A Sex Piano Saved
Great news! Thanks to a combination of generous, caring friends, fans and clients from all over the world, we have saved our Sex Piano! Now you can come over and tickle its ivories. We’ve also saved BlockStudios, home of Dr. Suzy’s Speakeasy (for now). And we’ve won another round with our landlord whose bumbling building manager seems to finally be facing up to his accounting sins, after costing us thousands of dollars in unnecessary expenses. People that can’t add two and two are born every day, but at least now we don’t have to do the show in the street. Though I used to be a street performer, so we could. And we would.
So with that drama out of the way (for now), I want to blog out a big THANK YOU to all of you who helped us financially at this critical nail-biting time. Some of you gave quite a bit; others just contributed by visiting BackStage, seeing a movie in the Erotic Theater, getting my 10 Commandments of Pleasure, going back in time to Weimar Berlin, learning to SQUIRT or calling us for Telephone Sex Therapy. You are all angels! May you have plenty of good fortune, good health and great sex!
I also want to thank those of you who couldn’t afford to donate, but just gave your heartfelt good wishes, and even those of you who prayed for us. I’m agnostic, so I’m all for appealing to all the Gods and Goddesses of all the major and minor religions, mythologies and cult operations, just in case one or two of them turn out to be real. Anyway, whether it was due to your prayers, your donations or our round-the-clock efforts to make this deadline, we made it! Thank you very much, merci beaucoup, muchas gracias, obrigado muito, danke schoen, dank u zeer, todah rabah, e grazie molto …
So, it’s time to celebrate ~ ’tis the season! We will now plan a few events (including live shows!) to be held here. I’m still recovering from my crazy near-death experience. But I’m getting to the point where a hot erotic evening with friends, fans, pundits and PORN STARS will be part of my healing process.
We are also beginning to search in earnest for a permanent creative home where we can plot the ethical hedonism revolution, a place where people can come and explore, a building of our own where we won’t have to struggle with the whims and misunderstandings of attention-deficit-disordered landlords. Yes, we’ll have to pay a mortgage, but it will be more of an investment than a tithe. Speaking of investing, we are currently looking for fellow investors in our adventures, life-changing explorations, the business of pleasure, sex education, and the rock-solid value of developing real estate. If you’re interested, please call my office at 213.749.1330 and ask for David.
In other news, it looks like I am going to write a new book about orgasms. Researching that should be fun, huh? The publishing contract will arrive soon, and I’ll bloggamize more once it’s signed, sealed and underway. I’m also writing a completely different book about my outrageous illness, the working title of which is “A Date with Death.” Israel’s Woman’s World just did a feature story on the show which will be posted online soon, and my fellow Yale alumni just invited me to lead a panel on life changes at our reunion. Speaking of Yale, don’t miss our little gem of a short documentary on Zorthian (Yale ’36), his magnificent paintings and exquisite nude nymphs. And check out Blonde Island for an island of pleasure in this sea of pain, war, terror, torture, lies, hypocrisy and bad television we’ve all been swimming in lately. As satisfied viewer Josh Mallard writes, “America Out of Iraq and Onto Blonde Island!” If you need something wild to wear for Halloween, get one of our sexy Halloween costumes. Speaking of Shopping Heaven, the first item has just entered our 99 Cent Store: A slinky Muscle Shirt. The BlockStudios Bed & Breakfast is humming (did you know you could stay here when you’re visiting LA?). And Canaan Brumley’s special documentary about the Speakeasy is developing into a masterpiece. If you’d like to be in it, let us know.
We’ll probably do a little celebrating this weekend with a little dinner gathering (if you want to join us, call the office at 213.749.1330). But right now, I’m going to celebrate with a little piano sex.
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10 · 2 · 06 @ 2:21 am
I am so excited for you! Especially that you didn’t have to sell the piano in such a way. I think this will be a turning point for you. Everything has to go up now. I love you always,D
09 · 28 · 06 @ 3:15 pm
Yay! I’m so glad you got the funding for this deadline. Its very nice of you to thank us “little people” who contributed by paying for joining your site, buying downloads and dvds, etc. I for one will continue to do that whenever I have the time and money. Dr. Suzy’s Speakeasy requires and deserves constant support from those of us who love you and what you do and stand for.
09 · 28 · 06 @ 5:34 am
Hooray for Dr. Suzy and my best wishes and congratulations on your brave journey through life’s storms. you are one of the strongest women I have ever met. I send all my love and hope that my small contribution was of some help. Keep up the great work and don’t let the armies of darkness silence you.Carlo