Talkin’ Shit, Fetish & True Love + Teléfono Terapia Sexual en Español
Dr. Susan Block and Ms. Trixe Plenty, director and manager of the Institute at Bonoboville LAX, broadcasting live on RadioSUZY1. Photo: L’Erotique
Length 1:32:09 Date: Nov. 16, 2013
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From spanking to golden showers, oral to anal, penis envy to fart fetishes, horny chorus girls to true love, we talk a lot of “shit” on this show—sometimes literally! Moreover, we do it trilingually, in English, Italian and Spanish.
Of course, Capt’n Max (not to be confused with the unfortunate Capt’n Francesco Schettino) often spices his stories with Parole Italiane and, as we pick up where we left off in the saga of his extraordinary life (begun on last week’s birthday show), there are many “cosi belle” and “mio amori.” Most of tonight’s tale stems from Max’s “Year of Living Promiscuously” (Read Sex at Dawn for my definition of “promiscuous”) . He was a six-foot, skinny, 15-year-old stud with Elvis Presley hair and a James Dean attitude, living on the Italian Riveria, performing in the local theaters and bedding the local chorus girls… plus a friend of his father, an older German lady friend who farted (scoregia!) noisily with every thrust. Click the link above to hear how Max’s prince of a dad embarrasses the poor woman for her amorous flatulence.
We talk more shit later, but first it’s time to habler en Español with our new bilingual therapist Alexis. Listen free as she talks about spanking, BDSM and oral sex (with which, she feels, many in the Latin community have “issues”), as well as her first few sessions doing telephone sex therapy and fantasy roleplay with the Institute. If you’d like to talk with Alexis privately in Spanish, English or a spicy/caliente combo, call our office anytime at 310.568.0066.
Trixie, looking sharp and managerial in a black pencil skirt that shows off her cute butt, chimes in with her favorite oral sex-friendly fruits and veggies (pineapple and celery), and admits that her personal penis envy (she wields 9 ½ inches when she’s packing) helps her to identify with her clients’ fantasies.
When our new male therapist Christopher calls in, we find ourselves back in the shit as he questions the scat fantasies of one of his clients. We talk about how the physical proximity of the anus to the genitalia, the fact that pooping feels good, mixed with its highly transgressive nature makes it erotic for some people who may have had traumatic toilet trainings or other experiences that lead them to find “brown showers” erotic. Max says nurses, orderlies and janitors are most likely to be into it because they work with human excrement every day. But I’ve had a few accountants, several CEOs, a college professor, a best-selling author, a trust-fund submissive (who’s also a clean freak!) and a world-renowned film actor call me to talk about their poopie fantasies and activities. We all agree that it’s great that we can help our clients with this particular fetish over the phone as opposed to in-person. Otherwise, peeeeeyyyuuu! No offense meant here if you happen to find poop smell sublimely erotic, but I sincerely hope no one invents a scratch-and-sniff phone anytime soon.
That’s one of the many marvelous things about entering the Erotic Theater of the Mind through telephone sex therapy or erotic hypnosis by phone: You can do anything your wicked, wanton heart desires without risk to yourself, danger to others or noxious odors. As Trixie says, here at the Institute, we perform a public service by helping our clients keep their so-called perversions on the phone and off the streets.
So much for talkin’ shit about sex. What about true love? Listen and learn how the twisting path of vero amore (o amor verdadero) may be paved with signs (actual road signs!) and letters within words, as you hear Max’s tale of daydreaming under a tree that his future wife would have a last name composed of letters that could all be found within his last name—as all the letters of “Block” just so happen to be within “Lobkowicz.” And then there’s that sign he saw on a road in Connecticut to a performance of a play named “Plastic Cash.” He loved the name and the Commedia dell’arte style, and he really wanted to see it the next day, though he never made it (having gotten arrested that morning—which is another story). Then, of course, he forgot about it… until years later when, on his first visit to my West Hollywood condo, there on my wall was a sign promoting a play I’d been in just after graduating from Yale: “Plastic Cash.” I remember when he first told me this, and my already-smitten heart fluttered up to that lofty cloud we call DESTINY. Here was the proverbial “writing on the wall” proving the inevitability of our love… Talk about eerie aphrodisiacs—this was one of the best!
There’s also a fateful love story about a mask, some golden showers, nipple-pinching and foot play, so go ahead and listen free to the show above. For photos and video, join DrSuzy.Tv (Take it from Max: “Basically, all you need for your entertainment desires is Netflix and DrSuzy.Tv.“). And we’re not just cartoons in cyberspace. We’re the real deal. It’s taking us a while to renovate this new space, but believe me (and the few folks who have been here) when I say our new Bonoboville at LAX will be the nicest, sexiest, most romantic space we’ve yet inhabited. And yes, soon we’ll open our doors to studio audiences here for more of the kind of shows, parties and orgies for which we are famous. So renew your membership now!
AND… drum roll please, here it is: our brand new homepage (with a fedora tip to our awesome Bonobo Design Team of Abraham, Max and Gonzo Bonobo), porthole to our sprawling multi-faceted world: Explore, investigate, enjoy, share, spread the word, and let us know if you find broken links!
Need to talk? Sext? Webcam? Do it here. Have you watched the show? No? Feel the sex. Don’t miss the Forbidden Photographs—Hot Stuff, look at them closely here. Join our private social media Society. Join us live in studio . Go shopping. Gift shop or The Market Place., real sex TV at your toe tips. Sex Clips Anyone? FASHION, we have fashion! We also have politics. Politics? Have you Read the book? No? How about the Speakeasy Journal? Click here. Ok, how about some free sex advice?
11 · 22 · 13 @ 10:04 pm
Hello my friend, I am at Aruba and flying in to LA in the begining of december. Hope i see you in LA soon:)
11 · 22 · 13 @ 8:53 pm
Hey congrats on the new site, Dr. Block. It looks great. hope you are enjoying the new place too. best wishes 2 u & max,
11 · 22 · 13 @ 3:56 pm
Love you naughty Dr Sue…
11 · 22 · 13 @ 12:46 pm
I <3 You
11 · 19 · 13 @ 6:59 pm
love the new! Much better for mobile too!
11 · 19 · 13 @ 4:53 pm
hot and Steamy barely begins to explain the Fantastic time That I have on the show!
always Stimulating Conversation
11 · 18 · 13 @ 2:04 am
i remember this place…..had blast
i need to go more often lol
11 · 18 · 13 @ 2:01 am
You are one of the most interesting people that I have encountered so far. :) :)
Double smiley face. My only one ever.
11 · 18 · 13 @ 12:15 am
I’m on the new Dr. Susan Block Homepage!!! Rad!!
11 · 18 · 13 @ 12:13 am
Beautiful! I am loving it.
11 · 18 · 13 @ 12:12 am
This one WORKS!
11 · 18 · 13 @ 12:10 am
Hi my beautiful Dr. Suzy Block,
You always amaze me. I thought last night’s show was really fun, educational and transformational.Your two guest therapists were very interesting. I loved Max’s stories, he’s always a great storyteller. Please have him on again soon to tell mare about his fascinating life. I love you, Max
11 · 18 · 13 @ 12:09 am
11 · 18 · 13 @ 12:05 am
Kool Site!
11 · 17 · 13 @ 11:03 pm
This was one hot, dirty show! Oooh, pardon! I neglected to mention how stimulatingly intellectual our therapists are. And I second Capt’n Max’s thoughts that all you need for entertainment is Netflix and DrSuzy.TV. And, maybe some yummy snacks (pineapple?) or cocks, or whatever’s good to munch on while you’re being entertained.
11 · 17 · 13 @ 11:56 pm
Hi my beautiful Dr. Suzy Block,
You always amaze me. I thought last night’s show was really fun, educational and transformational.Your two guest therapists were very interesting. I loved Max’s stories, he’s always a great storyteller. Please have him on again soon to tell more about his fascinating life. I love you, Max