“Golden Age of Adult Cinema” Grand Finale
Golden Age of Adult Cinema: Kelly Nichols, Ginger Lynn, Serena, David Bertolino, Rhonda Jo Petty, Dr. Annie Sprinkle, Veronica Hart. Photo: Jacquie Blu. Ron Jeremy & Dr. Susan Block. Photo: Chris King
The Walk About
Length 00:26:05 Date: February 26, 2017
Audio PlayerThe Sit-Down
Length 01:00:34 Date: February 26, 2017
Audio PlayerWe skipped the screwed-up Oscars for that branch of the Entertainment Industry that shows people getting screwed in a good way. While the Academy’s grand “Best Picture” winner announcement was being monumentally flubbed by pompous Price-Waterhouse-Coopers accountants (or maybe hacked by the Russians?) in #Envelopegate, the stars of the Golden Age of Adult Cinema, produced by theatrical impresario David Bertolino, performed their show about the bawdy “backside” of Old Hollywood with grace, humor, no embarrassing flubs and a refreshingly mature sexuality.
This was the third and final night of the three-part series honoring 13 of the greatest female stars of the porno silver screen in its “Golden Age” during the mid-to-late 1970s and early ‘80s, a time when explicit sex was part of major motion pictures shown in public movie theaters just like the Oscar winners and other movies, albeit with the rating “XXX.” We’d broadcast live on Opening Night, missed the second installment because we were too busy whipping it up for Lupercalia 2017 (the original Valentine’s Day, featured in Elephant Journal) and we were now back for the grand finale.
Jimmy Kimmel of Porn
This program featured Rhonda Jo Petty, the porno Farrah Fawcet who passed up a Secret Service-delivered invite to have sex with former U.S. President George Bush, Sr. (though she did enjoy a couple of liaisons with Max Baer, aka “Jethro” on the venerable Beverly Hillbillies; self-confessed “sex nerd” (before it became fashionable), Kelly Nichols; masseuse-turned-pornstar-turned-ecosexual-artist Dr. Annie Sprinkle; the quintessential California Girl Sex Kitten, Serena; and, as a surprise bonus, we got to spend a few minutes with the wonderfully wild and stand-up-comic-funny Ginger Lynn.
All were chatted up by the amiably witty Nick Santa Maria, mainstream actor, comedian, historian and now, having completed his duties on this series, the uncontested Jimmy Kimmel of vintage porn stars.
Sex, Drugs and Porn Queens
Different as hand-cut jewels, one thing all of these ladies seemed to have in common besides starring in Golden Age porn was that they all took recreational drugs at fairly early ages—with the favorite being LSD and its variants. Is dropping acid a gateway to doing porn? Not really, but at least in the cases of these iconic bonoboësque rebels, the answer seems to be a resoundingly ecstatic “Amen!” And Awomen.
Since the trippy 70s, taking hallucinogens has become an honorable way to connect with the spirits of the Amazon (no, not the Jeff Bezos empire; the Rainforest), and pot is being legalized to varying degrees in almost twenty states and counting. Yet the ominous specter of the Trump administration sending federal agents into pot-legal states to shut down dispensaries looms over us. This is rather hypocritical in light of Trump’s and his party’s veneration of “states’ rights.” But outrageous, head-spinning hypocrisy is one of the signature aspects of the current administration.
Marketplace of Vintage Porn
After the formal part of the show, I waded into the crowded Cupcake lobby, which was set up like a marketplace with all the stars and their assistants displaying and selling their vintage photos, DVDs, stickers, posters, art works and memorabilia. Accompanying my trek was Gypsy Bonobo wearing the most adorable baby pink cat ears you’ve ever seen on a human, and Jacquie Blu, who was decked out in a souped-up Disco Era cut-out catsuit that reveals as it conceals, with Abe Bonobo on the Facebook Live Cam and B. Natural, who took off early from his swanky gig taking shots on the Oscars red carpet, just to shoot us.
In honor of all the delightful druggies of vintage porn, I wore my hallucinogenic hat of many hues featuring primitive paintings of penises (Happy Year of the Cock!) with an orgasming vulva in the middle and mystical symbols around the brim, a turquoise Bonobo Way tank top by Christopher Lee Designs, black thigh-high boots and the “Resistance-signaling safety-pin “pasties” on my boobs that I’ve been wearing at almost every public appearance since the Electoral Dysfunction that shook—and continues to shake—the Divided States of America.
Photo 1: Gypsy. Photo 2: Abe Bonobo. Photo 3: Author Selfie. Photo 4: B Natural
The crowd at the Cupcake Theater may not have been as glitzy and haute-coutur’d as the one at the Dolby, but what we lacked in glamour, we made up for in enthusiasm. For many, including myself, it was a kind of reunion.
Ron Jeremy & Hidden Figures
One of the first familiar faces to greet me I’d actually just seen for Bonoboville’s Valentine’s Eve Dinner in Venice Beach: the host of the after-party, Ron Jeremy, was particularly excited because the director of his old viral MTV video “Pizza Guy,” Theodore Melfi, was nominated for an Oscar for the historic film, Hidden Figures. As it turns out, Ted didn’t win… unless Price-Waterhouse-Coopers announces they made another terrible gaffe.
But it’s great to be nominated, and it’s more evidence of the Golden Age porn icon, comedian and award-winning musician’s profound impact on world mega-culture. I’m proud to have known Ron since his career was tanking (just before it really took off) in the 1980s.
Ginger Lynn & Our LAPD Raid
Among the many other Golden-Age silver-screen luminaries I bumped into on my “Walk of Fame” through Vintage Pornoville were many I had interviewed in the past. One of the first, comic-erotic fireball Ginger Lynn, was a guest on my show in 2000 when it was raided by confused and heavily armed officers of the Los Angeles Police Department. Although they claimed to be chasing “four armed Hispanic kidnappers,” once they determined there were no gunmen on the premises, they stuck around for another couple hours to “watch” my show with Ginger Lynn. I’ve always wondered if Ginger, whom I interviewed again 14 years later at the Hollywood Show in 2014, was the one they really came to see.
What a crazy, scary night that was, though it eventually led to the happy ending of a settlement with the LAPD, after I sued them for wrongful invasion and abuse of my First and Fourth Amendment rights, that helped us build our second Downtown LA studio.
Ginger and I were also in the same film, Taboo IV, in which I played the non-porn role of myself as a talk show host interviewing Jamie Gillis, the author of a book about incest. Ginger Lynn plays his daughter who becomes his lover. Very taboo!
More Vintage Porn Stars & Sticky the Masturbation Movie
Then I hooked up with Kelly Nichols, whom I had interviewed at the Hollywood Show, displaying photos from her films, featuring her luxuriant natural bush in those pubic hair glory days before obsessive genital grooming.
Always a pleasure to connect with sweet Veronica Hart, aka Jane Hamilton, whom I also chatted with at the Hollywood Show and The Deep Throat Sex Scandal, as well as Rhonda Jo Petty, last Saturday’s DrSuzy.Tv guest; Tom Byron, whom I interviewed at “The Deep Throat Sex Scandal” memorial for Harry Reems
I also finally met Nicholas Tana, writer/director of Sticky: The Movie, all about the wonders of masturbation, one of my favorite subjects, as well as activities.
We talked “self-love,” “hand rape,” phone sex and, of course, female bonobos, who masturbate sometimes after penis-in-vagina (PIV) sex as a form of birth control, to expel the male’s semen—or maybe just because they’re not satisfied. Foreplay among bonobos may be endless, but PIV intercourse tends to last about 13 seconds.
Serena + Drs. Annie Sprinkle & Beth Stephens
Next I touched base with Serena, the only one of the featured stars whom I’d never interviewed on my show. We actually “met cute” for the first time in the Cupcake ladies’ room when we both took a pee break. Though I’d never seen her in real life, I recognized her from her circa 1970s photos; that same sun-kissed spirit of her Golden Age radiated through her smile, practically erasing the three decades since she was the toast of porn. She told me I looked like a rainbow. I asked her what the chances were that she would grant me an interview to which she sweetly replied, “Not likely.” I tried not to pout, and I guess my patience paid off, as within an hour she and I were chatting away on air, meaning I’ve now officially interviewed all 13 of the featured female stars of the Golden Age of Adult Cinema at some point over the past twenty years.
Around the bend was Dr. Annie Sprinkle, porn star artist and leader of the ecosexuality movement. Capt’n Max was one of Annie’s first publishers, back in the 1970s, publishing Annie Sprinkle’s Hot Shit, Love, Finger and others (Max has a few fascinating Annie Sprinkle stories to tell, and one of these days, he’ll tell them), while living with her and his friend and her lover, renowned Dutch Fluxus movement artist Willem de Ridder. Ever the Fluxist herself, Annie gave me a bevy of stickers, “Water Makes Me Wet,” “Dirty & Proud” and my own “card-carrying ecosexual” certification, verifying that “The Earth Is My Lover.”
I interviewed Annie almost 20 years ago when we were in the Villa Piacere in the Hollywood Hills. She was producing the Pornocopia where I presented my “Pornographer of the Year” award to Ken Starr for his detailed XXX-rated investigation into the President’s pants.
Onstage at the cupcake, Annie proudly proclaimed that she has accomplished all she’d ever dreamed of doing in terms of becoming an artist and is now ready to retire. In the meantime, she and her wife of over 12 years, UC Santa Cruz art professor Dr. Beth Stephens, are busy with a variety of art and ecosexuality projects. At the Golden Age marketplace, they hawked vintage photos, books, stickers and Annie Sprinkle “Tit Prints” (of which I’m the proud owner of three).
Photos: B Natural
It was great to finally meet Beth, whom I felt like I already knew, having watched Annie and Beth’s engaging and very personal (especially for Beth) documentary “Good-bye Gauley Mountain” during Dr. SerenaGaia Anderlini D’Onofrio’s Ecosexuality Symposium at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez, where I presented the keynote on The Bonobo Way: A New Ecosexual Paradigm for Humanity. Bonobos are, of course, the original ecosexuals, with a very high “ESQ” (the ecosexual version of IQ and EQ), but that’s another blog.
Build a Human Wall Around Trump!
A quick hello to Penny Antine, photographer of the Golden Age of Adult Cinema, displaying her photos, each its own work of art. I’ve known Penny since 1999 when my Speakeasy Gallery of Erotic Art included her work in one of our art shows—her first! We still display Penny’s fabulous, intimate black-and-whites of a very sexy time gone by in our current gallery in Bonoboville. A few are for sale and a few are a part of our permanent collection. Until last Sunday, I hadn’t seen Penny in ages, but I often “like” her Facebook posts about the Trumpocalypse which are like readable safety pins.
Speaking of the havoc-wreaking Cheeto-in-Chief, we invited him to join us; after all, the Golden Age was his youth, and Golden Showers are (according to leaks) his thing. It could have been HUUUUUUGE, but he refused. We didn’t take it personally, since he also refused to go to the White House Correspondents Association Dinner, which every President has spoken at since Calvin Coolidge in the 1920s. After calling the mainstream media “the enemy of the people” and banning the NY Times, LA Times, CNN, the BBC and several other media outlets from press briefings, he’s probably scared to face “the enemy.” Max thinks that’s a good thing. “The wall we should build,” says Capt’n Max, “is a human wall around Trump and his team, so they’re afraid to leave the White House.”
We don’t know whether or not Trump getting a golden shower from Russian hookers is “fake news” or a real pisser, but on our recent “Anti-Inaugural Circus Mistress Tara Indiana and the Full-Bladdered FemDoms of Bonoboville release our golden frustrations all over the Golden One. Watch the promo on Youtube or the full clip on Clip-O-Rama.
Trump is quickly shattering the nation’s moorings and rocking the world, and not in a fun way, rescinding life-saving protections that Obama had passed for trans students in public schools. ICE is picking up immigrants, documented and undocumented, in paddywagons; not to mention, Feds are preparing to go after state-legal pot dispensaries. Trump is cutting the budget on all human services while raising the budget on the very inhumane service of the military. I could go on. It’s “overwhelming,” as many have said, and it seems it will get worse before it gets better. Walking around the Cupcake, I dreaded to think I was strolling through the 21st century American version of Weimar Berlin.
Sit-Down Show, Cupcakes and Melissa Hill
At this point, my thigh boot high heels were begging for me to sit down and have one of Gypsy Bonobo’s homemade cupcakes, especially made for the Cupcake Theater. Gypsy’s cupcakes were a big hit with all my guests (as opposed to Opening Night, when we got Uncle Ralph’s cupcakes, and everyone was dieting), including Melissa Hill, porn star of the 1990s. Wearing a tight T shirt with “Darling” emblazoned across her ample chest, she paid tribute to one of Serena’s signature terms of endearment.
One of Melissa’s mentors was Bill Margold, and we have another mutual connection in Sarah Bella, though I “met” Melissa virtually last year when she and Howard Levine interviewed me about The Bonobo Way on their LA Talk Radio Show. Though I’ve invited her, she hasn’t visited Bonoboville yet, and maybe never will, since she’s says she is “terrified” to come by, lest there be any “crazy monkey sex” going on. Monkey sex in Bonoboville? Never!
Lily Cade Porn-Parodies Trump
Next up on the platform: another hottie I haven’t seen in seven years, Lily Cade, Gold Star Lesbian, guest star on Eros Day 2011, Lupercalia 2011 and much more, looking svelte and sophisticated. As always, Lily travels with a dildo, and not just during the Year of the Cock.
This time, she shows us a seven-inch blue model.
Being a very experienced “pussy-grabber” herself, Lily also shows us snaps of herself playing Donald Trump in a porn shoot. I wonder if Trumplethinskin is as upset about that as he is about Saturday Night Live’s Melissa McCarthy playing Sean Spicer.
Serena, Warren Beattie & More Masturbation
Then I was delightedly surprised to see Serena, who had given that demure “not likely” response to my previous request, ascend the steps to my broadcast platform above the roaring marketplace. She even ate one of Gypsy’s homemade cupcakes.
She’s so upset about Trump, she could barely speak his name, but she does regale us with a few juicy tidbits about sex with the stars, from Jamie Gillis (he was the dark side to her sweetness and light) to Warren Beatty (he could have sex for nine hours—mainly “because of the coke”).
Who knew that Warren, with Faye Dunaway as Bonnie to his Clyde Barrow of the “Best Picture Gaffe Gang”, would be the talk of Oscar night? Maybe they were sabotaged by the same pollsters who told us Trump wouldn’t win.
Nicholas Tana of Sticky the Movie then came up for more and we chat even more extensively about our favorite subject, spanking the monkey among monkeys, bonobos and humans, including priests, rabbis and IVF clinics. I invite him to Bonoboville, and then Capt’n Max raises his cupcake in solidarity with the sex community and the resistance, before it was time to close the show.
That just about sums up our latest Dr. Susan Block Show with Bonoboville-on-the-Road at the Golden Age of Adult Cinema, where we had more fun than a barrel of cupcakes, licking the frosting off of each other’s naked bodies! Well, maybe not more fun than that…
Thanks to this week’s volunteers and staff: Camera Operator – Mo, Conwell Stewart; Photographers – B Natural, Chris King; On-Campus Bonobos Abe Perez, Del Rey, Gypsy Bonobo, Harry Sapien, Jacquie Blu, MarsFX, Johnny Jungle, Clemmy Cockatoo, Ana & Miguel. Photographers: B Natural, Chris King, Jacquie Blu, Abe Bonobo, Dr. Suzy
© Feb. 28, 2017. Susan Block, Ph.D., a.k.a. “Dr. Suzy,” is a world renowned LA sex therapist, author of The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace through Pleasure and horny housewife, occasionally seen on HBO and other channels. For speaking engagements, call 310-568-0066. I always appreciate your responses, opinions, questions, love letter, hate mail, poetry, and don’t forget to post a comment down below.
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03 · 31 · 17 @ 11:17 pm
Love you Suzy. Your the hottest
03 · 2 · 17 @ 6:56 pm
Many gorgeous women at this event, but no one comes close to the Stunning Dr Susan!!!
03 · 2 · 17 @ 6:54 pm
You look the same as you did when we started talking by phone, over TWENTY years ago! Wonderful!
03 · 2 · 17 @ 6:53 pm
You look spectacularly sexy
03 · 1 · 17 @ 3:19 pm
I wish I was on THAT show!
03 · 1 · 17 @ 3:02 pm
That was a super fun, Sunday night! Thank you Dr. Suzy for the chat and the tasty #cupcake
03 · 1 · 17 @ 2:36 am
Looking great kid
03 · 1 · 17 @ 2:35 am
A fantastic evening with old friends – and new!
03 · 1 · 17 @ 2:33 am
excellent to see some of my favorite beautiful actresses there.
02 · 28 · 17 @ 10:29 pm
These might be the truest words I’ve heard all year:
“The wall we should build,” says Capt’n Max, “is a human wall around Trump and his team, so they’re afraid to leave the White House.”
I think he means literally, but I’m taking it metaphorically–that the popular dissent should be so large that he can’t govern (at least, not in the ways he’s trying to do).
02 · 28 · 17 @ 6:32 pm
And a grand finale it was! And quite the party to say the least! It was an honor getting to assist my queen Dr.Suzy interview such iconic blast from the porn blast and people who truly paved the way in the industry and pioneered so much. A night of smiles deep talks and celebration of real cinema. who needs the Oscars?! Love you Dr.Suzy you never cease to amaze me on how talented, smart and beautiful you are inside and out.
02 · 28 · 17 @ 12:29 pm
All these folks where the front line shock troops of the 5th or so sexual revolution of the seventies and eighties. It was a golden era of enlightenment about our own sexuality and the liberation of both men and women from the grip of fear & shame about our own bodies and desires.
Now we have a new front of oppression from the newly installed Nationalist Trump Administration that is out to bring on a new age of darkness. Resist, undermine and surround these fascists with a human wall of dissent.
02 · 28 · 17 @ 11:19 am
You can really feel the gravitas and history of porn in this show. I loved how Dr. Suzy is in one way, shape, or form connected to all these stars and iconic figures who have shaped the entire adult industry as well as the sexual lexicon of not only the country but the entire world. And then there are the fun little nuggets of the show like when Dr. Suzy is reminiscing with Ginger Lynn about the Police raiding their show or Ginger Lynn describing giving a blow job in the shower and looking like a fish… When you stop and think about it, it really is amazing the impact everyone in this show has had on pop culture and Hollywood. Wish I was there in person, but we get the privilege of the next best thing via the Dr. Susan Block Show
02 · 28 · 17 @ 11:18 am
It is great to see the adult industry coming together in a way that highlights its wildly fascinating history. Dr. Suzy, although not a porn star herself, seems to be right in the eye of the storm documenting the trials, tribulations and evolution of the industry. While the show itself was a smashing success, it is equally amazing to know that Dr. Suzy has interviewed all 13 of the featured female stars of the Golden Age of Adult Cinema. WOW!