Sexual Intuition & the Motorbunny
Length 01:33:14 Date: July 7th, 2018
Audio PlayerFrom a crash course in How to Get Laid Using Your Intuition to Bonoboville Communion, OTK (over-the-knee) spanking and a wild naked Motorbunny ride, this show takes you from the depths of sexual feeling to the heights of erotic vibration.
This Week’s Sheroes of the Trumpocalypse
My guests would rather not talk politics, so it’s one of the least political shows we’ve done in a while, chock full of sapiosexual insights, dating tips and joyous titillation that even a Trumper (with a high libido) could love.
Then again, maybe not, since I do open the show whacking Trumpty Dumpty, the Big Dick doll with tiny penis syndrome who is traumatizing us all. A whack for each of the ongoing horrors of his presiduncy, from locking children in cages to signing SESTA/FOSTA into law to, most recently, threatening to virtually rape Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren while simultaneously mocking Native Americans and the #MeToo movement in one foul humorless *joke* that didn’t even get a laugh from his adoring crowd, just sneers of contempt for strong women and people of color.
Trumposities like this can really get you down, fostering Post-Trump Sex Disorder among other ills not covered by “Trump Care.” But they can also galvanize you to create change, and many great women of the world are rising up to fight the power in a very inspiring Bonobo Way. I am especially excited about the young, brilliant, beautiful, “working class” Latinx (her mother was born in Puerto Rico) Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. A member of the Democratic Socialists of America, she just won the Democratic primary for Congress in the Bronx/Queens. Hopefully, she’ll be going to Washington in November to take on this miserable establishment that serves only the interests of the .001%, the Military Industrial-Complex, the Prison Industrial-Complex and their own hopelessly corrupt, cash-lined pockets.
I’m also inspired by the courageous creative protests, many of them led by women, against the awful Trumpocalyptic policies at our border… and pretty much everywhere else. My latest “shero” is Therese Patricia Okoumou who climbed to the base of the Statue of Liberty on the 4th of July to protest Trump and ICE. An immigrant herself, Therese comes from the Democratic Republic of Congo (a country decimated by European and American aggression and colonization) which contains the Congolese Rainforest, the only native habitat of the bonobo. I wonder if she learned her peaceful, female-empowered and seductive (how about those hot pink sneakers?) protest style from the bonobos?
Therese said her inspiration came from Michele Obama’s motto, “when they go low, we go high.” So she went as high as she could, right up to the raised right foot of Lady Liberty. She put her body on the line–peacefully and adamantly. MAGA thumpers complained that she inconvenienced some tourist families for a few hours. Maybe so, but she also gave them a 4th of July to remember and a great “teaching moment” for the kids.
Enter the Fuck Zone
Having vented on politics, I turn to the wonderful women in my Womb Room—How to Get Laid Using Your Intuition author and Sexual Intuitive Susanna Brisk, sexpert and sensual FemDom Jenna Rotten, cute-as-a-button (and almost as small) porn star Elle Voneva and my fabulous Ass. producer Phoenix Dawn.
Together, we enter the “Fuck Zone”…
That’s Susanna’s term for “a way of seeing the world in which everyone and everything is sexy.”
Sounds like Bonoboville.
Use Your Intuition & Get Laid (or at least, Lei’ed)
Hailing from Estonia by way of Australia, with a intriguing dalliance with some Lubavitcher Hasidim, Susanna is a lovely, funny, ginger-haired, real-life MILF with a knack for identifying sexual feelings in herself and others, and she’s put a lot of what she’s learned in life into her first book.
We have a great sapiosexual conversation about intuition, her definition of “getting laid” (hint: it’s not just “PIV” or penis-in-vagina intercourse), “torture loops” (obsessively negative notions that cycle through our brains, sowing misery and self-doubt), “psychic shrapnel” (disturbing thought fragments from old trauma), the “incel” issue, and the importance of clearly articulated consent—no matter what your so-called “intuition” might be telling you.
“Intuition” itself is not so easily defined. Is it just a “hunch,” a “sixth sense,” the voice of God or ESP? All these things, says Susanna, but so much more.
It seems to me that tapping into your intuition is somewhat similar to what I call “releasing your inner animal.”
We humans are so “civilized,” mechanized and now so utterly digitized, we’ve lost touch with our animal instincts that give us the passion, motivation, empathy and insight we deeply need for our own happiness and effectiveness in sex and the rest of life.
Of course, as Susanna agrees, if you’re an ”ammosexual” gun fetishist, and your intuition is telling you to take your AR-15 to work and mass-murder as many co-workers as you can hit, you should tell your intuition to STFU, at least until you can get some serious therapy.
The point is not to always act on your intuition as if it’s God’s commandment (as some folks believe it is), but to heighten your awareness of your intuition so you can better decide how to proceed in a sexual situation… or any situation.
After all, your “inner animal” can be a pig, and I’m not talking about the cute, cuddly kind. Oh yeah, I almost forgot I wasn’t going to talk about Trump… much.
Though I encourage people to connect psychically with whatever animals they find appealing (thus my leopard attire on this show), I only really teach people to release their “inner bonobos.” Leopards are gorgeous and sexy creatures, but the Leopard Way would be pretty hazardous for me and my fellow humans, while the Bonobo Way leads to peace through pleasure, female empowerment and male well-being.
Bonobos also “get laid” in a lot of different ways, most of which we might call outercourse, foreplay or making out and heavy petting.
I expand Susana’s definition even further when I drop an Agwa lei around her neck and proclaim, “You got lei’ed on DrSuzy.Tv.” That pun works best if you’ve already had some Agwa, though Susana laughed and seemed to appreciate her “lei,” even though she was not imbibing.
Teenage Porn Star Elle Voneva
In her book, Susanna cites three different approaches to sex: the cerebral, the emotional and the genital. Our conversation hits “cerebral” right in the hippocampus, with moments of great emotion on waves of feeling. For the genital aspect, I invite little Elle up onto my broadcast bed.
Elle is so tiny, she looks like jailbait, and she almost is, but she’s not. She’s 19 years old, a teen dream, and yes, she’s a porn star.
Born in the Bay area, Elle was raised a strict Catholic “Filapina,” going through confirmation, communion and other Church traditions, even as she was exploring masturbation (since the age of seven), erotic sensation and fantasies of being an XXX model, and having sexual intercourse by the time she was around 16. As we’ve often discussed on this show, religious sexual repression ironically breeds desire and it’s often the folks who are brought up in the more sexually oppressive environments that become great erotic adventurers.
Elle is certainly an erotic adventurer, launching her young self into the porn industry pretty much as soon as she reached the legal age of 18.
Now that she’s 19, her current erotic adventure is being on The Dr. Susan Block Show. Though she’s tiny as a doll (under 5’2”), she’s come a long way since her early explorations.
“What have you learned about yourself sexually over the years?” I ask.
She pauses thoughtfully, as if “hacking into her inner guidance system” like Susana’s book suggests, then opines, “I learned that I can enjoy sex without having an orgasm.” She then explains that she’s never had an orgasm with a partner.
Upon hearing those words from those pretty young lips, we older MILFs immediately shower Elle with advice, much of it pretty good advice.
But we all learn a thing or two about what little Elle really means as we go deeper into the Fuck Zone.
Bonoboville Communion with Water Pistol
Elle is too young to drink alcohol, so by default, she becomes the Altar Girl for this show’s Bonoboville Communion, which seems especially fitting for this lapsed Catholic cutie.
First she does a little striptease to Carmina Formosa’s “The Kinkster,” showing off her tiny form and perky nipples.
She also sports a provocative tattoo of her “third eye” set on a pyramid, right between the undersides of her breasts.
Then Phoenix “prepares the Altar,” licking those pretty little titties, sprinkled with the “sacred” Pink Salt of Bonoboville.
Waterboarding, Bonobo-Style is a little different this time in that I use a water-pistol to squirt the liquid (in this case, tequila) down her throat.
Now that’s what I call a shot.
Shoot Water Guns, Not Real Guns!
Bonobo Jenna Spanks Little Elle
Rounding out my guest assemblage in more ways than one is voluptuous, sharp-witted Domina Jenna.
A friend and colleague of the luminous Goddess Soma Snakeoil, Domina Jenna attended my Bonobo Way: FemDoms of the Wild lecture at DomCon 2018.
If I was grading the class, I’d give Jenna an “A” for remembering many of the important points and stories I told in that class, reciting them throughout this show.
What a pleasure to hear that the “message” is coming through, loud and pretty damn clear.
For instance, during intermission, Elle lets me know that she’d like to ride the Motorbunny.
Ms. Jenna, now stripped down to her bra and panties, offers to prepare little Elle for her wild ride by giving her an OTK spanking.
To the delight of everyone (except maybe the Pope), Elle peels off her panties, fishnets and sneakers. Then she throws her naked girlish little form across “Momma” Jenna’s ample cushy lap.
Whack! Whack! Whack goes Momma Jenna’s big tattooed manicured hand on Elle’s little bottom.
Rich with taboo suggestion, this hot scene presents a good example of negotiated consent between adults.
It might make it into our next edition of the Speakeasy Journal (you can get the current edition on Splosh ‘n’ Art here), which will be themed Spanking: For Adults Only.
As she spanks away, Jenna points out that this activity is reminiscent of young bonobo “migrant” females engaging in erotic “hoka hoka” with the older females of their new communities and how it helps to establish trust, friendship and female solidarity.
Will this hot spanking make it into our next issue of the Speakeasy Journal? Coming soon… Photo: Hugo Flores
Wow. She learned that in Bonobo Class at DomCon! I’m so impressed, I just let her explain the whole concept… and spank away.
Wild Motorbunny Ride
The spanking is the appetizer to the main course which, on this show, is the Motorbunny.
Now we apply the sacred Saran wrap, our Motorbunny “condom.”
Then we all observe expectantly as Elle, the size of many Olympic gymnasts and almost as flexible, climbs over Jenna and mounts the Motorbunny like she’s taking a rocket to the moon.
And, in a way, that’s where she goes, over the moon and back. At least she looks and sounds like she’s having a great time.
She also says she’s having a great time. In case you’re wondering, this is another good indicator of “consent.”
Elle on the Motorbunny, Phoenix on the mic, Jenna on the titty and Me on the controls. Photo: Slick Rick
Controlling hostess that I am, I control the volume, as well as her microphone.
BBW Jenna holds little Elle, stimulating her pleasure points, squeezing her nipples, grasping her throat (with really enthusiastic consent) and pressing her vulva down against the vibrating machine.
Elle’s vulva looks magnificent, like a perfect sculpture, though it does get so wet, it soaks the Saran wrap.
But her facial expressions are really exquisite—such intensity!
Really, she’s got it all, and in this sexologist’s not-so-humble opinion, she should become a very successful porn star, if she’s as determined and creative as she is cute.
Elle could have kept going and going on that Motorbunny all night, she’s so happy up there,. but alas, we don’t have all night, and we are leaking into overtime.
My intuition tells me that though Elle seems to be having the time of her life, inspiring many orgasms among DrSuzy.Tv viewers, she herself is not having a full-on orgasm.
Since I don’t always have faith in my own intuition, especially with young first-time guests on the show, I ask her.
Also, that’s one of my mottos in sex: When in doubt, ask.
She shakes her head no, she hasn’t had an orgasm.
I briefly consider “forcing” the issue, but then I remember what she said in the beginning about how she’d never had an orgasm with another person in the room, and that this is a pattern for her that she probably wouldn’t break on a sweltering summer night surrounded by sweaty people and cameras.
But really, little Elle is absolutely splendid just riding that wild machine, sharing her genital vibrations and emotional expressions with all of us in the Womb Room and beyond.
Also, I have to say that I’m impressed with her sexual honesty. Many gals, especially porn stars, would fake the orgasm and say that they had one when they didn’t. Who’s to know? It’s refreshing to hear her candor.
And exciting to consider that maybe next time she comes to Bonoboville, she’ll “cum” on the show!
Come or go, it’s time to wind up the show.
The after-party is relatively mellow.
Though the two Aussies, Susanna and Clemmy, get to connect.
Oh so alliteratively, tiny Elle connects with even tinier Elliot, Clemmy’s new dog, whom Harry calls “Scruffy.”
Meanwhile, I connect with Capt’n Max, and soon us old marrieds are upstairs doing the dirty (and in this heat, the sweaty), aroused by our intuition for sharing fantasies about our sexy guests.
Stuck in the Fuck Zone
The next day (Sunday), with Momma Clemmy away, Elliot is ready to play.
Suddenly, this young little neutered male, is humping Betsy–Ana and Miguel’s older and considerably larger female.
They’ve been dry-humping, sniffing and licking each other for days. But this is the first time Elliot’s penis entered Betsy’s vagina and, since they’re dogs, it takes a long time before they come apart.
They’re stuck in the Fuck Zone!
As I walk in (snapping photos), Mar is trying in vain to pull Betsy away from Elliot as Ana grabs the little fucker.
Cami’s first to find them. Then Mar comes running in and vainly tries to pull them apart before Max and I tell them to stop. Nature doesn’t let you interfere with canine PIV. Basically, they’re stuck together, sometimes for hours.
But poor Elliot is too tiny to mount big Betsy “doggy style” for more than a minute before they wind up butt-to-butt, with Elliot’s formidable doggie boner still inside Betsy’s aged but firmly clamping doggie dish.
Our main concern is that Betsy will run off, dragging little Elliot by the dick along with her, so Miguel holds Betsy, Ana holds Elliot and I do my best to conduct calming canine sex therapy. My first time! It’s also young Elliot’s first time, as well as old Betsy’s! This meeting of the dogs is just too exciting for anyone to break up.
Miguel holds Betsy and Ana holds Elliot (still stuck inside of Betsy) as I attempt to administer Doggie Relaxation Therapy while snapping pix.
Eventually, nature relaxes and, all of a sudden, the two lovers separate. Freedom! They run off in different directions only to collapse, sniff and lick their genitals, go after each other, then run away from each other again.
Just like humans.
Elliot might be “neutered” (and hopefully that operation was a success or soon we’ll have to give away puppies), and Betsy might be an old bitch, but that doesn’t mean they can’t enjoy each other sexually.
The Big Question: Is this True Canine Romance or just a one-night-stand between friends? Did they “get it out of their system” or will they do it again and again and again? Stay tuned…
In any event, now these two doggie virgins are experienced.
Upon hearing the story of her little pup’s sexual prowess, Clemmy has changed his name from Elliot to Ron Jeremy.
Another night and day in the life of Bonoboville, always Commedia Erotica among all the animals in the Garden. Enjoy the Fireworks from the Roof.
Thanks to Our Volunteers: Videographers- Chris Hayward, Gideon G; Photographers – Hugo Flores, Slick Rick; On-Campus Bonobos – Phoenix Dawn, Abe Perez, Camille Rosebud, Mita Altair, Harry Sapien, Gideon G., MarsFX, Clemmy Cockatoo, Ana & Miguel.
© July 7, 2018. Susan Block, Ph.D., a.k.a. “Dr. Suzy,” is a world renowned LA sex therapist, author of The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace through Pleasure and horny housewife, occasionally seen on HBO and other channels. For speaking engagements, call 310-568-0066.
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07 · 13 · 18 @ 12:11 pm
Every Saturday Night is an Amazing @ Dr Suzy Show, but don’t take my words for watch for you’re self you won’t be disappointed.
07 · 10 · 18 @ 9:06 pm
Susan thank you so so much for reading my book and getting what I’m about. I had such a wonderful time with you, Max, and everyone at the manse. Seriously good vibes.
Thank you also for posting all the photos and the blog. Your work ethic is dizzying and inspiring. I thank you for being a brilliant, sexually empowered woman giving a platform to other sexually empowered women.
07 · 10 · 18 @ 7:27 pm
This was so fun! Thank you again Dr. Suzy & Phoenix for having me & everybody for being so sweet.
07 · 10 · 18 @ 6:43 pm
What a motorbunny ride!!
07 · 10 · 18 @ 3:56 pm
Beautiful Ladies! The Gorgeous Queen Susan lights up the sky!!
07 · 10 · 18 @ 1:40 pm
A very HOT show !!! Elle is amazingly sexy .
07 · 10 · 18 @ 7:05 am
All I have to say is wow. If you love hot sexy little Asian girls then this show was pure heaven. I guess seeing Elle on that motor bunny got everyone in the mood including Betsy and Elliot :-)
Dr. Suzy’s show never disappoints. Always a good time
07 · 10 · 18 @ 2:32 am
Sexy Elle Voneva and the Motorbunny!!! Elliot rules!!!
07 · 10 · 18 @ 12:52 am
Betsy & Elliot must have read Susanna’s book.
07 · 10 · 18 @ 12:01 am
I guess I’m honored to have been there for Elliot and Betsey’s first time, though I must be honest, I was NOT CALM! lol. I’m so happy for them though. Really nice show, genuinely interesting guests and we haven’t seen a motorbunny ride since you and Phoenix rode it, and I can’t remember who before that. Perhaps the funny clown that kept honking when she had an orgasm. That was fun.