Dr. Susan Block

In the Chatroom


  1. Kelpie Wilson
    07 · 21 · 10 @ 5:58 am

    Greetings fellow bonobo lovers!I really appreciate your thoughts and comments about Sage, the bonobo-human hybrid. She is only a thought-experiment of mine, though I have to confess, there was one point where I was so obsessed with the idea and so curious to find out if a bonobo-human hybrid was possible, that I contemplated getting ahold of some bonobo sperm and trying it myself! Luckily, my common sense prevailed, and Sage was born on paper only.If any of you live near the San Francisco Bay Area, you might want to know about an upcoming book signing. I am giving a workshop at Sol Fest this weekend (Sunday, August 20th at 2pm)on Primal Tears and bonobos. Sol Fest is a wonderful festival celebrating solar and sustainable living. It is sponsored by the Real Goods store in Hopland, CA – just an hour or so north of San Francisco. Here’s an info link: http://www.solarliving.org/solfest2006.cfmI will be reading an excerpt from Suzy Block’s “Bonobo Way,” and I’ll be reading from Primal Tears, of course, and signing books, and leading a discussion about bonobos and the lessons they have for humans wishing to live more peacefully and sustainably.


  2. Roxxi
    07 · 21 · 10 @ 5:58 am

    I just read Primal Tears. It was so sweet and compelling, very visually descriptive. I could really see it playing in a movie in my head. They should totally make it a movie!


  3. Citizen j
    07 · 21 · 10 @ 5:57 am

    Wish we were more like bonobos. I’ve always appreciated your understanding of our “kissing Cousins”…way too sad to think of them going the way of the Ituri pygmies, another noble anthropod wiped out by monkey thuggishness…


  4. William Patrick Haines
    07 · 21 · 10 @ 5:57 am

    I think the original Planet of the Apes was much better than the sequel. I thought the one scene where saw the Statue of Liberty and said “Damn you all to hell!” was one of most memorable lines ever said in movies. Civilization has made people more apathetic. We have too many bystanders and tyrants and not enough good samaritans. Perhaps Cain slaying Able was a parable of civilization encroaching on native people.


  5. Jason-Cindy
    07 · 21 · 10 @ 5:57 am

    I find your review particularly appropriate at this time of renewed war in the Middle East. What are these exchanges of projectiles but horribly perverted expressions of carnal desire for each other? The peoples of the Middle East must cease screwing each other in the metaphorical sense, and recommence their ancient tradition of screwing each other in the literal sense! Sage for president, prime minister and premier!


  6. Nathan S.
    07 · 21 · 10 @ 5:56 am

    Like you, I am fascinated and inspired by the bonobos. But a bonobo-human hybrid? It kind of gives me the willies. Of course, I believe in evolution, population control, environmental protection and all of it, but I don’t think I want a race of ape-men running around. Glad to hear it’s just a novel.


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