Valentine Lupercalia Bacchanalia 2015
Miley May, Amor Hilton, Haley Sweet, Dr. Susan Block, Rainey Lane, Loni Legend, Ron Jeremy, Charli Piper. Row 2: Jux Lii of Jux Leather, Chelsea Raw, Pussy Peddla. Photo: Irwin J
Length 1:45:00:00 Date: Feb. 14, 2015
by Dr. Susan Block
It’s V-Day 2015 on DrSuzy.Tv, and we celebrate Western civilization’s high holiday of love with a fantastic, orgiastic festival of lust. This sexy star-studded tribute to Lupercalia, the original pagan Valentine’s Day, is one wild, whip-cracking, spanking-hot, swinging, suckling, heart-felt feast for all the senses, including your sense of history.
Just in case you don’t know, the history of the idealized, sanitized and highly commercialized holiday we call “Valentine’s Day” is rooted in the fascinating, ancient bacchanalian end-of-Winter festival of the Lupercalia (listen to me tell the story here), which we citizens of Bonoboville have resurrected from the annals of prehistoric Rome to the anals (and hot heart-shaped asses) of modern life. Yes indeed, long before there was the ”holy crap” of 50 Shades of Grey, there was the sacred, consensual “BDSM” of Lupercalia in red. Get that illuminating history lesson here.
But you don’t have to know or even care about history to enjoy the eye and ear-candy of Valentine/Lupercalia 2015 in Bonoboville, blessed with a dazzling array of lovely lady stars, including Miley Cyrus porn double Miley May, Haley Sweet, Amor Hilton, Rainey Lane, Chelsea Raw, Charli Piper and Loni Legend, all baring their beautiful body parts for the Lupercalian whip as well as each other’s pure pleasure. Joining the Valentine party is the Mayor of Bonoboville himself, our old friend the porn icon, Ron Jeremy, who bares only one part, but that’s the part the fans want to see.
With all our parts (and hearts), we party like pagans with a passion that is almost (but not quite) religious, veering from talk show to orgy to poetry to flog-fest (featuring Jux Leather floggers and “februa”) and back to the orgy in one spirited hour and a half (spirits by Agwa and Dirty Tequila). The after-party is even wilder with howling hot Sybian rides and romantic Valentine threesomes, foursomes and moresomes propagating around the studios, on-camera and off.
As always, I am your “horny housewife,” but for Lupercalia, I actually sport horns on my hat in honor of the hornéd and horny, great and goat-legged Greco-Roman god of the wild, Pan a.k.a. Faunus. Intent upon destroying the popular cult of this lusty down-to-earth nature deity, the early Church ingeniously turned Pan into the Devil, and the rest is Satanic history. Pan comes alive in the Womb Room which becomes the Cave of the She-Wolf (“luper”) who is said to have suckled Rome’s legendary founder Romulus—or was that Ronulus Jeremy? Ron certainly does a lot of suckling of several beautiful “freed” nipples (“I’ll take two nipples for a dime,” quippeth Ronulus) and gets his “schmeckle” suckled by Miley (something Ron and Miley have in common: both parodied Miley Cyrus’ “Wrecking Ball”) and Loni simultaneously. DrSuzy.Tv casting producer Dark Phoenix also wears Pan horns and his schmeckle doesn’t do too badly either. Do horns make the man?
In the midst of all this Pan-inspired pandemonium, we take a couple of Valentine tweets from Panty Boy and Chris G as well as a call from our favorite Elvis tribute artist Smokey Binion, Jr. who sings “Happy Birthday” to Haley (as we give her heart-shaped booty a pre-birthday Lupercalian spanking) and “Love Me Tender” to all the Valentine beauties and their booties. Special thanks to Chelsea who gave me an lavish Valentine/Lupercalia card declaring me the “Queen of Hearts,” signed by just about everyone in Bonoboville on this special night, and baptized with someone’s Holy Water (or whatever that is blurring all the signatures on the bottom).
As the sexy festivities continue into the wee hours, Capt’n Max and I slip away from the crowd for a little private celebration. Much as we adore our bacchanalian Bonoboville, after almost 23 years of marital bondage, we can’t resist the romance of a little tender love.
© February 15, 2015. Susan Block, Ph.D., a.k.a. “Dr. Suzy,” is a world renowned LA sex therapist, author of The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace through Pleasure and horny housewife, occasionally seen on HBO and other channels. For speaking engagements, call 310-568-0066.
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02 · 20 · 15 @ 8:24 pm
Dr.block, you are such an impact an voice, love your show&how beautiful & bright you are. I have followed you seen seeing you on real sex on HBO years ago, loved how you are so real,raw honest&passionate about life&sex xo!
02 · 20 · 15 @ 7:07 pm
I love your show and your work!
02 · 18 · 15 @ 12:46 am
Thanks for another fascinating, stimulating, & superbly written & educational post about an amazing event! Need to plan 4 next year!
02 · 18 · 15 @ 12:43 am
Love to get busy with Dr. Suzy!
02 · 16 · 15 @ 11:20 pm
Even as a horny naughty little girl who fantasized slutty scenarios constantly, I never would have dreamed I’d be part of such a horny festival of hot porn babes and well-endowed porn men on the live filming set of a Yalee Sexologist while being marked on the forehead in a pagan rite of Lupercalian passage and made to squirt on command by the likes of Ron Jeremy … wow! Back then even as a kinky slavegirl a few years back, I could not have guessed one day I’d be whipping the tight little pussies of sweet girls who took a bonobo communion off each other’s nipples while the crowd watched gasping entranced with the erotic grinding as one young lady came all over the sybian …I’d always wondered what the old Rome was like and wanted to know the Horned God and now I can say I truly have! Thank you for all the thought put into this elaborate party which was built in intensity by your videos and storytelling of the original Valentine’s Day and how hearts are shaped after a reddened ass! Fun, history and furthering the cause of “Peace Through Pleasure” of #TheBonoboWayBook … I, too, wish to see the bonobo’s African rainforest habitat restored and their needless slaughtering stopped… It was a joy and pleasure to meet the newest studio guests joining the membership. Here’s to many more reunions… Happy Valentine’s Day at the Block Institute!
02 · 16 · 15 @ 4:46 pm
I wish I could’ve done the miley with you guys !!
02 · 15 · 15 @ 11:51 pm
Bravo to heavenly perfection on Lupercalia!
02 · 15 · 15 @ 10:08 pm
Happy Valentines my beautiful darling girl. My life with you is always full of SEX, FUN and WISDOM. I love you.
02 · 15 · 15 @ 10:00 pm
We came in a little late but just in time for the on going orgy that was going on in the bed. Let me just say that this was the first time I have ever been to a talk show with so much sex going on. I got soooooo wet and when we got home we’ve had some of the hottest sex we’ve had in years. Thanks. By the way we found you through your book The Bonobo Way which we just finished reading. Thanks again.
02 · 15 · 15 @ 9:45 pm
Holy CRAP that was 50 shades of the best Lupercalia party ever!!! You popped my Pagan cherry as this was my first ever experience honoring an ancient tradition, pre-dating Christianity. (I went to a wicca wedding once… does that count?)
Never has there been so many naked hotties and spanked pink asses in Bonoboville! What a great annual celebration and what a fun crowd last night!
I only have to wait 364 more days ’til next year’s devilish debauchery in the Bonoboville garden of carnal delights.