Dr. Susan Block

In the Chatroom


  1. Ted M.
    05 · 10 · 07 @ 6:40 pm

    Fabulous blog. Keep up the great work.


  2. Michael Donnelly
    05 · 9 · 07 @ 6:03 pm

    Way to go, Suzy! Congrats on another fine blog! They at least are back to adult women!


  3. Rev. Bookburn
    05 · 4 · 07 @ 7:18 pm

    A masterpiece!


  4. William Patrick Haines
    05 · 4 · 07 @ 6:55 pm

    I’d rather be around a sexual worker than politicians that prostitute their office for the big money. You had the biggest collection of prostitutes at the republican debate. These guys prostitute themselves for religious extremists and Wall Street while flushing Main Street down the toilet.


  5. ~J.J.~
    05 · 4 · 07 @ 3:13 pm

    Very good stuff! You always present your political opinions and observations in an entertaining, tongue-in-cheek way. It’s wonderful.


  6. D
    05 · 4 · 07 @ 12:27 am

    That was really beautiful. I’ll write more later, just going to bed. Love you!!!D


  7. Herb Floyd
    05 · 3 · 07 @ 10:05 pm

    Dr. Block: Brilliant and extremely witty. We need more politically biting satire like what you produced. Bravo!!


  8. Angie Hendrickson
    05 · 3 · 07 @ 10:05 pm

    Dear Dr. Block, A friend from out east (retired govt. employee-SSA) sent me a link to your story: Hookergate. I am a mother who lost her only child (contaminated blood/hemophilia. Do a search and READ about the BLOOD SCANDALS) to AIDS 5 years ago after an almost 19 years on the frontlines of this pandemic. What angers me so much about these officials and policy makers is the fact that they FORGET about the very people they are PAID to represent and how those people’s very lives and survival is in thier hands. For almost two decades we gave and gave and gave of ourselves and our lives for the greater good as VOLUNTEERS. I received a brush-off letter in response to receipt of MY bio/resume/references because I am looking for a JOB and have outstanding references, connections, experiences, etc. and wanted nothing more than to take all of that and use it to serve and help make a difference. I wanted MY son’s life to matter for something and someone. HIV/AIDS is very serious business and we need to get the RIGHT people running these programs. It is INDEED a matter of life or death. It is shameful that thier are people like myself out here with the passion to go out and make a difference and we are being overlooked and ignored. I guess I wasn’t looking for the “right” kind of work, huh??!!! Men and thier penises are what is a HUGE part of what is WRONG with this world. The ‘old boys club cabal” covering butt for one another makes everything ripe for CORRUPTION. Respectfully, Angie Hendrickson


  9. Kevin Cloyd
    05 · 3 · 07 @ 5:15 pm

    on a scale of 1 to 10 your blog rates a 20.I’m going to have to rewrite the piece I’m working on.I loved it.


  10. walter a. davis
    05 · 3 · 07 @ 5:14 pm

    An insightful, humorous, and extremely well-written essay, though I must say it offends me to think of republicans having any kind of sex. Congratulations on a job well done.walter a. davisProfessor Emeritus, Ohio State Universitywww.walteradavis.com


  11. Alamaine, IVe, Grand Forks, ND, US of A
    05 · 3 · 07 @ 5:06 pm

    Tobias has been accused by those whose tendency is to bias their views of anything having to do with making their own sex lives look accurate, that of being perfunctory and perfectly boring. The aversion to sex and anything related to it is merely cosmetic, avoiding the truth of the incompetence of the partners, if not their incompatibility. Reducing to shame those who are active and participatory is merely another form of emasculation and castration, if not neutering. Ullman was merely trying to revive himself through another dud. Paying for information is not unknown nor unusual. Spies and journalists do it all the time. How many Dollars were spent on information about Iraq before the ill-fated and well-fêted invasion and occupation? How many have been spent on various other projects that have gone awry, left undisclosed in the black budget books of the intelligence agencies? On rendition flights? On reconstruction projects? Even on journalists who might be paid to underreport sordid stories, even if there is not any direct monetary compensation but political emphasis on the services NOT required. Embeds might be ‘in bed’ with the occupation authorities, abed while they merely convert the masses to the governments’ points of view without actually getting themselves into compromising positions. And they get paid how much for doing nothing?~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~”All are lunatics, but he who can analyze his delusion is called a philosopher.” – Ambrose Bierce (1842-1914)”It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.” Aristotle


  12. Anthony Kennerson (anthonyk6319@gmail.com)
    05 · 2 · 07 @ 10:18 pm

    Great to see that you are back to your old self, Doc Suzy…and still sticking and kicking, too.Outstanding analysis as usual on “Hookergate II”…and just one more reason why sex work has got to be decriminalized and — far more important — destigmatized.Oh…and my sincere condolences on the passing of your aunt. May I borrow a few paragraphs of your article for posting at my own blog (SmackDog Chronicles)?? All the usual credits and disclaimers will apply.Thanks, and keep bringing it.Anthonyhttp://redgarterclubwebsite.com/SmackChron_Blog/index.php


  13. Michael Bailey
    05 · 2 · 07 @ 10:01 pm

    Dr.,God damn great article !The funniest one I’ve read in a looooooooong time.Can’t wait to see the other clients. It’s just a shame that they got to fall for pussy and not mass murder.But, I’ll take it any way I can get it.Are we returning to the Dark Ages ? Thank You. Sincerely,Michael Bailey


  14. adrien rain burke
    05 · 2 · 07 @ 10:00 pm

    Now here’s the thing – I am a liberal. I believe in free love and wrote The Anarchist’s Wedding Guide and am happily living in sin. But I have my doubts about condoms from my personal experience. I have used them twice – well I didn’t have them ON (being a woman) the guy had them on. One time was in 1958, when I was ‘too young’ to be having sex, of course, and was doing it anyway. The second time was in 1975, when I was old enough. The men involved were quite different, as were other circumstances. And both times. . . . . the rubber came OFF. At the worst possible moment. I haven’t talked to enough people on the subject to know whether my situation is unique. Maybe it’s just me. . . I am not inclined to trust them, however._,.+*^*+.,__,.+*^*+.,__,.+*^*+.,.Slán a Chara,adrien rain burke


  15. Orest Slepokura
    05 · 2 · 07 @ 9:31 pm

    I enjoyed your colour commentary on the growing DC sex scandal – you’re the Don Cherry of fornication. Since there other high-heeled pumps about to drop days, weeks and months ahead, I hope you’ll revisit this topic.Sincerely,Orest SlepokuraStrathmore, Alta


  16. steinstacy@earthlink.net
    05 · 2 · 07 @ 9:27 pm

    It is correct that the atom bomb scientists did not imagine Truman dropping the bombs on hundreds of thousands of civilians in Japan. That is because the scientists had always imagined that Truman was going to drop the bombs on hundreds of thousand of civilians in Germany! stacy stein


  17. Judi
    05 · 2 · 07 @ 9:27 pm

    I’ve seen your cable show many times and found you entertaining and direct. Plus I think you really help people get in touch with their sensuality. Now that I read your writing, I’m even more impressed. You should be a network star. Then again, maybe you’re too honest for the networks. Judi


  18. monica t.
    05 · 2 · 07 @ 8:57 pm

    From your blog, your photos, AND from having listened to you on your program in the past, it’s obvious that your sexual appeal has no boundaries.


  19. Jack H.Wilson
    05 · 2 · 07 @ 8:24 pm

    Your essay on “Madame Julia’s Big Black Book” is just about the best piece of invective writing I have ever read!! Bravo! Nothing I’ve read in years even comes close to it!


  20. Dennis D
    05 · 2 · 07 @ 8:22 pm

    Susan,Great essay! Keep writing.D


  21. Jim Rhea
    05 · 2 · 07 @ 7:15 pm

    Dr. Suzy, Great article! Keep up the good fight.


  22. gbvico
    05 · 2 · 07 @ 7:00 pm

    For the umpteenth time:Clinton did not claim “no sex,” though used as a noun in this way, “sex” usually means copulation. He said, “I did not have sexual relations. . . .” The term “sexual relations” even more clearly denotes intercourse and not any old form of sexual play, which is what Clinton and Lewinsky were apparently up to.


  23. Claude Fenaud
    05 · 2 · 07 @ 6:10 pm

    Dr. Block, when it comes to skewering the sexual hypocrites of our world, you are simply a genius. Brava!


  24. David Rona
    05 · 2 · 07 @ 6:08 pm

    Great stuff…


  25. richerichrocks@yahoo.com
    05 · 2 · 07 @ 6:07 pm

    I imagine there are a more than a few anti-war Dems on that list you ignorant slut………..richard escamilla


  26. Dr. John V. Walsh
    05 · 2 · 07 @ 5:05 pm

    Great as usual! Nice column in CP today.If you think it worthwhile could you sign and circulate our petition at http://www.FilibusterForPeace.org We have thought of doing a viral video to promote this along the lines of The Emperor Has No Clothes with enough nudity to titillate the mainstream web.John V. Walsh, MDProfessor of PhysiologyUniversity of Massachusetts Medical SchoolWorcester, MA.


  27. Jacob Johannson
    05 · 2 · 07 @ 4:27 pm

    I’d been missing your political writing lately, and was delighted to see your piece on the front page of Counterpunch today, and even more delighted to read your writing which is better than ever. Keep whacking these cheesy Repugnicans. We need you!


  28. John B.
    05 · 2 · 07 @ 4:24 pm

    Great to meet you on Sunday. I got a chance to do the two day spin through your website yesterday. I could see that you were a force of nature at Bender’s party, but because of lack of knowledge, had no idea of how much of a force of nature. Glad to make your acquaintance. Keep up the good work, maybe we’ll see you around future such events.


  29. polybi5@yahoo.com
    05 · 2 · 07 @ 4:20 pm

    A beautiful tribute to your aunt. My condolences and sweet wishes to you, and you know that I always love you, dear Dr.Don aka polybi


  30. JoAnn
    05 · 2 · 07 @ 4:19 pm

    You go, girl! That was a great, great column in CounterPunch!


  31. J Voll
    05 · 2 · 07 @ 4:19 pm

    I agree with your politics but not your understanding of HIV-AIDS. HIV is a harmless passenger virus and it doesn’t cause AIDS. The world wide “Group for the Reappraisal of the HIV-AIDS Hypothesis” led by the renowned microbiologist and National Academy of Science Distinguished Investigator, Professor Peter Duesberg, has proven beyond anydoubt that immune deficiency in Africa is caused by malnutrition and malaria. Anyone in Africa who walks into a clinic with fever, cough, or diarrhea is labeled an AIDS case. Immune deficiency in Europe and North America is caused by drug and medicinal consumption, mainly anti-HIV drugs like AZT and other DNA chain terminators mixed with protease inhibitors. YES, THE VERY DRUGS USED TO FIGHT HIV ACTUALLY CAUSE AIDS (by destroying the bone marrow that makes white blood cells) Mbeki in South Africa is the only national leader who had guts enough to stand up and say that HIV doesn’t cause AIDS. The western powers and the pharmaceutical corporations made him pay dearly for that courage. You should interview Duesberg, Mullis, Lauritsen or Yiamouyiannis or readtheir books. Before I read these books, I too thought HIV caused AIDS.


  32. Peter McFadden
    05 · 2 · 07 @ 4:16 pm

    Absolutely brilliant piece! Best analysis of the Tobias Affair I’ve seen!


  33. ahabVIDEOgod
    05 · 2 · 07 @ 4:15 pm

    u r so beautiful. the radio show was so much fun… haven’t laughed that much in loooong time.


  34. Sara Sioux
    05 · 2 · 07 @ 4:14 pm

    Peace, pleasure, and smoke rings! How did you get so amazingly cool? Thanks for the link I feel so accomplished all of a sudden! I’ll probably see you on Friday night, I’ll burn some CDs of all of my photos for you before then! I don’t know if you’ve checked it out before but the link to my Speakeasy folder on Melo is here: http://www.melodramatic.com/users/sara/Speakeasy See you soon! <3


  35. Gregory Barrett
    05 · 2 · 07 @ 4:13 pm

    Hilarious and WONDERFUL!


  36. Susan Davis
    05 · 2 · 07 @ 4:12 pm

    Good going — love the article. SDSusan DavisProfessorUniversity of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign


  37. Ricky Gee
    05 · 2 · 07 @ 4:11 pm

    OUTSTANDING! You made my week! Regards, R.G Seattle


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