Killing Vs Peace through Pleasure
Sarah Palin isn’t the only woman running for Vice President in this season’s U.S. Presidential sweepstakes. There is another candidate for the office on Number One Observatory Circle who also happens to have a vagina, and that candidate happens to be me. Governor Palin and I have more in common than two X chromosomes: We both favor lipstick politics, love our supportive manly husbands, enjoy handling phallic objects – in her case a rifle, and in mine, a vibrator – and neither of us has had much of any government experience on the national stage at all.Then there are our outfits: I’m in lingerie all the way, and the Governor’s in a bikini. Yes, that bikini shot was a fake – just Sarah Palin’s head jauntily photoshopped onto the bikini model’s rifle-wielding body – but the zeitgeist is that it authentically conveys the Spirit of Sarah (Lord have mercy). That is, even in her sensible business suits, desert camo, cuddly parkas or hunting gear, and always in those sultry stern “Tina Fey” specs, Sarah Palin exudes sex.
Which brings up a big difference between the Governor and me: Sarah might exude sex, but she’s against sex education. I’m a sex educator. I believe that education is power, and sex education is sexual power, the power to attract and cultivate healthy, exciting, relatively safe, mutual beneficial relationships, the power to give and receive pleasure, the power to love and be loved. Why do we all need a good sex education? Because repression relies on ignorance. We need education in the sexual sciences to wipe out damaging, sometimes deadly superstitions and misinformation. We need education in the sexual arts to help improve our erotic lives and to keep our families together. We need education in sexual psychology and philosophy to help us determine our sexual nature and cultivate it in a fulfilling, ethical, manner.
Sarah Palin believes that “faith-based…abstinence only” is the only kind of sex education anybody should get, and we’ve all seen how well that works with her own daughter. Saying no to sex education is just one cornerstone of Sarah Palin’s anti-sex/anti-nature platform; on abortion, same-sex marriage, evolution and stem cell research, she is somewhere to the right of the Pope, Dr. Laura and the Reverend Sun Myung Moon.
Another big difference between Sarah and me involves our fellow earthly creatures: I want to save the bonobos. She wants to gas the polar bears. I’m no vegetarian, but the Governor seems to glory (hallelujah!) in her “God-given” dominion over the local fauna to a sadistic, fetishistic degree. Or maybe she just flaunts her dominionist style to impress her red meat-hungry fans. With her grizzly bear throw rugs, airborne wolf-shooting games, plush fox (or is that wolf?) collars and fur fetish photo-ops surrounded by horny Vikings, Sarah Palin is the 21st Century Venus in Furs.
Which brings out the difference in our approaches to power. There are two ways to get it (so they say): through fear and through love. I tend to go through love. Sarah Palin is all about fear. And boy oh boy, is she scary, especially to women and girls who have wished and worked all their lives to get a female in the White House, and now this anti-feminist Puritan threatening to set women and humanity back a few decades could well be the one who gets in. As for men, if they’re not down on their knees, they’re nervously protecting their balls.
The Alaskan Governor is the quintessential dominatrix, the Queen of Cold with a warm smile and a wicked style. This is a key to her appeal. Americans, who reelected (overlooking, for the moment, the possibility of voting machine fraud) the Bush Crime Family Torture Masters in 2004, apparently have a strong masochistic streak. An attractive, powerful, moralizing domme makes us weak in the knees. Americans are bowing down before this woman like lovestruck submissives, giving up their rights to peace, pleasure, freedom, a clean environment and any sense of respect from the world. Like Austrian novelist Leopold Von Sacher-Masoch’s 19th century classic Venus in Furs, Sarah Palin looks stunning in fur, wields a mean leather whip and has utter disdain for your pain. And this Venus also wields a cross as a sword.
Which brings up a difference that’s thicker than lipstick: I’m for the separation of Church and State, and the Governor is running as a Messenger from God. And that’s no vague conceptual God. That’s not the Jewish God, nor the Muslim, Buddhist nor Hindu God, and it’s certainly not the Goddess. Sarah Palin’s God is The Christian God with a capital crusading C, and she is His Messenger. And if you don’t accept Jesus as your Savior and the Republican party as your overlords, get out of the way of her snowmobilee. This is Sarah’s world and you’re just running from her bullets in it.
That’s another key disparity in our philosophies: I’m all about Peace through Pleasure. Sarah’s for Drilling and Killing. How can such a saintly woman be so brutal? Easy. See, candidates like me, who aren’t absolutely postive that God is on our side, or even that He or She exists, feel the need to be diplomatic, to work for the good of society, and the planet. People that speak with God directly, like Governor Sarah and Mad King Lameduck George, don’t sweat such small stuff, what with God Himself IM’ing them to rain bombs on civilians, plunge the economy into ruin and pillage the planet. Praise the Lord.
I know a few of the BG’s secrets, but Sarah has a better chance of being the first female leader that these Greek love powerbrokers invite to their “top secret” Midsummer Night’s Bacchanals in the Redwoods. I’m sure they’re already fantasizing about Governor Sarah sporting a strap-on. Shhhh….Which brings us to censorship: I’m against it (just in case you don’t know). Sarah Palin tries to ban books from libraries. And then there’s the war in Iraq (I’m against it). Sarah Palin calls it “a task from God.”But our most important difference isn’t really about us, it’s about our running mates. Sarah’s man is John McCain, the U.S. Senator who plucked our eskimo princess from national obscurity and set her on a snow white horse with reigns of flowers and a crown of stars in front of the old beat up, utterly discredited Republican army. Now she is his Joan of Arc. He is her Prince Charley, egotistical, fickle, quick to anger, utterly beholden to the wealthy powers that back him and prepared to keep our troops in Iraq for the duration of his presidency or the next 100 years, whichever comes first.My “man” is the U.S. Presidential Candidate Frank Moore. While Sarah’s man is a War Hero, who rained bombs on Vietnamese civilians before he was captured by Vietcong, Frank Moore is a Peace Hero who has brought joy and inspiration to millions over the years as a performing artist and healer. Frank promises to bring the troops home from Iraq “immediately,” and he’ll have universal prenatal-to-the-grave health care and universal free education with equal access, and free public mass transit as well. Neither McCain nor Obama are offering these basic services that should be the first priority of any “free” functional society. Read more about at and if you like what you read, write us in: Moore/Block. Feel good about your vote this time.But far be it from us to “take” any votes from Obama who is, indeed, the far lesser of the two evils here. So you Barack voters, especially in the swing states, go ahead and vote the Big O. But if you’re one of those liberal Republicans who’s considering voting McCain/Palin because you like the idea of supporting the kind of feisty, sexy, can-do woman that Sarah Palin appears to represent, consider this: Everyone has their personal tastes. So… Sarah Palin has her grizzly bear carcass on a couch and I have my ecologically friendly Monkey Rocker. What would you rather have in your Vice Presidential living room? Wait, don’t answer that…Just please don’t vote for her! Pray for her, pray to her, worship her, adore her, jerk off to pictures of her (real or fake), obsess over her family problems, adopt her sexy librarian look, copy her hair style, try out her Tina Fey glasses, send her fan mail, parody her, dedicate your next Christian rock tune to her, build a cathedral for her, but please just don’t vote for her. Because God and Goddess help us, if enough of you do.Playboy Radio 9/11Every national candidate has to do something to commemorate 9/11, and I did two radio shows. The first was Playboy Radio and we didn’t talk about 9/11 at all. The subject was fetishes, and somehow I couldn’t turn 9/11 into a fetish in a way that didn’t sound forced. A fetish for burning phallic buildings? Too conspiratorial…
Playboy Article originally found here — has been moved to here >>> Click for Article
The Emmys Party at the TV Academy originally found here — has been moved to here >>> Click for Article
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03 · 4 · 10 @ 7:15 pm
Sarah Palin’s SAT scores?
03 · 4 · 10 @ 7:12 pm
Have no problem with the daughter slipping off to get some. With that family, wouldn’t you?That she is “instructed” to marry is more the problem. Two wrongs don’t make a right.
03 · 4 · 10 @ 7:12 pm
palin sucks old men’s cocks you suck young men’s cocks
03 · 4 · 10 @ 7:11 pm
apparently she was barred from asking questions at the resent international leaders meeting she attended, because seeing russia from her house is not international experience…..
03 · 4 · 10 @ 7:08 pm
It’s so comedic – this rich ailing septuagenarian trots out a vituperative MILF he picked up at a convention, and he stands there positively beaming while she goes on and on about how he’s the man to get the job done right, he’s the man that really gets it, he’s a real man, not just a smooth talker. Unlike Huggy Bear, my pimp knows how to kick ass!Is prostitution legal in Alaska?I just had to chuckle when I read what you wrote about the women and girls who have wished and worked all their lives to get a female in the White House. I laughed when I thought of the many presidents and the lengths to which they went to get females in the White House. = 8^ )
03 · 4 · 10 @ 7:07 pm
Yes, if Americans vote for the McCain/Snow Queen ticket, they really are a slavish masochistic breed who have all the backbone and spine of a jellyfish. I bet many American males will vote for Palin simply because they fantasize about playing a bondage game with her. They will want to see more of her, not that motor mouth Joe Biden. McCain went with his lust instincts and offered sexy Palin a place on his ticket or even his lap, if his own fantasies become real. Palin is McCain’s wetdream of the moment. I bet he loves those little “friendship hugs” they so innocently exchange when meeting and greeting. I bet McCain wants far more than a hug, even with his aging wife Cindy standing just a few feet away. What did you think of McCain’s appearance at the Sturgis motorcycle festival? He offered to enter Cindy in the “Miss Buffalo Chip” contest. Does Cindy know how demeaning it is to first fund her husband’s political career and then be told to play the role of a stripper on a public stage nonetheless? McCain most likely enjoyed humiliating her in that manner. I don’t think McCain actually likes women very much. He just likes fucking. He should just buy himself one of those rubber vibrating vagina contraptions and spend some quality time alone. Cindy should have dumped McCain a long time ago. The obviously don’t have much affection for each other any more. No doubt Cindy can’t stand Sarah. Sarah’s on a mission from God, her God, and thus, “loves” everyone. I wonder what would happen if McCain and Palin did have a fling? And it was caught on some surveillance camera around the Oval Office!! Wow. Move over Monica Lewinsky, Palin just made history. The first VP to go down on the Prez, at least in recent history. Ah, “People” magazine would love to get a copy of that video tape. God save the queen, the snow queen. I wonder if Palin will go hunting in the parks around Washington, D.C.? Her husband will be rushing around on his snowmobile terrorizing every living creature in the nation’s capital.
03 · 4 · 10 @ 7:06 pm
Greetings, Dr. Susan.This essay impressed me immensely. You understand this woman like no one else I’ve come across, even though everyone and her sister are writing about Palin (I pretty much disregard what the men have to say as they are looking through semen-frosted glasses and can’t seem to help themselves).What you didn’t say as a nice final round-up is that this female person is purely toxic. She reveals what is worst in the American character. Unfortunately, there are many that seem to really, really like her, just as there seem to be plenty of people who liked Bush. Not so many now, of course, now that he has largely wrecked the country. But Palin and Bush (and McCain, for that matter) are the sick underbelly of the American psyche.The white horse image was perfect. But if she is indeed a Joan of Arc (and that made me wince a bit as I actually respect Joan of Arc) then let’s haul out the stake and kindling and fry the bitch. Four years from now when McCain croaks or is so evidently senile that no one would vote for him, do you want her running for President? This is a crucial crossroad. I wouldn’t worry so much if Obama hadn’t chosen such a doofus for his running mate. Biden has all the charm of a used, week-old tampon. BORING. Palin is not boring. She gives that mean old fart some life. What do you think, something a little incestuous there? Grand-daddy and his little Sarah?I’d like to see you run for president. I will come work on your campaign for free, and donate as much as we can afford. Sincerely,Allegra Chesnut
03 · 4 · 10 @ 7:06 pm
Dr. Block: I wanted to thank you for the great article on Sarah Palin, The Dominatrix Politics of Drilling and Killing: Palin as Venus in Furs. I’ve included it in my paper on Alternative News Media. Although it was humorous, I found it spot on even though I had to restrain myself from laughing out loud during many of its passages. I look forward to reading more of your op eds in Counter Punch.Best regards, Renee FosterUnderstanding MediaProf. Chyng Su
03 · 4 · 10 @ 7:05 pm
Your piece reminds me, of course, of Reich’s The Mass Psychology of Fascism. Sarah Palin is the perfect embodiment of repressed sexuality and its intimate connection with violence. Welcome to America! Susan Elizabeth SiensUnity, Maine My husband is very interested in writing in Frank Moore and yourself on his ballot in November. We have to write in candidates with their home city and state included; is this on the website?
03 · 4 · 10 @ 7:05 pm
She reminds me of Debra Palfrey. I dig your stuff in Counterpunch. Number One loses interest now and thenThe mind (and body) can play tricksBut a touch of the lash can fend off the crash America needs a dominatrix America’s been arrogant way too longPrayer’s more sincere on your kneesAmerica yearns for hard assignmentsAnd someone demanding to pleaseEmpires go down like Rome went downAnd ours could turn into The MatrixAn enduring reign means enduring painAmerica needs a dominatrix America needs to drill for oilAnd swallow what’s left of the EarthWolves and bear? Shoot em from the airSex education? Just give birth Hockey moms might hate evolutionAnd hookers might hate tricksTo put up with sin takes disciplineAmerica needs a dominatrix
03 · 4 · 10 @ 7:04 pm
Hi Sexy. You looked quite hot in that outfit for the Emmys.
03 · 4 · 10 @ 7:04 pm
I agree that sex ed sounds good (in Virginia, we didn’t get it till 6th grade & some teachers commented that they thought it should’ve been done earlier), but (for instance) what do you tell the little Jewish boys who’ve been circumcised? “HAHA, you got fucked over!” What do you tell the Catholic kids about birth control? In other words, in a country like ours how can you tell youngsters the TRUTH about sexuality without pissing off all the religious assholes????Atheistically,Jon
03 · 4 · 10 @ 7:03 pm
The hypocrisy of that lady, I swear. For someone so bent on teaching us the ways of sexual ignorance, abstinance and that we cannot make our own choices about our reproductive systems…her daughter sure slipped off for some hanky panky. *shakes head*She is a scary lady.
03 · 4 · 10 @ 7:03 pm
Dr. Susan, We’ve met once, I think it was around three years ago; I have been at your Backstage, with a TV crew from Croatia. Anyway, I work as executive editor of Croatian edition of Playboy in the moment. And after I read your blog about Sarah Palin (Venus in Furs), I taught it would be great to publish it here, in Croatian edition of Playboy. Theme of Sarah Palin’s influence on politics is a big issue here also, but I have never yet read such a funny, clever and simple txt on that metter. All best, Zeljka
03 · 4 · 10 @ 7:01 pm
Dear Dr. Suzy: I like what you’re saying and selling !
03 · 4 · 10 @ 7:01 pm
This is a masterpiece. It is likely that a contributor to her mental status is her anti-sex posturing. As usual, such an internal conflict creates all kinds of deranged behavior, in her case and obsession with guns, killing, and a Caligula-like power drive. However, there is an amusing side to her power trip. By now, she is probably delighted with her dom relationship with John Depends McCain. Imagine her interrogation techniques as she keeps him captive for POW role-play and issues commands. This behavior may have already begun. She has let a few indicators slip out, such as when she used her name first when referring to their campaign ticket, and mentioning HER administration.Once again, the forces of Puritanism represent the ultimate in madness, injustice and the war against liberty and sexual freedom.Peace through pleasure.Rev. BookburnRadio
03 · 4 · 10 @ 7:00 pm
It’s funny, don’t take this the wrong way, but you do remind me of Sarah Palin, especially your librarian photo and some of your preacher photos. But of course, she is a bomb about to explode, and you are always the voice of reason and pleasure. I am voting for you and Frank, for sure. Love the Emmys pics and the wild art!