Raw Sin, Free Hugs
Saturday night we had a tasty little din-din to celebrate the saving of the Speakeasy (at least for now). The chefs, under my darling H’s guidance, whipped up a scrumptious banquet of shrimp, salmon, pasta, mâche salad, zucchini, hot salsa beer and smooth French cabernet. See, when we’re not doing shows about sex, we put on great presentations of food and drink here at BlockStudios. Though the evening was certainly not devoid of sex. First of all, the guest of honor, film producer and my dear friend Renée Dupont, presided opposite me, looking elegantly sexy, as usual. Then, in the middle of dinner, the famous Juliano of Juliano’s Raw Foods strode in with a charming young lady named Brooke who was wearing nothing but a bra and a thong.
The amazing part was that she took off her clothes in the car and wore only her undies into the Speakeasy. It wasn’t long before Juliano and I had her bent over the Sick Kitty spanking bench, the better to spank her delectable derrière. Then we went to the bar and danced the tango with Sara and Wallace, or tried to, as Canaan filmed away for his forthcoming “Speakeasy” documentary. Juliano gave me a sensuous little back massage, and Phoebe Tree (Yale ’77) laughed her cockatoo laugh, as we all yapped around the table about sex, raw food, hotels, politics and religion. At least three out of 13 of my guests went to Jesus Camp as kids. All have told me harrowing stories about their abusive born again childhoods Yet all seem to have been saved from being saved, or else, what would they be doing at the Speakeasy? I wonder if all these strict religious parents out there realize that nonconcensually spanking your religion into your precious children often makes them enjoy spanking with sex when they’re adults, or get into serious trouble, ethical hedonism and/or sex therapy.
Reneé Dupont
Speaking of sex, the evening was enough of a turn-on to make me want to try something “new” in bed with my H: Sexual Intercourse! Well, it’s new in terms of the past four months. That’s right, since My Date with Death (soon to be a major motion picture), I’ve received some delicious cunnilingus. I’ve also given countless blowjobs; after being on a hard plastic breathing tube for 10 days, deep-throating a nice, flexible, human dick is a delight. And I have enjoyed much orgasmic rubbling and cuddling. But I have not had actual penis-in-vagina sex. Until Saturday night. Of course, my vagina is so tight, I couldn’t open up enough to get H’s massive organ all the way inside. But we got it half-way in! And that was good. Then we gave each other tremendous, Speakeasy-shaking orgasms via oral sex., and fell asleep in each other’s arms.
So today is Yom Kippur. This is not a joyous Jewish holiday. You don’t go around saying “Happy Yom Kippur.” It’s the Day of Atonement, and you’re supposed to fast and pray and atone for your personal sins as well the sins of your community. I’m a devout agnostic, but I do enjoy honoring some of the rituals of the religion of my childhood, and one of these is fasting on Yom Kippur. So I’m fasting (one excuse for this bloggamy being all over the place is that I’m a bit light-headed). I haven’t prayed, but I did some yoga and meditated on the Bonobo Way. As for “atoning for my sins,” though some do call me a “sexual sinner,” I don’t feel I have to atone for my sexual behavior which is always consensual and relatively safe. I am atoning for those various times this past year when I have been a Supreme Bitch. I try to go by the ethical hedonist’s credo and not hurt anyone, but sometimes I’m stressed, stupid or in a hurry, and I hurt people, and I’m sorry, okay?
Anyway, enough about me. In terms of the sins of my “community,” I would like to atone for the sins of my country, or as the Bushites call it, my “homeland” (doesn’t that sound Nazi-ish?), as our dumb bombs destroy human beings, civilizations and our own reputation all over the modern world in a wanton display of militaristic desperation over America’s own fading imperialist powers.
While I’m atoning, I’m hoping (though not praying) that others in my “community” atone for these sins, starting with the Bushites who are, of course, leading the pack, and not ending with the enabling Republicans and the feckless Dems on Cap Hill, flanked by the perpetually pro-war major media. Veteran media man and U.S. court scribe Bob Woodward should do some very personal atoning for coming clean with the truth about the murderous Bushites too late for it to do the American people much good. Some of his “revelations” about Bush’s crimes, Cheney’s lies and Rumfeld’s incompetence date back to 2003. Why didn’t he reveal the damning stuff in State of Denial back then?
Former Republican Senator Mark Foley, having gotten caught with his virtual hand in the virtual pants of several underage pages, is atoning by going into alcohol rehab. In so doing, he is following in the grand, poll-tested Mel Gibson tradition of underlining his atonement with the moral assertion “The Liquor Made Me Do It.” There’s no doubt that Foley is a serious closet case. The Big Question is: Will House Speaker Dennis Hastert atone for covering this up for over a year?
On the good news front: When pornography viewing goes up, rape goes down! Makes sense, but now someone has proven it. Anthony D’Amato has written a compelling paper for Northwesten Law School called “Porn Up, Rape Down” that shows statistically how in areas that have more freedom of speech, and consequently greater consumption of porn, there are fewer rapes. It makes sense. Got to release some of that hot sexual air from us human balloons, or we’re likely to explode in nasty ways, as former Congressman Foley can drunkenly attest.
In closing, I want to share with you a video that Dr. James Prescott‘s Peace List just shared with me: The Free Hugs Movement (music by the Sick Puppies)! I know, it sounds corny, but it’s truly inspiring. It’s made me cry a little all three times that I’ve watched it. It’s a scientific fact that humans and other mammals crave and need physical affection and other forms of touch. If we don’t get positive touch, like hugs and pleasure sex, we will try to get and give negative touch, like beating, fistfights and Patriot Missiles. Give Hugs, Not Bombs! Practice Pleasure Sex for Peace!
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