Dr. Susan Block

In the Chatroom


  1. KinkE Magazine
    02 · 6 · 19 @ 11:43 am

    You are loved


  2. Blossom Green
    02 · 5 · 19 @ 4:51 pm

    “We may not have billions, but with a little bit of good sex and a lot of love, we can keep warm in the cold and fall asleep at night.”

    “AWOMEN” Great words Dr.Suzy, The Sexuality Super Hero! It was such an amazing time last Saturday, getting to watch you and Captain Maxx, the most breath-taking, loving couple I’ve ever met. Telling stories, spreading the message of the new greatest magazine ever created, The Speakeasy Journal, as well as the The Bonobo Way, Sexual Revolution & political injustice.
    When I imagine the perfect life, which I know & everyone should know by now isn’t possible. A vision of beautiful adventure begins to spew, a life of education, happiness & most importantly LOVE.
    One of the biggest problems I have with the world is that LOVE & SEX, have & continue to be unjustly scrutinized. Creating a depressing world of disconnected, unemotional & judgmental species. Insanely consumed by an image of what is shown they should be like or materialistically have, but 90% will never be able to obtain….creating a never ending circle of insecurity.
    Pleasure, happiness & love is the key to creating a peaceful life for yourself as well as others. You don’t need the world to be happy you just need people that love & support you through this crazy roller coaster we call life.


  3. Harry Sapien
    02 · 5 · 19 @ 10:19 am

    Love the new talk show focused format– I didn’t know the Bonobos have their very own day (much deserved) and love that this show does all it can to help out our closest relatives. Speaking of the Bonobo’s special day…

    Can’t wait for the V-Day splosh and Lupercalia shows!!!!

    Always a good time!!!!


  4. Gideon Grayson
    02 · 5 · 19 @ 2:08 am

    Fantastic show!


  5. Lily Garnet
    02 · 5 · 19 @ 1:51 am

    Great show and wonderful advice for couples about relationship discussions on Valentine’s Day. Let’s learn to accept V-Day for what it is: a $20 billion a year boon for U.S. retailers, not an ideal platform for solving your relationship issues.

    Make love (add some chocolate sauce and make it a splosh night?) and avoid the potential drama. You’ll have plenty of time in the 320 days left in 2019 to pick a fight.


  6. Nomi Mani
    02 · 5 · 19 @ 1:31 am



  7. CJ Bastedo
    02 · 5 · 19 @ 1:29 am



  8. Maximillian Lobkowicz
    02 · 5 · 19 @ 1:14 am

    That was an absolutely great show, I’ll be back for more next Saturday.


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