BONOBO WAY bound for DOMCON LA 2019
LOS ANGELES, Calif., May 2, 2019 — Susan M. Block, Ph.D., a.k.a., “Dr. Suzy,” internationally renowned sexologist, talk show host and best-selling author of The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace through Pleasure, will deliver an updated reprise of her acclaimed talk, FemDoms of the Wild: The Bonobo Way of BDSM, at DOMCON LA 2019 on Saturday, May 11, 2019 1-2 Room B1 of the Hilton Hotel LAX.
“I’m really looking forward to returning to the fabulous, kinky world of DomCon,” says Block, “and so excited to share more about how bonobos, the amazing peace-through-pleasure-loving FemDoms of the Wild, can empower human kinksters and humanity in general.” Inspired by the real-life bonobo apes, our closest living primate relatives, Block will deliver her popular, practical, sapiosexual, multi-media DomCon presentation with an updated outlook on current events and trends, from Trumpanzee politics to Bonobo BDSM, #MeToo (bonobo-style), the SESTA/FOSTA challenge, going bonobos to slow climate change, bisexuality/pansexuality and “incel” therapy in a natural femocracy.
Accompanying her talk will be fascinating film footage of bonobos in the wild and the zoo, as well as live human Commedia Erotica dramatization, topping it all off with Bonobo Way book-spankings. Block wrote the definition of “erotic spanking” (as well as “cuckolding,” “sexual fetishes,” “phone sex” and “striptease”) for the Wiley-Blackwell International Encyclopedia of Human Sexuality), and she is about to publish a new “Spank ‘n’ Art” issue of Dr. Block’s Speakeasy Journal. “Adult consensual impact play, BDSM and even a little loving erotic humiliation have great healing power for bonobos as well as humans,” observes Block. “Consider how the brief spanking that Stormy Daniels gave a certain exceedingly narcissistic future president made him stop bragging about himself long enough to have an almost normal conversation—and sex (albeit ‘mediocre’)!”
“Dr. Suzy is phenomenal!” declared world-renowned domina, Goddess Soma Snakeoil, after attending last year’s packed presentation. “I loved this class. It was such a joy, and I learned so much!”
In this year’s Commedia Erotica dramatizations, Block will be assisted by her Dr. Susan Block Show assistant Shannon Sweet, as well as “Most Well-Rounded Kinkster” SUZY award winner, MFA and award-winning filmmaker Rhiannon Aarons, Block Institute sex therapist Del Rey and more TBA, demonstrating bonobo play, conflict resolution,”hoka hoka” and female empowerment, “penis fencing” and male well-being and the “Trust Game.”
“In 2019, bonobo culture is more timely than ever,” Block continues. “Women are taking power in Congress and the bedroom. It’s awesome, but some people are afraid it’s ‘unnatural.’ Bonobos show us that female empowerment and male well-being are not at odds in nature, and together, they create sustainable peace through pleasure. Unlike humans and all the other Great Apes, bonobos have never been seen killing each other in the wild or captivity. How do they do this, and can we humans learn to release our ‘inner bonobos’ before it’s too late? At this especially turbulent point in human history, it’s worth a try.”
Times are also turbulent for the highly endangered wild bonobos, now in critical danger of extinction, thanks to human degradation of their natural habitat in the Congolese Rainforest, especially bushmeat hunting. “Bonobo conservation is integral to the Bonobo Way,” asserts Block. “If we lose the bonobos, then we will lose a key to peace through pleasure we can never find again.”
Besides DomCon 2018, 2017, 2016 and 2015, Block has presented The Bonobo Way of Inclusivity at AASECT 2016 in San Juan, Puerto Rico, and she will be delivering The Bonobo Way of Transformational, Healing Pleasure at AASECT 2019. She presented The Bonobo Way of Ecosexuality as the keynote speech at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez, for the world’s first Ecosexuality Symposium at an academic institution, and at UC Berkeley for the 5th Conference on Monogamy & Nonmonogamy, as well as The Bonobo Way of Inclusivity at AASECT, the American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors & Therapists. Recently, she spoke on writing The Bonobo Way at Yale University (her alma mater), and presented The Bonobo Way of Great Sex at Adultcon LA. She has also spoken about the Bonobo Way at USC, UCLA and Caltech, for MENSA and the Young Presidents Organization. These presentations and others are made possible, in part, thanks to Malcolm Jones and the Bonobo Way Female Empowerment Outreach Project.
Throughout DomCon, Dr. Block will wear latex outfits designed by Demask Latex and The Latex Store.
Founded by Mistress Cyan St. James, DOMCON LA is “the world’s largest professional and lifestyle domination convention.” DomCon LA 2019 will be held May 8-12. FemDoms of the Wild: The Bonobo Way of BDSM is scheduled for 1-2 PM on Saturday, May 11, 2019. Get tickets here. For a taste of what’s to come, watch last year’s The Bonobo Way at DomCon LA. For information about Dr. Block’s appearances at DomCon 2019 or to arrange an interview, please call 310-568-0066.
“The Bonobo Way is a refreshing must-read for our times. Dr. Susan Block pushes the envelope and brings us the truth about bonobos and ourselves—with wit, intelligence and sexual positivity all balancing on a fulcrum of fascinating hard science.”
—Dr. Patti Britton, American Association for Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists (AASECT) Past President
“Impactful, often hilarious… wildly entertaining… The Bonobo Way just might hold the key to world peace.”
—HUFFINGTON POST book review by Steve Karras
“The Bonobo Way is sexy and fun… damn smart too.”
—Sex at Dawn, author Christopher Ryan, Ph.D.
“The Bonobo Way is a pleasure on all counts… and especially significant at this time.”
—Dr. SerenaGaia Anderlini D’Onofrio, co-editor of Ecosexuality
“Bravo Dr. Block for paving the way to a hopefully more bonobo future.”
—Vanessa Woods, Duke University primatologist and author of Bonobo Handshake
“Brilliant. A great book about human sexuality and how reverting to an evolutionary path can divest the human race from its aggression and violence.”
—Sherry Rehman, Pakistan’s Ambassador to the U.S. (2011-15)
“Amazing! Dr. Susan Block is an ecosexual visionary.”
—Annie Sprinkle, Ph.D., ecosexual artist and filmmaker
“The Bonobo Way is marvelous! A happy book for a happy life in a happier world.”
—Xaviera Hollander, author of The Happy Hooker
“Awesome book… Excellently written and transformative”
—Dorion Sagan, science writer and author of Death & Sex
“Dr. Susan Block has a new understanding of how to enhance our intimate relationships!”
—Progressive News Network interview with Dr. Diana Wiley
“Adventure, optimism, and love is what Dr. Susan Block is all about… Patients become fans, and fans become evangelists.”
—CITIZEN LA Inside the Pleasure Compound with Dr. Susan Block
“AMAZING… The Bonobo Way shines a light on humanity’s capacity for peace.”
—Dr. Scott Barry Kaufman, author of Wired to Create
“The Bonobo Way will save our planet! Dr. Susan’s insight into sexuality is not only incredible…it is also the sexual revolution, easily mapped out, that we have been waiting for.”
–Tracy Vanity, blogger
“I love every page of The Bonobo Way!”
—Christian Bruyère, producer of Champions of the Wild
The Bonobo Way is available in kindle and paperback on Amazon or direct from the publisher. A portion of all proceeds from book sales goes to Lola ya Bonobo, the Bonobo Conservation Initiative and the Bonobo Project, as well as other organizations actively helping to protect and save the highly endangered wild bonobos from extinction.
Tired of conventional sexuality experts? Dr. Block is available for comment or interview. Would you like to review The Bonobo Way? Contact us today.
David Rossi
Phone: 213-291-9497 Email:
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