The Luzers Play Bonoboville
Helles Belle, Biz Bonobo, Luzer Twersky, Dr. Susan Block with Cold Cock Whiskey, Hans Petter Gundersen, Tuesday Thomas with The Bonobo Way, Jason Hiller, Maesa Pullman. Photo: L’Erotique
Length 1:50:13 Date: July 11, 2015
by Dr. Susan Block
As the clothes come off in Bonoboville, the Confederate flag comes down in South Carolina, and the sweet sounds of the winsome Luzers greet the Bonobo Summer of Love. Toe-tapping Norwegian pop rock with a Hasidic twang, big fake boobs and pierced labia, Cold Cock and Cosby-itis… this show is eclectic with a capital Eeeee! It’s the kind of live broadcast that brings people together from all walks of life, setting The Dr. Susan Block Show apart from all the other shows and making it kind of uncategorizable. On the other hand, it’s just a 21st century spin on old-time Commedia: live music, burlesque and a bit of behind-the-scenes sturm und drang with a bonoboësque twang.
Our very special musical guests are The Luzers in their virgin appearance in Bonoboville and, indeed, all of America. Named for the band’s lead singer who also happens to be a recurring guest on DrSuzy.Tv, Mr. Luzer Twersky, the Luzers are the brainchild of the merry, mutton-chopped, musical Mad Hatter of Bergen, Norway, Hans Petter Gundersen, a.k.a. “H.P.” In addition to being LA’s most up-and-coming ex-Hasidic Jew, winner of two “Best Actor” awards for his performance in Félix & Meira and a recurring player on Amazon’s hit series Transparent, Luzer is also the unofficial Bonoboville chauffeur which is why parts of this show feel like a performance at a big family dinner, if your family gathers around for Cold Cock and a striptease. Listen to the archive to hear the romantic story of Luzer and Hans’ meeting at the Laurel Canyon Country Store.
Banging the drums is the lovely and multi-talented Maesa Pullman (star of The Last Hurrah’s “Weight of the Moon”) who aptly describes The Luzers’ music as “super tasty pop nuggets.” Bringing it back home to Bonoboville, on bass is Jason Hiller who confesses to having watched The Dr. Susan Block Show when “there was nothing on TV like it” back in our HBO and public access era. Capt’n Max declares Jason to be one of “our millions of children” (thank Goddess, they’ve all been pain-free births).
Though the bright, soulful music of the winning Luzers drives this show, we do bare some boobs and some impressive pierced labia, both sets belonging to the sultry and rather sleepy Helles Belle. Belle’s mysteriously drowsy demeanor is especially curious as we, like every other media outlet in the universe, are chatting about Bill Cosby’s Sleep Fetish. In fact, darling Belle seems soooo somnolent that I feel moved to announce that we are NOT serving Cosby Cocktails at the Bonoboville bar. But what we are serving is an amazing view of Helles’ Belles jingling around her trimmed vulva. and a provocative topless and bottomless dance all over Hans Petter’s peter, as well as his other instrument. In fact, for a minute, it looks like Belle’s nipples are strumming HP’s guitar. Then we realize she’s about to fall on it, and show producer Biz Bonobo nimbly catches her as they dance.
Next up is the comedic portion of the entertainment (although everyone on this show is kind of funny in some way, some unintentionally): stand-up comic Tuesday Thomas who, between Cosby quips and showing her boobs, really stretches the eclecticism of this show by explaining exactly how and why she will be getting her implants removed next week; one is leaking and both cause her pain. Wow, what an ordeal. Good luck Tuesday! Keep your sense of humor, doll. We’re with you, boobs or boobless; the important thing is your health.
“Leaky” and “Sleepy,” Tuesday and Belle join in on Bonoboville Communion with several delicious, stiff shots of Cold Cock. Our new favorite drink packs a wallop, mainly because it tastes so good, you forget it’s hard liquor, but no, there’s no connection whatsoever to Cosby Cocktails. Boobs out for Communion!
We support Pope Francis in his brave and vital crusades against poverty and ecological destruction. Nevertheless, we’ll take Bonoboville Communion over Catholic Communion any day. It’s the Bonobo Way.
Happy Bonobo Birthday Hollywood Jake! And thanks for the tweets, Del Rey and Chelsea, both therapists with the Institute. Speaking of which, if you think you might have Sleeping Beauty syndrome, don’t be a Cosby—give us a call…
Celebrating the Bonobo Summer of Love with Capt’n Max, Biz and Cold Cock Joaquin. Photo: Hollywood Jake
© July 11, 2015. Susan Block, Ph.D., a.k.a. “Dr. Suzy,” is a world renowned LA sex therapist, author of The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace through Pleasure and horny housewife, occasionally seen on HBO and other channels. For speaking engagements, call 310-568-0066.
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07 · 23 · 15 @ 3:39 pm
great pix of you rockin on stage,,,, you look amazing…
07 · 15 · 15 @ 10:21 pm
Great singing Luzer, before I was curious, now I’m a fan!
07 · 15 · 15 @ 3:57 pm
If our show consistently proves one thing, it’s this: You just NEVER know what’s going to happen!
With our Norwegian color theme going, we worked double duty celebrating a good ol’ down-home USA decison = Down with the Confederate Flag! We sang Hasidic praises to Helles Belle and toasted a fine farewell to Tuesday’s Titties, with a hot shot of Coldcock…Yee-ha!
Much like our bonobo cousins, we love a good party with music, dancing & hoka-hoka….this party was no exception! My dreamy beauty Helle was the Belle of the Ball <3
To cap it all off, it was my PLEASURE to be Hollywood Jake's b-day bottom…and this week, we saved the sparklers for the afterparty ;)
Here's to another zany adventure on The Dr Suzy Show – Tune in next week to see where we take you next!
07 · 15 · 15 @ 2:37 am
The bass and drums were incredibly tight it really helps when the bassist is dating the drummer lol you get the tightest rhythm section possible they’re as tight together as you can get for two musicians lol.
07 · 13 · 15 @ 10:17 pm
Good show, the ebb and flow was something I had not anticipated; it came together quite nicely. The highlight of the evening was listening to The Luzers throw down their musical set. However, I really did enjoy the conversation about Cosby’s sleep fetish as well. Thanks again to all the folks that came out for this one.
07 · 13 · 15 @ 2:30 pm
Very compact, complete and well versed speech (regarding Cosby) with both a tint of humorous phrase turned and the desire to help.
07 · 13 · 15 @ 2:06 am
What can I say…Great show!
07 · 13 · 15 @ 2:05 am
You guys are amazing. Thank you!
07 · 12 · 15 @ 11:21 pm
Tweeting to this show was an absolute roar … I loved it! I loved watching this episode!!
07 · 12 · 15 @ 11:41 pm
These photos capture a diverse and very cool show!
07 · 15 · 15 @ 3:41 pm
Chelsea, your tweets were a hoot! Thank you – Quite a lively show.
07 · 12 · 15 @ 11:19 pm
Wow. Just wow.
Okay more than wow. I’m VERY pleased the Confederate flag came down and that was in the first sentence of this blogpost. I’m thankful to be part of the solution in the whole “Predatory Sleep Fetish / Rape” Cosby conversation thanks to being a therapist at The Dr Susan Block Institute for the Erotic Arts & Sciences. (Love your video on this, btw,
And now I’m head over heels in love with The Luzers!!! All originals, all downhome, all groove and folk just the way you so aptly describe them above gives me heart flutters! I’m so excited about their debut and Luzer’s clout as an actor, I know they will go far.
Tuesday dear Tuesday. I must attend one of her standups every Friday night downtown 334 W Pico for @mommawarnedme performance! She’s a dear and a hoot.
And if you want to purchase the first single of Luzer Twersky and The Luzers click here! :)
The world-class world-renowned Dr Suzy Speakeasy and The Dr Susan Block Show definitely strikes again. Or licks again; not strikes. Eclectic with a capitol Eeeeeeee is correct! Good on ya!
It shows how versatile, innovative, open to the flow of the Universe Bonoboville really is!!!
Helle’s Belle was indeed a sleepy hell-on-heels but I loved her chutzpah and pussy piercings. Very nice. And Biz really pulled it all together with her ability to jump in at just the right time and be her sexy keen astute self … :)