Melo Tricks or Tweets!
Follow Me on Twitter In this age of instant everything à la mode, I have sprouted wings and a beak.
Yes, I have become a Twitterer. Or am I just a Twit? Whatever I’ve become, I am now way too busy Twittering, or actually, Tweating, to blog. Yes, I confess: I am a Twitter Addict. I can’t stop Tweating about the silliest things from my breakfast to my orgasms, to my pithy political opinions to the twists and turns of Speakeasy intrigues, all in a matter of seconds. Like good satisfying Quickie Sex, with everyone coming in rapid succession. I even love that Twitter limits me to 140 words per Tweat and no photos, restraining me ever-so-gently, like velvet verbal bondage. As those of you who know me know, my blogs tend to be endless, multi-course meals like the 6-hour dinners the French enjoy, peppered with pictures and links. The more I promise myself to keep it short, the longer my bloggamy seems to get, like an overgrown, overindulged, out-of-control problem child. Not that I don’t love this child, my darling bloggamy. Of course, I do, and the fleeting charms of Twitter will never replace the solid substance of a blog that reads like a short story or a photo essay. I hope my bloggamy readers don’t feel too “cuckolded” by my current love affair with Twitter. I may be blogging less and tweating more, but I will never abandon my bloggamy. Though at the moment, I’m flying around with the other birds, so follow me on Twitter! MeLOVErsary Mania The Meloversary was pretty mellow, packed with happy, horny, whacky, weepy, ecstatic emo babes and dudes frolicking among the dildos at Dr. Suzy’s Speakeasy.
The Melo Crew!
There were a few weirdly extravagant mishaps: a mysteriously cracked windshield, vomit all over the stairwell (which we cleaned up within 24 hours, Mr. Landlord!), poop in the shower (also quickly and thoroughly cleaned and disinfected!) and various individuals of all genders and generations bursting into tears for various reasons, though most were crying tears of emo-joy. There was also a lot of sex, some of which involved me.
But most of the sex was off in the notorious nooks and luxurious crannies of the Speakeasy.
Sister Sara Sioux was the Prom Queen in a gorgeous leopard and lace Sue Wong dress that brought out the wild animal in her, celebrating the 10th anniversary of her teenage brainchild
Sister Teri was the Melo Princess, radiant in a shimmering violet Victorian Bordello-style dress, also by Sue Wong.
Teri’s “husband,” Brother Brandillio was the Manchild Prince of Bandannaland, and Brother Nic was the Speakeasy Knight in Emo Armor.
Sister Heather was dressed up, teased up and powdered up like a party doll.
Gogo girls got the crowd going.
Nieve and Jean Curley kept the Meloers hiphopping.
Luci and Lisa kept the backrooms safe and sound.
I was the Dowager Queen, the elder stateswoman swimming through a roiling sea of 18-28-year-olds.
I was also the Political Candidate. I’ve noticed that this is something many horny middle-aged women like me seem to do: We run for office.
I happen to be running for Vice President of the United States.
I know, there’s another, far more notorious fem-domme running for Veep, and Governor Sarah Palin and I have more in common than two X chromosomes: We both enjoy lipstick politics and handling phallic objects (in her case a rifle; in mine, a vibrator), and neither of us has had much of any government experience on the national stage at all.
And so what if Sarah Palin can see Russia; I can see Chinatown from my window. creator Sister Sara Sioux and her friend…
Just before the party, British TV interviewed me for Virgin Media and Bravo TV on the joys and agonies of running for the U.S. Vice Presidency, with Frank Moore as my Presidential running mate.
Read Frank’s platform, and vote for us! We are official write-in candidates in a whole bunch of states.
My other role was that of The Disciplinarian.
Though being whipped with my red, black and blue elkskin leather floggeron the Bondage Cross could harldy be considered punishment.
And then there were the rewards, like Agwa…AGWA The Meloversay Libation of the Night was Agwa Coca Leaf Liqueur, made from the same tender coca leaves as ye olde Bolivian Marching Powder.
We toasted Melomania and licked super-tart lime powder off of each other’s fists, butts and nipples, then joyously guzzled this glowing green liquid enlightenment that oughta be illegal, but isn’t.
Why isn’t it? For over 4000 years among the native Andean population the coca leaf has been used for ancient rituals and for everyday gift giving.
Today it is drunk as a tea and chewed for hours by farmers and miners. The result is said to be more of a prolonged caffeine buzz than the crazy superhigh of cocaine. Actually, coca is not a major component of cocaine as only 0.5% of the alkaloid cocaine is found in coca, and 41 chemicals are needed to extract cocaine from the coca leaf.
DJ Leo 9 sipping AGWA at the Speakeasy
In 1820 the first Bolivian coca leaf liqueur was manufactured by the De Medicis in Bologna, Italy and sold throughout Europe. Rudyard Kipling said the powerful elixir was made “from the clippings and shavings of angel wings.” When cocaine was banned, the liqueur was discontinued, as rudimentary distilling did not remove cocaine. Today bales of Bolivian Coca leaf are shipped under armed guard to Amsterdam where they are distilled and exact maceration and herbal extraction techniques guarantee the removal of the cocaine to standards acceptable to European and US authorities. An extremely distinctive peppery herbal base is then blended with other herbal aphrodisiacs like ginseng and guarana to balance the taste and augment the effect.
Agwa turned into Viagwa as the Melo boys stripped off their shirts…
Agwa turned into Viagwa as the Melo boys stripped off their shirts and strutted like peacocks around the Speakeasy, sometimes tripping over their own tails, but often finding a receptive peahen to stroke their feathers. Triple Squirt Special And speaking of hip delicious cocktails, and just in time for the wet season, check out our discount Triple Squirt Special featuring the three best Female Ejaculation DVDs you’ll find anywhere, one of which (Squirt Salon) is the classic How-To, another (Dommes & Hollie) is perfect for the holidaze & the third (Double-Annie’s Squirting Anniversary) is just plain sexy soaking wet…
Need to talk? Sext? Webcam? Do it here. Have you watched the show? No? Feel the sex. Don’t miss the Forbidden Photographs—Hot Stuff, look at them closely here. Join our private social media Society. Join us live in studio . Go shopping. Gift shop or The Market Place., real sex TV at your toe tips. Sex Clips Anyone? FASHION, we have fashion! We also have politics. Politics? Have you Read the book? No? How about the Speakeasy Journal? Click here. Ok, how about some free sex advice?
03 · 4 · 10 @ 6:10 pm
the blog was great suzy, i know i wasn’t able to give you all the shots you wanted but i was on a beer run when the politics came in
03 · 4 · 10 @ 6:09 pm
Dr. Suzy, I neglected to let you know I got an A on my paper about you and Sarah Palin. Thanks for the great source material!
03 · 4 · 10 @ 6:09 pm
hey doc, I think you are one awesome lady. It takes a person with incredible character to do what you do. Keep up the great work.
03 · 4 · 10 @ 6:09 pm
OMG!!! i just saw you on foxtel in a phone sex operators doc..your like the only famous person i know………..
03 · 4 · 10 @ 6:08 pm
Susan, I want to live vicariously thru you !”
03 · 4 · 10 @ 6:07 pm
You are just what the Dr. ordered…fix me Doc…
03 · 4 · 10 @ 6:07 pm
you have an AWESOME site !!
03 · 4 · 10 @ 6:06 pm
yep, susan, we just might win this sucker! more and more people are saying they WILL vote for us!In Freedom,Frank Moore
03 · 4 · 10 @ 6:05 pm
Dr. Block, i have been a huge fan for a number of years and always learn something new when i watch You on TV.
03 · 4 · 10 @ 6:05 pm
When I grow up, I hope I have as much fun as Dr. Susan does. :-)
03 · 4 · 10 @ 6:04 pm
Hey Dr. Suzy..Thanks for letting me be on the show.. it was so much fun.. I love to hear my own voice. HAHA! If you ever want me as a guest again.. please don’t hesitate to call, or email..
03 · 4 · 10 @ 6:03 pm
i love hearing your show around election time! that palin is something else! lol! very scary indeed! tell everyone i said hello and send my love. it would be wonderful to get out there and see you this year, i’d love to see the art collection!
03 · 4 · 10 @ 6:03 pm
Why is there no mention of Ron Paul here? For the first time in my life I took the coupons that the kid hands out at the supermarket. The definition of money has changed. Turn every dollar around and turn it into Ron Paul money. If you don’t know what I’m talking about youtube this man and learn. Dr. Susan Block should be a far stronger adversary in this political arena. The North American Union, the Amero are key terms that we all should come to accept and understand. A cashless society is around the corner waiting to undo anyone who feels they live in any kind of free world. Party your life away but be informed and somewhat prepared. If you live in California kiss the ground. If you are fortunate enough to meet Susan kiss her too. She cares for your pleasure when just about everyone else on this planet does not.
03 · 4 · 10 @ 6:02 pm
I absolutely love Jack’s Mannequin. I also love his previous band, Something Corporate. SoCo was more emo angsty piano rock, but still amazing.And Angel, we’ll have our own emo parties with Agwa in a month. MARK MY WORDS! It might even be better than that morning after. ;-)I’m kicking myself for missing the radio shows. Must catch up tonight!And, holy crap, Eros Day! I can’t wait to be a part of that!
03 · 4 · 10 @ 5:59 pm
Do not worry so much about your affair with Twitter. It sounds like me in the way that you also were skeptical about using it and then suddenly, it made sense. I do agree with what you said on the radio show about twitter being blog bondage since you are limited to 140 characters. Im glad that things ran smoothly for the most part. In the end, the transformation from Speakeasy > prom and back was done. Parties that get a little out of hand can sometimes hold much more perspective than a party that goes 110% without flaws. Besides, look at all the fun that was to be had.PS: Wow do I look like a big Amazon in that photo. *laughs*
03 · 4 · 10 @ 5:59 pm
Hi Dr. Suzy, The body painting picture in a previous blog looked like fun, wish I’d known about it ahead of time. Btw, I’m thinking of voting for you and Frank Moore this year.
03 · 4 · 10 @ 5:57 pm
Dr. Susan Block, Thank you so much, my friends had an amazing time at meloversary and can’t wait to go back!Christopher GoldbergNeverlost Creative Media
03 · 4 · 10 @ 5:56 pm
You are absolutely GORGEOUS and totally ROCK! Your beauty and curves make my heart race and my knees buckle! You are AWESOME!!! Best wishes to your continued success and prosperity.
03 · 4 · 10 @ 5:56 pm
Hey Cuz Just want you to know that I love your stuff on Palin. Still have your literature when you where running for President. I can’t stand that woman other then she really is funny. I mean if it wasn’t so sad this could be the best woman comic we have seen in years. Could be the new I Love Lucy for our times (but then again Lucy was not this stupid). Love always,Diane
03 · 4 · 10 @ 5:55 pm
I am voting for you and Frank. His platform really does “just make sense” and you should be America’s First Lady of Vice. Meloversary and Halloween at the Speakeasy look like PARADISE. What a great inaugural ball you guys would have.
03 · 4 · 10 @ 5:55 pm
Dearest Dr. Suzy,Thank you so much for allowing me to stay with you last weekend. You have an amazing space and, through everything going on, i really felt the support and love you put into everything at the Speakeasy. I’m grateful for the time i had to spend with you and your amazing group of people and I look forward to seeing everyone again in the, hopefully near, future. I am still amazed at how liberating it was to be in your home. I will be indebted to Teri for ages for having brought me to the Speakeasy. I’ll be sure to swing by if i find myself in LA again to give you more foot massage and to enjoy the sanctity of your oasis.With all my love,Krista