Length 02:00:42 Date: June 29th, 2019
by Dr. Susan Block.
I broadcast most of this show in the dark. It’s kind of freaky. There we are, all set to broadcast when, about a minute before showtime, all the power goes out, not just in the little Love Church of the Bonobo Way, not just in the new Village of Bonoboville—but in the whole goddamn neighborhood! No, I will not tell you which neighborhood. The Dr. Susan Block Show is broadcast live every Saturday night from an undisclosed location somewhere in Greater L.A.
In any case, it’s Saturday night, and my crew is there, my guest is there, and I am fucking there. So, the show must go on… in the dark.
And it isn’t so terrible. Let’s just say I’ve done worse. If Springsteen could “dance in the dark,” I can broadcast in the dark.
Dance, broadcast, swing or survive, “Swing through Life” is the 11th step of the 12 Steps to Liberating Your Inner Bonobo, and that’s just what we do. We do almost the whole show live in the dark, with a few blindingly bright LED lights, a couple of fake candles, flashlights, the sparkle of Goddess Phoenix’s fiber-optic whip and all of our camera phones on batteries. While I can’t see a thing, the video actually doesn’t look bad on Facebook Live and DrSuzy.Tv, though it keeps cutting out, and we only have internet on the camera feeds, so my charming assistant Sunshine McWane can’t get on Facebook to communicate with everybody. Also, the fire alarm keeps beeping, irritating the hell out of some of our cherished viewers, and the phones are down (somebody forgot to take the phone backup machine from the old place), so we can’t take calls.
Well, you can’t always get want you want—especially with no power—and we do have a very special guest that a lot of people want: Violet Myers. Thus the name of this show, and thus the color of my outfit.
Saucy Violet
Gorgeous, voluptuous (34DDD), 23-year-old Violet Myers came to Bonoboville about a year ago as an intern. A psychology student at Glendale Community College, she covered up her “assets” in a denim jacket and jeans, saying she loved the show and wanted to work “behind the scenes.” So, we put her behind a camera for several Saturday nights where she showed us she had a “good eye” and a creative cam style. Then one Saturday night (which happened to be International Sex Workers Day), one of my guests flaked (Thank you, Jeff Flake, for making that word yours!), so Violet filled in and a star was born.
Actually, we didn’t know it, but Violet was already a camgirl, and very soon after her appearance on DrSuzy.Tv she rocketed into porn stardom with featured roles in films by Brazzers, Reality Kings and Banger Bros. And why not? She looks like a young Kim Kardashian, only much prettier and more natural. So, within less than a year, her @VioletSaucy Twitter following grew from 100 to 144,000. That is an intriguingly Biblical number appearing in the Book of Revelations as come the Apocalypse, 144,000 lucky bastards will be resurrected to heaven while the rest of us go down in floods and flames. Not that it matters, since Violet already takes her followers (sure to increase to 145,000 very shortly) to heaven on Earth. This is important since the floods and flames of Climate Change are already upon us.
Needless to say, Violet quit school to focus on her exploding career, though she intends to go back someday to get her psychology degree. Then, it seems, my former intern might like to do a show like I do, though in her own way, of course. She already practices a kind of sex therapy with her fans and clients which I have no doubt heals their pain and alienation in various ways.
So, there in shine of the LED lights, surrounding my deep darkness, we chat about Violet’s love for rough sex (definitely a plus in contemporary porn), her talent for giving sloppy blowjobs (her “secret,” she says, is that she doesn’t do it for the guys; she does it for herself) and her “saucy” ability to deliver comebacks, which she adorably calls “clapbacks,” to her hater/stalkers on social media. When we ask her most frequent fan requests, she pauses, smiles, rolls her beautiful big brown eyes and says, “farting.” To be specific, Violet’s fans want to watch her “eat” a fart as it emerges from somebody’s ass.
This sounds pretty gross to most people, including me; but neither Violet nor I judge people for their fetishes as long as they pursue them consensually and responsibly. Another DrSuzy.Tv guest, brainy sexy Kelsey Obssession—a camgirl who recently received her doctorate in psychology (so yes, there’s precedent!)—also specializes in farting fetish videos. The funny thing is, until they invent a video that’s “scratch and sniff,” the performer doesn’t have to actually fart; they just should act like they did.
One of the most vital keys to Violet’s success (besides her beauty, smarts, bonoboesque empathy and great boobs) is her family’s support, something that very few porn stars or other kinds of sex workers receive. As usual, several members of Violet’s close-knit family are in attendance to support her chosen endeavors, including her best friend, Aunt Rose and marvelous Mom.
Female Ejaculation
Plus Violet squirts! At least, she’s female-ejaculated a few times, though just in her private life and camming, not yet in porn.
We talk about Violet’s “process” for regular orgasm and female ejaculation, as well as the different ways that women squirt.
This was one of the few subjects I actually *planned* to get into on this show. In fact, before the lights went out, I was going to call the show “Violet Waters,” partly because I call female ejaculation “Holy Water.”
Showing my “Squirt for Peace” thong, with Maria and Ana of FindSisterhood, right after our interview about Female Ejaculation. Photo: Selfie
A few days ago, I did an interview on the subject with Ana and Maria, the lovely ladies of “Find Sisterhood” (more about that later, when they post the interview).
Sunshine didn’t “learn” to squirt like Violet and I (and many other women) did; it just happens to her sometimes, usually when she hasn’t come in a while, and it’s not something she can control.
Women do squirt differently, but we all agree it’s not pee!
Only the naysayers, G-spot deniers, incels and golden shower fetishists say that’s what it is.
Still, ejaculating women are often nervous about it.
I delve into the chemical composition in detail in Squirting World and on our critically acclaimed Squirt Salon video, but to summarize: It’s Holy Water–sexy as sin and good for the skin!
Tongue vs Penis
Though we can’t take calls, Tim Sewell asks a question on Facebook: “Do you think a man’s ability to use his tongue to pleasure you is more important than his penis?”
Judging by the wording, it sounds like Tim was expect a resounding “Yes!”
It’s true that a lot of women can only come from cunnilingus, and often find a “cunning linguist” to be a preferable partner to an expert cocksman. However, those women are not on this show.
Sunshine and Violet prefer phallus to tongue… but maybe they haven’t yet experienced the right tongue. Photo: Bianca
Both Sunshine and Violet (sounds like we’re spending a sundrenched day in the garden!) would choose intercourse (or vibrators!) over receiving oral. Indeed, they confess that they’ve never climaxed from receiving cunnlingus, which is a clear sign that they haven’t had a truly talented, patient and sensitive oral lover (like the Captain). Also sometimes cunnilingual climaxes are so crazy-intense, you really want to be penetrated right afterwards… which makes them great foreplay.
With Sunshine and Violet (BEFORE the power went out): Like being surrounding by flowers on a sunny day! Photo: Selfie
Listen to the show above or watch it on DrSuzy.Tv to find out more!
Another reason I was going to call this show “Violet Waters,” is that Capt’n Max and I went on a rare outing this week to visit our old friend Joel Eisenberg on his yacht parked in the harbor of Marina del Rey.
In front of the Golden Rose, Joel’s yacht, and the Honor, the Russian Oligarch’s yacht. Photo: Selfie
Once upon a time, Joel made multiple millions in the phone business; I met him in the late 1980s, just as I was envisioning the telephone as a powerful medium for therapy.
Joel’s yacht, the Golden Rose, is pretty big at 100 feet long, which even impressed Capt’n Max who knows a thing or two about seafaring vessels.
It has enough room onboard to house almost as many people as are in Bonoboville, all of them there to make Joel’s life easy or entertaining since he’s retired from the phone biz and pretty much everything except trying to keep track of all his kids, grandkids and friends.
Joel’s objectively large yacht is a little canoe compared to The Honor, a massive ship parked next to him, owned, he says, by a “Russian oligarch” who never shows up, but keeps a full crew on board at all times.
Not that we’re size queens when it comes to yachts. Lord and Lady knows the bigger they are, the more they pollute the waterways, though it’s nice to have room to invite your friends for an overnight.
Meanwhile, Joel’s private plane was parked in Santa Monica airport, waiting for the weather to clear so he could fly it home to Seattle while his crew piloted the yacht and somebody drove the car.
That’s right; in the midst of all these ridiculously sunny days, wouldn’t you know it: the day we went on the yacht, the sky was cloudy and grey, and the water wasn’t even blue but, well, violet.
Dark violet with waves of grey.
Free the #TrumpCamp Children! Free Assange and Manning!
Back in Bonoboville, just as the show is almost over, suddenly the power comes on.
I get in a few political bits: excoriating tRump for his unconscionable #tRumpCamps that are, despite protests, imprisoning more and more helpless, innocent, migrant children under worse conditions than Guantánamo and Manzanar.
Winding up Goddess Phoenix’s fiber-optic whip to spank Presidunce tRump’s belligerent balls on Jeffrey Vallance’s art pee pad. Photo: Jux Lii
Free the children!
Take all that cash being shoveled into these tRumpCamp concentration camps, money for kids that don’t even get beds, toothbrushes or other necessities, and use it to reunite them with their families and/or fund a branch of Head Start for them.
While we’re freeing innocent people… free Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning, still languishing in prison for whistle-blowing on U.S. war crimes.
In case you missed it: getcher brand spanking NEW Speakeasy Journal: Spank ‘n’ Art. Censored by Amazon, but now available for YOU!
What a big hit SPANK ‘n’ ART and SPLOSH ‘n’ ART were with Joel, as well as Ana and Maria—people of very different tastes—and that’s just this week.
Mad Moderator of AASECT Roz Dischiavo
The Speakeasy Journals and The Bonobo Way were also a big hit at AASECT. Speaking of waters, these were troubled waters indeed, especially at my session.
Yes, finally, the new journal post you’ve been waiting for (well, some of you): “Hoagies, AASECT, the Mad Moderator & The Bonobo Way.”
It’s all there, laid out in black and white with colorful photos: the harrowing, enlightening, sexy, funny and all-too-true tale of my recent trip to my hometown of Philadelphia to see Billy Penn, eat hoagies and talk bonobos at AASECT 2019!
Rosalyn Dischiavo, EdD, MA, CSE, CSES, etc. etc., aka “Roz,” AASECT Professional Education & Steering Committee Chair & Mad Abusive Moderator of The Bonobo Way
What a trip, and what a mad mad moderator Roz Dischiavo turned out to be… and what a journal!
The AASECT Board commiserated on my ill treatment that you’ll find described therein, but asked me to not to publicize the problem online. I guess they feel that an AASECT conference is like Vegas: What happens at AASECT stays at AASECT.
Though Roz’s assault was harrowing in real time, it’s pretty funny in retrospect. Photo: Harry Sapien
Well, I’m a journalist and a broadcaster as well as a sex therapist, so that’s not the way I feel. The fact is, I have nothing to hide and a lot to expose. I hope my exposition helps to foster an environment where future AASECT speakers do not receive such unprofessional, abusive treatment from a “moderator” ever again.
Mad Roz’s assault makes Max mad, and he has every right to be. Me, I’m just glad to have survived to tell the tale (and to have Max as my ally and witness)! Photo: Selfie
Also, in my own way, this journal installment is my therapy, my “Bridge Over (the) Troubled Water” that Roz stirred up so ferociously—seemingly determined to drown me within its terrible turbulence—and that could only be bridged by telling the story.
As always, I’m grateful for the Journey and the lessons learned. I can always learn something from my experiences, even from being verbally assaulted and spit on by my very own moderator!
Follow the Bonobo Way: Peace through pleasure every day.
Bonoboville Communion, Waterboarding, Bonobo-Style & Riding the Motorbunny!
At this point, we end the PG Facebook Live feed, and get down to some good old-fashioned, boob-baring, orgasmic post-show fun.
Free the nipple! Amen and Awomen!
First I take Bonoboville Communion, my now legendary bonoboesque interpretation of Catholic Communion, from Violet’s ample 34DDD altar (no she was never a Catholic Communion Altar Girl, but she did take Communion in Church!), preparing the altar with my tongue (don’t be jealous, Tim), then applying the sacred salt (“the body”) and licking it up in “Communion” with the Goddess, with a “Last Supper” pillow behind us.
Then, speaking of “water,” Violet treats me to a very good “Waterboarding, Bonobo-Style” with Agwa de Bolivia Herbal Coca Leaf Liqueur (“the blood”), as I nestle my head between her bare thighs to receive the emerald green Holy Water.
Next it’s Violet’s turn to take Communion from my considerably smaller boobs. But Violet, buxom as she may be, is a big believer in the beauty of all breasts, butts and other body parts.
Or as our resident comedienne, Sunshine, puts it: “All titties matter.” Yes, it’s politically incorrect to a fault, but after a good waterboarding, it makes me laugh.
Then I waterboard Violet, and she declares Agwa to be her new favorite drink.
She likes it so much, she takes another Bonoboville Communion from Sunshine’s sunny altar (bigger than mine, smaller than Violet’s), and Sunshine gives her first Waterboarding, an important occasional duty of Dr. Susan Block Show assistants.
Though she spills a bit on Violet’s chin, at least she doesn’t get it in her eye—like I once did!
Now that Violet has communed fully, I ask her if she’s ever ridden a Motorbunny, and no, it turns out that she hasn’t.
There’s no time like the present for her to take her virgin ride and, thanks to Harry Sapien’s Eagle Scout-level preparatory skills, our Motorbunny is saran-wrapped for safety and ready for it’s first ride in the new Bonoboville.
Of course, you can ride the Motorbunny fully clothed or stark naked, so I give our guest a choice. I’m not surprised when she chooses to keep her shorts on (though her boobs stay out), probably because her family is here. Supportive as they are, it’s a bit of an awkward audience for wild sexual exposure.
Nevertheless, Violet certainly feels the “good vibrations” of the Motorbunny in a big way.
Yes indeed, now that our power is on, it’s ON.
She says it’s like her favorite toy, which is none other than my own favorite toy for 25 years: the good old-fashioned Hitachi Magic Wand. The difference is that Motorbunny let’s you ride that vibration, hands-free, and with greater vibrational coverage of sensitive erogenous zones.
At one point, Violet says she really feels it in her ass (but don’t worry—no farts emerge!). Hearing that, I suggest that she lean forward, and she feels it in her clitoris.
Then she climaxes, or so she says, and she sure looks like she did.
No squirting this time, but maybe we just can’t see it because she’s wearing those industrial-strength spandex shorts, and when I put my hand on her crotch, it feels very damp. Violet Waters seep through the shorts!
Then Holy Water gives way to champagne, and Violet’s orgasms give way to the Captain’s and mine.
In darkness and light, righteous indignation and glorious pleasure, it’s another great show.
© June 29, 2019. Susan Block, Ph.D., a.k.a. “Dr. Suzy,” is a world renowned LA sex therapist, author of The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace through Pleasure and horny housewife, occasionally seen on HBO and other channels. For speaking engagements, call 310-568-0066.
Explore DrSusanBlock.com
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07 · 9 · 19 @ 11:39 pm
You look so lovely in purple Dr. Block
07 · 9 · 19 @ 11:36 pm
Inspiring curves and colors! Another great show Dr. Suzy. Bravo!
07 · 5 · 19 @ 10:15 pm
So beautiful!!! You look gorgeous in purple !!!! or violet… :)
07 · 5 · 19 @ 10:11 pm
Suzoo is looking very pretty
07 · 5 · 19 @ 10:08 pm
Love you ladies, Dr. Suzy’s great smile is so hot looking
07 · 3 · 19 @ 12:13 pm
This Show always finds a way to be awesome. Going from an intimate candle light-esque interview to a brightly lit sexy good time is par for the course for this Show.
Another good time, another fantastic show. Can’t wait for next week.
07 · 2 · 19 @ 10:59 pm
The show must go on! I think the dark added a little ambiance to this show, I really liked shooting in the dark It was a nice challenge. That looked like a calm and relaxed afternoon by the water. Joel should definitely throw us a yacht party after that triumph of a show!! (Bonoboville yacht party!)
07 · 2 · 19 @ 9:02 pm
If it can go wrong, it WILL go wrong. Being able to improve the situation like that is pretty impressive! Violet really seems to enjoy the Bunny, maybe she should get one herself :P
07 · 2 · 19 @ 5:17 pm
Thank you for having me again Dr. Suzy <3 Would love to come back on the show!
07 · 3 · 19 @ 4:57 am
Hey violet I’m Matthew i just wanted to let you know you are beautiful and amazing all around and I’d love to have you on Facebook.. you would really make me feel better about being in a wheelchair I’m real btw add me.
07 · 2 · 19 @ 5:15 pm
07 · 2 · 19 @ 5:14 pm
Hot women
07 · 2 · 19 @ 5:13 pm
What gloriousness is this!
07 · 2 · 19 @ 2:40 pm
Violet Myers!!!
07 · 2 · 19 @ 11:07 am
I would love to be there.
07 · 2 · 19 @ 8:33 am
And AND I think that beautiful violet outfit looks amazing in the dark!!!
07 · 1 · 19 @ 9:57 pm
Love this show and love the outfit, Dr. Susan, it’s so pretty
07 · 1 · 19 @ 9:40 pm
Love this show
07 · 1 · 19 @ 9:28 pm
Beautiful show, even in the dark
07 · 1 · 19 @ 8:53 pm
I like the show in the dark; super romantical. Woouoo. Also great pics on the yacht! Thanks for sharing! The photo of steering the wheel with the feet! Oh the foot fetish guys are gonna come back for more and more!!!
07 · 1 · 19 @ 7:46 pm
Way to turn an obstacle into an asset! Through the outage, the show goes strong! You have such amazing guests. Another great show!