Dr. Susan Block

In the Chatroom


  1. Johnny
    07 · 13 · 17 @ 2:31 pm

    Yay for defenders of the 1st Amendment!!!!


  2. Cate Imperio
    07 · 13 · 17 @ 1:33 pm

    Always on the forefront of freedom and pleasure Dr. Susan Block!


  3. Clemmy
    07 · 13 · 17 @ 10:34 am

    So, this weeks Time magazine cover features Dirty Donald Jr., a chip off the old block if there ever was one.
    And apparently very soon, the congressional…whatevs…committee will give him a good grilling in an open session.
    I have to say that it must be exciting time to be a journalist in the era of Trumpism.
    The LA TImes did a really great 6 piece on The Mango Manchild, starting here- http://www.latimes.com/projects/la-ed-our-dishonest-president/

    Oh, and Dr. Susan, did you meet anyone from Breitbart??


  4. Mars FX
    07 · 13 · 17 @ 1:37 am

    Dr Suzy always gets the “scoop” on what’s really going on!
    A great time had by all…


  5. Max
    07 · 12 · 17 @ 10:53 pm

    Well, I had fun last night journalist-watching as I ate my BLT Sandwich and French Fries and drank my Gin & Tonic. I tell you, I’ve never seen such a bunch of hungry folks. Is it the economy or just letting loose? Doesn’t matter, I had a good time. We were there to meet people, introduce the bonobos to some media and really, because of hunger. I hadn’t eaten all day just waiting for the evening’s event.
    These journalists are doing a great job working to defend what really comes down to our constitutionally-protected free speech. Most important, they’re sticking their noses in other people’s business when it affects the citizens of this country.
    I had a good time with my date, Dr. Suzy; she’s always the hottest date, date after date. Very sweet.
    One word of caution: If you need to use the men’s room at Molly’s, make sure you bring a screw driver to tighten the toilet cover, lest you accidentally fall off. Also, make sure you bring along your galoshes so you don’t sink in the pee.
    But I must say I had a good time. A great time.


  6. Abe
    07 · 12 · 17 @ 10:21 pm

    It was a nice evening out with LA Press Club, NBC, LAist and many others. Looking forward to the new content being developed right now. Kudos to local Los Angeles Media!

    Go Bonobos!
    Check out our Own Social Network — Bonoboville


  7. Del Rey
    07 · 12 · 17 @ 9:48 pm

    What a great and timely event! Freedom of the press is so utterly important right now in these troubled times. Without it we begin to go down a dark path. #GoBonobos and gather in pubs, ask the hard questions, meet the journalists and of course support your local media.

    Go Dr. Suzy!


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