GasMaskGirls get set for the Trumpocalypse on DrSuzy.Tv
Length 1:54:29 Date: November 19, 2016
Audio PlayerIn the coming Trumpocalypse, we may all need to wear gasmasks, perhaps as often as we now wear raincoats or sunglasses. Of course, there is no way to prepare for the whimsical Trumpanzee, but if he keeps his promises to gut the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), so he and his billionaire boys club can pussy-grab Mother Earth, we’re all in for some toxic times.
When asked “Who’s going to protect the environment?” the avuncular Trumpeter assures his audience, “We’ll be fine with the environment… but you can’t destroy businesses.”
Gasmaskgirl & The Bonobo Way
Unlike Obamacare, his “beautiful” Wall, LGBTQ rights or ISIS, where our moody Presidente-Electo yo-yos from wild alt-right extremes to moderate and even Left-leaning positions, Trumpty Dumpty is quite consistent in his disdain for the proven science of climate change, ecology (shout-out to Ecosexuality co-editor SerenaGaia) and clean air. Thus, as the Trumpocalypse descends like a looming storm upon the horizon, the well-fashioned gasmask may become as essential to survival as a bomb shelter.
All of which makes our featured guests on this show, the Gasmaskgirls, essential viewing for those of us who wish to survive the Trumpocalypse with clean lungs and a sense of humor. Actually, two of the Gasmaskgirls and one of their leaders had equipment malfunctions and got gassed on their way to Bonoboville (be careful out there!). But thanks to Sarah Bella Bonobo’s prodigious producing efforts, one GasMaskGirl, a very nice lady with the aptly toxic name of Sarin, makes it here, along with her gasmasked cohorts, Manny Garcia, co-owner and creator of Gasmaskgirl, and Lee Scott, the “plastics guy” who happens to be a liberal refugee from Nor-Cal Trump country (Fresno), all three of whom wear impressively bulky gasmasks, except when they’re talking (Lee needs to make a gasmask with a built-in mic) or sucking toes (more on that in a moment).
Besides her gasmask, Sarin of Taiwan wears a pink latex skirt created by Kathleen Kassim who happens to be a cousin of Anderson Cooper who last year paid a much-ballyhooed visit to the bonobos at Lola ya Bonobo orphan sanctuary that we help to support. So yes, everything is interconnected, even Gasmaskgirl and The Bonobo Way.
Sexual, Spiritual & Military Fetishes
The gasmask is one of recently retired U.S. Army Major Manny’s favorite fetishes, seeded during his military service in Iraq and America from 1994–2016. There Manny and fellow military nurse Lee (1974—2004 U.S. Airforce) developed both a savvy insider’s disdain for the war-fumbling Bush administration and an erotic appreciation for the eerie and powerful gasmasks they had to don for training and other toxic situations. It wasn’t long before Manny realized that he was “into” gasmasks, and soon he was using his gregarious charm to engage many willing women, plus his old friend Airforce Nurse Lee, to actualize his fetish.
This explodes into a discussion of the meaning and practice of fetishes (for which yours truly wrote the definition in the Wiley-Blackwell International Encyclopedia of Human Sexuality), both spiritual and sexual, and how often the twain does meet.
“The Doctors,” Erotic Hypnosis, Daniele & Be*Live
Kicking off the fetish convo is the intensely curious, wildly creative and knockout gorgeous actress, Daniele Watts, beaming alongside her pansensual “Rawkstar” husband Chef Be*LIVE, and a small army of fans and friends scattered throughout the Womb Room studio audience. Daniele and Be*LiVE have been active in Bonoboville happenings on and off-campus, recently accompanying me onto “The Doctors” to discuss how I put them “under” via therapeutic erotic hypnosis, generating visions of heavenly orgies, ecstatic arias, powerful trigger words and hands-free orgasms… all this and more coming soon to a CBS-Tv station near you.
Meanwhile, back on DrSuzy.Tv, we the people of Bonoboville are processing our state of electoral dysfunction. Speaking of political ED, let not forget to abolish the unfair-to-urbanites Electoral College, brothers and sisters, before it bites us in the butt—or nonconsensually grabs our pussies—again. Though the Gasmaskgirl delegation sports some impressive headgear, there’s no doubt that our own Jay Toriko rocks the most fashion-forward, fetish-coordinated Gasmaskgirl ensemble, complete with attached oxygen tank and transparent PVC dress.
My own gasmask comes courtesy of Bonoboville fetish-connoisseur-in-residence Del Rey. By the end of the show, Gasmaskgirls seem to come out of the Womb Room woodwork. Here in Bonoboville, we are meeting the Trumpocalypse head-on—with head-gear to die for!
Foot Play Rondelay
Another of Manny’s favorite predilection’s is the sensuous and classic foot fetish, which he happily demonstrates with ravenous passion and slurpalicious skill. He sucks Sarin’s dainty little toes and licking her graceful arches as if playing Jazz on a saxophone (a real Miles Davis of feet), then takes her whole foot in his mouth like a vacuum cleaner.
When I ask retired gasmaskgirl Sarin what she personally likes about gasmasks, foot play and other fetishes, she confesses that she enjoys them mainly because of her “friendship” with Manny. Though Sarin draws the line at indulging Manny’s fetish for “scat,” a subject for even more spirited discussion, but not demonstration on this program. Nothing against consensual and health-conscious indulgence of coprophilia, but I try to keep it out of the show. Too stinky! Then we would really need the gasmasks…
On the other hand—or foot—we love podophilia, which can be very sexy, as Manny literally fellates Sarin’s big toe, but is usually PG enough for our new Facebook Live feed. Indeed, Manny’s toe-tonguing of Sarin’s tootsies inspires Be*LiVE to orally pleasure Daniele’s toes, and soon things explode into a foot-sucking foursome!
Trumpocalyptic Male-Male Communion
After the break, it’s Bonoboville Communion time again, and Daniele nominates her friend Nathonn Carmona to strip down to nothing but his sleek belly belt, and serve himself up as Altar Boy in our favorite drinking ritual, as we play The Kinkster, inspired by the Bonobo Way, by Mark Will of the band [ai] aka Carmina Formosa. Interestingly “Formosa” is another name for Sarin’s native Taiwan, and means “Beautiful Island” in Portuguese.
Here in the Beautiful Island of Bonoboville LAX, Bonoboville Communer Be*LiVE doffs his top and bottoms, licks “health coach” Nathonn’s salty nipples with gusto, then receives his Agwa “waterboarding”” from your humble High Priestess, while lying across our Altar Boy’s washboard stomach. This rare and erotic boy-on-boy Bonoboville Communion continues and expands into the after-party.
John Barrymore Returns & the Trumpocalypse Takes Form
Into the scene wanders our old friend, John Blythe Barrymore of Hollywood’s distinguished Barrymore dynasty, looking hale, hearty and ready to meet the Trumpocalypse despite his witty contempt for the Electoral Dysfunction and this monster movie/reality show in which we all find ourselves.
Not that the Trumpeteers are the only monsters in this movie. I wish that certain liberals would stop slutshaming Melania for her nude photos and sex worker past (one of the few bright, sex-positive aspects of the mostly dark, sex-negative Trumpocalypse) and would stick to her real faults, like plagiarizing Michele Obama (for President 2020!), or how she is now hypocritically making “bullying” her First Lady cause while enabling the biggest bully of a Presidential candidate in American history.
Signs of the Trumpocalpse appear as the Trumpster Dumpster coughs up his Cabinet picks, from (for Attorney General) Jeff Sessions of Alabama (who talks like Leonardo di Caprio in Django Unchained and wants to bring back the criminal libel statutes that Capt’n Max worked so hard to overturn in California so that publishers will risk imprisonment for their work) and Supreme Court selections, like William Pryor who has said that Americans should be subjected to arrest, if a state so decrees, for having same sex relations in the privacy of their own homes. This guy would outlaw Bonoboville Communion.
John Barrymore bemoans the whole situation as we all pet his dog. And no, that’s not a euphemism for a handjob. We really do pet his fluffy, recently shampooed, pretty little doggie, Jasmine. Also appearing proclaiming his love for Daniele—en français!—is Fabrice Boutique of France.
Safety Pin Panic on the Alt-Right
As for me, I’m out of mourning for America, going from last Saturday’s black to therapeutic purple, and ready to party through the Trumpocalypse, as best a bonobo sapien can, hoping to somehow avoid the awful fate of those erotic and (eventually) very unfortunate denizens of Weimar Berlin. Eager to show my “Resistance” spirit (with a hat-tip to Bill Mahr for declaring the “Resistance” just after the election results), I am festooned with silver safety pins, which are apparently more powerful than assault rifles, considering how vehemently the Trumpsters attempt to attack and denigrate them as “diaper pins”… even though diapers haven’t used pins since the 1960s.
I’m trying not to “deplore” the Trump Bros, and I do sincerely love many people who voted for and/or support the President-Elect, most of whom honestly “deplore” the KKK and other fringe hate groups resurrected by this election, but the Trumpty Dumpties are just generally such “sore winners.” Imagine what sore losers they’d be if their candidate had lost! And by the way, he actually did lose the popular vote (as the count continues, we find Hillary leading by more than two million votes). Again, let’s please not “forget” to abolish the Electoral College. First Bush, now Trump. And let’s not give the Orange One a pass on Making America Racist & Sexist Again just because he “won,” because in a way, he didn’t. She did.
Ikkor the Wolf & Trump the Dick with Small Penis Syndrome
For our finale, in comes Ikkor the Wolf and, quick as a flash bomb, off goes his shirt, revealing his rippling torso, and out booms his voice to the Divided States of America reminding us that “We Are One,” one country, one world, one universe of indivisible individuals.
We dance, throwing fingers in the air, and shout “Bonobo!” as we go bonobos. Then we call “encore!” and Ikkor raps “Hip-Hop” featuring two-time Grammy winner Timothy Bloom, as some lounge in gasmasks while others dance naked. Quite the surreal erotic sci-fi tableau.
Even our “Trump the Dick with Small Penis Syndrome” gets in on the act, and before you know, he’s rocking a safety pin in his left earlobe. Next he’ll be taking Bonoboville Communion with Putin!
Let Them Eat Cheeseless Cheesecake!
Our newest Bonobo-in-Residence, Paniscus Brecht, brings in Chef Be*Live’s rawkin’ “guilt-free” cheeseless cheesecake with a flourish. This cheesecake is so creamy and crustless, it’s perfect for eating off of human skin, Bonoboville Communion-style, which we do. Yum!
John Barrymore slurps his up from each one of Daniele’s magnificent mammaries that, smeared with creamy cheesecake, appear to be lactating. Then Be*Live licks his cake right off the beautiful boobs of my awesome assistant Gypsy Bonobo to whom Daniele sings Fleetwood Mac’s “Gypsy.”
Later I appoint Gypsy as “Secretary of Weed” in our Bonoboville Cabinet. Soon we Californians may need to wield our safety pins against Sessions’ threat to impose federal law against lawful state enterprises because “Good people don’t smoke marijuana.”
Yes indeed, many challenges lie ahead for cannabis RƎVO˩utionaries, sexual freedom-fighters and other progressives, all of which makes me hungry, but the Chef’s creamy offering off of his wife’s left nipple hits the spot. Make cheesecake, not war!
Steinway Piano Orgy
The after-party extends into the Bonoboville Erotic Art Gallery where we enjoy a multiple pianist concert worthy of Carnegie Hall, breathing fresh erotic life into my great grandmother’s 1926 Steinway & Sons baby grand.
First to tickle the old ivories is Gasmaskgirl Sarin sans gasmask, but with tremendous passion and classical skill. Then Daniele and Be*LiVE play and sing in their unique and playful style (as they demonstrate in Daniele Watts Sings The Bonobo Way).
Next our own Nori Carter takes the keys, spinning fantasies through hauntingly original melodies.
Nori is joined briefly by Ikkor for a “Heart and Soul” duet, and then returns back to his solo performance, as several of us dance, some of us naked, and many become more intimate, as the bands play on into the night, leading to various couplings, trouplings, conflicts, resolutions, love and many happy orgasms, as the Christmas lights twinkle in the darkness of the Garden of Bonoboville, in the wee hours before the storm.
Thanks to this week’s volunteers: Camera Operators – Jamal Berry, Conwell Stewart; Photographers – Sarah Bella, Jux Lii, L’Erotique, Robert Dunn; and our in-house bonobos Abe Perez, Beverly Bonobo, Del Rey, Gypsy Bonobo, Harry Sapien, Jacquie Blu, MarsFX, Paniscus Brecht and Zane Bono.
© November 20 2016. Susan Block, Ph.D., a.k.a. “Dr. Suzy,” is a world renowned LA sex therapist, author of The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace through Pleasure and horny housewife, occasionally seen on HBO and other channels. All inquiries, please call 310-568-0066.
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04 · 14 · 17 @ 3:13 am
What will Jesus Christ Trump do this time? Fuck them all! Lee Scott AirForceNurse1
11 · 22 · 16 @ 1:44 pm
While watching from the audience, I could tell that Dr. Suzy’s guests were definitely enjoying the TOEgasms! Welcome to Dr. Suzy’s Bonoboville!
11 · 22 · 16 @ 5:43 am
The gas mask folk hit a nerve with me. They speak to how I sexualize the things happening around me. We higher primates have adapt so uniquely to our surroundings. Truly with the current political climate I feel that a sexualized gas mask is indicative of things to come. They have such a healthy expression of their sexuality that I hope they can convey this message of love during times of war.
11 · 22 · 16 @ 4:02 am
Another wildly entertaining show! It was great meeting some of the Gasmaskgirl team, who quickly evolved from gasmask fetishes to to mass toe sucking on the Womb Room stage. Bravo!
11 · 22 · 16 @ 1:26 am
Stunning photos, great writing and a just absolutely fun show as always but even better. Go Bonobos…hey don’t forget to join Bonoboville, all inclusive, Sex, Fun, Wisdom. There’s never been a show like this…ever! See you in
11 · 21 · 16 @ 11:04 pm
What a great show! So much going on in this converation
11 · 21 · 16 @ 10:08 pm
So much sensual energy flowed through Bonoboville this night!! It was incredible. It definitely eased the sting of the conversation about the Trumpocalypse in and fun and sexy way.
11 · 21 · 16 @ 9:10 pm
How Dr. Suzy can combine a such an intense variety of subjects, guest, and spontaneous adventures with such seduction and style I may never know. But I do know I’m entranced! I’m blessed to be apart of SUCH an amazing show every week and being in awe of my gorgeous mentor who creates this beautiful world of love and understanding not just for bonobos but for everyone. Its a true honor assisting to the Dr. herself but to also to my Queen. And did I mention how awesome and rad it was when Dr.Suzy was pussy grabbing herself to show Trump how it’s really done? My hero <3 love you so much Dr. Suzy .. FABULOUS SHOW AS ALWAYS!!
11 · 21 · 16 @ 6:51 pm
The toe sucking smorgasbord was a fabulous site to see. The piano orgy was sexsational to say the least. Just another day in paradise!
11 · 21 · 16 @ 4:45 pm
This show was one of the most fun I’ve been a part of, sans for my terrible allergies! The fact that we’ve been going over 90 minutes per show lately is a testament to the chemistry of all of us in Bonoboville. And this was definitely another showcase for that!
Viva la bonobos!
11 · 21 · 16 @ 2:02 pm
What a wonderful show!! I always love playing in Bonoboville and on Dr. Suzy’s show!! WOOOOOO HOOOOO!!!
11 · 21 · 16 @ 11:37 am
Thank you all for your hospitality and the wonderful time.
11 · 20 · 16 @ 10:18 pm
What a fascinating dialogue, what an intriguing show, and what a wonderful array of bonoboësque guests. How you managed to weave talk of feet, fetishes, sexuality, sensuality, love, lust, trust, revolution, ecology, Donald Trump, and bonobos together in a single show is amazing. Cheers Dr. Suzy!