Spanksgiving in Bonoboville with Onyx Muse! #StandWithPP
Length 1:43:57 Date: November 28, 2015
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On Thanksgiving, let us give thanks for all we love. And on Spanksgiving, let us give spanks to all consenting adults who need spankings. And let us practice the Bonobo Way so we may find a way to stop killing one another. Let us learn from our bonobo sisters and brothers how we too might live in peace through pleasure… with a little spanking. And let us spank our hands together across a nice warm, willing, well-shaped ass, and let us say Amen. And AWOMEN.
Yes indeed, Brothers and Sisters, Lovers and Sinners, celebrating Spanksgiving on the Saturday night after Thanksgiving is an official Bonoboville tradition, almost (but not quite!) a religious ritual, and this bonoboësque, booty-ful show definitely spanks your twitchy cerebrum as well as your holiday bun-loving libido.
First, some cerebral spankings: In the wake of Black Friday’s domestic terrorist attack on a Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood clinic in which an angry old man with a small mind and a big gun murdered three people and wounded nine, this show’s pro-choice politics are front and center: We #StandWithPP, y’all (even though when you say that hashtag out loud—“Stand with Peepee”—it sounds like you’re supporting a dick, though we can get behind that too, as long as it’s a nice dick, and we don’t mean Cheney)!
It’s enough to make you want to spank an extremist anti-women’s health Republican. Or, if you are an extremist anti-women’s health Republican, then this show will probably make you want to spank me. That’s okay; I enjoy spanking. Just don’t shoot me (or Capt’n Max who has some impassioned and incisive words to share on this subject). I’d like to add, “Don’t encourage others to shoot us with your hateful, lie-infested, gun-toting rhetoric,” but I wouldn’t want to squelch your Freedom of Speech. Just the shooting. A hint to the anti-abortion activists squawking like turkeys over Planned Parenthood supporters infringing on their “First Amendment rights”: Free Speech doesn’t include the right to kill people.
Spanksgiving Muse
Then cum the libidinous actual spankings that will probably make you want to “spank the monkey,” as our Spanksgiving 2015 featured guest is the sweet and spankable, naughty and nice Onyx Muse, in her fourth delightful appearance on The Dr. Susan Block Show (others include Polly Superstar in Bonoboville, Bonobo Spring Equinox and Pre-Masturbation Month Muse, now playing in the DrSuzy.Tv archives). For this holiday special, Ms. Muse is decked out like a post-modern Domme Doll, the “Muse of Spanksgiving,” complete with onyx-black and blood-red latex boots, mock military epaulettes, retro pin-up curls, stockings, garters, and a heart-shaped latex riding crop.
Also on and around the broadcast bed are the always ravishing Dayton Rains and DrSuzy.Tv show producer extraordinaire Biz Bonobo, a.k.a. Elizabeth Aston, both very spankable webcam and phone therapists with the Block Institute.
The Virtual Sex Therapeutic RƎVO˩ution
Speaking of webcam, Onyx is now camming with Live Jasmin. We talk about the different ways we here at the Institute try to help people with various sexual problems and pleasures via Phone Sex Therapy (a term I coined back in 1991 when I first started talking with my regular sex therapy clients over the phone), and how all types of phone sex, camming and other virtual sexual services can be very healing forms of therapy. They may be underground and uncredentialed by a professional organization, but they are, quite often, at least as therapeutic as more conventional forms of sex therapy.
Therapeutic or just plain fun (and isn’t fun sometimes therapeutic?), the virtual sexual experience industry (including webcam, phone sex and sexting) is an important aspect of feminist sexual and economic empowerment, as so many women (both educated and uneducated) are earning decent money doing this work, supplementing their regular incomes or wholly supporting themselves, their families, their art and/or their Bonoboville without the physical dangers that in-person sex work entails.
Modern Witchcraft
Virtual sex therapy is a kind of modern-day witchcraft, since the service providers are mainly ladies (with a few sexually astute and flexible male warlocks and transgender folks), and it’s another vital aspect of “women’s health,” often vilified—even while heavily utilized—by “patriarchal” types. Also, like witchcraft, the phone sex therapist or cam model creates the “magic” of erotic pleasure by giving the illusion of actual sexual intercourse… or perhaps a spanking, fetish play, an orgy, a forbidden encounter or whatever helps you to release your inner bonobo.
It’s also an aspect of men’s health. Most people that patronize phone sex therapy, regular phone sex and webcam services are males with high sex drives, confusing desires and/or deep needs for erotic communication or sex information. A small number have very taboo nonconsensual fantasies that should not be acted out in real life, and the virtual sex industry offers these folks a safe haven in what I call the “erotic theater of the mind” to express their feelings without hurting anyone, including themselves.
Sure, some poor shmucks run up a bill that goes beyond their budget (and they should be spanked for that), but in general, the virtual sex industry heals a billion times more than it harms anyone. But it’s no more “addictive” (if such things can even be called “addictions”) than Facebook. Indeed, we help a lot of messed up, ‘roid-raging, PTSD-addled guys to put down the AK-47s and just shoot the gun between their legs. It’s the Bonobo Way.
First Photo: Ono Bo.. Next 2 Photos: L’Erotique
Assume the Position
We could go on and on yakking away like a family on Thanksgiving, but it’s Spanksgiving and this is the Bonoboville family, so we get physical. “It’s our duty to spank booty on Spanksgiving,” Biz raps as she pulls out the Jux Leather flogger (just launched on and “The Belt” that reminds Onyx and Dayton of their childhood beltings and spankings, the fetish-stimulating (and not terribly effective) disciplines of many a good, strict Catholic household. After Dayton confesses to having been spanked with everything from wooden spoons to shoes to a piece of screen door, Bonobo Way book-spankings ensue, along with Bonoboville Communion with Agwa Coca Leaf Liqueur and mistletoe, and then more spankings with whatever is at hand, including our hands. We spank butts, boobs, buttholes, and vulvas, over-the-bed and over-the-knee (OTK). Assume the position!
With submission, exhibitionism and a palpable sense of catharsis, we offer up our asses in “sacrifice” for our collective guilt in our human wars against each other. Thus symbolically, we “spank away” our founding fathers and mothers’ sins of genocide against the Native Americans, whitewashed by the false but bonoboësque Thanksgiving fairy tale of British Pilgrims and American “Indians” feasting peacefully. We spank away our sins against the foreign lands that the American Military-Industrial Complex has invaded, the villagers our drones have destroyed, and the numerous citizens our police have murdered, including the recent execution-style slaying of a 17-year-old by a Chicago police officer. We even get a spank in for Charlie Sheen for dissing sex workers. We also spank away our personal sins; spanking can be great therapy—for the spanker and the spankee.
Dayton and Biz take their spankings with aplomb and lovely upturned asses, and at one point, we all give an eight butt-cheek, full-moon “salute” to the folks at home. However, special mention must be made of Miss Muse’s inspirational, alabaster-smooth, perfectly “toned at the gym” derrière which is so nice, I not only give a licking, I actually give it a lick for this very special holiday Bonoboville Booty Communion.
First Photo: L’Erotique. Next 2 Photos: Ono Bo
Stuffing vs. Fisting & Foot Fetish Fun
More Communions featuring a variety of bobbing boobs and inner thighs follow a chat about stuffing turkeys versus fisting hotties (a fine example of the latter being our clip of then-ingénue Bonnie Rotten (2014 AVN Female Performer of the Year) swiveling all five of her adroit digits into Layla Rivera’s eager yoni like she truly is stuffing a fine roasted gobbler). Special attention is paid to Ms. Muse’s exquisite, glitter-pedicured feet, revealed in all their wiggly glory after Dayton removes her gigantic boots, knee socks and fishnet stockings.
This causes the Captain to go off on a lyrical “Ode to the Piggies” that has everyone wiggling and giggling, transforming the show area into a small foot orgy, where even my tootsies get deliciously worshipped by Ms. Rains’ talented tongue. Later we realize that Max’s and Onyx’s hemp socks match my hemp gauntlets and, since by that time, we’ve inhaled a bit of Ikkor the Wolf’s fine Green Cross medicinal, we’re loving it.
Dr. Suzy Commedia Erotica Players: Biz Bonobo with Agwa Coca Leaf Liqueur, Onyx Muse with The Bonobo Way, Dr. Susan Block & Dayton Rains in G-Spot Brand cap. Photo: Jux Lii
Spank Out War!
Spanksgiving is such a hoot, even the back-stage crew is whooping it up—while neglecting to turn down their audio—so we haul their sorry butts out onstage. I threaten them with spankings, but they have such nonconsensual looks on their faces that I prudently administer their punishments to Dayton’s happy sacrificial behind.
And that’s pretty much “The End,” and yes, I mean your butt. Assume the position! Celebrate Spanksgiving with bonoboësque mayhem (mark the Saturday after Thanksgiving on your 2016 calendar), and do your part—we can all do something!—to spank out murder and military mayhem.
© November 28, 2015. Susan Block, Ph.D., a.k.a. “Dr. Suzy,” is a world renowned LA sex therapist, author of The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace through Pleasure and horny housewife, occasionally seen on HBO and other channels. For speaking engagements, call 310-568-0066.
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12 · 5 · 15 @ 5:43 pm
Dr. Susan Block, Chelsea Bonoboville, Captain Max, and the gang at The Dr. Susan Block Institute, I am rendering my verdict on the TOTALLY Re-designed webpage first off:
I really am so happy that I can see hot things and some really cool things as well. I want to not only thank you for a show that makes people enjoy love more and sex, but to stand firm on issues that affect us all, and I cannot thank you enough for making me feel a part of the Bonoboville Community that I can represent what it means to do “Peace through pleasure”. What a amazing time to be a leading force to make a difference in the world, especially the issue that affects me the most…the horrific nightmare of Bullying and Bullycide. I cannot tell you all enough how much your support has meant to me in this mission of mine. What a courageous time we are living in, we need to re-dedicate our lives to promote the cause of “Peace through pleasure” now more than ever before. 2O16 I believe, should be totally designated as: “The year of total abundant pleasure for a new era.” This I strongly believe will be THE YEAR in which we must unite together in the mission and more importantly, we promote this mission with courage, dignity and the one other “C” word:
We, the people who are strongly committed to “Peace through pleasure” call upon our friends and the fans of this great program and the institute to unite in this global positive “Human revolution” in which love can win over war, pleasure can win over pain, and a whole lot more! WE HAVE A LOT OF WORK TO DO, now is NOT THE TIME to sit on our laurels and DO ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, the call has been given and the moment has come at last. Let’s make 2O16 THE YEAR OF ABUNDANT PEACE THROUGH PLEASURE and abundant life for everyone!
I thank you over and over and over again for all your courage and commitment to sex, love and more. Let’s being 2016 on a powerful note for love!!!
Your friend and biggest fan,
Christopher C. Gagliardi
12 · 2 · 15 @ 1:43 pm
Well, there goes another dry set of panties.
12 · 2 · 15 @ 1:34 pm
I super LOVE Dr. Susan M Block… She is ULTIMATE…!!
12 · 2 · 15 @ 1:56 am
The new website style looks amazing and I just can’t get over the beauty in all these Spanksgiving photos this week … the richness of all the perfect little bodies along with the set design, colors and costume … smiles and activities!
I’m so glad that you are feeling much better from last week Dr Suzy and also glad that a spank was had in the name of Charlie Sheen’s unseemly slut shaming of last week and to reverse somehow the unthinkable white genocide attempts upon the Native American first-inhabitants of this continent way back when. Let’s hope to be a big part of a new world of myriad reparations and justice.
The show was randy and the backdrop has the enchanted forest look. I love it! Everyone was in top form including Muse of Honor Onyx Muse! I was just enjoying some music which she has on her website for singles “The Onyx Social” and one of the songs sounded like her voice; is she a singer too?
Thank you for the big shout out to me & the bonobo field work I hope to do more of and continue with here in P-Town … I appreciate it ! I miss everyone at Bonoboville and am always plotting my next LA jaunt; just have to virtually be there as much as possible for now. Yes, I’ll just have to be there to collect my Dr Suzy Award before the year’s up… lol… I wish!
The tragedy of the loss of three lives by a rampage on Planned Parenthood overshadows all our festivities but by these erotic, loving demonstrations can The Bonobo Way be shared as you say of Peace Through Pleasure and to broadcast far and wide the phone number–a hotline for sure–directly to relief and blowing off some steam for those who would resort to bullets–role play, “shooting off the gun between their legs” with a sympathetic sensual sexologist such as yourself or one of the diverse therapists on your team such as myself can and does make a world of difference to create a different world!
You made not only a new holiday a happy one–Spanksgiving 2015–but have brought a deeper tribute to the nature of human beings–our need for touch, contact, closeness, sex, community, expression, consensual roughness, ritual, merriment and recreational sharing of healthy intoxicants.
12 · 1 · 15 @ 5:11 pm
Happy Spanksgiving indeed! Onyx Muse is definitely the perfect guest for this salute to spanking with her beautiful butt and baby doll demeanor- who wouldn’t want to spank that? Mwah, such a lovely behind! As someone who finds great, absurd and seemingly irrational joy from receiving spankings, I appreciate that this practice has evolved in Bonoboville to help us Americans acknowledge the hypocrisy of Thanksgiving, not to mention to help all of us humans cathart that ludicrous ca-ca we see in the news that we all are collectively entangled with, whether we like it or not. Spankings seem like a good way to play in a little pleasure, pain and surrender in order to rid ourselves of some of the heaviness we experience and/or are burdened by, just from simply living in the rough times of this modern age. I would assume that in the philosophy of spanking fetishists, there would be an ideology that suggests that you need to suffer a bit, feel pain in order to truly relish the relief of pleasure. I am going to try to apply that “silver linings” notion to how I perceive all of the hard and terrible mess that is happening these days- there is pleasure through this door of pain, we pray! AWOMEN! Amen.
I am so grateful for butts, spankings and therapy. I am also grateful for this modality of virtual but very palpable sex work that women have access to these days. It can be so empowering as well as secure and has the capacity to be so far reaching and lucrative- it’s quite astonishing. Phone sex therapy, be it over phone or webcam, provides something so necessary to people in a world that is still possessed by misogyny and metaphorical witch-burning. It is a way for people to have their needs met and creates a space for people to express themselves without shame, a space that ultimately exists on another, non-physical plane of reality that valiantly resists control from oppressive entities. There’s some First Amendment rights for ya. Thank goodness for the Internet, our freedom and thank goodness for sex.
Happy Spanksgiving!
12 · 1 · 15 @ 1:34 pm
I love what you do, what you stand for!
11 · 30 · 15 @ 11:54 pm
Happy Spanksgiving, one and all!
In light of current media storms, including the unfortunate and unnecessary attack on Planned Parenthood, I want to say that I proudly #StandWithPP and admire their continually courageous efforts to protect and provide for women’s health. As a service that provides much more than the alleged “baby parts,” Planned Parenthood has helped to advance women in society. The emphasis is NOT on abortion, rather on contraception. Here are some highlights*:
1) Birth Control Advances Women’s Economic Empowerment.
Highlighting the fact that birth control is a top economic driver for
women, Bloomberg Businessweek recently listed contraception as one
of the most transformational developments in the business sector in
the last 85 years: “Fully one-third of the wage gains women have made
since the 1960s are the result of access to oral contraceptives.”
2) Birth Control Advances Women’s Educational Opportunities.
Being able to get the pill before age 21 has been found to be the
most influential factor in enabling women already in college to stay in
college. Enrollment was 20 percent higher among women who could access
the birth control pill legally by age 18 in 1970, compared with women who could not, and women who could access the pill before having to decide whether to pursue higher education obtained an average of about one year more of education before age 30.
3) Today, Women are the primary breadwinners in more than 40% of
American Households with Children.
Women-owned firms are the fastest growing segment of new
business in the US, and research shows a correlation between
more women on corporate boards and higher profits. Today,
women are a majority of undergraduate students in America.
The number of women who complete four or more years
of college is six times what it was before birth control became
legal. Women earn half of all doctorate degrees,half of medical
degrees, and half of law degrees.
With the advancements women have made since taking control of their reproduction, it is no wonder we see newly empowered, educated female business owners in the adult industry. “Cam girls” can provide for their families, Adult performers are branding themselves in a multitude of ways, and women in the industry band together like never before. It’s The Bonobo Way in action.
I look forward to seeing how Onyx Muse develops her brand and promotes her fellow performers in the years to come. She is a sharp, creative, inspiring woman who is taking her performance and art to a new level – discovering new talents, encouraging their development, and offering new opportunities.
The holidays weigh on many of us, as we close the year, we look back with sometimes heavy hearts or open wounds of loneliness, maybe even family neglect. It’s important to reach out if you’re feeling those deep emotions. In an effort to prevent anger turning inward or even more so, outward…talk to someone. We’re here for you.
I’d like to thank our audience for the gift of friendship. I hope your Spanksgiving was filled with warmth & happiness, and I wish you a restful & peaceful holiday season to follow. May the good things in life be yours in abundance, to stay with you all year!
Best Bonobo Bounties,
11 · 30 · 15 @ 3:39 pm
Oh Spanksgiving! The logic is really quite clear that everyone needs a good spanking after such a Holiday that undeniably has a root of injustice and erases the experiences of the Indigenous population. And if only Dr. Susan Block could administer all of the spankings to all of the people who are trying to uphold a war right now.
Yet, with all of Dr. Suzy’s lovely ladies with their booties on display, joined by the stunning Onyx Muse, its hard to think of spanking as much of a punishment – but the point is, the spanking is so good, it relieves you from wanting to do harmful things! So spread the spankings in the name of the holiday spirit!
11 · 29 · 15 @ 10:51 pm
This broadcast of the Dr. Susan Block Show was a deliciously festive Bonoboville reunion, as Onyx Muse and Dayton Rains both return to the speakeasy.
Indeed these ladies are visually stunning and true exhibitionists; bringing the warmth of spanksgiving cheer with them. Hat-tip to JuxLi for supplying the party favors, what would a night in Bonoboville be without your floggers? Even as I type out this comment, my coffee cup is resting on a JuxLeather coaster.
I also enjoyed the range of topics covered during the evening; spankings, foot fetishes, stripteases and of course current events (#StandWithPP, #JeSuisParis), the show is truly revolutionary in this regard, boldly, peacefully, and candidly discussing sexuality, politics, nonviolence all within the course of an evening. Great show, so glad to be alongside so many wonderful minds and bodies.
Del Rey
12 · 2 · 15 @ 1:58 am
Yes and hooray for Jux Lii!!