1926 Steinway Baby Grand Piano Now On Sale!
As you know if you read this bloggamy, a few months ago, I suddenly came down with a virulent case of septic shock, had to be rushed to the hospital, went into emergency surgery, remained in a coma for over a week, had another major surgery and almost died. I won’t go into any more gory details here. If you’re interested, you can read the book that I am currently writing about the experience. Suffice it to say that I am now very much alive and on the mend. Thank you for all of your cards, calls, posts, prayers, fruit baskets and naughty pictures. Everything helped.
As you may also know if you are a devoted bloggamist, a combination of circumstances surrounding my sudden illness have combined to put me in a rather difficult financial position and in immediate danger of being evicted from the beautiful Downtown LA loft which we call Dr. Suzy’s Speakeasy. It just so happens that as soon as I went into the hospital, my landlord, Sky High Investments (owned in part by Ben Neman Investments), demanded three months rent in advance. I really don’t know why they did this. I have been here almost five years, and my rent was and is totally paid in full. My company kept up the regular rent payments while I was unconscious and on life support. Maybe my landlord was afraid I might die and not pay him, maybe he made a mistake, or maybe he wanted to take advantage of the situation, so he could charge more money to rent this place. In any case, I have had to fight this action, while in and out of the hospital, costing me thousands beyond my usual rent and bills. The fact that I am still not healed from the surgeries doesn’t make it any easier. As is typical in commercial landlord-tenant court, the judge has sided with the landlord over almost everything, even when it is apparent that his representative (Jack Zakariaie) is lying and that the tenant (me) has done nothing wrong.
Which brings me to the point of this bloggamy: I want to sell my piano. If you’ve ever been to the Speakeasy, you’ve probably noticed the elegant 1926 Steinway Baby Grand. Since it’s a family heirloom on my mother’s side, it has sentimental value to me. So I’d prefer to sell it to a friend of the Speakeasy or at least someone who reads this blog rather than a piano dealer or someone on Ebay.
The problem is that I probably have to sell it very quickly, since I just received a ruling from the judge saying that I must pay two months rent in advance – about $10,000 – by this Thursday, September 28, even though the landlord now knows he made a mistake. I might be able to put this money together from other loans, advances and donations from friends, along with my own revenue, but I might not. If I don’t make this payment, I will be forced to move my entire operation out of my 17,000 square-foot space within a week or two. As you can imagine, in my current state of quasi-recovery, I am not in any shape to move. Such upheaval would also be disastrous for the Speakeasy – which, other than this Sky High problem, is doing quite well, considering the CEO (me) was so recently teetering on the edge of life.
Anyway, you can see it’s a beautiful instrument, and in great condition, especially considering its age. Like any almost-antique piano, it needs to be refurbished, and when it is, it will be worth about $25 – 30,000. Complete refurbishment costs about $8000. I’d like to sell it for $10,000. So if you buy it and refurbish it, you will be getting a $25,000 piano for only $18,000. Such a deal! Or you could forego refurbishing it, and just get it tuned for $100. It looks and sounds fantastic. If you want to look it up, it’s serial number is 244362, and it’s the M style. And it is a family heirloom with a history of wonderful music and good times.
I know it’s a weird thing to put in a blog, but I thought I’d just see if anyone is interested in getting a great deal on a magnificent Roaring Twenties Steinway, as well as helping me out in an important way at an urgent time. Or maybe you’re not interested in the piano, you’re just interested in helping me and the Speakeasy out. That’s good too! We can certainly use the help.
If you want to hear more about the piano, or the situation, feel free to call 213.749.1330 and ask for David. If your financial problems are worse than ours, you can also call us on our toll-free number: 1.866.289.7068.
And this piano comes with value-added benefits! Not only do you get a beautiful 1926 Steinway Baby Grand – also a variety of porn stars, from Ron Jeremy to Cumisha Amado, have stroked its ivories – but you get a life-time pass to all future live broadcasts and tapings at Dr. Suzy’s Speakeasy and a lifetime free pass BACKSTAGE. And we’ll throw in a Weimar Love DVD (also from the Jazz Age). Such a deal you won’t find anywhere else.
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09 · 28 · 06 @ 5:44 am
i do not need a piano but i would buy it for $5000?
09 · 26 · 06 @ 8:17 am
Hi Dr. Suzy,You have my credit card on file. Let me know if you have a shortage and I will advance the difference. I know you have a lot of people helping you and I would like to help too. It would make me feel good to help such a wonderful woman as you. I know you will be O.K. The most important thing is that you take care of yourself.Best regards,Carlo
09 · 24 · 06 @ 2:32 pm
Dear Dr. Susie:I am so sorry about all the troubles you have been experiencing of late. I know all too well the pain of what you are going through as I have had very similar battles. I know your heart and spirit is strong and soon your body will be too. You know you are thought well of and most importantly loved. I would buy your beloved piano in a heartbeat as music is so much apart of my life but can not at this time. I am confident that it will go in the hands of a loving person who will appreciate it’s specialness and value. I send many positive blessings and vibes your way…With much affection…Kate
09 · 24 · 06 @ 8:01 am
eek! Hope someone buys your piano or just helps you out.
09 · 24 · 06 @ 8:00 am
My guess is that the landlord seeks to take full advantage of the medical crisis and bleed for greed as much as possible. On a smaller scale, such creatures are the lowest form of life. They ravage the way sweatshop and corporate culture skewer the rest of the world. Someone please buy the piano (I cannot) and help sustain one of the most vital forces in the nation. Who else runs a counter-current to the war-criminals, Christian-Taliban, and culture of ‘abstinence’ and ‘moral’ hypocrisy? Who provides an alternative strain in such a hot manner? We know the answers to these questions.Although I am sad the Hugo Chavez slandered the Devil by comparing Him to Bush, it is more upsetting that Dr. Suzy is in peril due to the actions of an embarassment to our species.Rev. BookburnRadio VoltaPhiladelphiaRevererendBookburn.com
09 · 23 · 06 @ 8:29 pm
Here’s another fan of yours that can’t buy the piano. But I did just buy the stream to Weimar Love. It’s fantastic! Very hot, funny, educational, love the Jazz age. I highly recommend it. And I hope all goes well with you and the speakeasy.
09 · 23 · 06 @ 8:21 pm
Sorry to hear of your problems. It doesn’t seem fair. Especially considering all the wonderful important work that you do. I’m also sorry I can’t buy your piano. It looks like a great piano and a good deal, but I just can’t afford it. I can afford to buy a membership to your site, and I just did that. Hopefully, every little bit helps.
09 · 23 · 06 @ 7:38 pm
Dear Dr Block, I’m sorry to hear you are having landlord trouble. Hopefully you will be able to keep your website up and running. Since you are one of the few media outlets that do not kiss up to George W Bush, or as Hugo Chavez referred to him “the Devil,” I hope you can keep everything going, despite your financial difficulties. YOUR website keeps me a little more sane. Sincerely yours William Patrick Haines wha5965948@aol.com