The Strange Case of Kelly Shibari / Margaret Miles & The Missing Documents: LA Superior Court Case Number 11M09233
Bloggamist’s Note: It saddens us to have to write out the following timeline about a fellow member of the sex-positive movement. But the fact is, we are suing Kelly Shibari / Margaret Miles for damages arising from the disappearance of thousands of irreplaceable documents dating back to 2007 that went missing during her last hours of work for us. Such actions followed by silence—whether from Wall Street bankers or a former assistant—demand a response. Sorry Kelly, but you asked for this. ~ SMB & MRL
In December of 2010, Kelly Shibari / Margaret Miles, broke and eager to escape her “crazed” roommate, applied for the position of receptionist/assistant with The Dr. Susan Block Show. Despite warnings from others and our personal reservations about her, we accepted her into our community. As with all community members, we reimbursed Kelly Shibari / Margaret Miles for her time on a barter basis, giving her a large private space in our 14,000 square foot loft, from which she ran her own business, in addition to helping us on a part-time basis. We also paid for her utilities, food, phone, Internet, maid service and other communal amenities.
In January, 2011, because of her public relations background in the adult industry, we made her “producer” of The Dr. Susan Block Show. The show has been broadcasting on radio stations around the country, cable TV (including HBO) and the Internet since 1984. That’s 27 years of talk radio, 20 years on cable TV and 15 years broadcasting live on the Internet.
As the show’s producer, one of her most important tasks was to organize and update our various press, guest, sponsor, art world and university mailing lists, as well as to expand these lists to include additional media, academic institutions, past and future show guests, past and future sponsors, bloggers and electronic media. She did this work under the supervision of executive producer Max Lobkowicz.
For this position, Kelly Shibari / Margaret Miles was given control of The Dr. Susan Block Show Gmail account ( which contained what she knew to be vital show correspondence dating back to 2007, as well as all aforementioned lists. No one else operated this account except Kelly Shibari / Margaret Miles, though Max, her supervisor, had the password.
In February, 2011, Kelly Shibari / Margaret Miles asked Max if she could do the driving and running errands for the community, as she needed to earn extra money because her website and private PR business were not doing well.
In April, 2011, when our general manager left, Kelly Shibari / Margaret Miles asked if she could take over “half” of that position. After some consideration, we made her and our editorial assistant, Helen Z, co-managers. Her duties included scheduling shifts, as well as billing and handling accounts payable, including her own personal payment ledger, in addition to continuing her duties as show producer.
On September 12, 2011, Kelly Shibari / Margaret Miles gave us two weeks’ notice, citing her need to help out her newly widowed father. She assured us leaving had “nothing to do with” us, and that she would be moving in with a friend. She said she was happy to organize all the lists and other critical show information for our new producer, Tasia.
Over the following two weeks, Kelly Shibari / Margaret Miles quickly became less and less helpful, continually postponing the turn over these materials, while reassuring us that she was “working on it,” by organizing everything into a folder called “Tasia” which she would give to us before leaving. We weren’t too concerned, as we trusted she would debrief us and our new producer as would normally happen in a transitional scenario.
Yet, in the early morning hours of September 25, 2011, Kelly Shibari / Margaret Miles, without communicating with any of us, disappeared, along with her furniture and other belongings, leaving her space totally empty.
Something else was also gone.
All copies of our press, guest, sponsor, art world and university mailing lists and all other critical show documents had been deleted from our front office computer. The so-called “Tasia” folder contained nothing but a few random guest photos and a recent press release.
Our computer backup system records reveal that this deletion occurred at 1:26 am, September 25, 2011, during Kelly Shibari / Margaret Miles’s last shift here.
But the vandalism doesn’t stop there. Our show Gmail account had been completely raped of all its thousands of emails, lists and other important information. Five years of show correspondence, pieces of our history, vanished? How? Where? Everything was there just a few hours before. Now it was all gone; even the trash folder had been erased.
And guess what! We also discovered that “someone” had stolen Kelly Shibari / Margaret Miles’s personal payment ledger. Hmm….Could this have been the elevator operator?
In fact, this was no mystery. It was Kelly Shibari / Margaret Miles’ responsibility, even if she had stopped working “for” us a few hours before. So we called, emailed and texted her with urgent messages, hoping that this was some kind of mistake that could be rectified immediately.
She didn’t answer us all day, though she did have time to post this photo of a Chinese fortune with this message on her Twitter account: “Pat yourself on the back for making that right choice” on September 26, 2011.
The next day, she sent this cryptically incriminating message to us: “its [sic] not – check the folders on that acct. I did a basic cleanup of spam when I first got there & erased sent emails as projects were completed.”
Needless to say, we had already checked the folders and there was nothing in them. In fact, there were no folders. Zero. Zilch. Nada. Some “cleanup.” Cleaned out is more to the point.
When we texted Kelly back, questioning her about her unauthorized “cleaning” spree, she did not respond. Then we asked for her help in finding or replacing the show documents that went missing on her watch. Still she did not reply.
Oddly, she cc’ed us on an email to one of our business associates, saying that she was “not able to speak to any staff members there,” though she was the one not speaking to us. We emailed her back immediately, saying “Oh come on, Kelly, we’d love to speak to you!” Her subsequent silence spoke volumes.
Meanwhile, several people in our community stepped up to the plate, working many hours to reconstruct the missing lists and other materials.
Then cometh the smoking gun: as we made our way through the haze of lies, disappearing documents and silence, we discovered that Kelly Shibari / Margaret Miles went to work for Studio Servitu, another studio in our building complex, immediately after leaving us.
Enter William J. Glasser, “national legal counsel” (whatever that means) for Kelly Shibari / Margaret Miles, calling on his Google phone number from New York, saying something to the effect of “You’re all very nice folks, you must be imagining all these terrible things, your computers must have gone haywire, and why are you asking her to pay for material that is just somehow gone now that she’s gone?”
In an effort to resolve this without lawsuits, we asked Mr. Glasser to at least have his client give us copies of our lists which she kept on her laptop. This time, he did not respond.
So my dear readers, the suspect is incommunicado, her lawyer has disappeared, and on Friday, 11-11-11, we served Kelly Shibari / Margaret Miles with a lawsuit. Regardless of how the case turns out, these critical show-related documents went missing on her watch, and we’d feel remiss in our duty to the larger community if we brought the suit without telling the story.
We love our work; we’ve been at it for over 27 years. But like everyone these days, our little community of artists and educators is struggling. So the last thing we need is this kind of behavior.
Need a reference for Kelly Shibari / Margaret Miles? What kind of experience have you had with her? What do you think? Call Max at 213.670.0066.
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02 · 10 · 12 @ 9:28 am
Peace and blessings to u both. Max I’m sending positive healing vibes your way. Feel better soon. Susan, u r an amazing and strong woman, whip smart. Much love, Krickette.
01 · 6 · 12 @ 10:33 pm
For anybody who’s truly interested in the case, you can look up the entire thing including judgement amounts on and entering the case number.
Congratulations on your victory. I’m glad the court treated the case fairly
02 · 8 · 12 @ 6:32 am
It sundos like Kelly is a great gal. And single? What the hell you waiting for dude?Hugs from MinnesnowtaMarie
02 · 10 · 12 @ 1:49 am
October 12, 2011 I agree. I like the old Kelly who stood 4 sthnomieg. Sad that she has sold out.
01 · 3 · 12 @ 7:07 pm
11 · 27 · 11 @ 6:03 pm
All this talk about outing Kelly as Margaret is pretty funny when you consider that her IMDb listing includes both names
Kelly Shibari – IMDb
Born: Margaret Miles · More at IMDbPro »
Keep up the good work, Bonobo Gang! Sometimes you’ve got to speak up for what’s right.
11 · 22 · 11 @ 11:02 am
Jack, you see the difference between trial by jury and trial by bloggamy, right?
11 · 22 · 11 @ 10:50 pm
Hey Cassandra, I’m a journalist by trade. Generally speaking whenever a public figure goes on trial, there’s also a public trial in the media. One would be remiss as a journalist to hide the true identity of the suspect, unless they’re underage. But what really intrigues me is where this “blue line” shield mentality for porn stars comes from. Why do you feel that porn stars are exempt from exposure in civil or criminal matters? I would be very interested as to where you get the statistical basis for your statement “in the sex industry, violent attacks are greater than for other kinds of celebrities,” if you could be so kind as to share that with us. Frankly, I didn’t see anything on the Internet to support that claim.
11 · 22 · 11 @ 4:33 am
Hey you guys, maybe I should become a porn star and then go rob a bank. Then nobody can use my real name. Keep on truckin, Dr. Suzy!
11 · 21 · 11 @ 11:58 pm
As a sex positive educator, I read this blog from time to time and occasionally tune in to the show. However, I’m a bit shocked by this post. I’m so terribly sorry that you had to go through with this stressful sounding situation– it’s always terrible when intellectual property is stolen. But you’ve “outed” a porn star, making her name public, which is dangerous for her (in the sex industry, violent attacks are greater than for other kinds of celebrities) and similar to an act of “shaming.” I understand why you’re upset, but you didn’t need to put her real name on this blog post. Everyone would understand the story and drama of it– and indeed call you with information– simply by using her stage name. If I were a porn star, I’d feel a bit weary about coming on the show after this. What happens if, even if it’s very unlikely, you find out you were wrong and someone else was to blame or something else happened? Then you will have exposed her– and shamed her– for no reason, which would definitely make you look untrustworthy to future potential guests.
I want to unite with women like you to build a safer place to be open and to be sexual. I love your sense of humor on the radio show and your attitude about sex. But shaming this woman publicly crosses a line. In fact, it seems downright sex-negative.
I’ll be interested to see how your case plays out. I hope you continue on with your work– the world needs sex-positive and authentic voices like yours. But for now, I’m quite disappointed in you, and I may be looking to other blogs to inspire me on my journey of education, feminism and revolution.
11 · 22 · 11 @ 3:52 am
Thanks very much for your comment, Cassandra, but the case has nothing to do with porn or being a porn star. It’s about embezzlement and vandalism. Kelly Shibari/Margaret Miles worked here as a receptionist, personal assistant, driver, producer and PR person. She didn’t work here as a porn star. We used both names with her, signing checks to Margaret Miles and tweeting with Kelly Shibari. That’s why we have to use both names on the lawsuit. In her request for a delay, she also uses both names. The lawsuit and her request for delay are public information, as accessible as any blog or journal, maybe more so. Also there are several other women named Margaret Miles out there, including a rather prominent theologian, and we wouldn’t want our readers to get them confused.
Since she committed criminal acts, Kelly is lucky we didn’t report her to the police who would, of course, use and release her real name and all her aliases, among other, much more serious indignities. Instead, we have chosen the more “civil” recourse of a lawsuit, and that requires her real name and aliases too.
If Kelly had robbed a store, should the shopkeeper not mention her name because she’s a porn star? Should the journalist who covers the story not reveal her real name and aliases? We love and respect porn stars as much if not more than anyone, but since when are they such sacred cows above the law? As we’ve posted elsewhere and proven over 27 years, we always respect the wishes of porn stars and everyone else who wants to maintain anonymity for any reason. But when someone commits a serious crime against us, and then threatens to do worse, we have to protect ourselves and our community.
Interestingly, many porn stars throughout history have not kept their “real names” a secret. Which brings us to another question: Where do you get the statistics you reference about “violent attacks” against outed porn stars? Perhaps you are conflating your figures with crimes against prostitutes. Being a porn star is not illegal, and porn stars are rarely murdered. The few porn stars who have been murdered were victims of drug dealers, boyfriends or other people they knew. Unfortunately, being a prostitute still is illegal, and usually involves working alone with strangers, all of which make it much more dangerous, and yes, prostitutes are often murdered, not so much because anyone knows their “real name” as because of the nature of the profession.
You raise many interesting questions, all of which we have seriously considered in the midst of this horrendous situation, and most of which we have already answered in other replies on this comment page. However, we’d love to discuss these issues with you on our radio show this Saturday night.
In any case, best of luck to you and keep up the good work! From the looks of your website, it seems you are doing some very cool things.
Susan & Max
11 · 20 · 11 @ 8:50 pm
Great show last night. We’ve moved this whole discussion to radio and we will answer all the posts there. Listen in at
11 · 19 · 11 @ 8:24 pm
A few years ago I went out with an escort and she advertised as curvygirl99 on several website. She was an escort. The picture of the woman Kelly Shibari in your journal looks a lot like her perhaps a few years aged. Can you confirm that? By the way she smelled awful. Here is her ad.
A true Special Girlfriend is expected to be diverse, educated and pleasing to the men who have earned the status deserving of such company. She should be attractive in appearance, talented in many areas and inspiring to all who encounter her. A goddess among women… She must find true joy in her gifts if she is to take her host to the place where the symbiosis between a man and woman assumes a new and wonderful meaning. She will stimulate a man’s mind, indulge his body, illuminate his spirit and set him free. He will feel like a new man; clear and balanced, ready to take on the world. His thoughts will be clear; moreover, he will feel complete.
Allow me to be that Special Girlfriend for you. From the moment we meet, you will be my Priority, my World. My goal will be to be the ultimate companion – to make you feel whole, to make you feel like a man should. Complete. In control. The master of his domain. I am well-educated, well-groomed, well-traveled, and am a warm conversationalist.
Why don’t you take the time out of your stressful day to spend time with someone whose only goal is to relieve and please you. After all, don’t you deserve it?
I cater specifically to those well-groomed, educated gentlemen who love their women a little thicker, a little sweeter, a little more submissive. I have been blessed with non-Asian curves, and even more blessed with Asian facial features and skin tone.
I must respectfully ask that first contact must be via email. Once you’ve answered a few short questions, I will be more than happy to submit my phone number to you. Random phone calls will not be accepted – as you have been able to spend the time to get to know me, I would like the same opportunity. I sincerely look forward to spending some true Quality Time with you soon…
11 · 19 · 11 @ 7:55 pm
I guess this lady really pissed you guys off, not that I blame you but i haven’t seen you go after anyone like this in years. I think the last time was against the LAPD or that crazy landlord and this is almost as good as the Dr. Laura Diaries which were great, plus they had some hot pictures of her.
Carry on!
11 · 19 · 11 @ 4:25 pm
What I find to be highly amusing about this all are the comments (on here and on LIB) from “T. Von” don’t sound like him at all. I read Mike John’s blog and ADT regularly and know that these things cannot be written or said by him. He doesn’t seem like the type to get caught up in this. And his signature, he hasn’t used “T. Von” in quite sometime. He also knows how to use spell check. Someone is trying too hard to sound like him but making him sound stupid. Im not buying it. I want proof that the REAL Tim Von Swine is writing these things. I can’t see him jeopardizing his career to stick up for a GF that’s obviously guilty. Unless she’s as batshit crazy as they’re saying and he’s afraid of her….Please tell me that’s not the case man?!?
11 · 19 · 11 @ 2:42 pm
Since most of Kelly’s thugs that are posting here and on LukeIsBack ( are illiterate, using aliases and spouting violent threats (btw, if you’re going to threaten us with a 12 Gauge, Tim, the least you can do is spell the word correctly), the whole discussion has degenerated in print form. So we’re taking the Kelly Shibari files to radio.
But you all don’t have to worry, as nobody is listening to our little radio show ;-).
So if you enjoy posting comments about going after us with a “12 Guage” [sic] or telling people to “burn the place down,” bringing violence to us or anyone in our community, we have some bad news for you…
It’s all being documented and will be used against you. Call us old-fashioned—or just plain old (lol)—but we won’t just put up and shut up when people steal from us, destroy our property and get their boyfriends to make violent threats against us.
We’re now seeking information on the following people. If you know who they are or where they are, please call Max at 213.670.0066.
Pwltroll: Name, address, anything you have.
BigDickDaddy: Name, address, anything you have.
Tim.Von Swine : This guy’s name says it all. He is Kelly Shibari / Miles’ boyfriend. He’s been to our studio a few times, but his file is among several that disappeared from our archives during Kelly’s last shift (Btw, Kelly, you may have stolen your payment ledger, but we have all the check stubs from our checks that you cashed, as well as the trade ledgers ). We’d like his address.
Nothing nefarious here; we just need it for our legal files.
We’ve got a great show going on tonight on an entirely different, much more fun subject. Nobody’s listening, of course, but give us a call tonight if you’d like to discuss this case. Our on-air number is 1.866.289.7068.
Bonobos Max and Suzy
Head Slave Masters on the Plantation (LOL )
11 · 19 · 11 @ 12:34 am
Additional information is coming in every day, and we appreciate all the people who have come forward, even if they only do so anonymously.
The bottom line is that Ms. Miles / Shibari is now using stolen lists that were deleted from our account and computer on her watch. How do we know she did it? In the latest developments, several more journalists and friends who were on our lists have complained to us that they are now receiving unrequested invitations to Ms. Miles / Shibari’s new employer’s studio/dungeon. This will be part of our evidence in court. Incidentally, not everyone on our stolen lists is a fan of BDSM.
We are more than ready to go to trial. It is, in fact, Ms. Miles / Shibari who has asked for a delay—not us—claiming she was not served directly. On 11-11-11, at the door of her new workplace, our server handed the papers to a security guard who then turned around and handed the papers to her. Then she told a witness/neighbor of ours, “I just got served. Do I look scared?” Now she tells the court she wasn’t served directly.
Meanwhile, she remains silent towards us, and her “national lawyer” has disappeared. As always, we would like to speak to her or with some reasonable person representing her, if she would like to settle this out of court. At the moment, her only representative is her boyfriend posting insults and threats (a little more fodder for the judge).
What does it all add up to? Thievery and thuggery. It deeply saddens us to say this about a fellow traveler in the sex-positive movement. But when you get pickpocketed, you ought to cry “thief,” partly to warn your other fellow travelers and partly because there’s more of a chance you’ll get your wallet back.
In the meantime, we continue collecting information and evidence. The case is building every day, and Kelly’s postponement just lets it build more. You can call us anytime at 213.670.0066. If you need to be anonymous, we’ll respect that.
Cheers, Ms. “Believer in Karma.” Just before you left, you told us you liked to burn bridges. You even had the bad judgment to post that on your twitter. What you see before you is simply the bridge you are burning. We tried, as you know, and we are very, sincerely sorry it had to come to this.
Dr. Suzy and Max
11 · 17 · 11 @ 11:47 pm
Thank you guys again for outing someone who is obviously a bad egg. Ask around, her reputation is atrocious. Hopefully, the entire industry will know soon and she’ll just leave town.
11 · 17 · 11 @ 10:07 pm
I’m glad she’s finally get outed for being a thieving tard.
She stole $500 from another model’s purse during one of my shoots and I had to compensate the model for it. It wasn’t her fault I allowed a thief to be alone with her stuff while we were in the next room shooting. When questioned Shibari simply said “If I was her I’d think I did it too!” After she left I looked around to see if she took anything of mine and found another $250 in cash stolen from a desk drawer in my office.
That is the stuff I know for a fact that Kelly Shibari was responsible for but I went through some identity theft shit a few months later & my best guess would be that she was to blame for that too though I cannot say I am 100% certain.
This comment was originally posted on a repost of this blog on
11 · 17 · 11 @ 8:41 pm
you weren’t robbed and your show is fine. Going this far out of the way to smear someone personally over a small claims suit screams desperation. And I do know why you are all desperate over there. Now, I still haven’t used my blog or any of the message boards to inform people basic truths about your show and how you handle people/talent because I was hoping you would be sensible enough to take down that ridiculous attack on someone you’re already suing. So what, if you win it wont be enough? Where do you draw the line here? I know you’re really used to having EVERYTHING go your way and you dont handle confrontation well, (because everyone over there is afraid of you), but seriously take a look at how hard it might be for you guys to procure XXX talent if I explain in great detail what I saw w/my own eyes and have knoweledge of (from being there) on my well traveled avenues around the web & XXX community.
And the cancer thing was brought up out of respect for your condition. Is the Prednisone making you overtly chippy or what? If Suzy and you would concentrate on more pressing matters like your health, instead of over the top grandstanding about being ‘potentially’ ripped off, your quality of life might be a little better. That ‘bonobo’ way of life is a SHAM after these accusations , you’re making it all so transparent w/your bitterness. If I mentioned something out of line in regards to cancer then please show me where, as I dont see me dancing on anyones grave. Not yet anyways. But if you want to go there, fine. I’ll end up handling that too.
You two have been around a long time and are set in your ways I get it, but show some class and take the post down. That is if you two still have any.
I’ll see you around,..the web, if need be. Keep in mind you do have a way to make this all go away and just let the courts handle it and we all win or lose w/our heads held high. Dont let your pride and false sense of image keep you from taking down a simple blog post. ~ T.Von Swinekiwicz
11 · 18 · 11 @ 12:18 am
Hey Tim,
Thanks for your note. Your insults and her elephant ego are going nowhere. We’re now getting calls and emails from people that come from the lists that were stolen. Some of these people are very private and do not want to be on someone else’s list. We guarantee that we don’t sell or share their information. I spoke to our neighbors earlier (you know who I’m talking about), and they do not want to get involved. But involved they will get as we continue building this case. In the next few days, they will be served a cease and desist demand within a certain time period. Failure to comply will become evidence of willful infringement and we will seek monetary damages and equitable relief for the use of our proprietary lists.
This could have been a very simple transitional matter, but Ms. Shibari / Miles would rather burn a bridge than simply walk over it. As her twitter stated on September 26th, she was very happy with her choice to vandalize our account and steal our lists. We tried to talk to Kelly many times and in many ways. The problem is that there are times when silence is not golden. This was one of those times. We were talking to Kelly’s “national counsel” for a while, Bill Glasser, then suddenly, he disappeared. Tim, do you know what happened to him? Is he still her lawyer? Anyway, I told Bill it was simple…just turn over the lists she took that she is in fact using, and we’ll write off the rest. Now it’s too late. Win or lose, this ain’t going away. Threaten as much as you want, this thing has spread like cancer across the internet and will continue to do so.
You can write all you want about me. I’ve been in this city over forty years fighting the good fight for our freedoms and I will continue to do so. I’ve been threatened by the mafia, the Mansons, the FBI and more. We sleep in our wardrobe department. We can’t even afford an apartment but trust me, I love my life (and my wife), and I ain’t afraid of no bully stalker or slanderer. So you go right ahead. Publish what you will. Just keep in mind that I know all about you and your partners too. Kelly spilled the beans while she drove me around, Tim. You know that old saying: Loose lips sink ships.
So do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law. But please don’t threaten me, Dr. Block or any of community members…read those words carefully.
There’s one possible way out of this mess she made. Let Ms. Miles’ lawyer contact me and things could change.
Best regards,
11 · 18 · 11 @ 2:49 am
the war machine has been started. Im only holding truths and events I’ve seen w/mine own eyes. All you had to do was remove a simple blog post…Im not bullying anyone that wasnt a bully to begin with. Your long run means nothing to nobody and what you used to be means even less.
We are both sure to suffer form this but there is no alternative…. If you know so much about me then you should know I cant be hurt,.. ~ T.Von Swine.
11 · 18 · 11 @ 12:01 pm
My question was…what happened to Ms. Miles’ lawyer? Did he die? He might be able to help you.
11 · 17 · 11 @ 7:54 pm
Ok guys, I was there once with a very close friend of mine. After a while Kelly showed up in the studio, with an entourage, acting like she was CEO of the show. Friend of mine asked me who is that f-t c-w nosing around the bar? I had no idea back then who she was, so I told him she must be some kitchen lady.
11 · 17 · 11 @ 7:27 pm
Well it is shocking news. I saw Kelly at the time of the show back in October. For some reason I couldn’t stand her presence. She was acting like she was the owner and the boss in the studio. She was also moving the donation jar a lot for no reason. It wasnt my business to critique the guests but now I see that I wasn’t wrong.
11 · 17 · 11 @ 5:55 pm
Here are some comments from the posting on and my responses:
Fartz Says:
She still banging dat’ Tim Von Swine mudda’ fucka’?
And Our Response….
We do not really wish to know whom she is banging. Even in the best of times, we didn’t want to know. Thanks for the comment!
November 17th, 2011 at 5:42 p
Shelly Says:
How long until she winds up in the Shelly Lubben (no relation) kennel?
And Our Response….
She seems headed that way.
November 17th, 2011 at 5:49 p
BigDickDaddy Says:
I’ve never understood why people in the adult business even talk to Susan Block. She is a complete waste of time. Her supposed shows are just like KSEX. They are simply ways for her and her hubby to meet porn people. Does anyone actually watch/listen to the shows? The answer is no. Thats why Susan cant afford to hire people. She has no money for real employees.
She is not suing anyone. It takes money to sue people. Whatever was deleted was worthless anyways. There is zero value is anything Susan does and she knows it. She has been playing the same games for 27 yrs. If you cant afford to hire people after 3 decades then its time to move on. She just wont accept that.
And Our Response….
First of all, BigDickDaddy, you should learn how to write, spell and check your facts. Ms. Miles got paid for her work, and yes, we are suing her; the case number is 11M09233. You can look it up. Btw, she just requested a delay in the court date. But you probably know this, because you appear to be her friend. Also, I have to ask: Could you testify to this in court for us? Are you confirming that she actually vandalized our computers and email account and “deleted” documents? Sounds like you are. Of course, it’s not your position to judge whether our property is “worthless” or not, but I would like to subpoena you to court to testify on our behalf.
Best regards and thanks for the laugh
November 17th, 2011 at 8:50 p
Lucky Starr Says:
I met Kelly when Jeremy and I went to the Eros Day celebration at Dr. Suzy’s speakeasy. Then I’ve seen her twice recently on Spice radio, I asked if she still worked for them. Her reaction wasn’t too positive.
And Our Response….
Yeah we aren’t too positive about Kelly. See above. By the way, are you coming to our next Eros Day?
November 17th, 2011 at 10:03 p
2. T.Von Says:
Regardless of how the case turns out, these critical show-related documents went missing on her watch, and we’d feel remiss in our duty to the larger community if we brought the suit without telling the story. Suzy, the only thing you would feel remiss about is missing an opportunity at a shameless plug for your failing phone sex empire, er operation, while trying to throw someone under the bus who didnt want to ‘live’ in that environment anymore. You can count yourself lucky that Kelly is so submissive in nature (unlike myself), since I’ve been begging her to blow the roof on your completely bogus ‘bonobo’ way of life over at that communist camp you & your hubby Max run over there. But Im sure she’ll continue to take the high road and NOT respond publicly since airing this type of ‘laundry’ is only for those that dont have any other way to get noticed. You need to take these blogs down about Kelly and keep this a private matter since Im not going to sit back and watch you try and pull some character assassination quietly. You also might want to cultivate some of that ‘bonobo’ attitude and bang away at your hubby while there’s still time before the cancer takes your #1 and only real fan away for good. Get your priorities straight ‘doctor’, and go back to what you do best which is blowing hot air. No regards, ~ T.Von Swine.
And Our Response….
Your threat is well taken, documented and will be turned over to the proper authorities, Tim. We take all threats very seriously here. But nothing is being taken down. Lawsuits are not a private matter. Your girlfriend loved taking our community’s money, cashing hundreds of dollars in checks, eating her free sushi lunches, having her car insurance paid, enjoying her private space and other perks of being in our “communist camp.” No one forced her to come here. She begged us to take her in. And we certainly didn’t force her to stay. Actually a lot of us wanted her to leave. But we kept her around for a while, until she told us she wanted to leave, at which point, we said fine. Great! But let me ask you if I’m reading your comment correctly, Tim. Are you saying that if Kelly was unhappy with our “completely bogus ‘bonobo’ way of life,” that gives her a reason to steal from us and vandalize our computers and gmail account? Because that’s what it looks like you’re saying, in between the threats.
Funny you bring up the subject of cancer, which we were not going to mention out of respect for the dead…Best you should let sleeping dogs lie on that subject, Tim.
But hey Tim and BigDickDaddy, don’t worry about all this because nobody is listening to the show or reading any of our blogs, websites or social media anyway. We are insignificant in the world, by your own estimation.
Max Von Block
November 17th, 2011 at 10:55 p
Dr Suzy Sues Kelly Shibari | The Adult News Wire Says:
[…] Dr Suzy Sues Kelly Shibari Posted on November 17, 2011 by admin Hello there! If you are new here, you might want to subscribe to the RSS feed for updates on this topic.Powered by WP Greet Box WordPress PluginNL- I’d like to hear from Kelly too, Kelly, pls drop me an email with your side of the story. Dr Suzy Sues Kelly Shibari OP/ED From Dr Suzy from Bloggamist’s Note: It saddens us to have to write out the following timeline about a fellow member of the sex-positive movement. But the fact […] LUKE IS BACK […]
November 17th, 2011 at 11:03 p
sandybanks Says:
Kelly Shibari is a blight on the Adult community. She has done really horrible, unspeakable things to a lot of people and now it’s payback time. Not feeling sorry for her at all.
And Our Response….
Yes, we’ve gotten several calls from other victims today. If you have more information, please call me at 213.670.0066.
November 17th, 2011 at 3:22 p
Michael Whiteacre Says:
@sandybanks – Could you be more specific, please?
And Our Response….
Well Michael, we’re hearing from other victims who have been robbed, stalked, lied to and bullied. That’s what I’ve heard, but what do I know. Nobody listens to our shows ;-)
November 17th, 2011 at 3:33 p
RickMadrid Says:
Maybe we can get some more Shelly lubben banners put on her website!! and that would give it a kick??.
And Our Response….
This one’s confusing. Who’s website?
These comments come from Luke is Back: Check the latest comments from Kelly’s friends
11 · 17 · 11 @ 4:35 pm
I’m shaking. Something just like this happened to my disabled aunt who was robbed by her caretaker.. He was working under an assumed name, then disappeared We felt so bullied, so violated. Thank you Dr. Block, for speaking up, being frank and naming names.
11 · 17 · 11 @ 3:25 pm
I can tell you right now, you broke MY trust. Cavalierly treating (t)woc lives and identities is a deal breaker for me
11 · 17 · 11 @ 4:14 pm
Say what? MM, what are you talking about,madam?
11 · 17 · 11 @ 6:52 pm
Love the part where YOU took this comment out of context (from an ongoing Twitter conversation) and then tried to discredit the “commenter” (who had her words reposted without her permission) by acting like SHE is the one not making sense. You guys are such professionals!
11 · 17 · 11 @ 7:25 pm
I treated who as what? You mean the one that robbed us? That’s only person we’re mad at. We love everyone else, even if they disagree with us. I’m really sorry…Hey by the way anything that is sent to us is ours to publish, that’s our work…publishing and has been for 40 years.
Thanks for the comment,
11 · 17 · 11 @ 3:18 pm
Publishing real names hurts sex workers. Your blog is not an extension of the judicial system. You don’t need to blog about this.
11 · 17 · 11 @ 3:45 pm
Hi L…I appreciate your concerns, but please don’t lecture us on sex worker etiquette. As I recall I fired you for refusing to work one night during the radio show (you wanted to go to the movies, as I recall) which was part of your job. Or maybe you quit because I wouldn’t give you that night off. Anyway, I think you’re great and I appreciate your concerns. But your wrong about this. Being a porn star is legal. Porn stars don’t use their real names because mom and dad might get upset. If you’re a hooker/sex worker and get busted, your name is going to be in the papers along with your alias…you can’t hide. Also, you might want to be a little nicer to press that is doing a story and a photo essay on the place where you currently work. Finally, our legal counsel advised us to use both names in any documents or correspondence, including this blog. Oh and one more thing…this story has nothing to do with sex workers. Kelly is not a hooker (to my knowledge), she’s a public figure and she’s being sued for damages. She worked for us as both Kelly Shibari and Margaret Miles. By the way, I like open discussions and if you would like to continue, you are more than welcome to do it here. otherwise thank you for your input.
11 · 17 · 11 @ 6:32 pm
Is your “legal council” also advising you to threaten those who disagree with the way you are presenting your side of the story (without contradicting the facts of the story itself)? Because lemme tell you, it’s really not making you look very good. In fact, taking someone’s comments from Twitter, reposting them on your own site without their consent or permission, then revealing that you know private information about them and threatening them to “be a little nicer” or else you’ll hurt their reputation or employment reeks of blackmail — which is a crime, or didn’t your “legal council” advise you of that? — and frankly it’s fucking childish and disgusting. Shame on you. You gonna track me down and have me fired from my job now for daring to have an opinion?
11 · 17 · 11 @ 7:05 pm
CS, I’ve been a journalist for 40 years of my life and I write about people. The only person that’s ever sued me for liable was Angie Dickinson and I won that case by overturning the the criminal liable statutes in California. Perhaps you should talk to your lawyer and get the correct information. Should I make believe I don’t know her? I did not threaten her with anything. But as with all my friends, if I feel they are doing something wrong, I will tell them.. I tried to be very fair in what I said. I honestly don’t remember if I fired her or she quit. I was trying to give her good advice as a young person just starting out in business. By the way, its in Twitter’s TOS that once someone tweets something to you, you own that information. We also state clearly on our websites that we reserve the right to post anything sent to us And certainly anyone who disagrees with Dr. Suzy or myself is presented on this blog with as much fairness as possible. Thank you for your comment, and tell your friend I love her.
Sorry if you don’t like what I write..but I’m way too old to change
11 · 17 · 11 @ 1:51 pm
Never a pleasant thing to undergo especially with people you thought were friends or well wishers.
11 · 17 · 11 @ 1:37 pm
Congratulations on your courage, Dr. Suzy! I hope it goes well for you. I am so sorry you have had to go through all this.
11 · 17 · 11 @ 1:14 pm
It’s so wrong to post the real names of porn stars or sex workers. Our anonymity is sacred!
11 · 17 · 11 @ 1:28 pm
Dear Beatrice, you have to understand that Kelly Shibari does not exist in the legal world. This is about a lawsuit not some sacred business or stage name. The lawsuit is against Margaret Miles.
11 · 17 · 11 @ 2:03 am
Doc, you piqued my curiosity and I checked out Margaret’s twitter and found this image:!/KellyShibari/media/slideshow? You should definitely use this as evidence against her when you go to court. There’s no credit to the author and the whole thing makes no sense: The hardest thing in life is to know which bridge to cross and which to burn? As a fireman, I’d advise this philosopher not to be burning any bridges. Cleaning is one thing, but burning is arson! Whoever owns the bridge she’s on now had best be careful.
11 · 16 · 11 @ 10:41 pm
I know who done it! It was Margaret Miles not Kelly Shibari! LOL
02 · 6 · 12 @ 4:21 pm
I’m sorry for your loss. Kelly was very fortunate to have had a wonderful family like yours to live with, and a kind person like you to care so much for her. She personifies the phrase “Biting the hand that feeds her”
11 · 16 · 11 @ 9:41 pm
Why am I not shocked Dr. Suzy, these things happen all the the time. Some folks can not feel good about themselves unless they hurt others in some way. Kelly Shibari always seemed very glum and angry…you should be happy she didn’t go postal and hurt someone physically. Ugh.
I also just read the article about Sex Week at Yale and your work with the students…keep it up doc you’re the best.