world.
Peace, Harold