Dr. Susan Block

In the Chatroom


  1. deezeebee
    12 · 2 · 06 @ 7:09 pm

    What a wonderful DVD this is! Zorthian is adorable. Are they his students or some type of clan? The dancing was wonderful and so free. Loved seeing the children taking part, it was so pagan.


  2. Kim
    09 · 27 · 06 @ 5:30 pm

    To experience a part of Zorthian’s creative life was exciting and inspiring. Today with the new release of the documentary, I’m extremely fortunate to have worked on such an important project. Thank you to all who assisted us in producing “Zorthian Art & Times”: Dabney, The Zorthian family, the sensuous nymphs, videographers, and the original Armenian music by Barrett Yeretsian and Antranig Kzirian. I want to mention that their featured DVDs, History Volume I & II, are now available in Shopping Heaven. Here’s Volume I: http://drsusanblock.secure-shops8.com/product.asp?itemid=206


  3. Jason Wilkes
    09 · 19 · 06 @ 9:34 pm

    Just saw the NYMPHS, and all I can say is WOW. Unbelievable. This little guy Zorthine really knew how to live.


  4. mark kampe
    09 · 19 · 06 @ 9:32 pm

    The night you showed this film at the Speakeasy, you blew me away. What I thought was going to be an art exhibit and party turned out to be an inspirational celebration of a life that was itself an inspirational celebration of life. You did a wonderful thing, using art, stories, and eros to teach, without a hint of lecture.That night, I could not help but counterpoise the Zorthian portrait I had just seen against the ubiquitous portraits of John-Paul II. On one hand, a humble and pious man who took perpetual joy in being able to share Christ’s message with everyone he touched, and who sought perpetually to help the world find its conscience. On the other hand, a bon vivant who took perpetual joy in sharing the gospel of “life more abundant” with everyone he touched, and sought perpetually to remind people of their need to exult in joy and beauty. One man’s life iluminates a path of piety and service, while the other illuminates a path of orphic joy … and yet they do not, to me, now, seem that far apart at all. Kudos and thank you, —mark—


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