Secret Sexy Japan, Nude Model/Comedian & Scary Sarah Palin
RadioSuzy1: Secret Sexy Japan, Nude Model/Comedian & Scary Sarah Palin
As those of your who know me know, the Speakeasy is still in crisis mode (and I’m not just talking about the screwed up American economy). But we’re almost out of the jungle of horrors we’ve been hacking our way through, and we’re seeing some light through the thicket, as well as getting back into certain grooves, one of which is doing the radio show, still on RadioSuzy1and now is also on BlogTalkRadio.
We’ve done some awesome shows, including an interview with Donna George Storey, author of the marvelous erotic novel set in secret sexy Japan Amorous Woman, a fun evening with nude bodypaint model/comedian Krista and another hot show on Scary Sarah Palin, among other dangerous fetishes. Vision Board My Bonobo Way “Vision Board” has just been published in a hot new HarperColllins coffee table book put together by SuperPublicist Joyce Schwarz, The Vision Board: The Secret to an Extraordinary Life. With a foreword by Bob “Think And Grow Rich” Proctor and an afterword by Jack “Chicken Soup for the Soul” Canfield, and more than 150 vision boards created by Olympic athletes, Obama’s campaign manager, celebrities and folks like me from 32 different countries, it is already on the Amazon Spirituality Best-Seller List, and HarperCollins has put it into nomination for a Pulitzer Prize! The World Premiere Launch of The Vision Board will be October 28, 4-6 pm, at the Santa Monica Loew’s Hotel. Hope to see you there! They’ll be auctioning off cocktails with me at the Speakeasy and an autographed copy of The 10 Commandments of Pleasure for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation.
Of course, unlike Elton, Andrew’s not gay (at least to the extent that most straight guys are “not gay”), prefers T shirts and jeans to rhinestone glasses and stacked heels, and actually writes his own music. He also has a very close-knit, supportive family, most of whom were right there at the Viper Room – Mom, Dad, brother, sister. girlfriend – all grinning, clapping and singing along with their precious survivor son’s brilliant tapestry of melodies. Some of Andrew’s lyrics about the edgy, scary-blissful territory between the ailing human life and death itself remind me of my own NDE(near-death experience), like the haunting, symphonic CAVES:
I’m caught Somewhere in between Alive And living a dream…
Beat my body like a rag doll
Stuck your needles in my hip
Said we’re not gonna lie Son you just might die
Get you on that morphine drip Drip…
It’s was great to be alive, with a little vodka and no morphine, sharing a “piece” of Jack’s Mannequin at the VR. If you like emo-poetic, personal piano rock, treat yourself to a piece of Jack.
A Speakeasy Halloween: Erotic Insurgent MasqueradeHallowe’en is almost here…Time for a pinch of Sex & Fear! To get you into the scary-sexy Halloween spirit, you must watch A Speakeasy Halloween: The Erotic Insurgent Masquerade on RadioSuzy1, featuring Darryl Hanah, Jack Fountain, Regan Reese, Sara Sioux as Jackie O, and more! And for those of you who are more literary, here’s my Scary Sex Halloween Poem
Though I feel we’re on the verge of resolution (another hat tip to Jack’s Mannequin), and we may soon rescue our Prince from the terrible Towers where he remains kidnapped, I still haven’t set a date for the next Speakeasy event. So if YOU miss the Speakeasy, you better sign up for our 10th Annual Eros Day: EROS DAY X. It’s not until January 24, 2009, but there’s no such thing as planning too soon for Eros Day!
And if you really miss us, give us a call! You’ll be glad you did. Let’s talk about what’s “going on,” talk about your feelings, talk with us about something you can’t talk with anyone else about. Experience telephone sex therapy. As always, we are open 24/7 and you can call us from absolutely anywhere in the world: 213.749.1330. No matter where you are, we’re always here for you…
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