Dick’s Dick in DC Madam’s Pie, Me in LAW, Upcoming Jack n Jill Jam, Great Radio and a Double-Dong Delight!
School’s almost out, but the College of Carnal Knowledge is now in session, and yours truly has been tapped as the “Pleasure Principal” by The LA Weekly “PEOPLE ISSUE” which is now running a full-page photo of moi meme on page 101. If you can’t find a copy of the print edition at your local LA hangout, here it is online.
The actual write-up is short and sweet, but hey, out of a city of 10 million, only 60 of us are deemed “People.” Seriously, it’s an honor to be acknowledged as such by the venerable old paper for which I used to write theater reviews when I was young and aimless. LA Weekly veteran Steven Mikulan writes that my efforts on behalf of Ethical Hedonism and the Bonobo Way are “Impressive…Block’s pleasure dome is not merely a lingerie-draped mattress surrounded by whips and feather boas, but an awareness of the body and its political implications”
Jack ‘n’ Jill Off Jam This Saturday!
We will be heightening our “awareness of the body” on several of my “lingerie-draped mattresses” at our Jack ‘n’ Jill Off Jam this Saturday, May 19th. We’ve got an awesome list of special guests who will be frolicking amongst the “whips and feather boas” as well as jackin’ ‘n’ jillin’ with all the vibrators, dildos, and let us not forget “the occasional self-pleasuring sex machines that are scattered about like exercise bikes” (as lovingly described in the LAW)
Feature guests include porn stars Audrey Hollander, Otto Bauer, Rachael Roxxx, Nick Manning and some of their fellow cast members who will be celebrating the release of the new Jennifer James film XXXtra XXXtra. Clown Porn stars Daisy Layne, Lexi Bunney and Dick Chibbles, plus the lovely Hollie Wood (star of Golden Hollie Wood Tie-Up and 3 Pees and a Spank), voluptuous Sara Jay, sultry Sinnamon Love, everyready Jack Lawrence, our own favorite MILF Tai Ellis (star of Getting Rid of Bush and Wet Bar) and the amazing Annie Body (star of Dr. Suzy’s Squirt Salon, Annie’s XXXmas Squirt and Annie Body Squirts Holy Water). We’ll also have some strong, sexy representation from the BDSM community, including the imperious Goddess Sativa & her sweet slave girl rachel ravage, gorgeous Goddess Jade and her galpal Ginger, as well as a bunch of fascinating folks we met on alt and aff, all joining the Jam in celebration of Masturbation Month.
We’ll also have singers to serenade the swingers, including the adorable Katie Jean, and more of the marvelous operettists from The Beastly Bombing, Winner of the LA Weekly’s Theater Award for “Best Musical of the Year.” Plus: the delectably angelic Cyn Moore, our beautiful and bountiful bartending bacchante Shannon Coronado, our telephone sex therapist lovable Lorelai, our favorite bellydancer Kat, our sex-loving photographer-in-residence Lydel Lydia Teez, and Sara Sioux who plays our sex-loving photographer-in-residence in Canaan Brumley’s forthcoming film “Speakeasy.” Sara will bring a troupe of Melo Girls, who just might steal the show.
Of course, not everyone will be able to make it, but if just half these folks show up, it’s going to be an incredible evening. Become a BlockStudios Member,and make your May 19th Reservations now, before we run out of room!
RadioSuzy1 Broadcasting Live Nightly
Every night, except Sunday, we experience a different kind of auditory sex magic here on RadioSuzy1, when I cuddle up to my big phallic microphone and go on the Internet airwaves with Brother Dave the Engineer, often with our in-house MILF Tai Ellis, sometimes with Bob, Margo, Norman, Lorelai, Sara Sioux, Annie, Canaan, JJ, classic film actor Barry Miller, or whoever happens to be hanging out at the Speakeasy that night. Check out the Radio Archives to hear past shows (free!) on such free-ranging subjects as Babysitter Fantasies, Big Boob Fetishes, Olive Oil and Sex, May Day and Maypoles, the Bush Crime Family, Too-Thick Dick Issues, Male Pre-Mature Ejaculation, Female Ejaculation (which is never pre-mature), Yale University Thongs, Peace, Pipedreams and Bonobos, Hookergate 2, Aggressive Blow-Jobs (do they cause cancer? Yikes!), How to Manage Your Harem, Manic Depression, Anti-Depressants and Sex, Love and Life in Yemen Under the Veil, How to Talk to Your Kids About Sex When You Catch Them Putting their Barbie and Ken Dolls into the Doggy Style Position, and much more. One night, a young guy named Soultrain called in from Kentucky to say he was embarrassed about his foot fetish. After our conversation, he felt so inspired, he wrote a whole Foot Rap song, and just before the end of that broadcast, he called again and sang it on the air!
We’ve also been doing some great Spank-the-Monkey segments in celebration of Masturbation Month (and we’re only half-way through May!), testing out our Pyrexions, Pocket Rockets, Hitachi Magic Wands, Fukuoku Finger-Fitting Sex Toys and vairous other good vibrations. The other night, a very sexy young woman named Miss Behavin called in through Skype from South Africa because she found it difficult to have orgasms. Two nights after our first talk, she called again, her voice rather breathier than the first time, and she had herself a beautiful orgasm right on the air. Another night, we heard about the masturbatory preferences of Melo Girls Teri (fingers in the car), Ashley (first ice, then a Jacuzzi jet) and Alex (she’s a techie and loves her vibe). Tonight, I’ll talk to Urban Tantra Author Barbara Carrellas, and this Thursday, my guest will be the great Godmother of Masturbation Herself, Dr. Betty Dodson.
But the most mind-blowing aspect of the show is just talking to people living their lives in all corners of the planet. What an exotic bouillabaisse of sexual and cultural attitudes and interests, with callers from Iraq, Israel, Palestine, Russia, Venezuela, Portugal, India, Singapore, China, everywhere. Doing this show is really opening me up to the so-called “other.” Being able to communicate about love and sex with a Yemenite woman who wears a burka rocks my world, in a good way. It opens my mind and gives me hope for the future of our Earth. America’s political leaders and corporate fat cats may benefit from pitting us as a “nation” against other “nations,” but that sense that a person from another country is an “alien” falls away like an old coat, as we embrace one another through cyberspace, coming, singing and talking about the things we all care about: sex, love, life, death.
Dick’s Dick Caught in DC Madam’s Cookie Jar – But Who’s Looking?
The other night, on the air, we learned that the tides of Hookergate II. rise much higher than we had realized thought; that is, the Vice (as in “criminal”) President patronizes prostitutes. This would be one big yawn; after all, prostitution should be decriminalized anyway, so who cares what this half-dead man does or did with his pallid little pecker? EXCEPT that this is the dick of Dick Cheney, Evil Puppet-Master of the Fascist Perma-War Universe, Chickenhawk Slaughterer of the Innocents, aimlessly shooting at hapless civilians, from children in Iraq to his own hunting buddy in the woods. With that in mind, we go to the report of my fellow Counterpunch writer and former U.S. Naval Officer Wayne Madsen:
“WMR has confirmed with extremely knowledgeable CIA and Pentagon sources that the former CEO who is on Deborah Jeane Palfrey’s list is Vice President Dick Cheney. Cheney was CEO of Halliburton during the time of his liaisons with the Pamela Martin & Associates escort firm. Palfrey’s phone invoices extend back to 1996 and include calls to and from Cheney…while he was the CEO and maintained a residence off Chain Bridge Road in the Ballantrae neighborhood in McLean, Virginia, a few blocks from the headquarters of the CIA….”
I know, just the thought of the creepy Veep having any kind of sex is like something out of Abu Ghraib. But we all know how tales of illicit sex wake up the American Masses, while this atrocious illegal war, the loss of civil liberties and all of Cheney’s other crimes barely seem to disturb the great American slumber. No wonder the mainstream media, who are the real hookers to this Dick and his government/corporate cronies, etc., are keeping this story under wraps.
After the opening salvos of Hookergates I and II, I eagerly awaited the next high-level hypocrite’s name to float up from Palfrey’s List. When nothing happened, I assumed, like many Americans, that there were no more big fish on the list. Little did I know that the White House was busy keeping their biggest fish out of the frying pan, telling ABC News they’d better not expose the tender balls of the Darth Vader of American politics. While this news was being squelched on ABC and breaking on the Internet, the Dick himself was standing in front of five F-18 Super Hornet aircraft in the cavernous hangar of the US aircraft carrier John C Stennis in the Gulf talking tough about Iran to beleaguered American soldiers who can’t even handle Iraq.
Fellow bloggamists of the blogosphere: Let’s hold this Dick’s balls to the fire – any fire we can find. The sex he had with the Pamela Martin gals (or guys) is no big deal. But the war crimes he has committed cry out for some kind of justice.
Dr. Suzy’s Double Dong with Annie
And now, for an entirely different kind of explosion….another uniquely thrilling clip from the Dommes & Hollie show, now in the Girl On Girl section of Clip-O-Rama, edited by Mar Sorell, featuring your Love Doctor riding one end of a large glass double-header dildo, while the amazing Annie Body rides the other end, doggie-style.. Annie is a vigorous lover, and she really gives it to me hard, much harder than I would normally be able to take it, except on this occasion I am well-lubricated inside and out (the inside part having been achieved with the help of a couple of strawberry daiquiris). Dr. Suzy’s Double Dong with Annie is now available for your viewing pleasure in both stream and download.
Drop Bras, Not Bombs. Shoot Films, Not People. Or prepare to be disciplined in the office of the Pleasure Principal…
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05 · 17 · 07 @ 8:06 pm
Thank you for letting yourself be true to your sexual fantasies. You are hot, smart and erotic, an irresistible combo. xoxo M
05 · 17 · 07 @ 12:27 am
Dr. Block, thanks for all the work you do to enrich people’s sex lives.
05 · 16 · 07 @ 5:06 pm
I just read the L.A. Weekly article last night. Congrats! I can say that I’ve been on that interview bed!Blessings,Alma
05 · 16 · 07 @ 4:33 pm
drsuzy, i’m a longtime fan, but the doubledong is the hottestever. seeing your beautiful kunt upclose made me cumm. you are a nasti docter. pleez do more like this.
05 · 16 · 07 @ 3:53 pm
Send Dick Cheney to the Hague for solicitation of prostitution
05 · 16 · 07 @ 8:13 am
Well The Reverend Jerry Falwell dying of a heart attack seems as ironic as Bush dying of brain injury, since conservatives seem to use so little of either. Of course, Falwell was being eulogized by bigot and compulsive gambler Bill Bennet must be nice to do convince of your superiority and have enough money to squander on gambling. Trying to think of anything Falwell accomplished of any value is really a daunting task He seemed mainly interested in evading an honest work getting obscenely wealthy and of he never was known to use that money to actually help anyone. I remember he was onced summoned by ABC’s Nightline to discus the viabilty of the claim of microbial fossils in a meteorite from mars. Well he aint a microbilogist or biochemist or geologist, so why the media asked his opinion like he was the oracle of of Delphi is truly astounding. Asking his opinion on scientific quandaries is worst than asking the queer eye guys assistance/ advice for anything electronic, mechanic or anything other than frivilous home decor or fashion. To tell the truth, I was hoping for him to live long enough to see him proven wrong about life being unique to this planet.
05 · 16 · 07 @ 3:41 am
doc is there any solid evidence that he was a john as hali ceo? i live in waxman’s district all i can think of and have been doing is calling for waxman to hold oversight hearings on darth….
05 · 15 · 07 @ 7:44 pm
Great piece on the “Darth Vader of American politics” I loved reading your two other Hookergates as well. Funniest political writing I’ve ever read. May Dick’s dick fry between the DC Madam’s buns. Keep up the good work, Dr. Block. We need you.
05 · 15 · 07 @ 7:41 pm
Great piece. Unionize sex workers.
05 · 15 · 07 @ 7:30 pm
Thank you so much for the chance to talk about Urban Tantra on your show. You are one of the smartest women in the sex biz and it is always a pleasure to talk with you. I especially appreciated your support during the surprise appearance by the Tantric Opposition Front ;-).
05 · 15 · 07 @ 5:40 pm
Hi Suzy:Cyn and I saw the LA Weekly piece – brilliant – you so deserve the accolades – and we’re planning to be there on Saturday – we’ve made the donation on the website and will see you there … now what to wear …Stan
05 · 15 · 07 @ 5:37 pm
Well now, isn’t this interesting. The most evil man in the United States has truly got an even darker side. The mainstream media should definitely “out” him as the hypocrite that he is. “Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive” (or something like that). I find it amazing that many Republicans who profess to be pure of heart, word and deed……….are just the opposite. They certainly pulled the wool over their constituents’ eyes. Sincerely, Sue BrownWest Hartford, Ct.
05 · 15 · 07 @ 5:29 pm
Mmmmmmmmm Dr Susan! Thank-you!!!!!!!!!!! Fondly,Fred
05 · 15 · 07 @ 5:25 pm
Ball ‘n chainy, Dick, indeed.
05 · 15 · 07 @ 5:23 pm
05 · 15 · 07 @ 1:05 am
I’m so excited I found you on the Internet. I was supposed to go to your class several years ago at the learning annex but got the flu and couldn’t make it. I was really looking forward to seeing you…Your husband is a lucky man! I think they broke the mold after they made you. I’ve been trying to find a woman of your intelligence and sexual openess for years…no luck! Well, at least now I can read your blog…
05 · 15 · 07 @ 12:23 am
We had a BLAST being on your show! Thank you for the oppertunity! We’re VERY grateful for your support! It’s great that you’re so open minded and are willing discuss ANYTHING! Thanks again, Husband and Himwife the “fem-masculine” gay advice columnists!
05 · 15 · 07 @ 12:21 am
hey what up Dr. Suzy …you are still have to be the sexy women alive .. and that sayin alot do the women I’ve enocounter throungh my fine young years … lol… see one day .. later
05 · 15 · 07 @ 12:19 am
Love the People photo in the Weekly. Absolutely stunning would be an understatement.
05 · 15 · 07 @ 12:17 am
just wanted to say that i love your show when i can catch it and you are one hot woman!
05 · 15 · 07 @ 12:16 am
love this blog…the sex, the politics, everything…you are so cool. . . one of my heroes. . .