SPJLA Mixer: Freedom of the Press & Russian Intrigue at Molly Malone’s!
Last night, Capt’n Max, Abe Bonobo and I ventured out of the Garden of Bonoboville to attend an SPJLA (Greater Los Angeles chapter of SPJ, the Society of Professional Journalists) “mega-mixer” at Molly Malone’s. We guzzled Guinness, gobbled BLTs and shared The Bonobo Way with fun-loving “media elites” from the LA Times, Associated Press, Huffington Post, the Jewish Journal, Random Lengths News and NBC-TV.
We even managed to create a bit of our own “fake news” by engaging in some impromptu collusion with sultry Russian agent Olga Grigoryants, attempting to arrange an exchange of damaging information on Trump’s golden shower for adopting a couple of adorable orphans named Stolichnaya and Beluga, as well as a solemn promise that we will never again have to watch that horrible Emin-Trump Russian Miss Universe music video. I wouldn’t reveal this sensitive info, but our meeting was recorded by the SIA (Selfie Intelligence Agency).
However, the conversation “really went nowhere.”
Just kidding, of course; Olga is a reporter, writing for Reuters and the LA Business Journal, among other publications, and she doesn’t work for the Russian government. Then again, if she did, would she tell you?
“Fake news” aside, the mixer was a nice opportunity to connect with journalists, fellow media folks and “sources” through SPJ, “the nation’s largest and most broad-based journalism organization,” founded in 1909. We in Bonoboville extend our sincere support (no joke!) to SPJ which “works to inspire and educate the next generation of journalists and protects First Amendment guarantees of freedom of speech and press.” This is especially important in these turbulent times when “freedom of speech and press” are under “unpresidented” attack from the highest office in the land.
#GoBonobos for SPJLA!
© July 12, 2017. Susan Block, Ph.D., a.k.a. “Dr. Suzy,” is a world renowned LA sex therapist, author of The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace through Pleasure and horny housewife, occasionally seen on HBO and other channels. For speaking engagements, call 310-568-0066.
Explore DrSusanBlock.com
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07 · 13 · 17 @ 2:31 pm
Yay for defenders of the 1st Amendment!!!!
07 · 13 · 17 @ 1:33 pm
Always on the forefront of freedom and pleasure Dr. Susan Block!
07 · 13 · 17 @ 10:34 am
So, this weeks Time magazine cover features Dirty Donald Jr., a chip off the old block if there ever was one.
And apparently very soon, the congressional…whatevs…committee will give him a good grilling in an open session.
I have to say that it must be exciting time to be a journalist in the era of Trumpism.
The LA TImes did a really great 6 piece on The Mango Manchild, starting here- http://www.latimes.com/projects/la-ed-our-dishonest-president/
Oh, and Dr. Susan, did you meet anyone from Breitbart??
07 · 13 · 17 @ 1:37 am
Dr Suzy always gets the “scoop” on what’s really going on!
A great time had by all…
07 · 12 · 17 @ 10:53 pm
Well, I had fun last night journalist-watching as I ate my BLT Sandwich and French Fries and drank my Gin & Tonic. I tell you, I’ve never seen such a bunch of hungry folks. Is it the economy or just letting loose? Doesn’t matter, I had a good time. We were there to meet people, introduce the bonobos to some media and really, because of hunger. I hadn’t eaten all day just waiting for the evening’s event.
These journalists are doing a great job working to defend what really comes down to our constitutionally-protected free speech. Most important, they’re sticking their noses in other people’s business when it affects the citizens of this country.
I had a good time with my date, Dr. Suzy; she’s always the hottest date, date after date. Very sweet.
One word of caution: If you need to use the men’s room at Molly’s, make sure you bring a screw driver to tighten the toilet cover, lest you accidentally fall off. Also, make sure you bring along your galoshes so you don’t sink in the pee.
But I must say I had a good time. A great time.
07 · 12 · 17 @ 10:21 pm
It was a nice evening out with LA Press Club, NBC, LAist and many others. Looking forward to the new content being developed right now. Kudos to local Los Angeles Media!
Go Bonobos!
Check out our Own Social Network — Bonoboville
07 · 12 · 17 @ 9:48 pm
What a great and timely event! Freedom of the press is so utterly important right now in these troubled times. Without it we begin to go down a dark path. #GoBonobos and gather in pubs, ask the hard questions, meet the journalists and of course support your local media.
Go Dr. Suzy!