Self-Love September Climax & Impeachment Party
Length 01:36:33 Date: Sept. 28th, 2019
by Dr. Susan Block.
It’s the climax of Self-Love September, and the Womb Room celebrates with masturbation tales, striptease, spanking, Bonoboville Communion and a tRump Impeachment Party!
Is it too early to throw an Impeachment Party?
We don’t want to jinx it, but we do want to celebrate. Just announcing the impeachment inquiry has energized the tRump Resistance like a blast of rare unpolluted air, thrown Fox-News staff into quibbling chaos and put the brakes (somewhat) on the Trump Crime Family’s evil Clown Car of Cruelty.
It also makes this Filthy Mouthed Wife want to scream filthy fabulous things, like “Fuckyeah! We did it!”
Well, we’re doing it…. I mean, it will be done… I hope.
FINALLY, the Presidunce of Dunces will be impeached. Can I get an Amen? Can I get an Awomen? Sing Hallelujah in the little Love Church of the Bonobo Way. Photo: Bianca
Finally, it looks like all that spanking and gagging our tRump voodoo doll is paying off.
But can the Dems pull it off? That is the questions. Can they impeach the most impeachment-worthy Presidunce ever (though the George W. Bush/Dick Cheney Iraq attack conjob was arguably just as deserving)?
Nancy, Auntie Maxine, AOC, “liddle” Adam, everybody in Congress; Are you ready to rumble?
It’s Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, and what better way to move towards a spanking new fresh start than a nice, hard-hitting, butt-smacking, asset-probing, impeachment inquiry?
“Impeach the MF!” sayeth the “Filthy-Mouthed Wife”
In the immortal words of Michigan Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib: “Impeach the Motherfucker!”
Yes, that’s what the Congresswoman really said, though her campaign T-shirt more discreetly implores us to “Impeach the MF.”
Of course, the MF’s sins against humanity go much farther than the scope of this impeachment inquiry which focuses on Donito Freydo Trumpino’s mafioso-like phone call with President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine (where my own great grandpappy was from!). Essentially, Trumpino made Zelensky an “offer he couldn’t refuse,” demanding a “favor” in the form of dirt on Democratic frontrunner Joe Biden’s son Hunter’s business dealings in that country, to help him in the 2020 presidential election, (indirectly but clearly) in exchange for releasing $400 million dollars’ worth of military aid.
I’m not big on military aid or military anything, but this is clearly wrong, illegal and possibly treasonous, making it a good platform for impeachment. However, the Narcissist-in-Chief has done so much worse. He’s obstructed justice and required his staff to obstruct for him. He’s supported racists and racism, caged children in concentration camps, and enriched himself and his family with taxpayers’ money. He’s declared war on journalists and supported Saudi Mohammed “Bone Saw” Bin Salman despite his obvious killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. He’s pressured American and foreign dignitaries and staff to stay at his properties, taunted scores of people like an insecure schoolyard bully, lied in public more than 12,000 times, and the list goes on and on.
Reciting just a few of tRump’s many impeachable offenses with Jackhammer Jesus and a bottle of Agwa by my side. Photo: Indy P
One of the worst, most ultimately damaging lies to issue forth from the tRump’s Diet-Coked-up, filthy-mouthed lips is the one about climate change being a “Chinese hoax” and less blatant, but continuing reiterations, like “scientists also have a political agenda” and “the ice caps were going to melt (anyway).” Worse still, Don the Destroyer’s unraveling of environmental protections and ramped up ecological destruction, under the auspices of officials with ties to fossil fuel companies, wreak havoc on our world every day, as devastating hurricanes, tornados, wildfires, glacial melt-downs, my sinus condition(!) and other climate catastrophes rage on.
So it’s heartening to see the “young people,” spearheaded by extraordinary teenage superhero Greta Thunberg and her #Fridays4Future Climate Strike, continuing to march for change, from Bangladesh to Beverly Hills to Brazil’s burning Amazon rainforest.
People of all ages, including lots of young sexy people (when I say “sexy,” I just mean the ones over 18, of course), are out there, so if you care about our climatic future, if you’re sick of tRump, or you’re just bored and lonely, go out and join them.
Treat your Post-Trump Sex Disorder by marching against tRump, saving life on Earth, making new friends and maybe hooking up with someone awesome.
After all, you can’t sit around wanking to porn, Netflix and MSDNC all the time!
On the other hand, this show does fall on the last Saturday night—the Climax—of Self-Love September. So, if you haven’t self-loved yourself yet, now’s the time. Tonight’s the night! Or do it in the afternoon. Set the mood, buy yourself flowers, or better yet, a vibrator. Tell yourself you’re gorgeous, promise you’ll never leave yourself, give yourself a massage and make beautiful self-love.
Somehow impeachment and Self-Love September go together; like we Americans love ourselves enough to impeach the MF.
Blonde-on-Blonde Comedy & Porn
If you want to enhance your self-love experience with something a little more sapiosexual than porn, watch this show (free down below).
If you like blondes, you’ll love this episode.
There aren’t quite as many flaxen-haired vixens as in our classic Blonde Island “Funk Me” video, a sex-and-politics musical treat from the also impeachment-worthy Bush/Cheney era.
But we do have three blondes—a Blonde Islet?—counting your hostess of erotic hypnosis.
Yes, this show will have you mesmerized by strands of gold. Both porn gold and comedy gold.
Oh, plus one brunette, my sexy funny assistant Sunshine McWane!
We like the porn ‘n’ comedy combo here on DrSuzy.Tv. Usually, the porn star guest takes care of the sexy stuff and the comic makes the jokes; though it’s especially delightful in that stereotype-smashing way when the porn star is funny and the comedienne is sexy.
That’s just what happens on this show with our two featured guests Brianna Brooks and Alyssa Poteet.
Since both are hot young blondes, a viewer could be forgiven for not knowing who makes her living in stand-up and who does it lying down.
Hot MILF Brianna Brooks
Porn star and hot young MILF, Brianna Brooks, is back on DrSuzy.Tv for the first time in six years, but from the looks of her, it’s only been about six weeks. This gorgeous, Cali-tanned and cheerleader-toned gal hasn’t aged a bit, even though she’s now a devoted wife (of charming hubby Zak) and the proud, hardworking mama of a two-year-old daughter.
Brianna’s first time on the show was in our February, 2013 Purim Rising reenactment of the Biblical Story of Esther, in which she “played” a harem girl, along with her bubbly bestie Heidi Hollywood, and Tee Reel from Ideal Image Management.
Then at my Birthday Bacchanalia 2013, Brianna was (according to my show blog) “first to strip down to her Birthday Suit, her toned, tanned, heavenly body making all the soldiers in the Womb Room stand at attention and cheer as she twirls around the stripper pole, then gets her birthday spanking—lightly please; she has a shoot in the morning!” Then she helped give me my birthday spanking… along with three other spank-happy ladies.
Interestingly, that’s pretty much what she does on this show: strip, spank and have a great time, encouraging everyone around her to have a great time along with her.
FemCom Alyssa Poteet
The comic blonde or, as our Cougar Equinox guest Sally Mullins says, “FemCom,” is the gamine, clever and very engaging Alyssa Poteet, a refugee from Chicagoland, who studied engineering at USC and somehow graduated into stand-up comedy, performing regularly with Philanthropy TBD, a variety show for various Climate Change-oriented charities.
Her twitter describes her as having “Small tits-Big tweets.” You could say that about sums her up, but she’s so much more than her adorable boobies or even her tremendous twitter-gasms.
One of my favorite tweets of hers is: “WE’RE ALL SUFFERING! JUST BE NICE!”
She’s also the roommate of comedian John Yabes, and when she saw pix of his good time getting “lei’ed” on our Filthy Mouthed Wife show, she knew she too had find her way to the little Love Church of The Bonobo Way.
Self-Love, Sex after Baby & Here Cum de Panty Judge
As usual, we start the show with talk, and wind into action when we turn off the Facebook cams.
Of course, we talk about self-love, which both porn star and comedienne avidly enjoy, albeit just privately for Alyssa while Brianna partakes in peal-polishing both privately and publicly.
Wow, that’s a lot of “p,” aka pee, which you should probably do before you masturbate. That way, if you squirt, you’ll know it’s female ejaculate, not urine, though there’s nothing wrong with a golden shower (if you’re into it).
Brianna admits that it’s not easy to keep married sex hot now that she’s a mom, but petting the kitty is never a problem, especially with her trusty Hitachi Magic Wand.
Listen above or watch below for details.
Alyssa explains that she and roommate John usually keep an “open door” policy, though she most certainly closes the door when she masturbates or hooks up, especially if it’s with a fellow comic (how incestuous!).
Then we talk about the Panty Boy Judge, one of our more popular subjects on last Saturday’s Cougar Equinox. To recap: Suffolk County District Judge and 50-year-old married father of three, Robert Cicale, got caught stealing his young 25-year-old neighbor’s panties. The latest is that after the Judge pleaded guilty to second degree attempted burglary (a felony), he was suspended from his judgeship without pay and has also lost his license to practice law in NY.
Brianna, Alyssa, Sunshine and Capt’n Max each weigh in on the Panty Boy Judge. We all react with varying degrees of amusement, disgust, disdain, curiosity and compassion.
And then there are the (mostly male) folks who are aroused by the story, possibly sniffing a pair of their neighbor’s panties, or stuffing it into their filthy mouths, while listening.
All I can say is: Before you open that hamper to pilfer another pair of panties, call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute.
We specialize in helping Panty Boys of all kinds—whether judges, lawyers, doctors, artists or lingerie salesmen—to manage their fetish consensually and stay out of their neighbors’ drawers.
Striptease, Communion & More Striptease
After about an hour of talk, it’s time for a half-hour of action.
Brianna treats us to another striptease.
Wowza, what a bod.
The girl’s still got it!
Listen above or watch below to catch Brianna’s secrets (besides great genes and work-outs) to getting in shape after baby.
Brianna shows off her tight, post-baby body with a striptease. Yes, that’s a Bonoboville Dollar in My Bra. Photo: Bianca
“I love being naked!” proclaims the naked beauty.
Peep show veteran Sunshine showers our stripper with Bonoboville dollars.
Too bad you can’t buy a cup of coffee, covfefe or anything else with Bonoboville dollars… though Brianna and Alyssa do get signed Speakeasy Journals with theirs in the post-show, so they’re worth “something.”
As High Priestess of the little Love Church of the Bonobo Way, I explain the duties of a Bonoboville Communion Altar Girl and Supplicant to Brianna and Alyssa. Photo: Indy P.
This segues nicely into Bonoboville Communion and Waterboarding Bonobo-Style with Agwa de Bolivia Herbal Coca Leaf Liqueur.
Of course, Brianna “I love being naked” Brooks is our Altar Girl.
Alyssa, Sunshine and I each take a lick.
Raised Christian, both Brianna and Alyssa have taken Communion in Church, but never quite like Bonoboville Communion.
We all have a titty-licking good time.
And what boobalicious beauties to behold.
Brianna is a bounteous Altar Girl for all. Then everyone—Alyssa, Brianna, Sunshine and your High Priestess here—gets Waterboarded. Bonobo-Style
Waterboarding Bonobo-Style infuses the supplicant with the “spirit” of Communion, the “blood” of the Divine, whatever you find divine.
In this case, it’s bright green, sweet, strong-ish Agwa de Bolivia Herbal Coca Leaf Liqueur.
The divine Agwa spirit, being mischievous, often unleashes the inner bonobo.
No therapy required.
But a little erotic confidence helps.
That may or may not be what happens with our comedienne when I invite her to perform a striptease.
I’m vaguely expecting her to politely decline with a quip or two, like her roommate John and so many other comics.
But I’m hoping she’ll follow in FemCom Sally Mullins’ footloose footsteps.
As it turns out, adorable Alyssa defies my expectations and fulfills my hopes.
First, she makes sure to get me “lei’ed.”
Then she gives me a sort-of lapdance and strips off her “husband beater” undershirt to reveal those delightful “small tits” of twitter fame.
As she commandeers my lap, she exclaims that I’m tiny enough to put in her pocket. “That’s right,” I reply. “I’m your Pocket Doctor.”
Then she dances. After excusing her choreographic repertoire by saying someone told her the other night that she “dances like a white girl,” she then proceeds to impress us all with her blonde hair-tossing, artfully spastic dance moves… even though our music keeps cutting in and out, making the spastic artfulness and hair-tossing that much more challenging.
Yes indeed, the stripper is funny and the comic could be a stripper.
We are all so similar, so connected like parts of puzzle, we humans.
From Spanking the Monkey to Spanking Sunshine
Now it’s time to spank Sunshine who earns her faux “punishment” by saying her mother commented on last week’s show, but “forgetting” what she said.
Or something like that.
Whatever the case, the blondes turn the brunette over-the-knee (OTK) for a good old-fashioned girl-girl-girl-girl spanking!
Nothing too hard, of course.
We don’t want to harm Sunshine’s delicate derrière, but everybody takes a swat.
Alyssa spanks our penis-pacifier-gagged Presi-DUNCE Voodoo Doll’s pink furry balls with the Bonobo Way until his Mario Kart mushroom peepee falls off. Photo: Bianca
Then we all take turns spanking our Trumpus Voodoo Doll to make our Impeachment Party complete.
We also bring Self-Love September to a climax, at least theatrically.
And we get in gear for October: Kink Month!
Speaking of Kink Month, are you wondering what to give the kinkster in your life who has everything… or nothing?
How about the NEW Speakeasy Journal: Spank ‘n’ Art?
Censored by Amazon, but now available for you right here.
Also makes a great Rosh Hashanah gift!
Though you might prefer Splosh ‘n’ Art for ideas as to what to do with the leftover apples and honey.
Bonobo Way on Secular Sexuality
If you haven’t seen it yet, check out my awesome, in-depth interview regarding The Bonobo Way on Secular Sexuality.
We talk about the Bonobo Way, bonobo brains, bonobo culture, bonobo conservation, pansexuality, religious sexual abuse, prehistoric human society and how humans can release their inner bonobos through Bonobo Liberation Therapy.
Watch some of the other shows on the Secular Sexuality channel, founded by our old friend, Dr. Darrell Ray, author of The God Virus and Sex & God: How Religion Distorts Sexuality.
Now Secular Sexuality is hosted by the dynamic duo of Christy Powell and Vi la Bianca, now big fans of the bonobos!
The show is not only entertaining and informative, doing it live was quite the aphrodisiac for the Captain and Me.
The Dr. Susan Block Show is on new platforms now!
No, I don’t mean high heels.
Pick your favorite: Podbean, Googleplay, Soundcloud, Spotify, iTunes, Feedburner, Deezer, Tune In Radio, Stitcher + a couple of Pirate Stations.
Bonoboville News Flash: One of our human bonobos is in the ICU right now. We’re not much into serious prayer here in the little Love Church of The Bonobo Way, but we are rooting for you, Rob. Get well soon!
Post-Show Pasta & Orgasms
After the show, Capt’n Max makes delicious pasta with a vodka and fresh tomato sauce; no canned tomato sauce for Bonoboville!
Everybody slurps it up. Doing the show is hungry work!
With cheap champagne and lots of sex, comedy, family, politics and anti-tRump talk across the table, it’s a fun little post-show Impeachment Party.
Apparently, Impeachment Parties like this one (well, none are quite like this one) are being thrown across the nation.
People are thrilled, hopeful, energized.
Our next Impeachment Party, we’ll have Im-Peach-Mint Cocktails. Well, we have plenty of time. It looks like it’s going to be a nice, long impeachment proceeding… unless some liddle’ Presidunce gets the good sense to resign.
Thus stoked, the Captain and I turn in for our private Impeachment Party/Self-Love September climax.
Hope you all have had a sexy Self-Love September—and remember any month’s a good month for self-love, self-care and self-pleasure.
We don’t have peaches, but the Captain & I begin our private Impeachment Party with a cluster of grapes. Photo: Selfie
Onward and forward to Kink Month, the holidaze and more Impeachment Parties!
© September 30, 2019. Susan Block, Ph.D., a.k.a. “Dr. Suzy,” is a world renowned LA sex therapist, author of The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace through Pleasure and horny housewife, occasionally seen on HBO and other channels. For speaking engagements, call 310-568-0066.
Need to talk? Sext? Webcam? Do it here. Have you watched the show? No? Feel the sex. Don’t miss the Forbidden Photographs—Hot Stuff, look at them closely here. Join our private social media Society. Join us live in studio 😊. Go shopping. Gift shop or The Market Place., real sex TV at your toe tips. Sex Clips Anyone? FASHION, we have fashion! We also have politics. Politics? Have you Read the book? No? How about the Speakeasy Journal? Click here. Ok, how about some free sex advice?
10 · 4 · 19 @ 1:11 am
Great article and what a great and a great time hanging out with the guest at the after-party.
10 · 2 · 19 @ 5:02 am
I had such an amazing time!! Such a great show :) thank you again for having me Dr Suzy! I cant wait to come back. Xoxoxoxo
10 · 2 · 19 @ 1:01 am
What a Fun Show! a great finale to the self-love month. Such a spicy striptease from Brianna Brooks and loved that surprise striptease from Alyssa, It was both funny and sexy! Trump Impeachment Party!!! Finally a conversation worth having about the MFr. For sure need one of those tees.
10 · 1 · 19 @ 7:47 am
What a way to end Self Love September! I love how certain moments in every show stick in my mind… One such moment was when Brianna said “I love being naked”…
God bless the Dr. Susan Block Show.
You are truly doing the Lord’s work :-)
10 · 1 · 19 @ 7:39 am
The Bonobo Way On the Secular Sexuality show was so great. I learned so much more about Bonobos that I didn’t know. They should inspire us to be better.
Guys don’t just steal underwater from unsuspecting ladies!! You can talk to Dr Suzy about these things!
Our guests were so great! The porn star was funny and bubbly! The comedian was sexy! They made an amazing show!
10 · 1 · 19 @ 2:20 am
What a night of incredible blondes!!!