Dr. Susan Block

In the Chatroom


  1. MMB
    06 · 13 · 11 @ 4:08 pm

    Great Birthday Party, Super SuzyQ!


  2. Christa Johnston
    12 · 25 · 10 @ 2:15 pm

    i’d just like to send a special shout out to tonya kay’s abs. *standing ovation*


  3. bromeo
    11 · 1 · 10 @ 1:22 pm

    I am so proud to be there among the eclectic perverts :-)


  4. David in NE
    09 · 16 · 10 @ 4:27 pm

    I like the pictures of you in your skimpy g-strings. Max is a lucky guy to have a such a sexy and sensuous woman as his wife.


  5. Fetish Director
    09 · 10 · 10 @ 9:05 pm

    It’s always a fun time at the Speakeasy. You manage to pull together the most eclectic group of perverts around!


  6. Another Examiner Just Wanting To Be Anonymous
    09 · 10 · 10 @ 3:50 am

    You could make a ton of hits having an additional Examiner page, and having it be a Dr. Laura bashing page.
    You would just have to think of an Examiner title that your channel editor would allow and approve of.
    You would get a ton of hits from readers agreeing with you, since most mainstream media will not take her on, plus you could make money from hits from the angry people that like her and who will bash you for dissing her!!!! It’s perfect.
    No one ever mentions it, but I always wondered how Dr. Laura got away with (at least twice) literally ranting on her show, this time about Reform Jews, “I don’t even know why they have a TORAH in their temple!!!!!”
    Like in her arrogant mind, Reform Jews are not REAL Jews like she is, event though she converted to Judaism, and gave it up because she didn’t want to follow the strict ritualistic rules after bragging endlessly on the air about converting to orthodox Judaism.
    What a hypocrite.
    If you are not Jewish, this email may not make sense to you.
    Anyway, you could get a lot of hits.
    A lot of people have a really bad taste in their mouth about her.
    She owns a radio station in L.A. now, which she rather recently purchased, 980 AM.
    She converted it from a talk radio station to an ultra-right wing station. All right-wing, all day, all night.
    It has right-wing pundits.
    Except for her and her right-wing politico talkers, she has Dave Ramsey. I think he serves a good purpose, helping advise people regarding getting out of debt, so I can’t hate on him, although I think his constant references to Jesus on the air and to “Christian” financial advisors is a bit obnoxious at times, as if Jewish financial people are somehow evil or not to be trusted. He never overtly says anything about Jews. They just don’t exist on his show. Find a good “Christian” loan officer, etc. It makes me wonder if he took Shakespeare’s “Merchant of Venice” a bit too seriously when he read the anti-semetic Shakespeare’s depictions of Shylock in it. That said, he still offers valuable financial advice to those that do not care about their FICO score. His advice is very anti-Suze Orman’s, such as his telling people to close out paid-off cards (which lowers one’s credit to debt ratio). However, in today’s financial times, he encourages a lot of people to stop living off credit cards, which is absolutely needed. I read a lot of financial news, and we don’t all need to be living to support the banks.
    Anyway, thanks for that on Dr. Laura.


  7. Don aka polybi
    09 · 9 · 10 @ 12:58 pm

    As for FB…and related matters, MY latest blog I think shall suffice. There is a copy up on Bonobo Way as well.



  8. Brandillio
    09 · 9 · 10 @ 8:26 am

    i’d just like to send a special shout out to tonya kay’s abs. *standing ovation*


  9. Mar Media
    09 · 8 · 10 @ 11:15 pm

    This girl set Dr Suzy’s Speakeasy ON FIRE that night! We have never seen an act like this. …and her Dread Locks Look just rocked a lot of people.


  10. Mindy G
    09 · 8 · 10 @ 8:41 pm

    I agree that the N word *could* be used in positive ways, such as the late great John Lennon’s song. But that was obviously NOT Dr. Laura’s intention and certainly not the end result of her venom-laced harangue against that poor woman who called her for help dealing with prejudice in her community.

    And I am appalled at the hypocrisy of Facebook who would shut down Dr. Susan’s page (of which I was a fan), but allows pages for stalkers such as WGM Kat refers to. I’ve still got my profile up there because of family, but I will not “like” any more Facebook Pages, and if my family would just get off of Facebook, I would too!

    Btw, love your article on Adelphia. Put the Block Curse on smarmy Mark Zuckerberg, who knows, it could work again.


  11. WGM Kat
    09 · 7 · 10 @ 10:31 pm

    Facebook is definitely playing a game of finger pointing. A few days ago, it is said that they were not doing anything to prevent a stalker from tormenting someone’s daughter and friends, despite that the police had got invited and were imploring Facebook to open things up for the investigation. Sounds like Facebook is much more of a threat than anything you are doing if they are allowing that kind of mess.

    Incidentally, I agree with you in a Sarah Palin-Dr. Laura sex session being quite shudderworthy.


  12. michael g.b.
    09 · 7 · 10 @ 6:41 pm

    Don . have you ever heard John Lennon’s song “Woman Is The N***** Of The World” off his “Sometime In New York City” double album? . . i saw him perform this live on television back then and it is a powerful song with a powerful use of the word . . i think everything hinges on how a word is used and it’s intended purpose . . . there is no such thing as a bad word . . only bad people.


  13. Don aka polybi
    09 · 7 · 10 @ 11:15 am

    I would not bury Dr. Whore-a just yet. From what I understand, this very well be just a way to get out from under her radio contract and sign up on satellite.

    The sad thing about the word “rhymes-with-the-name-of-Roy-Rogers-Horse” is that there was a perfect opportunity once and for all to talk about why it is used, especially by black people, and why folks such as I believe that the word should never be used.

    Oh, well.


  14. Grace
    09 · 6 · 10 @ 7:54 pm

    Amazing article as always Dr. S and the photos are fantastic!


  15. michael g.b.
    09 · 6 · 10 @ 2:51 pm

    about Dr, Laura and Sarah . . . my own personal view is “the more voices” the better . . but one always needs to be ‘discerning’ of voices . . . but “variety is the spice of life”. no? ha! :)


  16. michael g.b.
    09 · 6 · 10 @ 2:49 pm

    i am on Facebook and it allows some great contact with old friends and relatives . . but . . i keep much separated from that arena because it is too constrictive/restrictive . . it is a social procrustean bed for sure . . . but thankfuly there ARE other places on the world-wide-web to communicate truths and realities – such as your very own bloggamy here where one can express one’s thoughts without concern about “the thought police swat team descending upon your posting” . . . but even more than posting my own words and thoughts, i learn so much from reading others and particularly from reading YOUR enlightened thoughts and information . . .

    facebook has it “use” . . but it IS limited. :)


  17. AG loves feet
    09 · 6 · 10 @ 1:59 pm

    I enjoyed your foot fetish show and was very enlightened by your foot fetish article (http://www.drsusanblock.com/footfetish.htm). I have that fetish and I don’t know much about it. It’s hard enough to find a woman that you can truly connect, share, and open up with. With that, how likely is it that that special someone is also a “foot hedonist”? I understand that if you’re understanding, careful, and giving, you can introduce a foot fetish with a woman without rejection (most of the time), but it seems as though a foot fetishist-foot hedonist match would be ideal. Are many women aroused when their feet are adored? Is it possible to “awaken” a foot fetish in your mate? How often do foot hedonists have trouble finding a foot fetishist man?

    Also, I have another fetish. It’s called a stuck fetish or a sticky fetish. It takes several forms but the one I’m in to is a fetish towards women who’s bare feet are stuck in a sticky substance like glue or tar. It’s a fetish that’s rapidly growing in popularity, yet still extremely obscure. I hope you do a show on the sticky fetish soon, or a video or article. Whatever you do, I’m sure it will be the most enlightening thing out there!


  18. Gary
    09 · 6 · 10 @ 3:01 am

    I spoke to Max earlier and he told me that you might have several additional porn stars on board for the San Francisco trip to The Exotic Erotic Ball. I’m with you guys all the way and I told Max I would donate $2000 towards the costs of the trip. I know a lot of people can’t afford the ticket price and I would like to see as many people go as possible. Check out: http://drsusanblock.com/bonoboexpress.html.
    This is going to be great let’s see if we can raise the rest of the $12.000 so we can invite our friends without payment. A bus full of porn stars, artists performers and friends. Way to go. I’m out there selling this to my friends too.
    Join the Bonobo Express for a really fun journey to San Fran and a wild crazy time at the ball. See you guys soon.


  19. feliciousonfire
    09 · 6 · 10 @ 1:56 am

    It’s not often one can get ready for an event and tell their mother that they are getting ready to attend an orgy.

    Life is never boring at the Speakeasy. The Eros Day X DVD came out amazing, and it was a lot of fun! =]


  20. Breeslave
    09 · 6 · 10 @ 1:14 am

    Thanks Dr Susan I just have loved feet since I was 12 years old and this gets me off sooo much I love this video! thank you! thank you!! thank you.


  21. dahlia in costa mesa
    09 · 6 · 10 @ 12:56 am

    You must have the best job on the planet lol.
    I’m very intrigued with the life you have created for yourself. Bravo! I love your blog and briefly skimmed your website. I plan to peruse more fully in the next few days.


  22. Tonya Kay
    09 · 6 · 10 @ 12:38 am

    Wow! These photos are outstanding! Thank you for being so professional!


  23. Chokepuppy in Sunnyvale
    09 · 6 · 10 @ 12:15 am

    Dearest Dr. Susan, please allow me to say, you are one of the most intelligent, beautiful and hottest ladies on our planet.


  24. Sonia Maslovskaya
    09 · 6 · 10 @ 12:09 am

    Thank you so much for all the links, info and pictures (I’m going through them right now). It was such a pleasure to be on your show, and I would definitely love to come back. We will keep you posted on the progress of “ANAIS” and other things that might develop.


  25. Adam V
    09 · 6 · 10 @ 12:04 am

    You guys have a great setup and very lively and full of character and charm. Very impressive.

    The show was full of fun and was really entertaining. You are a real entertainer. Hats off to u :)


  26. Michael Hooper, Maine
    09 · 6 · 10 @ 12:00 am

    Dr. Block, first I would like to say that I love your work. Now about Dr. Laura, may she finally rest in peace after hurting so many people and spreading the gospel of the right wing cracked teacups and their ilk. FACEBOOK. We’ve come a long way since a jury decided what was obscene, now all it takes is a couple of folks who follow the ignoramus Sarah Palin or a CEO like Mark Zuckerberg that wants to make money at all costs. Damn the culture, his FACEBOOK members, art and everything else that makes us a great people. I deleted my Facebook page. These guys practice the equivalent of Racial Cleansing and against all sexualists, educators, artists and other dangerous types.You know what you can do Mr. Zuckerberg, sit on it.


  27. Phil in New York
    09 · 5 · 10 @ 11:27 pm

    OK Dr. Block. I come to your site all the time. I’m always amazed but this blog and the pictures are pretty incredible. My hat’s off to your great photo team and your guests this week were just, what can say. I loved the readings of Anais Nin and the burlesque ladies were just great. Now I’ve spent a good part of my evening studying the photos. Just wonderful images.

    Then there’s the photos of Tonya Kay’s performance, MY GOD IS SHE HOT!!! I listened to you describe the her performance but these pictures are beyond my imagination and of course the pantyhose cutting just about brought me over the edge! I better stop, great, great, great stuff deluxe best radio show in full living color!

    By the way I just finished listening to the Porn Stars and the girlfriend experience, yikes! Makes your butt sweat, too hot, can’t wait for the pictures. Is there also a movie? Just keep on truck’n Dr. Suzy, you rule the waves of the internet.

    Much love and best regards to you and your crew of Bonobos..


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