ORGASMS for the EYE on The 4th of JULY!
Fireworks Over Bonoboville & a Sparkler Up the Butt for America’s Birthday!
4th of July on DrSusanBlock.Tv with Chelsea, Dr. Suzy & Biz’s butt as America’s 239th Birthday Cake.
Length 1:39:45 Date: July 4, 2015
Audio Playerby Dr. Susan Block
Fireworks Not Bombs! That’s our bonobo battle cry for the 4th of July. With America’s 239th birthday falling on a Saturday night, we take DrSuzy.Tv up to the Villa Bonobo roof, where I commemorate the occasion by lighting a sparkling birthday “candle” nestled between Biz Bonobo’s beautiful bodacious butt cheeks, as fireworks from the surrounding beaches, villages and wharves of West LA shimmer and explode all around us.
Fireworks are orgasms for the eyes. They dazzle, pulsate, pop and go “bang,” eliciting “oohs,” “ahhs” and shrieks of joy. Our polluted city skies may be shorn of stars, but we can light up the night with the visual delight of human-made star bursts and galactic displays.
Of course, Independence Day fireworks also symbolize the “rockets red glare, the bombs bursting in air,” a not-so-subtle reminder of America’s bloody history of human-made war and military destruction, often provoking intense reactions in PTSD-rattled veterans. Even Bonoboville’s amateur fireworks are labeled “bullets” and “artillery,” playing upon militarized fantasies of weaponry and fiery apocalyptic destruction. But the reality is that fireworks aren’t weapons for killing people or destroying neighborhoods, at least not on purpose.
Addendum: I wish I could say that this 4th of July was as bomb-free as it was fun (and I did say it, erroneously, on the live broadcast), but that’s not the case, as Del Rey’s fact-checking just brought the bad news to my attention. Turns out that as we celebrated with our non-aggressive explosives, a U.S.-led coalition air strike was very aggressively bombing Syria, killing at least 10 people and wounding many more. Of course, this “sustained aerial operation” was “targeting” those evil Islamic Statists who fetishize sexual slavery and prefer beheading to bombing (probably because they can’t yet afford bombs). But we know how dumb those smart bombs can be and how many innocent lives are blown up by real military “fireworks” again and again. On the bright side, we just learned that our pal Abby Martin will be hosting a new show this Fall—watch for it!
Though the military resemblance is unavoidable, I prefer to experience July 4th pyrotechnics as night sky erotica. Classic fireworks—often described as blooming flowers like peonies, chrysanthemums and dahlias—look to me like female genitalia, glittering with desire and pleasure. They’re the Georgia O’Keefe’s of the sky. Another type of fireworks, called “horsetails,” looks like shooting sperm with wiggling tails. Sometimes the sperm fireworks shoot into the pussy fireworks, and we see a sparkling Sperm War in the sky. Oooh, so romantic!
As our 360-degree pyrotechnics begin to fade into darkness, we climb down from the roof just in time for show time and a continuation of our celebration and conversation on the state of nation. The 4th of July is a fiesta of “freedom,” a word that was so misused by the Bush administration as an excuse to invade Iraq, it has almost lost its meaning. But fear not, brothers and sisters, because sexual freedom is on the rise, thanks in part to the Supreme Court’s landmark decision for marriage equality, taking the Bonobo Spring RƎVO˩ution into the Bonobo Summer of Love (speaking of which, I’ll be giving a talk on The Bonobo Way at this year’s Catalystcon September 11-13th—save the date!)
We’re also inspired by Bree Newsome, the woman who heroically climbed up the South Carolina statehouse flagpole and actually pulled down the Confederate flag. Though the ignominious stars and bars went right back up an hour later, Bree’s brave act shows the way America is waving, toward a freer, less racist, more bonoboësque future.
But how free are we? Our police still brutalize innocents, especially if their skin tone is darker. Double trouble if they’re poor or mentally challenged. Capt’n Max points out that Americans aren’t free to walk on the beach at night. And there’s still a distinct lack of freedom for female nipples where their male counterparts are free to show off. Will we ever be free as birds… or bonobos?
Freedom is the greatest aphrodisiac. But restraint is a close second. As the success of 50 Shades and more sophisticated depictions of BDSM shows, some of the freest folks on Earth get off on giving up their freedom… consensually, of course. Sometimes they are turned on by being “forced” to experience things they really want but don’t feel free to receive unless they’re restrained, or they’re aroused by the struggle and surrender of entering “sub space.” Though bonobos don’t use handcuffs or chains, they do play at restraining each other, an integral aspect of their peace-through-pleasure culture.
Free or tied up, it wouldn’t be a holiday in our Bonoboville without Communion, which I take from Biz and Chelsea—four hot nipples for the Fourth of July—and then they take their communion from me. Our libation of choice is our winning bottle of spicy-sweet Ron de Jeremy Rum. Thank you Ron & Ron’s Rum!
Besides being America’s birthday, it’s also Chelsea’s first Bonoboville Anniversary, having been about a year since she first joined the Institute as a therapist. To celebrate, she sets off some sexual fireworks, stripping down to her birthday suit, and then sitting herself down on the flag towel between Biz and me as she uses a Hitachi Magic Wand (covered by a Glyde America cruelty-free, all-vegan condom) and my middle finger (!) to send herself soaring into an explosive blaze of orgasmic pleasure.
And with that firecracking climax, the denizens of Bonoboville disperse like trails of light into our private celebrations, and the orgasms—inside and out—keep on coming…
4th of July on DrSuzy.Tv with Biz Bonobo holding Ron de Jeremy Rum, Dr. Suzy holding Eve the “Don’t Tread on Me” Snake, and (post-orgasmic) Chelsea Raw holding The Bonobo Way. Photo: L’Erotique
© July 5, 2015. Susan Block, Ph.D., a.k.a. “Dr. Suzy,” is a world renowned LA sex therapist, author of The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace through Pleasure and horny housewife, occasionally seen on HBO and other channels. For speaking engagements, call 310-568-0066.
Show Length 01:39:45 Date: July 4th, 2015
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07 · 7 · 22 @ 5:55 pm
Brava Dr. Suzy and Bonoboville! Love Chelsea celebrating America’s Birthday in her Birthday Suit. And Biz’s butt. And everybody’s nipples #FreetheNipple! And Your Snake Eve is soo sensuous moving all over Your body like that, wow. And what a great anti-war message that we need to hear more than ever. What a beautiful sparkling show in the service of peace through pleasure.
07 · 7 · 22 @ 5:06 pm
Your words are my mantra: “Freedom is the Greatest Aphrodisiac, but Restraint is a Close Second.” Add that to “Make Kink Not War” and we’ll start a book of Dr. Suzy’s Kinky Proverbs.
07 · 7 · 22 @ 5:03 pm
Happy 4th of July, Dr. Suzy, and thank you for breaking down with such acuity, hilarity and sex appeal, what a mess our great nation is in. Love the Don’t Tread on Me Snake!
07 · 6 · 22 @ 4:08 pm
Thank you for your indomitable spirit!
07 · 4 · 22 @ 11:00 pm
Happy Independence Day to the Most Independent Sex Therapist out there, Dr. Suzy, your words sparkle like a firecracker in the night.
07 · 4 · 22 @ 1:53 am
Happy 4th!!!
07 · 3 · 22 @ 10:15 pm
Freedom is the greatest aphrodiasic!!! Time to be free! This show puts me in the mood to celebrate Independence day! Awesome blast from the past!
07 · 3 · 22 @ 10:08 pm
Eternal blessings unto thee, Dr. Suzy! At a time when we see America at its worst, you represent it at its best! A most Happy Fourth of July to someone who fires off the fireworks of freedom every day of the year!
07 · 3 · 22 @ 3:49 pm
I really liked Biz Bonobo, she had class and style even off stage!
07 · 6 · 15 @ 11:37 am
i salute the flag & these lovely ladies.. dr suzy is the sparkler!
07 · 6 · 15 @ 1:28 am
I think the work you do is so amazing i adore you and your work and you are such a beautiful person!
love your uber fan me
07 · 6 · 15 @ 12:15 am
Surrounded by the dazzling display of firework fantasy in the sky, I was inspired to wave my star-spangled bottom in honor of this great country! Big thanks to Dr Suzy, Happy Anniversary Chelsea, and Happy 239th Birthday,’MERICA!
Our sparkler celebration set the tone for a phallic 4th phantasm indeed. We gave proof through the night that our flag was still bare.
A big ‘A-Women!’ to our sisters in the news: Freedom fighters are shimmying up flag poles, finally being glorified on paper currency and proudly presenting their nipples in public.
Like Zendiks would say, “Stop bitching and start a revolution!” And so we begin: RƎVO˩ution starts within. With the proper balance of freedom and restraint, we forge ahead…with Abby Martin as our fearless leader, we proudly fly our dildo flags.
07 · 6 · 15 @ 1:58 am
07 · 5 · 15 @ 11:42 pm
Looks like the best show on the block!
07 · 5 · 15 @ 11:27 pm
I seriously have a fear of heights… I think I was subconsciously terrified all day looking for ways to avoid it while at the SAME TIME not wanting to miss it for anything!!!
I loved how Sky jumped in and was lighting all those sparklers for us, then Biz Bonobo stopped the show by offering up her ass for a sparkler holder! :)
I can’t describe how sorrowful it feels to know the US was bombing in Syria last night. …
Thank you for the loving one year anniversary show and the high level of consciousness in advocating for peace on earth the bonobo way “Peace Through Pleasure”…
My pleasure to shout out once more to Bree Newsome who climbed the pole and pulled down the Confederate flag!!! Her Twitter is @BreeNewsome where she is diligently encouraging her followers to be modern day heroes and change the world!
Kinda like you!
I love you!
07 · 5 · 15 @ 11:30 pm
PS – and a huge THANK YOU to the Bonobo Tech Crew and Managers who helped me get back down off the roof. :)
07 · 5 · 15 @ 11:07 pm
Fun, Fun, Fun and more fun…sex, silliness, serious antiwar, pro peace. Finding the Bonoboway through the art of the broadcast (by the way you should read The Bonobo Way, you can get it here:
The art of the broadcast is our ability to make our voices heard in the middle of the propaganda wars that encompass everything in our lives. From our friends to corporations constantly vying for our attention.
Dr. Suzy seems to always rise above the usual and go into the un-known of the human spirit. Her message is pretty clear, don’t be part of the violence that has enveloped the world, be part of the peace process that may save the world. It’s possible, or at least imaginable. Become a bonobo and celebrate freedom. Thanks for a fun show Dr. Suzy and reminding us that the world is full of wonder and joy and, did I mention sex?
07 · 5 · 15 @ 11:30 pm
What. He. Said.
07 · 5 · 15 @ 10:12 pm
What a sexplosive, orgasmic show! The sky was an orgy of fireworks, which was an amazing backdrop to the Villa Bonobo rooftop antics. Happy Bonoboville anniversary to Chelsea!
On an somber note, the military needs to cut the crap, and take a few months off– no bombing, no invasions of countries. Seriously the world will be fine without the US watchdog for a while.
Lastly, I’m so excited about Abby Martin’s upcoming show, she is definitely a powerhouse and a force to be reckoned with. I really hope that she makes her way back to Bonoboville this summer before she starts her new project.