Alison, Miss Intergalactic High Times Sarah Newton, Dr. Suzy, Tasia, Penthouse Pet Melissa Jacobs, Chris Gore, Kira Lansing. Photo: Ajay
Length: 141:14 minutes Date: 11/19/2011
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In honor of sexpots who smoke pot, we welcome two of the world’s highest wonders to the Womb Room: hot women and weed. Our green goddess guest of honor is none other than Mary Jane, one of just a few aphrodisiacs that really work, probably conceived when Mother Nature was feeling a little frisky. And while it’s debatable as to whether the kiss of the kush is addicting, some of our guests verify that the hand of the Hitachi most certainly is. Time to spark it up and squirt it out at the Speakeasy! Warning: Marijuana-use can lead to hot sex and High Times.
Featured Guests:
Sara Newton: Spokesperson for marijuana law, we welcome the lovely, dreadlocked Miss Intergalactic High Times to her first time at the Speakeasy. A Texas flower child, she can knock back whiskey and shotgun smoke like a real wrangler. When I rub my Magic Wand on her never-before-Hitachi’ed inner thigh, I’m happy to introduce her to a whole new high.
Melissa Jacobs: This ravishing Penthouse Pet and female ejaculatrix may be new to the Speakasy, but MJ’s a veteran of almost everything else involving stoners and boners. She also loves her Penthouse Pleasure Shots. Between the shots, tokes and Agwa, she’s pumped up with enough aphrodisiacs to do a sensuous striptease. After we trade panties, she strips down to very well-toned nudity and allows me the pleasure of giving her a screaming, bed-shaking orgasm with the able assistance of my trusty Hitachi right on her pleasure button. Then she turns up the speed and squirts a sweet waterfall of womanhood.
Kira Lansing: This card-carrying pot-lover, webcam girl and cuckolding seeker of love enjoys her first time on RadioSuzy1 and her third time with a Hitachi. I rub the Magic Wand up and down her panty-clad crotch as she comes into a gale of smokes bubbles and applause.
Allison: Another dreadlocked damsel new to RadioSuzy1, she enlightens us on the joy of lighting up while someone’s going down. Day to day, she finds herself “just doing goddess’ work” for Goddess Delivers.
Chris Gore: Back on RadioSuzy1 airwaves for the second time, comedian and Fetishvil producer Chris doesn’t exactly toke, but he enjoys getting high on second-hand smoke as well as munching pot brownies and lemonade. He eats up my weed-green lingerie with his eyes, declaring I look ready for a “leprechaun gangbang.” In discussing cannabis he ponders the question, “But what does this have to do with tits or vagina?” The answer is plenty, especially on this show, which he and his GF discover for themselves when all the second hand smoke and Penthouse Shots inspire them to have sex in an undisclosed dark corner of the Speakeasy.
Ryan Esteban Stabile: Publisher of Ultra Vulgar Super Fiend which just did a piece on me and the show as a “Featured Fuck,” Ryan asks everyone what the difference is between orgasms with or without pot. Everybody gives very stoned answers, but the consensus is that pot makes orgasm deeper and more likely.
Mary Forrest: Mary Forrest, Chris Gore’s better half, spends most of the show looking adorable, making out and grinding on her new GF. Between kisses, she blurts out the best line of the evening, as I rub the Hitachi on wary Sarah’s inner thigh: “The leg is a gateway drug!”
Mary Jane: An outlaw, bad girl with healing properties, this Speakasy veteran always turns us on.
Callers & Tweeters:
Rick Cusick: The Big Bud Man and associate publisher of High Times Magazine, since 1974, talks to us from New York about the history, politics and culture of pot. While he smoked for 39 years, for his daughter’s sake, he isn’t toking these days. But he enjoys watching Miss Intergalactic High Times shotgun Penthouse Pet MJ and all the antics on my show bed. This is one radio show he wishes he could have been in studio for.
Giacomo Casanova: aka AngelWylde – a veteran of the soon to be resurrected BonoboWay community and the consummate “ladies’ man,” poor Casanova has been banished to Kansas and calls in to cheer on his sometimes GF Kira and catch a contact high.
Panty Boy loves MJ’s panties.
Thanks to Justine Middleton for editorial assistance with the show bloggamy.
Weapons of Mass Discussion
Stoners & Boners, Sex & Pot, We Are All Children of Sex & Some of Us Are Children of Pot, Cannabis as an Aphrodisiacs, Zinc Increases Lubrication, Cayenne Pepper Aids Erections, Pot Heals What Ails You, Greenery, Leprechaun Gang Bang, Weed Lemonade, Smell-o-vision, Amazing Names for Weed Strains, Alaskan Thunder Fuck, Nepalese Temple Balls, Afghani Hash, God’s Pussy, Founding Fathers Were Stoned, Boob Bongs, The Revolution is in the Heartland, Pot-Smoker Activity Book, Stoner Crossword Puzzles, LA Star, Old Revolutionary Talk, How much of America is Legalized?, Cutting Funding Is How “They” Stop You, Marijuana is Sensual, Shaving the Vagina into a Marijuana Leaf, Cannabis Club Groupies, Sensuous Centerfolds of Cannabis, Stoner City Game, Victorian Doctors Used Vibrators on Women Patients to Cure “Hysteria,” Marijuana for Menstrual Cramps, Pot Addiction, Hitachi Addiction, Afghani Hash Is Best, , Swinger Party, Pussy Designs, Bonobos Hitting the Bong, Marijuana in the Bedroom, The First Time I Got Stoned with a Guy Named Buzz in The Bible Closet, Smoking Pipe while Receiving Oral Like 69, Weed & Pizza Delivery, Edible Weed: the Blowjob of Food, Bonobos & Weed, Post-After-Party Radio Show: The Kelly Shibari Files.
Performance Erotica
Smoking Sexpots, Topless Toking, Passing the Peace Pipe, Penthouse Pleasure Shots, Striptease, Agwa Lime Salt Licking from Nipples, Cleavage, Buns & Thighs, Unlacing Corset, Flowing down the Cleavage, Taking a Shot Up the Leg, Showing off Tiny Panties, Panty Trading, Sexy High Heels with Buckles, Panty Dance, Hello Hitachi, Second Hand Smoke, Take a Hit to Hitachi Magic, Masturbating on the Bed, Giant Screaming Orgasms, Squirting, Hitachi Virgins Take It In the Palm of the Hand, on The Leg & in the Crotch, Leg is a Gateway Drug, Blowing Marijuana Bubbles, Blowing Bubbles Over the Orgy, Mic Going Out at the Worst Time, Shotgun Potsmoke Through the Vendetta Mask, Stoned Hula-Hooping in The After-Party, Sex On & Off Camera.
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03 · 23 · 20 @ 4:04 am
Thanks for a great show.
12 · 28 · 11 @ 8:49 pm
que hermosa estas bebi
12 · 1 · 11 @ 3:41 pm
This 1 fav pic but u new it would be my fav, because I bet you blew the bubbles in my bonobo’s face on purpose, hihihii invitation aux voyages u r gettin good at it picasso painting ha là ? she’s a master sexy has found a newshore 2 explore so shockin
12 · 1 · 11 @ 3:36 pm
Hey Suzy, wow does one get an invite to that Sexpot party? WOW! – MY kind of party.
12 · 1 · 11 @ 3:22 pm
Great pictures susan,i hope you never get tired of me saying it,but you truly are stunningly beautiful!!
11 · 24 · 11 @ 2:47 am
OK you guys, Listen up !!! I need your help please, my purple ceramic Grim Reaper bong and my small metal ribbed pipe is nowhere in sight so if anyone was too high to remember carrying them off, please bring them back to the stage as they were gifts that have sentimental value. I’ll even give you a reward in green. I’m sure it was all done in an innocent manner and now maybe you’re embarassed so come to the next show and leave it in the bathroom or something ok ? No harm, no foul as my man Chick Hearn used to say.
So don’t trip cuz I’m not mad and won’t ask for your scalp. I just want them back ok ? ;-). Please keep the flow of energy positive and united. Karma never sleeps and she never forgets. Don’t upset her cuz she can be a real witch.
11 · 22 · 11 @ 7:24 am
Thank you for having me on, even if I was quiet (well until I came all over your bed, that is!). It was my very first time on air. I had a such blast and was touched by all the compliments I received after the show about my orgasm! Thanks to Dr. Suzy and everyone for making me feel welcome. <3
11 · 21 · 11 @ 11:37 pm
Really having fun on the show. Thanks for squeezing me in… so to speak. :)
11 · 21 · 11 @ 11:11 pm
Thanks again for having us. So much fun as always!
11 · 21 · 11 @ 6:34 pm
It never gets old spending my Saturday nights watching sexy girls cum! I think I got a contact high from walking in the womb room that night.
11 · 21 · 11 @ 5:09 pm
I love my job. It is my duty to hold the microphone and pet and comfort beautiful women as they cum and squirt on the Dr. Susan Block Show. Yep. I rule.
I want to thank Kira and Melissa for their beautiful Hitachi orgasms. Melissa with her perfectly perky nipples upon her perfectly perky tits gave us all a shower of love with what had to have been one of the most effortless squirts I have ever witnessed. And Kira was so raw and animal like when she was playing with the Hitachi. It was a primal pleasure that warmed me through to my bones. I must say, Kira, you did the right thing by separating from your marriage to explore your sexuality. It is truly a beautiful thing to watch you and pet you. And you will be making the world a better place with every webcam orgasm you have.
And Chris Gore, so good to see you, but, where were the dolls?
11 · 21 · 11 @ 1:12 pm
If the leg is a gateway drug, the crotch is an epic opiate! Lovely lineup and a shout out to High Times Magazine! We love you! Mary Jane, you’re looking good as always!
11 · 21 · 11 @ 7:29 am
wow that was a smoking show… favorite line “the leg is a gateway drug”… Who writes the material? =D
11 · 21 · 11 @ 2:23 am
thank you for having me on the show! I had a great time!!
11 · 21 · 11 @ 2:19 am
This last Show Sex-Pot was an Awesome n Incredible show like Always!!! THANKS to Dr Suzy n MJ n Guests :)