From TV Academy to B&D Academy & Up to The Speakeasy with Nina Hartley, Victoria Woodhull Friends & Free Lovers
One of the sexiest, most powerful, progressive, open-minded and inspirational characters in American history was a freethinking businesswoman named Victoria Claflin Woodhull. Newspaper publisher extraordinaire, mediumistic hypnotherapist and fearless advocate of “Free Love,” an important precursor to the feminist and sexual revolutions, as well as ethical hedonism, Woodhull was also America’s first lady broker on Wall Street (along with her sister Tennessee Claflin, mistress to Cornelius Vanderbilt). And in 1872, the first female U.S. Presidential candidate, before women even had the right to vote.
Woodhull’s independent thinking, dazzling personal success, journalistic “outings” of powerful sexual hypocrites like the Reverend Henry Ward Beecher and open advocacy of sexual freedom earned her multiple enemies in both conservative America and the sex-averse suffragist movement. Some of Woodhull’s stronger enemies managed to squelch her once-powerful voice in her own lifetime, as well as in the history books. Over the course of the 20th century, Woodhull was almost forgotten. American schoolbooks don’t tend to mention her along with Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, though Woodhull was at least as important a figure in the history of women’s rights.
In recent years, Woodhull has made a posthumous comeback. Scholars have unearthed her story, sex-positive feminists have honored her as a role model and activist groups have taken up her causes. The Woodhull Freedom Foundation (WFF) has recently emerged with a mission “to affirm sexual freedom as a fundamental human right by protecting and advancing freedom of speech and sexual expression [and] promote sexuality as a positive personal, social and moral value through research, advocacy, activism, education and outreach…fighting the political, social and economic forces driving and expanding sexual repression.”
As those of you who know me know, I’ve been fighting that fight for a while; my garter belts, g-strings and push-up bras are my battle fatigues in the War Against Sexual Freedom. This is my kind of battle – peace through pleasure – even though it can be discouraging seeing your husband imprisoned due to sex-based persecution. So it’s great to call in some reinforcements, such as a well-organized, highly focused new group like WFF, to “our side.” And when WFF Secretary Jim Rea, a longtime friend of the Block Institute, invited me to a fundraiser at Mistress Shae Flanigan’s Academy a little while ago, I was delighted to accept.
From the TV Academy to the B&D Academy
First I had a very different Academy soirée to attend; The Academy of Television Arts & Sciences was having a garden party at the Television Costume Design Exhibition in Downtown LA’s fabulous Fashion Institute for Design & Merchandising (FIDM) Museum & Galleries. It was not at all an erotic event (ATAS events rarely are), but I had fun watching our favorite supermodel Malena Teves pose by the Chanel exhibit, and I ran into my old neighbor Dwyer Kilcollin, a cool blonde from Choate who is rapidly becoming a hot production designer in Hollywood. And of course, there were the lovely, flaxen-haired Grey Goose girls plying us with their deliciously addictive cosmos.
As soon as the TV Academy festivities ended, the B&D Academy party began. Cosmo-ed into party-hopping mode, we cruised over to Head Mistress Shae’s elegant and friendly dungeon, where we switched to red wine, listened to Jim and others talk about WFF and watched porn legend Nina Hartley‘s famous ASSets get spanked, whipped and caned for the cause of sexual freedom. Nina also received other erotic punishments, mostly from her kinky hubby Ernest Greene, including an intriguing variety of chopstick nipple torture which made her look like a delicious dish that some very exclusive Little Tokyo sushi bar might serve up in the back room to its prime patrons. Nina is definitely on the front lines in the war against sexual repression, putting her body on the line. And oh, what a body it is. Follow her bouncing bootie throughout the bloggamy…
We also ran into the brilliant and busy Carol Queen, director of San Francisco’s bustling Center for Sex and Culture, who we first met in 1994 when she performed “The Gentle Art of Fisting” on The Dr. Susan Block Show, using her partner Robert Lawrence as the happy fistee. Speaking of which, we have some fabulous, brand new fisting photos – featuring our friend (and star of our new release Eros Day X: Orgy for Obama) Natasha Skinski as the fistee with Tommy Lei as the fister – from later in the evening, which you can see when you Join the Bloggamy.
But back to the Woodhull fundraiser, which was winding up. So, with Jim as our accomplice, we kidnapped Nina and Carol and whisked them over to the Speakeasy just in time for our 11pm live broadcast of RadioSUZY1. Nina and Carol talked about WFF’s mission, and Max talked about being incarceratedfor his work in sex publishing, and everyone spoke out against the people and policies that are filling our jails and overflowing prisons with “sex offenders,” many of whom are just Michael Jacksons without the money or talent.
Joining us on the air was April Flores, a.k.a. Fatty D, celebrating her 6th wedding anniversary with talented director/hubby Carlos Batts. Together, April and Carlos beautifully embody the art of “Integration through Sex” (a phenomenon I first identified back in 1999 with The Future Is Sex). April’s marvelous, mountainous, all-natural boobs are as amazing as Nina’s trademark butt. Also on RadioSUZY1 and in the after-party: Mel’s friends exploring the Speakeasy and the Bonobo Way-loving people they found here. Curious Cat got into some hot titty-to-titty play with boobalicious April while Alex became enamored with my snake Evie. Total babe Jamie showed off her hotness, and various explorers played with my dildos and whips. A shy, cute guy named Chris got stripped, tied to the cross, whipped and spanked to the awe and amazement of some of his pals. Funny how our Bondage Cross (created by artist Mario Saucedo) brings out the kinkster in people who seem so demure. Lots more bare-bottom spankings rippled through the evening, inspired by Nina’s own ever-so spankable, world-class ass. Funny what instigates the erotic within us to come out and play.
Thank God and the Goddess – and pioneers like Victoria Woodhull — that we have enough sexual freedom in modern America to be able to play and explore these erotic alternatives without too much fear of losing our lives or our jobs. Support the new Woodhull Freedom Foundation to help us defend these precious, precarious freedoms, as well as expand our erotic horizons. Join the bloggamy to see the kinky after-party pics! And join fellow freedom-lovers on our new community BonoboWay – while it’s still free.
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09 · 29 · 10 @ 12:37 pm
Dr. Suzy,
It was great to get together with you at our Woodhull Freedom Foundation fundraiser and afterwards at Block Studios. Both events were a great success. Thank you so much for supporting us and our mission of affirming sexual freedom as a fundamental human right.
Keep up the great advocacy.
09 · 29 · 09 @ 12:31 pm
omg black stockings and u alone is wickedly hot but the snake 2 you going to give me a cardiac arrest soon here lol
09 · 29 · 09 @ 12:20 pm
Dr. Block, I’ve been a big fan for a long time and heard you on the radio before I ever saw you and it was lust at first sight after that. I’ve seen tons of lingerie pics of you and easily transitioned those into suitable mental debauchery but now to see you actually eating pussy, well…I’ll be rubbing one out as soon as I’m done writing this.
Are you going to be doing anymore TV appearances? I saw your Real Sex episode on HBO a while back and those glimpses of you were too maddeningly brief but again, enough grist to turn the fantasy mill into overdrive.
And your husband is what is clinically known among men as a “lucky motherfucker”. Anyways, thank you so much for sharing what you do.
09 · 29 · 09 @ 12:04 pm
Awesome! Your radio show is fantastic. Keep me posted on your goings and comings. I am always looking to learn and share what I have learned.
09 · 29 · 09 @ 11:40 am
Love your attitude and info. Life is short so we should enjoy it the very most we can. Power to the pleasure!
09 · 29 · 09 @ 11:39 am
You are truly amazing and very very talented and beautiful!
09 · 29 · 09 @ 11:38 am
hello suzy Q (lol)
im a straight woman, so before i write anything here, dont want you to think im doing so to try to hit on you in any capacity, although even if i were, you may or may not mind, i really dont know….
but somehow i saw your name here, and recognized it immediately….about three or four years ago, i stumbled across your show on late night television, i dont even recall the station…
but i enjoyed watching you and hearing you speak… you’re an unusual person and great in who you are and how you give of yourself, and show a hint of who you are… but ive no doubt its to a much greater capacity than what ive seen or what you are able to give on tv…
im not quite sure why im writing, and no doubt you are bombarded with mail, for a variety of reasons…. but for some reason decided to write you, and give you a few props, that i believe you’re well deserving of… a powerful and confident woman…
i don’t expect you to respond, just know that some of us women respect and admire those that we find a bit of ourselves in… although ive come in contact with various people of notoriety, due to my work etc… im not taken in by that aspect….
i am a cyber mistress and i enjoy working with people of all walks of life, all ages, in many countries….and i find it most enriching in the mental aspect… at times i believe i could have or could be a sex therapist or even not where sex is concerned… but i feel i give my part to the world as well….
deepest respect
09 · 29 · 09 @ 11:37 am
It was a delight to have you and WFF at The Academy. I look forward to our paths crossing again in the near future and reading many more of your blogs.
Take care,
Mistress Shae Flanigan
09 · 29 · 09 @ 11:36 am
I just want to thank you for all the great work you do. I am “HIV-positive,” and my “non HIV-positive” husband brought two Dr. Susan Block DVDs with him from Canada (in his luggage for Greece) and the “10 Commandments of Pleasure”. We married three years ago, still “negative” the last time he checked in a hospital for unrelated reasons.
09 · 29 · 09 @ 11:34 am
am love yo dr.
09 · 29 · 09 @ 11:33 am
you are simply amazing
09 · 29 · 09 @ 11:28 am
How cool are YOU, getting mentioned by name in Paul Krassner’s new book. Very. The answer is very, very cool.
09 · 29 · 09 @ 11:27 am
i love nenaa seeee que tal I AM FROM CHILE bye saludos que la pases muy bien ok adios xaoooo
09 · 29 · 09 @ 11:26 am
As always, it’s a joy to see your pages, to hear your voice (through your writing) to feel your encouragement for everyone to GO FOR IT in the Love Department.
09 · 29 · 09 @ 11:26 am
This was a great show!
09 · 29 · 09 @ 11:19 am
i love you! you look you have so much fun with your sexy party. im a professional rugby player and i would like to know if never cum in London for do some of your party or where i can find party like your ORGY FOR OBAMA?
09 · 29 · 09 @ 11:17 am
Love what you do! And by the way i joined your Facebook fan club…..
09 · 29 · 09 @ 11:09 am
dr susan, your philosophy is very interesting. please invite me to your show :-)
09 · 29 · 09 @ 11:08 am
I want a doctor like you.
09 · 29 · 09 @ 11:06 am
Where there’s smoke there’s fire, Dr. Suzy, and from what I can see, you are blazing hot.
09 · 29 · 09 @ 10:33 am
Bad to the bone Dr. Block! And I love it!
09 · 29 · 09 @ 10:33 am
Sooooo, Dr. Suzy..are you suggesting that Nina might be the modern day equivalent of Victoria Woodhull?? Fascinating….
09 · 29 · 09 @ 10:32 am
I loved looking at the picturess and reading your blog. I always have such a good time at the Speakeasy! Its always an honor to visit. :)
09 · 29 · 09 @ 10:24 am
Lots of nice pictures on this blog, Sexy Suzy. Particularly liked Nina Hartley and Carol Queen.
09 · 29 · 09 @ 10:23 am
Like a strip of bacon frying over an open fire, you’re seriously sizzling, Dr. Suzy.
09 · 29 · 09 @ 10:22 am
Wow, I grew up watching you on TV for sex education AND watching Nina Hartley porn for…sex education! Maybe that’s why I love older women. Well I would really love to have an older woman threesome with both of you -just a fantasy, but a boy can dream…
09 · 29 · 09 @ 10:21 am
You are all whores and socialists. Why don’t you quit bothering good Americans and move to Iran? And whil your going, take your socialist spy president with you!
09 · 29 · 09 @ 10:20 am
Great blog! I found you because I really enjoy listening to you on the radio and you have really helped me a lot. Thanks to you I have learned to enjoy swinging and recently started exploring bisexuality. Keep helping people like me come to terms with their true sexuality. You’re important to us.
09 · 29 · 09 @ 10:19 am
Dr. Block, it is a pleasure to find your fabulous blog I am familiar with who you are (television program on the nature of sexual expression) and would love to be part of your creative-personal-expression CPR. Love to get involved!
09 · 29 · 09 @ 10:19 am
You are gorgeous and perfect! kisses scott
09 · 29 · 09 @ 10:18 am
It is amazing some of the things I can learn from going on your website .From political and economic commentary found nowhere else to mentioning of the P spot in men . Well out of curiosity I looked up Victoria WoodHull. I think a person like her would still be villified today by the unholy alliance of big business and the religious right with their coerced piety. The simple ability to lead your life in the direction you desire has been stolen from us by big business and the religious right in their flaming hypocrisy. It takes two incomes for the average family just to live a basic existence, largely due to the over inflated property values and the lack of genuine gainful employment. Here are some related links:…
09 · 28 · 09 @ 10:17 am
Freedom is the greatest cause of all. Looks like you all had a fabulous night. Great pics. Love your go-go boots and fringy mini. Nina looks good, elegantly nasty. And Jamie IS a total babe. Hope to see more of her on future bloggamies.
11 · 30 · -1 @ 12:00 am
I am completely dazzled not just with your beauty, but the incredible level of comfort you seem to have with this aspect of your life – most of us dream of it…